The wind howled.

Countless spells, magic weapons, talismans... the stream of light formed was like fireworks all over the sky, suppressing all the light in the sky.

The foundation-building monks below were still fighting madly.

However, at this moment, the Jindan Daoists of the three major sects couldn't help but stop their movements and looked at an old man's figure in the air with pale faces.

The figure was not tall, and was wearing a large indigo robe that did not fit well.

It even looks a little rickety.

Standing in mid-air, his gray hair and large robe were all a little messy by the strong wind driven by the magic power.

However, no one dared to underestimate the figure in front of them.

Because, he is Zhang Daobai.

Among the sects of the Yan Kingdom, he is the only True Lord Yuanying, a famous figure who has suppressed the Yan Kingdom for many years and made the three major sects fearful.

"You're not dead..."

Lin Boyue's voice was dry, and his eyes were unprecedentedly solemn and awe-inspiring.

At this moment, Zhu Rong and Chu Xiao were quietly standing side by side with Lin Boyue.

There was also a hint of shock on the faces of the two of them.


There was no smile on the old man's dry, wood-like face:

"It's just a celestial phenomenon, it's easy to do."

"Otherwise, how can we fish out all the young people like you who are not afraid of death?"

Hearing this, even though Lin Boyue had made all his guesses, he still couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

He was still too impatient.

It was natural for them to think that Zhang Daobai's death was expected, but they didn't expect that the other party would actually play this trick.

But maybe it was also because of the previous success that made him relax his vigilance.

His eyes swept over the corpses of several Jindan masters that fell not far away.

There are five people in total, two from Huifeng Valley, two from Danlongmen, and one from Xuli Sect...

In just an instant, the three major sects lost five golden elixirs!

In the past, such a loss would have been a sky-shattering loss.

However, at this moment, they didn't have the slightest intention to pity these fellow disciples.

Facing the prestigious leader of the Yan Kingdom sect, no one dared to slack off.


Lin Boyue gave a low drink.

Immediately after him, the remaining three Jindan masters of the Xuli Sect immediately formed a five-person magic circle with the two banned masters of the Five Classics Sect.

Although the operation of the magic circle is a bit jerky, the aura is far superior to that of the average Jindan Daoist.

"The Five Classics Yuankong turns out that this was your intention in destroying the Five Classics Sect!"

The old man's eyelids opened slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed through.

Without any nonsense, endless mana surged out of the void like an abyss. In an instant, he disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he was already beside a lonely Jindan master!

A spell was condensed in his palm in the blink of an eye, and it was silently photographed towards the still somewhat confused Jin Dan Master!


On the surface of Jindan Zhenren's body, the brilliance of the magic weapon dimmed the moment it lit up!

However, the magic weapon finally withstood most of the power, and the Jindan Master finally came to his senses. After vomiting blood, he instantly used this power to retreat in embarrassment.

At the same time as he retreated violently, countless talismans flew out of his sleeves, and in an instant, they formed a huge network of talismans, covering Zhang Daobai!

Within this talisman's net, swords, spears, axes, water, fire, gold, and wood... a large number of second-level and a few third-level spells were thrust towards Zhang Daobai!

"This is the end of the skill!"

A cold light flashed in Zhang Daobai's eyes. Without retreating or avoiding, he raised his hand and struck out with a palm!


The mighty magic power exploded like a river bursting its banks!

Directly smash these spells all over the sky...

Immediately, the whole person rushed out of the talisman net, pointed his finger into a sword, and a flying sword suddenly stabbed out of his sleeve!

"It's a magic weapon!"

Lin Boyue and the three of them suddenly changed their expressions!

However, among the many golden elixir masters, someone instantly saw something:

"No, that's just close to level four!"

The first to third levels belong to the category of magical weapons, and at the fourth level, the magical weapons truly have spirituality and can be preserved for a long time even if they are washed away by the years.

It can even be used as a treasure inherited by the sect, so it is also called a 'magic weapon'.

The magic weapon is not like a magic weapon, and the materials required are extremely rare. Therefore, almost all the monks in the Yan Kingdom have only heard of it but have never seen it.

Seeing that this Jin Dan master was about to die at the hands of Zhang Daobai.

