Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 267: Can hold an eagle bow like the full moon!

The moonlight flows.

A formation divided the house and the outside into two worlds.

The sound of killing outside was loud, and countless magic weapons and talismans were flowing freely.

But in this house, it was a little too quiet.

The gray-robed monk slowly gathered his figure silently in the moonlight.

His eyes swept across the empty pool in the house and the two side rooms side by side.

He was immediately keenly aware that a sharp-smelling Jindan Daoist consciousness swept towards him from the side room with a slightly open window on the left.

"Quite perceptive."

The gray-robed monk was a little surprised.

Immediately before the arrival of the spiritual consciousness, the figure quickly dissipated.

In the blink of an eye, it quietly condensed under the moonlight in another place.

Like a ghost, he cleverly avoided the detection of the other party's consciousness.

At the same time, he had a thought in his mind.

On the ground, a well floated quietly.

In the well, a face that was identical to that of the gray-robed monk slowly protruded from the water, and immediately revealed a head. The head slowly extended out of the well mouth, and looked at each other tacitly with the gray-robed monk under the moonlight.

Immediately, under the moonlight, the figure of the gray-robed monk disappeared little by little again.

Appeared quietly outside the left wing.

The head in the well turned to the wing on the right.

There was no emotion in his eyes.

"Building foundation..."

The wells quickly grew thinner.

But when the well was about to disappear.

‘Buzz! ’

In the wing room on the left, a bright sword light suddenly broke through the wall!

He slashed straight at Yue, who had just formed a body outside the door!

The moon body was instantly cut into two pieces!

"So alert."

In the well, the face of the gray-robed monk did not change at all.

Instead, it quickly sank into the water.

The well also disappeared in an instant.

And at the same time.

Wang Ba, who was sitting cross-legged in the wing with a solemn expression, suddenly felt his soul jump!

The power of the Yin God in the Lingtai Temple began to rotate at an extremely fast speed.

This feeling was extremely familiar to Wang Yan.

"Someone is looking at me, and it's Nascent Soul!"

He stood up quickly, and at the same time, a black python quickly flew out of his sleeves and quickly wrapped his body!

If you look closely, you will see that this black python is actually made up of black psychic ghost loaches...

"Interesting...how did you find me?"

A quiet voice sounded faintly.

Wang Ba's consciousness quickly spread around, but found nothing. Then he suddenly realized something and lowered his head suddenly!

A quiet and silent well suddenly appeared at his feet!

well? !

Incense Road!

At the first moment, Wang Hao reacted immediately. Without any hesitation, he immediately surrounded the entire body with Xuanlong Taoist soldiers. Immediately, with a thought in his mind, a faint red light condensed in his hand...

However, Wang Ba's pupils suddenly shrank!

In the well, a strange and ordinary face unexpectedly appeared, and soon countless hands that were soaked in water and turned pale and rotten came out of the well.


These arms pulled him in with lightning speed!

The Xuanlong Taoist soldiers around Wang Ba's body finally reacted and expanded rapidly. At the moment Wang Ba was about to fall into the well, they suddenly rose up, like a black python that turned over and took him flying!

The face in the well suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Tao soldiers..."

Immediately, the look of surprise turned into dullness.

What about Tao soldiers? After all, it's just a little foundation-building monk controlling it.

Although it was a bit surprising, that was all.

In an instant, countless pale arms protruded out of the well again and quickly submerged the black python!

In just a short moment, the black python was pulled into the well!

At the mouth of the well, the wet upper body of the gray-robed monk quietly clung to him.

Gazing casually across the bottom, the Dao soldier had begun to be corroded and digested by his well body, and was completely of no concern.

But his brows furrowed instead, and he couldn't help but turn his head and look outside.

Outside, the sword light roared fiercely, and the sound of sword chants continued.

"This golden elixir turns out to be a sword cultivator... It's a bit tricky. It seems I have to take action..."

The gray-robed monk frowned slightly.

The offensive power of sword cultivators is one of the best among many cultivation paths. Especially sword cultivators who work hard can often explode with astonishing power.

The sword cultivator outside seems to be even more extreme. He directly abandons his physical body and practices swordsmanship purely with his soul. Once it is fully used, his soul will be seriously injured, but the power will double and soar.

Yueshen is only good at sneaking in. It is very easy for ordinary Jindan masters, but it is a bit reluctant to deal with such an extreme swordsman.

