Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 263 Five Dragons Locking Golden Formation


The loud noise woke up Lin Boyue who was practicing with his eyes closed.

He was startled, immediately stood up from the futon, and appeared outside the hall in a flash.

But he found that many disciples had appeared outside.

Seeing Lin Boyue, they all bowed and saluted:


"Well, what's going on? What happened?"

Lin Boyue asked quickly.

Just saying.

Several astonishing rays of brilliance lit up again in the northeast direction.

More than ten breaths later, several more roaring sounds were heard!

"It's Yanqiaoguan!"

The disciples around him screamed.

Lin Boyue also looked into the distance with an extremely solemn expression.

Mana poured into his eyes, and he could faintly see a light group in the northeast, with countless streams of light blooming around it.

When I probed with my spiritual sense, I could vaguely detect the shadows there, and there were several amazing auras rising at the same time.

"Nascent Soul!"

Lin Boyue looked horrified.

And just then.

A Foundation Establishment Perfection monk flew over in a hurry.

Looking heavy:

"Reporting to the sect master, we received an urgent report from Yanqiaoguan Lingshi Restaurant. Just now, Incense Taoist suddenly appeared under Yanqiaoguan, and five Incense Taoist Nascent Souls attacked Yanqiaoguan!"

Lin Boyue couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

When the gray-robed monk from the Incense Path appeared before, he already had a premonition.

But I didn't expect that this premonition would become reality so quickly.

He quickly stepped forward and asked:

"What's the current situation at Yanqiao Pass?"

"Is the city broken?"

"And where did these incense tunnels come from?"

After a series of questions, the foundation-building monk didn't know how to answer and was stunned.

Lin Boyue reacted immediately when he saw this.

The sect shops in Yanqiao Pass must have passed the news back as soon as the battle broke out, and they probably didn't know much more about the situation than they did.

He could only force himself to calm down, while flying high in the sky, looking far into the distance; while thinking quickly about the current situation in his mind.

"Where did these incense roads come from? Yan Qiao Pass is between Qiao State and Yan State. It is a bit close to Xu State, but it is also separated by many cities of Qiao State. With Qiao State's current defense, If you want to cross these cities, you are trying to hide from the defenses of many great Chu Yuanyings. Ordinarily, it is not that easy... unless..."

He suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart suddenly sank.

Soon, the northeast direction changed again, which immediately attracted his attention.

Outside the distant light group, the stream of light suddenly erupted, and then quickly disappeared.

After that, nothing changes.

Lin Boyue couldn't help but show a trace of nervousness on his face, staring at the light ball in the distance.

There was a faint whistling sound high in the sky.

"The defensive formation is still there...but are we winning? Or losing?"

Lin Boyue looked solemn.

If Yan Qiaoguan wins, then everything will remain as before.

But once Yan Qiao Pass is lost and Xiang Huo Dao takes over the Yan Kingdom, how will the Shili Sect deal with it?

Should he accompany Yan Qiaoguan to perish, or...

He didn't dare to think deeply, but he had to think deeply.

As the leader of a sect, this is his responsibility.

But at this moment, a figure quickly flew up from below.

Lin Boyue quickly scanned with his consciousness and found that the other party was Qiao Yushan, and he felt relieved.

However, there was no emotion on his face, and he said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Qiao Yushan looked respectful, raised his hand and saluted: "Back to the sect master, there is news from Yanqiaoguan."

Lin Boyue suddenly couldn't care less about maintaining the dignity of the sect leader and said quickly:

"What did Yanqiaoguan say?"

Qiao Yushan still looked respectful: "Back to the sect leader, Yan Qiao Pass, we have won!"

"Princess Gao Li Zhenjun took action, and with the help of the Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation, he fought against the five fourth-level monks of the Incense Path with one man."

"The Incense Road side had to withdraw from Yanqiao Pass after losing several third-level monks."

Hearing the news, Lin Boyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuan was moved by Li Xiangyun's achievements and said in disbelief:

"This Li Xiangyun... Li Zhenjun, how powerful is she? Didn't she just break through the Nascent Soul not long ago?"

"Maybe it's because of the formation."

Qiao Yushan guessed.

Lin Boyue nodded, then shook his head: "Although the formation is an important factor, whether the formation can be used properly is Li Zhenjun's ability."

"Is there any news from Yanqiao Pass?"

When Qiao Yushan heard this, he hesitated slightly and then said:

"After the Xianghuo Road retreated, Li Zhenjun immediately asked all the sects in Yan State to immediately support the supplies needed for Yan Qiao Pass and transport them to Yan Qiao Pass."