At this moment, Lin Boyue no longer took any chances, and quickly reached a consensus with Zhu Rong and Chu Xiao, and the three of them immediately joined forces to face Zhang Daobai.

Immediately afterwards, several more Jindan masters followed.

The war broke out instantly.

And at the same time.

On the high platform.

There were originally more than twenty golden elixirs, but now there are only a few golden elixir masters left to take charge.

Among them were Yuan Wenzhi and Zhang Tailai.

Yuan Wenzhi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly said loudly to the several Xuli Zong Jindan who were forming a formation to besiege Wu Siqi:

"Guys, I'll ask my second brother to help you!"

After saying that, he quickly said to Zhang Tailai: "Second brother, you go over first."

"Ah? What about you, brother?"

Zhang Tailai looked puzzled.

"I'm here to protect Little Friend Shen..."

Yuan Wenzhi responded casually.

However, having said that, Yuan Wenzhi's eyes were fixed on the Jindan master of the three major sects.

It seems to be measuring something.

Completely different from before, he didn't care about Wang Yan at all.

Although Zhang Tailai didn't understand much, he listened to Yuan Wenzhi's words and immediately jumped over.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao couldn't help but his eyes flashed slightly, and then he retreated quietly.

At the same time, he quickly sent a message to Bu Chan, and his consciousness spread around, trying to find a safe place.

Yet at the same time.

In the spiritual platform, the subtle feeling became stronger and stronger.

He clearly felt that something was calling him strongly in Zhenling Palace, deep in the palace complex below.

This strong feeling even made him shout subconsciously.


at the same time.

Zhang Daobai, who was fighting against three major sect masters and three Jindan masters alone, but had a huge upper hand, suddenly turned pale!

The magic hand that was condensed and was about to beat a golden elixir to death collapsed in an instant!

A trace of surprise and uncertainty instantly appeared on Zhang Daobai's withered face.

"What's going on? Why did it suddenly move!"

He quickly felt it carefully and found that 'it' had calmed down again.

I was filled with doubts.

The Jindan master thought he was about to die. When he saw this scene, he immediately seized the opportunity and used all his strength to fly out crazily.

However, before he had time to rejoice, he was slapped on the head by another mana hand coming from behind!

The golden elixir master, who had already exhausted all his magic weapons and talismans, instantly turned into a pile of flesh and blood...

"Pan Yuzi!"

Zhu Rong couldn't help but his eyes turned red.

This is already the third monk who has lost his life in Huifeng Valley!

There were originally five immortals, but now only he and Yan Qing were left.

There are two foreign aids he invited, and they are currently fighting with the four people from Zhenling Palace.

However, Zhang Daobai, who killed a golden elixir monk, was not happy at all.

Instead, there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"Hurry up! Hurry up even more!"

"I can't last much longer!"

At this moment, he is very powerful in the eyes of others, as if he has the wisdom in his hand, and everything is his plan.

However, only he knew that the power in front of him was just a flashback.

"If I hadn't fought against that person and injured my foundation, and if I hadn't been suppressing it for the past ten years in order to refine 'it', my injuries would have worsened..."

A hint of regret flashed through Zhang Daobai's heart.

If not for this, the current Zhenling Palace under his command would have unified the Yan Kingdom long ago.

However, once many things happen, it is too late to regret.

More importantly, he did not expect that none of the three Jindan masters who went to Wei from Zhenling Palace could come back.

Originally, Zhenling Palace had seven golden elixirs in charge, and there were also many foundation-building monks who were expected to enter the golden elixir.

Even if he falls, relying on the foundation he has accumulated, Zhenling Palace will still be the number one sect in the Yan Kingdom.

So when he went out ten years ago, he happened to encounter 'it'. Regardless of his injuries, he wanted to refine it, just to leave a sect-suppressing magic weapon for the sect.

It's no use just saying this.

His days are numbered.

Before his death, he could only choose to deliberately give off the illusion of his death to attract the arrival of the three major sects who could not wait any longer, and then use this last meager power to eliminate future hidden dangers for the Zhenling Palace.

This is the last thing he can do for the sect.

Thinking of this, Zhang Daobai's eyes became cold again.

Looking at Chu Xiao at Danlongmen...