On the contrary, the well body, although it is also not good at fighting, has an extremely strange body. Once it turns into a well, as long as an opponent who is not too strong falls into the well, it will be quickly absorbed by his body, and both the body and the soul will be trapped forever. In his body, it becomes an aid for him to capture the next monk.

Of course, most of the nutrients he absorbed were used to strengthen the well walls and reshape the moon body.

After all, the former is transformed from the internal organs of his body, and it is also where the enemy is trapped. Naturally, the harder it is, the better. The moon body often sneaks into the enemy, and the damage rate is too high.

With a decision in his mind, he was ready to lurk there secretly.

However, when he looked down, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Huh? Not dead yet?"

Beneath the calm surface of the well water.

The black python has become mutilated, and the figure of the monk wrapped in it is currently leaning against the wall of the well with one hand, with a strange look on his face.

As if aware of the gray-robed monk's gaze, he suddenly raised his head.

Across the cold well water, the two looked at each other.

The gray-robed monk suddenly smiled.

There, the place the other party touched was his stomach.

A place that has been nourished and strengthened by him countless times, and even an early Yuanying monk has no chance of breaking it.

Could it be that a foundation-building cultivator thought that by touching his body, he could figure out his weakness?

It’s so innocent and cute!

If time permits, he really wants to take a good look at the interesting look when the other person tries his best and finally finds in despair that this is a wall that can never be crossed.

"It's a pity that there is no time..."

Glancing outside, Yue Shen felt that she was struggling to cope.

The upper body of the gray-robed monk quickly seeped down into the well like running water.

With a hint of indifference on his face, he gently raised his hand. The water in the well below suddenly accelerated and seemed to form a whirlpool.

He was about to pinch it.

However, at this moment, his movements suddenly stagnated.

The gray-robed monk's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of disbelief and unprecedented terror!

Even the flesh on his face is trembling!

"I, my Shouyuan..."

He clearly felt that his life span was passing away at a terrifying speed!

At this moment, time seemed to speed up countless times for him.

The long black hair that originally hung down on the shoulders turned gray and silver at an instant speed and became withered...

In the corners of the eyes, wrinkles quickly appeared, deepened, and spread...


An extremely old voice sounded from the mouth of the gray-robed monk.

Unspeakable fear appeared on his wrinkled face. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, then suddenly turned his head and looked down at the foundation-building monk with a quiet face and his palms still pressed against the wall of the well.

"It's you!"

"It's you!!!"

At this moment, he suddenly realized it and immediately shook his hands angrily!

In the well, countless streams of water surged in an instant.

Two big aqua hands formed during the roll, and they grabbed Wang Ba.

The mutilated black python suddenly jumped up and stood in front of Wang Yan.

However, those big hands were only three inches away from the black python...

Two pairs of big aqua hands paused.

Reflected in the pupils of the psychic ghost loaches.

The big water-blue hand suddenly turned into countless streams of water.

Wang Ba only felt his eyes flicker.

The wells are shrinking rapidly.

A strong squeezing feeling startled him, and when he looked upward, he saw only a little light.

He quickly jumped out and flew out.


Rushing out of the water, he jumped down.

Without even looking at it, he immediately broke through the roof and flew out.

"Junior brother!"

Wang Ba suddenly heard Zhao Feng's voice and saw Zhao Feng flying towards him with a solemn expression.

When he saw that although Zhao Feng's aura was much weaker, he was still safe and sound, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he did not dare to slack off at all, and he and Zhao Feng quickly flew to the edge of the house, close to the formation.

If the gray-robed monk was not dead, they would be able to escape immediately.

With their backs to the formation, both of them looked at the side room with wary expressions.

At the same time, their spiritual consciousness swept through, and both of them saw the corpse of an extremely old gray-robed monk lying on the ground with eyes wide open in Wang Yan's house.

The breath on his body was no longer alive at all.

"It was the person who attacked me just now, and he suddenly collapsed... Could it be a clone?"

Zhao Feng looked solemn and said in a low voice.

He was not injured, but he was afraid of the opponent's fourth-level cultivation. He chose to attack hard from the beginning, and his soul was greatly depleted as a result.

But Wang Ba still didn't dare to approach the wing.

Nodding slightly, recalling the well just now, he had a vague guess:

"It should be the fourth level of Jing Shen Vein..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but raise his head.

