Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 269 Yao Wudi (end of this volume)

The bloody rain suddenly stopped, and the strong wind was silent.

But at this moment.

Thousands of spirit beasts galloping and roaring below seemed to feel some irresistible fear at this moment. They all prostrate themselves on the ground, and all the beasts were silent!

Regardless of the remaining Incense Taoist monks in the city, Li Xiangyun, or the Foundation-Building monks in Prince Gao's Mansion who were lingering and did not dare to escape.

Or, high in the sky, many fourth-level monks from the Tang Dynasty are besieging them.

At this moment, everyone looked at the southern city wall with surprise and suspicion. The strong man who suddenly arrived with such a powerful aura that he looked like a god.

Even though they were far apart, people like Li Xiangyun still subconsciously took a few steps back.

His eyes were full of deep fear and solemnity.

"Who is that?!"

"Is it from Xianghuo Road, or from our side?"

The dozen or so fourth-level cultivators of the Incense Path also exchanged glances quickly.

"This person is definitely not from our Kingdom of All Gods!"

"I have never heard of this person...not even Da Chu..."

Although the Chu Dynasty was large and had countless high-level monks, those who could reach the level of the Nascent Soul Lord were all outstanding. Almost all of them had names and surnames on the stage.

However, they compared it with the Dachu monks in the intelligence, but none of them could match it.

But just looking at the strong aura emanating from this person, he is definitely not a new Nascent Soul.

This made many Incense Tao monks feel fearful.

You are not afraid of a strong opponent, but you are afraid of not understanding the opponent at all.

Among the monks present, only Tang Ji, who was under siege by the Incense Tao monks, suddenly brightened up when he saw this figure!

And at this moment.

On the top of the city, Wang Ba stood in front of the strong man. Facing the strong man's questions, he felt that his head was confused.

Which of the following is Wang Ba?

How should he answer this?

And to be honest, hearing his name suddenly from the mouth of a strong man of unknown origin but who looked very scary, the feeling was simply suffocating.

In particular, he had no idea whether the person who suddenly called his name was an enemy or a friend.

Although he had some guesses, at this time, he really wasn't sure.

It's easy to guess if you guessed right, but if you guessed wrong...

The teleportation talisman hidden in his hand almost burst into flames.

But at this moment, Tang Ji's surprised voice suddenly erupted from the sky outside the city:

"Senior Brother Yao! You are finally here!"

Senior Brother Yao? !

Wang Hao's heart suddenly shook, and he subconsciously looked at Tang Ji, then at the strong man, his eyes instantly lit up.

Could it be that he is really...

The strong man with exaggerated muscles glanced around and saw Tang Ji among the monks of Incense Tao. He curled his lips and showed no intention of rescuing him.

Instead, he looked at Wang Yan again and said with a smile:

"I'm asking you, little friend, do you recognize Wang Yan...eh?"

The strong man didn't pay attention at first, but as he looked at it, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide and look at Wang Yan carefully.

Quickly comparing it with the information Tang Ji had described to him before, his consciousness immediately scanned the massive spiritual beasts below and the auras tainted on these spiritual beasts.

Recalling Tang Ji's evaluation of his son's ability to cultivate spiritual beasts, unconcealed surprise suddenly burst out in his eyes:

"You, you can't just..."

At this moment, Wang Hao had no more doubts in his mind and quickly bowed solemnly:

"Junior Wang Ba, I have met senior Yao."

The strong man was suddenly surprised and delighted. He couldn't help but look Wang Ba up and down, and then quickly looked at the thousands of spiritual beasts in the city with his spiritual consciousness.

Suddenly, the more I looked at it, the happier I became:

"This, this is simply fate!"

What else can be said?

Being able to raise such a spiritual beast in one breath requires at least talent and financial resources... Ah no, after traveling tens of thousands of miles away, the first person he bumped into was the person he liked. Who would believe that there was no fate between master and disciple?

He just said that this son is destined to him!

The strong man was overjoyed and was about to say something when the female cultivator stepping on his feet suddenly shouted angrily.


He raised his arms suddenly, and the entire city wall shook!