Wang Ba looked at the palaces below in confusion.

"Is it really my imagination?"

His summons did not attract anything.

But the feeling in the spiritual platform is not deceptive.

He glanced around slightly hesitantly.

On the upper level of the platform, only Yuan Wenzhi and himself were left.

Except for some of the foundation-building monks on the lower level who maintained the operation of the high platform, most of them also left the high platform and joined in the melee with the monks from Zhenling Palace.

In this case, there is no such thing as commanding or not commanding. The monks have different methods. Apart from formations, it is difficult to truly combine them.

And Yuan Wenzhi's mind seemed to be completely focused on the battle between Zhang Daobai and the three major sects. He didn't care about Wang Yan at all, and he still seemed to be weighing something in his heart.

Seeing that no one noticed him.

Wang Yan couldn't help but shouted silently again:



Zhang Daobai, who was surrounded by five late-stage Jindan monks but was suppressed by the five of them, was about to kill Chu Xiao, the weakest leader of the Danlong Sect among the three major sects in one go.

Suddenly, my mind was shaken!

The mana coming from the void suddenly stagnated!

The spell that was about to be released instantly went out, and after a muffled sound, it turned into wisps of blue smoke.

"Damn it! Why is it moving again!"

"what is going on?!"

Zhang Daobai's eyes were filled with anger!

This has never happened before.

Although the five members of Lin Boyu were far less powerful than Zhang Daobai, they were all experienced. Although they did not understand what happened, they immediately seized the opportunity. The five of them joined forces and threw magical weapons, talismans, spells... one after another at Zhang Daobai. go!

Zhang Daobai immediately tried his best to dodge.

Although his magic power quickly resumed, Zhang Daobai still showed a flaw and was suddenly hit by a spell!

The magic weapon was quickly activated, blocking the spell.

However, Zhu Rong from Huifeng Valley saw the opportunity, and with a fierce look on his face, he waved his hand and threw out several magic weapons!

These magic weapons are all strange in shape, and they don't look like they can be used by humans at all.

However, the moment he approached Zhang Daobai, it exploded!

It is the one-time magic weapon that the Return of the Wind Valley is famous for.

Some are similar to Shenfu's explosive weapon technique, and some are similar to the second-order Tianleizi.

However, the effect is different from these two.


Zhang Daobai's figure suddenly retreated from the dust and smoke.


Zhang Daobai kept coughing.

However, Lin Boyue and others could not help but look horrified.

"This is……"

There were two shocking transparent holes in Zhang Daobai's lower abdomen and chest.

But what really shocked them was.

They didn't see anything at all in Zhang Daobai's body.

"Nascent Soul!"

"His Nascent Soul is not in his body!"

"He is fighting us with an empty shell!"

Zhu Rong said with a hint of shock in his eyes and his face turned pale.

Nascent Soul is an existence between reality and reality, which can be perceived and seen.

"I can't imagine what it would be like if Nascent Soul were also here..."

Chu Xiao, who had always been taciturn, also showed a hint of fear.

"Even if there is only an empty shell, I can still suppress you!"

After hearing what a few people said, Zhang Daobai sneered.

He raised his hand a little, and the two big holes in his body immediately began to heal.

Immediately, his eyes showed a cold look, his body flashed, and he controlled the flying sword that was close to the fourth level and killed Chu Xiao again.

He is the weakest among the five, so naturally he has to pick the weak one first.

At the same time, deep in the palace complex, his consciousness quickly spread in all directions.

He always felt that it couldn't be such a coincidence.

As soon as the three major sects arrived, the treasure that he had suppressed for ten years suddenly moved.

What a coincidence.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Years of experience told him that the source of the abnormal movement of the treasure lies in these three major monks!


With the help of his spiritual consciousness, he suddenly saw a foundation-building monk standing on a high platform, and suddenly uttered a word silently.

That word vaguely seems to be:


The next second.

The suppressed treasure suddenly shook again!

"Got you!"

Zhang Daobai, who was breathless once again suppressing the five golden elixirs, his eyes lit up, and his gaze quickly locked on Wang Hao on the high platform.

A hint of coldness suddenly flashed in his eyes.


The flying sword instantly passed through the crowd and shot towards Wang Ba!

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