"Yan Qing from Huifeng Valley was in the pass at the time and responded immediately. Not only did he support a large number of resources, but he also took the initiative to assist Gao Wangfu in guarding the 'Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation'."

"But she was declined by Princess Gao."

Lin Boyue frowned immediately.

"Returning to the Wind Valley...Yanqing..."

He immediately asked:

"What supplies are needed at Yanqiao Pass? Is there a list?"


Qiao Yushan immediately took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, which was full of various resources.

When he saw the names of the spiritual materials on the paper, Lin Boyue's face suddenly darkened.

"Most of them are not precious spiritual materials, but this amount... they are going to hollow us out!"

Most of them are extremely common first- and second-level spiritual materials, but the quantity required is huge.

According to Lin Boyue's conjecture, it was probably because the defensive formation outside Yanqiao Pass was damaged and had to be repaired.

After all, he has also heard about the 'Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation', which is a large formation with extremely strong defensive capabilities. Many aristocratic clans in the Chu Dynasty will buy one if they have spare capacity.

Of course, although the power is powerful, it also requires a lot of resources.

Not just fourth-order materials, but also first-order, second-order, and third-order materials.

The number is staggering.

If the Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation at Yanqiao Pass is damaged, and if the supplies brought by Prince Gao's Mansion are insufficient, then they can only ask for them from the local sect.

Thinking of this, he could only grit his teeth and nod: "Give it to them! We will give you double the amount you pay from Return to Wind Valley!"

"Yushan, escort me there yourself!"

Qiao Yushan responded quickly and was about to leave.


Lin Boyue frowned slightly:

"Yan Qing took the initiative to defend the formation... You went alone, but you can't show our sect's sincerity... How is Song Fenglei's recovery now?"

Hearing this name, a trace of sadness flashed in Qiao Yushan's eyes, and he bowed slightly: "Reporting to the sect master, Song Fenglei... is seriously injured. If there is no high-grade healing elixir to cure him, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will be dead from now on." The realm has fallen..."

Song Fenglei was the former head of the Five Classics Sect.

He was arrested together with Qiao Yushan and became a protector monk of Xuli Sect.

When Lin Boyue heard this, there was no reaction on his face. He just frowned more and more: "What about Peng Jiahai?"

"Although Zhenren Peng has improved, he has not yet been released from isolation."

Seeing Lin Boyue skipping over Song Fenglei, Qiao Yushan's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of imperceptible disappointment and resentment.

But he didn't dare to show it at all.


Lin Boyue frowned and was about to speak.

Suddenly a slightly weak voice rose from below.

"Sect Master, cough, why not let me go."

Lin Boyue knew the identity of the visitor just by hearing the voice, and couldn't help but frown: "Junior Brother Zhuang, you have just recovered from your injury, so don't move without permission."

Zhuang Yi's figure flew straight up.

Compared with when he was not injured, Zhuang Yi is now much thinner. Without using any magic power, the strong wind in the air blew Zhuang Yi's large robes, making him look even more skinny.

His complexion was far from the perfect rosy color that Jin Dan Zhenren should have. On the contrary, there was no color at all, and he showed a weak paleness.

But there was a sobriety in his eyes that he had never seen before.

Seeing Lin Boyue, he coughed and saluted slightly, but Lin Boyue frowned and raised his hand to stop him:

"Okay, there's no need to stick to vulgar etiquette."


Zhuang Yi did not insist. He stood up, glanced at Qiao Yushan beside him, and a weak smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"Fellow Daoist Qiao, I wonder if it would be convenient for me to inform the people below to prepare the spiritual materials for Prince Gao's Mansion..."

Qiao Yushan resigned immediately.

Lin Boyue did not stop him, but frowned slightly:

"Do you want to go to Yanqiao Pass?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from senior brother."

Zhuang Yi was not surprised when his thoughts were exposed. Instead, he smiled, coughed twice, and then said:

"Junior brother heard the conversation he had with Qiao Yushan before."

"Senior brother understands what he means. After all, Qiao Yushan is an outsider, which does not mean that we have to leave the sect. Moreover, Yan Qing from Hui Feng Valley is so proactive in cooperating. He is probably planning to perform well with Princess Gao in order to gain Princess Gao's support from Hui Feng Valley. favor."

"We have already offended King Gao. If we cannot seize this opportunity and perform well, I am afraid that life will become increasingly difficult in the future."

"Junior brother is incompetent, but he is still the golden elixir of the Xuli Sect. Going to Yanqiao Pass with Qiao Yushan is enough to show the attitude and stance of the Xuli Sect."