In the sky, a drop of blood fell, followed immediately by a second drop, a third drop...

Soon, blood rained all over the sky, dyeing the originally bright moonlight with a touch of blood!

In the midst of the rain of blood, he vaguely saw the shadow of a green-grey well with an ancient and wild atmosphere, and it disappeared in a flash.

Wang Ba finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh - it looks like he is really dead!"

Zhao Feng glanced at Wang Hao with shock in his eyes.

With his clear sword mind, he immediately realized that the death of this Jing Shen Vein monk was probably related to Wang Yan.

However, he changed his mind and didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone has their own secret, big or small.

He has his own pride and disdains to peek at others.

What's more, Wang Hao has a close relationship with him, so no matter how big the secret is, he doesn't take it to heart.

He immediately said to Wang Yan: "Junior brother, put him away quickly, I'm afraid there will be a lot of gains!"

You should also know that the treasure left behind by a fourth-level monk would definitely be a huge amount of income even for Master Jindan.

Wang Ba nodded, not too politely, and now was not the time to be polite.

He quickly stepped forward, scanned them with his spiritual consciousness, picked out two storage rings, and then stuffed his body into the storage rings.

At this time, several frightening and angry sounds also sounded in the sky:

"Guan Min is dead!"

"Damn it! Who is it?! Who did it?!"

The Five-Dragon Golden Lock Formation is still there, and the interference to the consciousness is still there. The Yamei and the others fighting in mid-air will not notice it at all if they don't look carefully.

Li Xiangyun could see it, but she was faced with the siege of five fourth-level monks and the power of the formation was weakening. She had no extra energy to take care of it, and naturally she did not notice the situation on Wang Yan's side.

But when I suddenly heard that a fourth-level cultivator of the Incense Path had died below, I was suddenly surprised and happy:

"Are there other Nascent Souls in the city? Could they be the back-ups left behind by the prince?"

Her consciousness quickly scanned the Yanqiao Pass below, but she did not detect the aura of True Lord Yuanying at all.

Before he could think about it carefully, Yamei and others were already coming to kill him again.

Bo city.

The face in the well was furious.

"It's Guan Min!"

As a Jing Shen Vein cultivator, he didn't pay attention at first, but now after feeling it carefully, he immediately identified the owner of the fallen aura.

He suddenly became furious.

"A bunch of rubbish! A place with only one Nascent Soul guarding it, and it took so long to actually suffer such a huge loss!"

Seeing this in mid-air, King Gao couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise on his face.

"Xiangyun really lived up to my expectations!"

Although Jing Shenmai's combat power is much weaker than that of monks of the same level, as long as either Jing Shen or Yue Shen is still alive, they can be resurrected quickly, so they are extremely difficult to kill.

However, he did not expect that Li Xiangyun could achieve such gains while guarding Yanqiao Pass by himself, which was no less than that of some veteran Nascent Souls.

Although he left several extremely rare magic weapons to the other party, and was blessed by the Five Dragon Locking Golden Array, it had not been long since the other party had entered the Nascent Soul.

But at this time, the face in the well suddenly changed, urging:

"The people from the Yapo Pulse and the Fire-eating Pulse, capture these people quickly! My Yueshen over there can no longer hold them back!"

Although they had just sealed off this space, the 'Cao City' to the north of Ba City was still in the hands of Qiao State.

Once the Nascent Soul Lords attending the meeting on Linglun Mountain realized something was wrong, they came over in a teleportation array. Although they were far away, they would be able to get here in a short time.

If the occupation of Yan Qiao Pass cannot be successfully completed before this, and connected with Bo City, Woyang City, Yicheng, Xiaozhouzhuang, etc., we can use the power of the gods to join forces with the monks from the Kingdom of Gods on the periphery of Qiao Kingdom. In one place, the situation formed to encircle Qiao Kingdom.

In order to achieve the goal of annihilating all Yuanying monks in Qiao Kingdom.

Then they, the monks from the Kingdom of Gods, might not be able to encircle them, and would instead fall into a passive position.

Several monks from the Kingdom of Gods who were besieging King Gao and others heard this and immediately increased their speed.

And among the several fourth-level monks who had just flown from another city in the distance, three of them suddenly changed their direction and flew towards Yanqiao Pass!

"not good!"

King Gao stared angrily!