The surrounding city walls, which had been reinforced to a level comparable to the strength of a third-level magic weapon, began to collapse.

However, before she could stand up, the foot on her body tapped impatiently.

It was this seemingly ordinary stomp.

A dignified fourth-level physical cultivator, the female cultivator of the Nai Po Vein didn't have the slightest resistance, and was directly stomped into the city wall, making no sound at all in an instant.

What is terrifying is that the city wall does not vibrate at all like before, showing a terrifying control over power.

Wang Yan, who came into contact with this scene at close range, suddenly shrank his pupils.

In the sky outside the city, the incense monks who were always paying attention to this uninvited guest were also shocked.

"Yuan Wan!"

"Such a strong body! That kick didn't use magic at all! Who is he?!"

"Don't care who he is! Hurry up and get rid of this first!"

Tang Ji suddenly felt the pressure increase greatly, and for a moment he was in a state of embarrassment.

Li Xiangyun, who was already extremely nervous in the city, saw this scene and subconsciously opened his red lips slightly, staring straight ahead.

"too horrible!"

The strong man was unaware and was cursing:

"What the hell are you shouting for! You're scaring me..."

Immediately, he suddenly realized that Wang Ba was in front of him, and quickly put away his thick thighs without leaving any trace, showing a somewhat guilty expression:

"Ahem, it's true. Ahem, you gave me a false alarm."

He immediately showed a kind smile to Wang Ba:

"Haha, um, Wang Ha, haha, what a good name. You weren't scared just now, were you?"

The kind smile on the face of a strong man with exaggerated muscles, coupled with the old voice, is as inconsistent as it seems.

Wang Yan opened his mouth, this is really a good name...

A stiff smile appeared on his face:

"No, it's okay! Senior...it's really amazing!"

"Haha, it's okay, okay, um, Xiao Tang... Tang Ji, has he ever introduced me to you?"

The strong man worked hard to show the image of a qualified senior.


Wang Hao hesitated immediately.

Tang Ji only mentioned that he was a good teacher before, but did not say much about the details.

However, Wang Ba was quite satisfied with the person who could potentially become his master arriving at this critical moment.

He didn't know anything else, but the kick that had just stomped the female cultivator into the city wall had directly hit his heart.

How can such a strong man feel safe as a master?

On the contrary, Wang Yan became a little worried.

Such a luxurious person doesn't know what the criteria are for accepting a disciple, and whether he can catch his eye.

But the strong man saw something from Wang Ba's expression, and he couldn't help but cursed:

"A bastard from the Tang Dynasty..."

Fortunately, he responded quickly and changed his words in time:

"This little junior brother, really, maybe he was busy and forgot."

Wang Yan:......

Please stop covering it up, I heard it, and the scolding was really unpleasant.

Fortunately, at this time, Tang Ji's anxious voice came in time to relieve Wang Ba.

"Brother! Quick...save me!"

Tang Ji was almost stunned.

What the hell, does Senior Brother Yao still have a conscience?

Is there such a thing?

After all, I am also your apprentice’s introducer.

As soon as you have an apprentice, you don’t even care about the life and death of your junior brother?

Well, talking about life and death is a bit exaggerated, but facing so many people at once, even with his many methods, he felt overwhelmed and powerless for a while.

If he couldn't escape in time, he might actually be revealed here.

The strong man frowned and glanced at Tang Ji.

Why are you so blind!

Didn’t you see me exchanging feelings with my apprentice?

Immediately he looked at Wang Yan, his face filled with smile again:

"Tang Ji didn't tell you, so I will tell you."

"I admire you very much and want to accept you as my disciple. What do you think?"

Wang Hao was stunned. Is it so direct?

Faintly in a trance.

What he wanted over the years often required a lot of effort to get, but now that he suddenly got his wish, he felt a sense of unreality.

However, Xuan was overjoyed and nodded quickly, but then realized that it was inappropriate and bowed quickly:

"Wang Ba is willing!"

However, the strong man grabbed him with magic power and said with a smile:

"Okay! Good disciple! Master doesn't talk about so many etiquettes. Let's go back to the sect and get your qualifications for joining the sect. By the way, I haven't said my name yet. My surname is Yao..."