Listening to Zhuang Yi's words, Lin Boyue couldn't help but look at Zhuang Yi with a hint of surprise and hesitation.

"Junior brother, how come you..."

"Why do you seem to be getting smarter?"

Zhuang Yi smiled self-deprecatingly, and then sighed: "I have heard from Master before that only a serious illness can lead to great enlightenment. After being trained with that sword, my life was in danger, but it was a blessing in disguise, and my brain became brighter than before."

Having said this, he sincerely bowed to Lin Boyue:

"In these years, it's all thanks to my senior brother who has always tolerated me."

Seeing Zhuang Yi looking like this, Lin Boyue couldn't hide the surprise and relief in his eyes:

"I'm so relieved that my junior brother has changed like this."

"But since you haven't recovered yet, it's better not to force yourself. If that doesn't work, I'll send Song Fenglei there..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Yi shook his head slightly and interrupted:

"Song Fenglei and Qiao Yushan are not disciples of the sect, how can they leave such important matters to outsiders... What's more, my injury has not healed, which reflects the current difficulties of our sect, and also allows Princess Gao to see me. Zong’s sincerity.”

"But you..."

Lin Boyue looked hesitant.

"Senior brother, don't hesitate any longer. Don't wait until Hui Feng Gu seizes the opportunity and then sigh helplessly!"


Lin Boyue couldn't help but recite these words, and his eyes gradually became determined.

Immediately he looked at Zhuang Yi and bowed deeply:

"I hope junior brother returns safely!"


A huge sound suddenly penetrated the formation outside and exploded in Tang Ji's house.

Wang Ba and Zhao Feng were both shaken by the huge sound and rushed out of their respective rooms immediately.

Immediately I saw an unforgettable scene.

On the huge transparent spherical light shield above Yanqiao Pass, countless rays of light bombarded it, but were silently blocked by the light shield.

Countless gorgeous 'flowers' suddenly bloomed above the light mask.

The light is overflowing and the colors are everywhere.

The magnificent scene is like a dream or an illusion.

"Incense Road!"

"The Incense Road is here!"

In the city of Yanqiao Pass, exclamations of exclamation suddenly sounded one after another.

Wang Ba was shocked and quickly used his consciousness to see outside the formation, five monks with terrifying auras were standing in the air, attacking the formation wantonly.

These people had different appearances, and what Wang Yan paid special attention to was the majestic female cultivator with an extremely ugly appearance.

His stature is tall and does not look like a human being at all.

"It's the Yapo Vein!"

Wang Hao reacted immediately.

He has personally auctioned off first-level monks from the Yapo Lineage, and is no stranger to monks from this lineage.

It is dedicated to the Goddess of the Po, and only female cultivators can practice it. Once they step into this path, no matter how beautiful they are, they will become stronger and their appearance will become increasingly ugly. Although they are not as capable as Qi Refining cultivators, The magic power stirs up the aura of heaven and earth, but every move it makes has great power.

Sure enough, just when Wang Hao quickly noticed this, in mid-air, the female cultivator with the Nao Po Vein suddenly clenched her fist, closed her fist, and immediately aimed at the spherical mask formed by the formation, and punched it down!


Wang Ba only heard a huge sound, and then he was shocked to see the transparent mask in the sky, and he couldn't help but shake!

As a result, the entire Yanqiao Pass was shaken instantly!

However, there was no feeling at all in the house where Wang Bao and Zhao Feng were.

This house was given to Tang Ji by King Gao. In order to show respect for Tang Ji, a formation was specially installed in this house, and it was of the fourth level.

Although it is far inferior to the Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation, it does take a lot of time for the ordinary Nascent Soul Lord to break it.

Not to mention a little shocked.

What surprised Wang Ba was the appearance of these Incense Tao monks.

The five fourth-level monks are no big deal. Suddenly appearing outside Yanqiao Pass will make anyone tremble in their hearts.

The key is that there are not only five fourth-level monks, but also twenty or thirty golden elixir masters and nearly a thousand foundation-building monks outside the city gate.

"Could it be that Qiao State has also been conquered? But it shouldn't be. With the importance Chu attaches to Qiao State, how could it be possible that it could be conquered so quickly..."

Wang Hao thought quickly.

At this time, the exclamations in the city were getting louder and louder, and there were even rumors that the Incense Path had already conquered the Qiao Kingdom, and these Incense Path monks in front of them were just the advance team.

The atmosphere in the city quickly became restless.

There were even monks who couldn't help but started to rush towards the gate leading to the Yan Kingdom from Yan Qiao Pass.

Wang Ba and Zhao Feng looked at each other and couldn't help but want to retreat.