But at this moment, a Nascent Soul Lord who was following King Gao and could not react in time suddenly let out a miserable cry.

King Gao quickly swept away his consciousness and saw that one of the other party's arms was torn off by the female cultivator of the Nai Po Vein, and he took a bite!

"Damn it!"

King Gao was furious, raised his hand and threw out a golden bead!

The female cultivator of Yapomai showed disdain at first, but when the bead came closer, her expression suddenly changed, but she had no time to dodge, and she quickly shrank into a ball!


Golden light exploded!

The layer of flesh and blood on the female cultivator's body was instantly peeled off like clothes.

The other monks from the Kingdom of Gods who were caught off guard immediately closed their eyes subconsciously.

His consciousness was about to open, but he was instantly pierced by the golden light and retracted!


King Gao shouted loudly.

Immediately, he opened his magic power and directly pulled the three Nascent Soul Lords who followed him, and at the same time, he flew towards Yanqiao Pass with all his strength!

Tang Ji also took the opportunity to throw away his opponent and immediately followed King Gao.

However, at this moment, the water well below suddenly surged!

The face in the well showed a look of difficulty:



The huge suction force instantly covered Tang Ji and Gao Wang who were about to fly to Yanqiao Pass.

Tang Ji was still good, but King Gao instantly froze!

But the other three Nascent Soul Lords fell down uncontrollably!

Soon enough, the other monks from the Kingdom of All Gods also recovered immediately and flew over to kill him!

Tang Ji looked around and saw that the situation was extremely critical, and he suddenly showed a distressed look on his face:

"Alas! This trip was a loss!"

Say it.

An incense card with the word "wind" engraved on it suddenly popped out of his sleeve.

After the incense card jumped out, it quickly emitted a ray of light, quickly wrapping Tang Ji, Gao Wang and the other three Nascent Soul Lords.

Seeing the Yapomai monks coming to kill first.

Tang Ji shouted:


All of a sudden.

On the incense card, the word "wind" shines brightly!

Around a few people, an unprovoked whirlwind suddenly appeared, and then it enveloped everyone, directly knocking the incoming Nvmai monks off their feet.

Flying straight towards Yanqiao Pass at an astonishing speed!

"Stop them!"


In the well below, faces quickly emerged from the water, showing anxious expressions!

Once King Gao and others meet up with Yanqiao Pass, they will not be able to capture Yanqiao Pass in a short period of time, and they will not be able to connect the previous arrangements. It is no longer possible to realize it.

In this way, he will once again be trapped in the consumption of He Dachu, just like more than a year ago, and it will be difficult to escape.

The key is that Da Qi also participated in the conquest of the Kingdom of the Gods.

With the power of one country to deal with two major forces, even the Kingdom of the Gods is somewhat stretched.

Think of this.

In the water well on the ground, the elder of the Well Divine Vein finally couldn't hold back anymore. A green-gray half-gourd-shaped water scoop suddenly appeared in his hand, and he threw it towards the whirlwind.

The water scoop flew up silently, seemingly slowly but actually very quickly.

However, Tang Ji and others were completely unaware and were speeding towards Yanqiao Pass.

With King Gao's eyesight, he could clearly see several figures fighting in the midair of Yanqiao Pass.

One of them had his armor broken, and one of his arms was hanging to the side, unable to move. There were only a dozen monks left behind him, but they still held the Formation King's Seal with one hand. Under siege, left and right were overwhelmed, dodging and delaying...


Seeing the miserable condition of the princess, King Gao's eyes instantly turned cold!

Tang Ji also quickly searched for the auras of Wang Ba and Zhao Feng, but the formation below blocked them, and it was difficult for his consciousness to break through. He could only vaguely notice that the two seemed to be still hiding in the house he left behind.

"It should be fine. After all, there is a fourth-level formation outside the house..."

Tang Ji suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Wang Ba and Zhao Feng were gone, he really couldn't imagine how he would explain to Senior Brother Yao and Senior Brother Xumi.

"Oh, don't be too curious next time."

Tang Ji secretly blamed himself.

The reason why he agreed to King Gao was that, in addition to the reward given by the other party, he was also a little curious about what level the monk from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Gods had reached now.

Although he did gain a lot, he would really feel sorry if Wang Ba and Zhao Feng were delayed as a result.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to Yanqiao Pass.