Just saying.

The city wall below burst into pieces, immediately interrupting the strong man's speech.

A strong figure flew out from the rubble, and it turned out to be the female cultivator of Nai Po Maid who had just been stomped into the city wall by the strong man.

But at this moment, she was disgraced, and her already ugly face was even more unsightly.

His eyes swept over the strong man, a flash of extreme fear suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he turned around to run away!

However, the strong man's eyes suddenly showed a trace of evil spirit at this moment:

"You're interrupting my conversation again!"

"By the way, was it you who threatened my apprentice just now?"

The words have not yet finished.

Wang Ba didn't even see the strong man's movements clearly, he only heard a tragic cry.

"Spare my life..."

He looked hastily.

Immediately stunned.


There is no trace of the fourth-level female cultivator with the Nai Po Vein.

Only a ball of blood mist and a storage ring were left, floating and falling in the air.

In the sky, the rain of blood that had gradually stopped suddenly splashed down again!


Wang Hao's eyes widened.

That's... that's the fourth level!

He didn't even have time to blink, so he died like that?

Is that female cultivator of the Nai Po Channel that weak?

Or...is this master of his too strong?

But it is different from Wang Ba's shock.

The Xianghuo Dao monks who were besieging Tang Ji were all shocked!

Even the attacks pouring from his hands were stopped!

They are different from Wang Ba.

When the strong man took action just now, they were always vigilant and could naturally see clearly.

Not so many bells and whistles.

Just an ordinary punch in the air.

There is no mystery in this punch.

Not too fast, not too slow.

Just like a street fight between mortals, it goes straight.

However, with just such a punch, Yuan Wan, whose physical body could resist the mid-stage Nascent Soul, and who had made many preparations, evaporated like water vapor the moment the fist came into contact.

There was no resistance or stagnation.

At this moment, they had only one thought in their minds:

Where the hell did this terrifying existence come from? !

The Jing Shenmai cultivator who was commanding everyone faintly saw this scene, and he was horrified and frightened. However, he fired his bow without turning back. The fight for Yan Qiao Pass this time was really of great importance. He did not hesitate anymore and floated in the well with a respectful expression on his face. , closed his eyes and started reciting:

"There is no rebirth, and the well opens to the apocalypse..."

Soon, a drop of blood, which vaguely distorted the surrounding space, slowly floated up from the depths of the well and fell into his hand.

"The Well God is above, Xue An asks for the divine power! I hope you will be kind!"

Immediately he looked nervously at the blood beads in his hand.

The blood beads remained motionless.

Immediately, there was a sudden shock, and Xue An was overjoyed.

The blood beads quickly melted into his palm.

at the same time.

In the sky, entangled with golden chains, the still struggling water scoop suddenly shook violently!

"No! Senior Brother Yao! Hurry!"

Tang Ji noticed the violent vibration coming from the God-Retaining Chain, and his expression suddenly changed drastically. He quickly took out a large number of incense cards and threw them in all directions, trying to escape.

However, the Incense Dao monks also noticed the changes, and their offensive became more and more urgent.

For a time, the Tang Dynasty was surrounded by dangers.


Wang Yan couldn't help but look at the strong man anxiously.

The strong man saw this and laughed:

"rest assured!"

After saying that, he dodged and appeared next to the storage ring dropped by the female cultivator of the Nai Po Vein. He picked it up and stuffed it into his waist.

Immediately, he kicked off suddenly and flew in the direction of Tang Ji.

Wang Hao, who saw this scene in his eyes, was speechless, but suddenly he was thoughtful.

My master... seems to be quite diligent and thrifty.

As soon as my heart moved, the Xuanlong Taoist soldiers who were mixed among the spiritual beasts in the city suddenly started swimming one by one on the bodies of the killed Incense Taoist monks...

Wang Yan was soon attracted by the movement in Tang Ji.

In the sky, the water scoop entangled with golden chains finally shook suddenly and broke free from the entanglement.

Immediately, he jumped in the air and appeared directly above Tang Ji's head!