They knew very well that in order to try their best to defend Qiao Kingdom, King Gao had already gone to Qiao Kingdom with all the Nascent Soul Lords.

Apart from Princess Gao, there is no other True Lord Nascent Soul in Yanqiao Pass.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, even if Princess Gao was capable, she would most likely be in trouble.

As a result, Yanqiao Pass is no longer safe.

But at this moment.

In the courtyard of Prince Gao's Mansion, more than ten figures suddenly rushed out and stood in mid-air.

The person leading the charge was none other than Princess Gao Li Xiangyun, who was dressed in battle armor and had a heroic appearance!

She looked down at the monks below, her face slightly cold, and she immediately raised her hand.

The more than ten figures behind him received instructions and no longer concealed their auras, and they were all Jin Dan Zhenren.

They quickly and precisely landed on the crowd below, the magic weapon's brilliance flashed, and heads were rolling in an instant!

"This... why do you want to kill us!"

"Aren't we monks under the rule of Da Chu?"

"I'm so wronged!"

The monks below all screamed miserably.

In mid-air, Li Xiangyun's expression was cold and stern, with a hint of decisiveness:

"The incense demon dares to incite people's hearts here!"

"Kill me!"

After that, without any pause, he turned around and flew towards the outside of the Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation alone.

Wang Ba and Zhao Feng looked at each other and couldn't help but stomp their feet slightly, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The five fourth-level monks outside the formation had no intention of talking nonsense. When they saw Li Xiangyun coming forward, they immediately increased the intensity of their attacks.

The spherical mask suddenly began to shake one after another.

When Li Xiangyun saw this, he gave a sweet shout.

He raised his hand and held it empty, and immediately a royal seal quickly formed in his hand.

Above the King's Seal, there are five red dragons climbing, which are the core hub of the Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation.

As the master of the formation, Li Xiangyun immediately activated a massive amount of mana.

At the same time, in Prince Gao's Mansion, a monk figure silently flew out of the mansion and headed to each base position of the formation.

He was nourished by mana and blessed by many monks from the High Prince's Palace.

The originally shaky Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation instantly became motionless.

The five fourth-level monks of Incense Dao hit it, but it did not shake at all. Instead, the five of them felt as if they had been hit by a stone.


Among the five monks, a strange monk with red skin and fire breathing from his nose suddenly shouted loudly.

His eyes were fixed on Li Xiangyun inside the formation.

Suddenly, Li Xiangyun's yellow shirt under his armor instantly burned!

Affected by the burning, Li Xiangyun's armor became faintly distorted.

"Mindful Fire Technique! Fire Pulse Eater?"

Li Xiangyun was not afraid in the face of danger. He did not use his spiritual consciousness to feel the flames on his body, but quickly grasped the royal seal with his palm.

Soon, the power of the formation quickly poured into her body from the royal seal, instantly cutting off the connection between the flame and her clothes.

The strange thing is that after the flames were extinguished, the yellow shirt didn't appear to be damaged at all.

But the damage to the armor is still retained.

The spell was broken, but the fire-eating cultivator still stared at the top of Li Xiangyun's head.

His eyes were faintly red.


He shouted again.

Li Xiangyun's hair immediately lit up with flames!

"Fire your mother!"

Li Xiangyun shouted loudly, and a whip with the word 'xiang' engraved on it suddenly flew out of his dantian. The whip quickly grew longer. With Li Xiangyun's control and the power of the formation, it actually surpassed the formation in an instant. , and it hit the fire-eating cultivator!


The fire-eating cultivator was beaten to pieces by the sudden whip, and he could even faintly see the flaming Nascent Soul inside his body.

All things lead to the same destination through different paths. When a god-refining monk reaches the fourth level, he will also transform into various things with different forms, but similar to the Nascent Soul.

The whip was about to be whipped again, but the Yapomai monk who reacted suddenly rushed forward and grabbed it with one hand!

The muscles all over your body are bulging, and you pull hard!

The whip in Li Xiangyun's hand immediately flew out!


Li Xiangyun let out a low cry, and with the help of the power of the formation, she reached out her hand, and the whip that was about to be taken away instantly fell into her hand again.

Then he pulled hard.

The formation was slightly opened, and the Yapomai cultivator was suddenly pulled in!

Close it immediately!

"Fellow Daoist Yumei!"

The other four fourth-level monks exclaimed.

However, Yamei, who was dragged into the formation, was not afraid at all. The moment she stabilized her body, she raised her hands and clenched her fists, flying towards Li Xiangyun!

Li Xiangyun did not avoid it at all, but directly faced Yamei's fist. At the same time, a golden bracelet suddenly flew out of the spiritual platform.