He had even surpassed the three monks from the Kingdom of All Gods who had rushed towards Yanqiaoguan before. He couldn't help but think silently in his heart:


Before the word "eight" was pronounced, Tang Ji suddenly noticed something. He turned around suddenly and saw the object in mid-air. His expression suddenly changed!

"The companion of the Well God!"

"Spread out!"

After saying that, he immediately flew away from the wind sign.

King Gao also noticed something immediately, and instantly turned pale with horror. He glanced at the other three people with his peripheral vision. He only had time to slap the three people away with his magic power, and flew out quickly!

The next second, a water ladle suddenly fell from the sky, and lightly hit the head of the Nascent Soul Lord who had no time to dodge.

In just an instant, the body of the True Lord Nascent Soul splashed around like well water splashed by a water ladle!

A Nascent Soul villain hurriedly escaped from his body. However, before he could escape, he was scooped up by a water ladle and swayed gently.

In just an instant, the Nascent Soul became silent.

The water ladle seemed to have lost its strength, and suddenly turned into a blue-gray stream of light, and fell into the hands of the elder Jing Shenmai who came over.

Above the sky, a dark wind suddenly roared, and blood rain poured down!

"Brother Shi Dao!"

King Gao looked pained!

Those who could be invited by him to help out, except for Tang Ji who paid for their benefits, others were very close to him and did not hesitate to take risks for him.

However, I didn't expect that in just this moment, Yin and Yang would be separated.

"Let's go!"

Tang Ji said quickly.

King Gao was not an indecisive person, so he immediately flew to Yanqiao Pass with the other two people.

However, this moment of delay has already allowed the monks from the Kingdom of Gods to catch up.

Before the four of them could fly far, a huge well fell in front of them again!

The suction comes in waves!

Tang Ji's face turned cold, and a bracelet flew out from his wrist and slammed downwards!

However, at this time, the other three monks of the Yapo Channel came over again, and one of them stopped in front of the string of beads and resisted with his physical body.

However, one of the other two found King Gao, and the other found Tang Ji.

Behind him, the fire-eating cultivator also followed, and the Heart Fire Technique was immediately used again. Flames suddenly appeared on the two cultivators behind King Gao.

Fortunately, these two people had not reacted in time before and were frequently hit. Now they have summed up their experience and quickly used their methods to get rid of the flames.

Just as he was about to step forward to help, he suddenly discovered that there were hidden fires all around him. Even when he scanned his spiritual consciousness, flames immediately attached and grew...


A fire-eating cultivator shouted fiercely.

A ball of flame suddenly rose up from King Gao who was fighting with the female cultivator of Yapomai.

King Gao didn't even have time to expel them.

But the fire-eating cultivator shouted again:


‘Buzz! ’

The flames on King Gao's body instantly increased!

The color of the flame also changed from white flame to faint red flame!

At this time, King Gao immediately noticed something was wrong and the python robe on his body shook.

However, what surprised him was that the flames were not shaken off at all like before!

And the next moment.


'boom! ’

The flames on King Gao soared into the sky in an instant!

It directly surrounded King Gao!

"Fellow Daoist Xiang!"

"Your Majesty!"

Tang Ji's expression changed, and with a thought in his mind, the bracelet he hit below flew back and disconnected. The beads instantly hit the female cultivator opposite, twenty-eight in total, and each one hit Hitting the opponent, the female cultivator's blood and flesh burst, and her bones shattered.

After all the twenty-eight beads were smashed, the female cultivator was in a state of confusion and was on the verge of collapse!

Tang Ji flicked his sleeve, and an incense card with the word "death" engraved on it flew out and stuck to the brow of the woman who was unable to dodge.

The incense card cracked, and the female cultivator with the Hao Po Vein instantly fell into pieces!

In an instant, in the sky, blood rained like mountains and rivers bursting their banks!

"Fellow Daoist Yahu!"

There were female cultivators around her who let out a low cry, but there was not much heartache in their eyes, and some were just dissatisfaction that the other party was actually killed.

On Gao Wang's side, he was still struggling.

In the huge rising flames, one could vaguely see King Gao constantly trying to extinguish the flames.

"Don't think about it, don't move it!"

Tang Ji shouted low and immediately flew up.

However, five Incense Tao monks immediately attacked him.

These people all flew from another city. They were not familiar with Tang Ji and others' methods before, so they did not go into battle immediately.