Tang Ji's expression changed wildly!


A feeling of impending disaster and life-and-death crisis instantly enveloped his heart!

But at this moment.

The figure of the strong man suddenly appeared in the air at the level of the water scoop.

The blue-gray water scoop seemed to have noticed something, and it buzzed suddenly. Instead of falling, it actively threw it at the strong man as if facing a formidable enemy!

The strong man stared at the water ladle that was thrown at him, and laughed loudly, as if he said it specifically to Wang Ba:

"My good disciple, my master hasn't told you yet, what is my master's name?"

"My surname is Yao. I have long forgotten my name, but people who really know me call me..."

"Yao Wudi!"

The words have not yet finished.

On his body surface, countless mysterious and mysterious Dao patterns appeared in an instant.

It seems to include the sun, moon, yin and yang, the five elements of heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, wind, snow, thunder and lightning...

Immediately he closed his palms and clenched his fists, and then, under Wang Ba's shocked gaze and Xue An's widened eyes...

Aim at the water scoop.

One punch, out!

boom! ! !

A huge sound that shook the earth!

It resounds throughout the whole world!

this moment.

Everything is stagnant!

The Tang Ji and Incense Tao monks below were stunned.

Li Xiangyun inside the city gate and Wang Ba on the city wall were also stunned.

In the huge well outside the city, Xue An stared blankly at the blue-gray water scoop standing stiffly in the sky.


In the middle of the round water ladle, a crack suddenly burst open and quickly grew larger!



Xue An's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Immediately, he suddenly reacted, and the figure suddenly floated out of the well, shouting at the incense monks above:


But it's too late.

Yao Wudi didn't stop at all after crushing the divine object. He suddenly appeared behind a female cultivator of the Yao Po Vein and punched him!


The female cultivator's eyes only had time to flash a hint of horror, the next second.


The sky is full of blood mist!

At the same time, Yao Wudi's voice sounded leisurely:

"Good disciple, since you have become my master's disciple, you should know the way that my master teaches..."

The faces of the Xianghuo Dao monks were full of shock. They were all battle-hardened people and they understood something instantly.

"Can't escape! Get in!"

Immediately, several female cultivators of the Yao Wudi came forward side by side and quickly blocked Yao Wudi's dodge space.

Five fire-eating cultivators stood at the back, with one hand connected at an extremely weird angle, and five pairs of eyes taking in all angles.

At the same time, stare at Yao Wudi's body!


A ball of flame instantly rose from Yao Wudi's body!


Wang Ba exclaimed.

However, the fire-eating cultivator did not pause at all. The five of them joined forces and shouted in unison:


The flames on Yao Wudi instantly turned red and rose!

Tang Ji escaped from the hands of the Incense Tao monks and was shocked when he saw this scene.

"Senior Brother Yao!"

However, Yao Wudi did not change his expression and punched the female cultivator of Yao Po Vein again!

"The way to be a teacher only has eight words."

"All dharmas are mine..."


This punch was devastating.

All the flesh and blood of several female cultivators of the Nai Po Vein disappeared in an instant!

Only a few white bones were left and fell in pieces!

And that's when.

The five fire-eating cultivators suddenly shouted again:



A ball of blazing flames shot into the sky from Yao Wudi's body!



Purple flames bloomed on his body like a huge flower in an instant, reflecting the entire night sky in purple.

However, that majestic figure allowed the purple flames to rage on his body, under the shocked gazes of Wang Ba and the monks around him.

He opened his mouth suddenly.

Countless purple flames were swallowed into his belly like running water!

Immediately, he suddenly teleported behind the five fire-eating cultivators, raised his hand, made a fist, and immediately——


A fist burst out with purple fire!

The five fire-eating cultivators suddenly turned into five wisps of smoke...

And those last four words finally sounded:

"All things, no self!!!"

On top of the city, Wang Ba stood in a daze.

Watching Yao Wudi's devastating battle.

I just feel trembling all over!

That's not fear, but... excitement!

It is a hearty expression of one’s heart!

It is the fearlessness of being confident!