Yamei's fist instantly hit Li Xiangyun!

The armor twisted, but most of its power was instantly removed. But even so, Li Xiangyun couldn't help but turn pale!

But she didn't hesitate at all. A white silk ribbon flew out from her body and quickly wrapped Yamei's body. At the same time, the golden bracelet hit Yamei's forehead!

However, what surprised Li Xiangyun was that even though Yamei had suffered the blow, her skull was slightly sunk, and her already ugly face instantly became more grotesque, there was no trace of emotion in the eyes of this monk from the Yao Po lineage. !

"What a hard body!"

Li Xiangyun couldn't help but look shocked.

However, although Yamei was not afraid of being injured, Bai Ling used softness to overcome her strength and was unable to break free for a while.

Li Xiangyun immediately saw the opportunity, and quickly killed the remaining fourth-level monks outside and the golden elixir and foundation-building monks below!

Without Yamei's restraint, the other four fourth-level monks were harassed by Li Xiangyun's endless magic weapons and magic weapons that were blessed by the power of the formation. They were unable to hold on for long, and they all lost their jobs!

Several third-level Incense Dao cultivators were unable to react in time and were killed by Li Xiangyun with one blow using the power of the formation.

This scene fell in the eyes of the monks inside the city gate, and they were immediately greeted by a sound of joy like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

When Wang Ba and Zhao Feng saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

Their faces couldn't help but show a look of shock.

Neither of them expected that Princess Gao, who looked graceful and regal at times and a bit fierce at other times, was just entering the Nascent Soul for the first time, but she could face five fourth-level monks alone without falling behind at all. It was simply shocking.

Of course, they could all see that the fourth-order formation defending the city was the hero.

And soon, Yamei finally broke away from Bai Ling and tried to catch Li Xiangyun, but Li Xiangyun easily dodged it with the help of the formation.

The ugly face was suddenly filled with rage.

Especially when he saw Li Xiangyun's beauty, he felt even more urgent and resentful.

Turning her eyes quickly, she suddenly saw the golden elixir masters at the formation base below.

Suddenly his heart moved, and with a feint, he deceived Li Xiangyun, and then quickly punched the seemingly unprepared Jin Dan master below!

However, what surprised her was that with her punch, a protective shield instantly appeared around the golden elixir real person, and it was quickly transferred away.

Master Jin Dan was unscathed, but she made no achievements.

A trace of anxiety and solemnity suddenly flashed across Yamei's furious eyes.

"Damn it! This formation..."

Li Xiangyun was also solemn. Yamei's body was beyond her imagination, and the strange methods of the people outside the formation also made it difficult for her to capture her for a while.

After noticing that the foundation of the formation was faintly loose, she hesitated slightly, made up her mind, and immediately took advantage of the chaos to open a hole.

Sure enough, Yamei saw the flaw and immediately took the opportunity to escape.


Yamei shouted loudly, and the surrounding Incense Taoist monks quickly retreated like a tide without any hesitation.

Only hundreds of corpses were left behind that were too late to be taken away.

"Burn on the spot!"

Li Xiangyun glanced at the corpses, sneered, and then gave a direct order.

Sure enough, several corpses were seen flying up quickly, trying to escape.

However, how could Li Xiangyun, who had been prepared for it, let him escape? With a backhand palm, his magic power and the power of the formation quickly knocked down a few people who had not escaped far to the ground. However, these people seemed to be unable to escape. He had been prepared for a long time, but when he saw that there was no hope of escape, his mind instantly collapsed and he died!

"So cruel!"

Li Xiangyun's eyes were solemn.

The Incense Dao monks are not terrible. Their methods are single and their attacks are weak. Except for a few veins, most of the Incense Dao monks are no match for the Da Chu monks in one-on-one situations.

But the trouble is that most monks of the Incense Path are not afraid of life and death. For the vast majority of monks who cherish their lives and look forward and backward, this is undoubtedly an overwhelming advantage.

But there was nothing she could do about this.

After checking the formation and giving some instructions, she quickly returned to the annex of Prince Gao's Mansion to take a good rest and recuperate.

Fighting five fourth-level monks alone, even with the help of formations, was a heavy burden for her.

And at the same time.

In a well in Yanqiao Pass.

On the surface of the water, an extremely ordinary-looking face quietly emerged.

"Yumei and the others failed to break through... Fortunately, they took advantage of her not paying attention..."

"Finally got in..."

Let’s get familiar with the feel today. There will be more updates later.

The title is wrong, it should be Five Dragons Golden Lock Formation, I can’t change it, so I’ll leave it as it is.

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