Now, seeing Tang Ji using all his tricks, he immediately bullied him.

At this time, Tang Ji had many methods, and suddenly facing five people, it was a little difficult to survive for a while.

Had to be forced to retreat.

When the two fire-eating cultivators saw this, they suddenly came closer, palms together, and their four eyes were fixed on King Gao who was burning in the fire.

Speaking at the same time:


The sky-wide purple flames bloomed silently on King Gao's body, strange and cold.

King Gao, who had been trying to escape from the flames, slowly froze.

A trace of unwillingness and nostalgia suddenly flashed through his eyes.



Dots of purple fireworks are like brilliant stars, floating with the wind under the blood moon, and not even the blood rain can knock them down...

At this moment, Tang Ji was stunned.

"Fellow Daoist Xiang..."

"Your Majesty!!!"

"The formation won't last long!"

Lin Boyue stood in front of the formation with a happy face.

Qiao Yushan stood nervously beside him, and when he heard this, he quickly showed a stiff smile.

In this short day, he experienced too much.

So much so that he was even in a trance now.

"Give me some more blood."

Lin Boyue stared at the formation base and said.

When Qiao Yushan heard this, he immediately said nervously: "No, no!"


Lin Boyue immediately turned his head, glanced at the blank jade cup in Qiao Yushan's hand, and frowned:

"Where's that guy from Incense Road?"

"He didn't come... and he didn't give it to the monk anymore."

"Huh? What is this?"

Lin Boyue suddenly noticed the bloody rain falling around him and was startled.

Qiao Yushan hurriedly said cautiously: "Maybe, the True Lord Nascent Soul has fallen..."

Lin Boyue finally came back to his senses after being immersed in breaking the formation, and his expression suddenly changed:

"Who fell?"

"I'm not sure. It sounds like it's on the Xianghuo Road."

Qiao Yushan hesitated.


Lin Boyue frowned immediately.

"It's Incense Road! That Li Xiangyun is still alive!"

Qiao Yushan said quickly.

Upon hearing the news, Lin Boyue's face suddenly darkened.

"This is not good!"

"No, quickly draw the monk's blood..."

"But there are no monks around here anymore."

Qiao Yushan hesitated.


Lin Boyue glanced around, only to find that only the monks from the Incense Path were left. At least around him, there were no monks from the Yan Kingdom.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and focused on Qiao Yushan.

Qiao Yushan suddenly became excited: "Sect Master, I, I'm going to arrest them right now!"

After saying that, he hurriedly walked out.

"Come back, Yushan."

Lin Boyue shouted gently.

Qiao Yushan hesitated for a moment, then immediately flew out like crazy.

Lin Boyue shook his head gently, with a trace of mockery on his face:

"Tsk, tsk, why do you feel guilty... is it because you are stained with junior brother's blood?"

He had a thought.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that the restrictions on Qiao Yushan were already showing signs of loosening and could not take effect immediately.

"It seems that you are still unwilling to do so. Who would be willing to be someone else's dog? It's a pity that this is the way the world is. If you can't do it, you have to be someone else's dog."

"You are like this, and so am I."

Lin Boyue still shook his head with a smile on his face.

He gently raised his hand and placed it on the base of the formation, then disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already next to another formation base.

It was also the direction in which Qiao Yushan escaped.

Qiao Yushan looked horrified when he saw this, and quickly tried to escape.

However, how could Lin Boyue give him a chance?

After more than ten breaths, he gently picked up the dead Qiao Yushan.

Aligning his eyes with his own, he gasped, but with a smile on his face:

"Ho...ho...the side effects of ascending to the Nascent Soul are quite big..."

As if talking about family matters, he whispered in a low voice:

"Ahem... My junior brother, he and I have been friends for two hundred years. When I was practicing Qi, he followed me, accepted Master's scoldings with me, went to the spiritual field to pull weeds together, and basked in the sun together... … He’s a little stupid, and I’ve always been annoyed. Sometimes he’s so stupid that I want him to die. But…”

"He is my junior brother after all."

"How could you bear to kill him?"

Qiao Yushan, who was no longer able to speak, had fear in his eyes.

Then, he watched his blood being drained bit by bit, just like the monks who were drained to death through his hands, and now, it was finally his turn.

But for some reason, as his consciousness gradually blurred, he suddenly felt a sense of peace in his heart.