He was stunned for a moment, and then like a young man, he couldn't help raising his arms and shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Master, invincible!"

This is the first time he has been so unrestrained in so many years of practice!

But it was as if he wanted to vent out all the depressed energy accumulated in his heart after running around for so many years.

When he heard Wang Hao's cry from the bottom of his heart, Yao Wudi suddenly laughed happily:

"Haha! Small scene, small scene!"

As he spoke, his figure suddenly disappeared and suddenly stepped on the well below.

Xue An’s dead souls are emerging!

The well instantly turned into a shadow and quickly faded.

However, Yao Wudi stretched out his hand and directly pulled Xue An out of the shadow.

Immediately, he grasped it hard with his palm!

Xue An's eyes suddenly bulged, and in just a moment, his body, like the monk before, turned into a wisp of smoke and drifted away in the wind.

And with the death of Xue An.

In the sky, a very short but astonishing rain of blood was brewing, and finally it rushed down like a tsunami!

Wang Ba was shocked to realize that in just a few breaths, there was no longer a fourth-level cultivator of the Incense Path still alive in the sky.

It was as if the dozen Incense Tao monks who were besieging Tang Ji not long ago were just his hallucinations.

However, when he looked at Li Xiangyun who was stunned inside the city gate, and Tang Ji who could not help but open his mouth after escaping, he suddenly understood that it was not an illusion.

At this moment, figures suddenly flew from the horizon!

These people came very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they suddenly stopped above Yanqiao Pass.

The leader was dressed in a python robe, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of King Gao.

"King You?"

Tang Ji immediately recognized the identity of the person who came. He was the uncle of King Gao and King You of the royal family of Da Chu.

It's just that King You at this moment is not as calm as when he saw him before. His eyes quickly scanned the tragic battle around Yanqiao Pass, the corpses of some Nascent Souls and fourth-level monks, and the nearly solidified death energy lingering in the air. Cover the look of shock in your eyes!

"so much……"

The heads of the aristocratic families behind him couldn't help but remain silent when they saw the corpse below.

They could hardly imagine what a fierce battle broke out here.

King You paused briefly at Tang Ji and King Gao Yuanying in front of him, and then looked at Yao Wudi.

The moment he saw Yao Wudi, his expression was startled, as if he thought of something, his eyes suddenly widened.


He didn't even have the restraint of Commander-in-Chief Qiao. He couldn't help but take a few steps forward. The shock in his eyes was even worse than when he saw the corpses of fourth-order monks around him. King You said in disbelief:

"You...are you...Senior Yao Wudi Yao?!"

"You are still alive... No, are you already a god..."

Yao Wudi opened his mouth as soon as he was recognized. When he heard the word 'transformation of gods', his face suddenly darkened.

But it was rare to meet someone who knew him. Yao Wudi glanced at the python robe on the other person's body and said reluctantly:

"It's my sister-in-law... Da Chu is really getting worse every year. Why is he now the single-character king in the late Yuan Ying stage?"


Tang Ji on the side couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

King You's name is Xiang Yi. According to Senior Brother Yao's habit of calling people sister-in-law, it is indeed his style.

The resentment of being called Xiao Tangzi all of a sudden became much better.

But the few Dachu monks who were following King You immediately snorted coldly when they heard this.

Yao Wudi's words were undoubtedly disrespectful to Da Chu and King You.

That is to say, King You has great respect for Yao Wudi, otherwise they would definitely take action.

However, King You was called a nickname by Yao Wudi in public, but he did not dare to have any opinions and explained awkwardly:

"Senior Yao doesn't know, but now it has been changed by His Majesty. Only the single-character king... the royal family can take the title as long as they reach Nascent Soul."

When Yao Wudi heard this, he sighed.

"It's really not as good as before."

"I remember that I didn't reach Nascent Soul Consummation before, and I wasn't even qualified to take the title..."

"Brother Xiang Shou is not good at being an emperor!"

When King You heard this, he didn't know what to say. He stood there awkwardly, feeling the atmosphere around him with his consciousness. He couldn't help but say:

"Senior Yao, those incense monks who were killed just now..."

"Oh, I did."

Yao Wudi said casually, and immediately went to collect the storage magic weapons from the fallen Incense Tao monks around him and stuffed them into his waist.

In just a blink of an eye, his waist was covered with various storage bags, storage rings, bracelets, etc.

King You suddenly understood, his eyes lit up, and he bowed quickly:

"Xiang Yi sincerely asks senior to take action and help our country, Qiao!"

Unexpectedly, Yao Wudi shook his head directly:

"Don't go!"


"If you don't want to go, don't go. Just stop talking and get busy!"

Yao Wudi waved his hand impatiently.

King You didn't give up, and glanced at Yao Wudi's waist. His mind suddenly recalled some rumors about Yao Wudi a long time ago. His heart moved and he said quickly:

"There are many Incense Tao monks in Qiao Kingdom. As long as you take action, all the harvest can be given to you!"

Yao Wudi was stunned when he heard this, but then he still shook his head and said:

"If I don't go, I don't want to be detained by those old men to fill their eyes."


Before Youwang could say anything, Yao Wudi had already greeted Tang Ji:

"Junior brother, what are you still doing here?"

After saying that, he flew towards the distance and flew towards Wang Hao with a smile on his face:

"My dear disciple, did you see clearly just now..."


"Senior Yao actually accepted a disciple?"

King You was stunned and couldn't help but look in Yao Wudi's direction.

Sure enough, I saw a foundation-building monk standing on the south wall. He didn't look like anything special.

But looking carefully, he saw a clue.

"Huh? It's actually the foundation of Heavenly Dao..."

"Tiandao Foundation...How come you think of becoming a disciple of Yao Wudi? According to Yao Wudi's age..."

King You secretly murmured in his heart.

Immediately he saw Tang Ji holding King Xiang Huang's Nascent Soul in his hand. His heart moved and he quickly walked to Tang Ji's side and said politely:

"Fellow Taoist Tang, you and Senior Yao are brothers. You must have a close relationship, but I don't know how to ask Senior Yao to take action? Fellow Taoist, just say it, I will try my best to complete it!"

When Tang Ji heard this, he immediately smiled bitterly.

To be honest, although he and Senior Brother Yao are of the same generation, he was almost the last one to get started. He knows very little about Senior Brother Yao, not even as well as King You.

He knew very clearly that Senior Brother Yao came all the way here not because of his close relationship with him, but because he came here for his apprentice.

Besides, since Senior Brother Yao has refused, how can he get involved randomly? Even he himself plans to withdraw completely.

Their sect originally prohibited their subordinates from participating in matters here.

At that moment, King Gao's Nascent Soul was entrusted to Li Xiangyun who was walking by.

He raised his hand to King You and gave a slight salute:

"Fellow Daoist Xiang, the agreement I made with King Gao has now been completed. We will see you again in the future."


King You was stunned. Not only did he fail to pull Senior Yao over, he also took away fellow Taoist Tang.

He hurriedly tried to persuade him again, but Tang Ji had already taken a step forward, as graceful as a flying star.

In this compartment, Wang Ba has also gathered the spirit beasts below, and hundreds of Xuanlong Dao soldiers returned with full storage rings and storage bags.

Seeing Yao Wudi flying over, he did not hesitate and immediately gathered all these storage rings in his hands with magic power and gave them to Yao Wudi who was flying down.

Yao Wudi was stunned: "This is..."

Wang Hao said honestly:

"Since my disciple worships you as my teacher, I should offer you the gift of cultivation. However, I am in a hurry and have no time to prepare, so I can only take this as a gift."

Yao Wudi was stunned for a moment, and immediately his joy was beyond words:

"The gift of repair..."


He was not polite and grabbed all the storage instruments that Wang Ba offered, stuffing them into his waist without even looking at them.

"Since you gave me a gift, I will naturally not be stingy."


While speaking, Wang Hao felt his eyes flash, and he was already flying high in the sky.

Turn around and look.

The majestic Yanqiao Pass quickly turned into a small dot behind him...

I can only write it like this...

Everyone has been waiting for a long time. This volume is over. I will write a summary tomorrow.

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