"Maybe leaving this damn world isn't a bad thing?"

not far away.

In a safe and sound house.

Wang Hao and Zhao Feng, who were watching this scene quietly, looked solemn.

"Lin Boyue has already become a Nascent Soul, and he has also devoted himself to the path of incense..."

"Princess Gao can't hold on any longer."

Both of them felt extremely heavy in their hearts.

They thought that King Gao and others would be able to arrive in time.

However, it seems that not only is it impossible to wait for King Gao and Tang Ji, but Yan Qiao Pass is also about to be lost.

Once Li Xiangyun is defeated, even if they are protected by the fourth-level formation, they will have almost no hope of escaping.

"There should be a few Jindan Daoists and many foundation-building monks over there at Prince Gao's Mansion..."

Wang Ba felt it carefully and suddenly said.

As the formation weakens, the blocking strength of the divine consciousness also decreases.

He could already vaguely sense the situation in Prince Gao's Mansion, which was not too far away.

But other than that, the situation made him frown deeply.

In the middle of the city, a teleportation array was set up at some point, and a large number of Incense Tao monks had already broken in.

Some of them were chasing the Yan Kingdom monks scattered around, while constantly taking out various spiritual materials from the storage bags, seeming to be building a new formation base.

"I'm afraid Jin Dan Zhenren's use here is very limited..."

Zhao Feng shook his head.

There are five fourth-level monks above. No matter how many golden elixirs there are, they will die if they come out.

Wang Hao nodded silently and couldn't help but raise his head and look up at the sky.

Suddenly, he looked startled, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, then directed his magic power to his eyes, and looked towards the sky.

Surprise immediately appeared on his face:

"Senior brother! Look! Are those Senior Tang and King Gao?!"

Zhao Feng immediately looked around and suddenly showed joy:

"Yes! It's Senior Tang, and... No! What is that?!"

Both of them had a hint of horror in their eyes!

High in the sky, a blue-gray water ladle lightly smashed down, killing a Nascent Soul True Monarch instantly!

The moment the water ladle fell, Wang Yan suddenly noticed that in the hands of the Yin Shen statue in the Lingtai Temple, a dark red long bow was formed involuntarily.

"That... is it also a divine object similar to the Yin God Bow? Or is it actually a man-made divine object like the Yin God Bow?"

A trace of speculation suddenly arose in Wang Hao's heart.

But then, his eyes suddenly widened!

"No! King Gao!"

In his sight, King Gao, who was dressed in a python robe, suddenly burst into flames, and immediately the fire started to rise!

The fire was so dazzling that he didn't even notice that Tang Ji killed a female cultivator with a female body in an instant.

In just a few breaths, the flames on King Gao's body turned into a strange purple color.

Immediately in his shocked eyes.

King Gao's body suddenly shattered into pieces and turned into a purple stream of light that filled the sky...

"Your Majesty!!!"

In Yanqiao Pass, in the formation, Li Xiangyun's eyes instantly turned red when he saw the scene in front of him!

All the affection in the past quickly passed through his eyes.

But just when the enemy and we were either surprised or delighted, they saw Tang Ji ducking through the purple flames, taking away a dying Nascent Soul figure that looked like King Gao, and immediately raised his hand, and several incense tokens flew out in all directions. , the whole person rushed towards Yanqiao Pass!

"Stop him!"

The monks from the Kingdom of All Gods shouted loudly!

Immediately, a fire-eating cultivator approaching Yanqiao Pass came towards him.

There were countless flames rising all around.

At the same time, inside the formation, Yamei, who was in tatters and even had her flesh and blood turned out, immediately flew out of the formation.

The two of them stood in Tang Ji's way, one behind the other!

And behind Tang Ji, the monks from the Yapo Vein and the Fire-eating Veins also attacked crazily!

A wolf in front and a tiger in the back!

At this moment, Tang Ji felt helpless for the first time in his heart!

"Senior Brother Yao, why haven't you come yet?"

He couldn't help but curse secretly in his mind.

It would be easier for him to escape alone, but the two people underneath were...

And it is also this moment.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao jumped onto the wall without any hesitation, and a dark red long bow suddenly appeared in his hand.

At this moment, he was so blessed that he used the only remaining source of the Yin Shen bow as an arrow. He held the bow in one hand, shaped like a full moon, and pointed it at the sky.


call out! ! ! (End of chapter)

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