
The Xuli Sect monks scattered around looked towards the horizon.

Wang Tang couldn't help but turn around and follow the sound, while the monk surnamed Xu in mid-air couldn't help but turn around.

I saw a bright stream of light whizzing towards me from the horizon.

The moment it was about to fall into the range of the 'Air Locking Array', the figure suddenly stopped, with the wind blowing and its robes flying.

Seeing this person, the monk surnamed Xu's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Wang Tang couldn't help but frown.

Recognized the other party's identity.

"Feng Bao?"

"How come the people from Return to Wind Valley...are here at this time?"

Wang Tang and the monk surnamed Xu were on the ground and the other was in the air, but they quickly exchanged glances.

The act of collecting casual cultivators who are skilled in various arts is an extremely secret matter, and it is determined not to be known by people from the other two sects.

The appearance of Feng Bao made the two of them suddenly feel murderous. However, they were not sure how much the other party knew and whether they had hidden methods. They suddenly became hesitant.

However, at this moment, the two of them suddenly saw more than twenty streams of light flying quickly from the horizon, and fell behind Feng Bao one after another.

These people were all dressed in clothing with the symbol of Xiangyun, and their faces were as cold as frost. They stared at the people of the Xuli Sect. They were all Huifeng Valley monks.

The faces of Wang Tang and the monk named Xu suddenly became extremely ugly.

Countless thoughts rolled through their minds.

The two people quickly communicated:

"Damn it! Why did they show up at this time?"

"We specially sealed off the surrounding area. No one should know! Could it be that someone in the sect leaked the secret?"

"Or did he just happen to meet him?"

"And where did the master of application come from?"

The two quickly exchanged glances in the distance.

The monk surnamed Xu's eyes flickered, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he took the initiative to greet him.

Wang Tang made a prompt decision and turned around immediately. At the moment of turning around, he directly activated his magic power and turned it into a huge palm, grabbing Wang Yan.

"Fellow Daoist Wang! You!"

Wang Yan, who was unprepared, suddenly looked 'shocked' on his face.

It seemed that he didn't expect Wang Tang to take action against him.

In the darkness, the magic power in his Dantian was already ready to go out. As soon as this powerful hand of magic power reached his body, he quickly counterattacked!

Although he intends to promote this situation, he will not really sit still and wait for death.

At the same time, in mid-air.

"Fellow Daoist Feng..."

The monk surnamed Xu smiled and was about to speak.

But Feng Bao didn't even look at him, looking past him and staring at Wang Tang coldly.

Seeing Wang Tang take action, his color changed suddenly, he shouted angrily, and the broken wind beads whizzed towards Wang Tang's back.

Feng Bao's move was really unexpected.

No one expected that he would not have the slightest advantage, but would actually dare to take action against Wang Tang, whose cultivation level was still higher than his!

So much so that even the monk surnamed Xu was stunned for a moment.

Only Wang Tang, the person involved, felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

With his spiritual consciousness scrolling wildly, he saw the nine beads. He had no doubt that once he was hit by these magic weapons, he would definitely end up being shattered to pieces.

This is the case for monks who specialize in Qi refining. Compared with the power of spells, the physical body is fragile. If there is no protection, or only average protection, it can easily be fatal with one blow!

Immediately bite with steel teeth!

The magic hand that was originally aimed at Wang Yan was turned around in a hurry and blocked behind with his backhand.

The magic hand suddenly collided with the nine wind-breaking beads!

Even though Wang Tang's actual cultivation level is much better than Feng Bao's.

But after all, it was a hasty response.

The Broken Wind Pearl easily smashed Wang Tang's magic hand.

The nine wind-breaking beads remained unabated. After smashing Wang Tang's magic hand, they smashed towards Wang Tang's body.

At this time, the monk surnamed Xu finally reacted.

With a gloomy face, he shouted angrily:

"Be bold!"

As he spoke, he directly revealed his third-level magic sword, and a ball of dazzling light suddenly burst out from the magic sword and shot towards Feng Bao!

But the disciples from Huifeng Valley behind Feng Bao seemed to have expected this.

When Feng Bao's attack was exhausted, the disciples from Hui Feng Valley behind him instantly formed a formation and stood in front of Feng Bao, facing each other tit for tat with the sword light!

The condensed sword light of the third-level magic sword immediately pierced the formation formed by the disciples of Return Wind Valley.

The sword light is like roaring, like thunder!

Just at the moment when the formation was broken up, the monk surnamed Xu raised his finger slightly.

The sword light moved slightly accordingly.

Three points of sword light emitted and flew into the distance.

This group of Returning Wind Valley disciples, who were only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, could barely withstand the sword while their formation collapsed.

However, he had no intention of restraining himself, and actually formed a formation again to attack the monk surnamed Xu.

When the monk surnamed Xu saw this, his expression suddenly turned gloomy.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

If he hadn't been afraid of the current cooperative relationship between the two sects, he would have killed all the disciples of the Returning Wind Valley with that sword just now.

It's a pity that the disciples of the Xuli Sect below can get away with doing this, but with his status, he can't do it at all.

Once a human life does occur, the superficial harmony between the two sects may not be maintained.

Now is a critical period, and he must endure it no matter what!

But not killing was the bottom line. Seeing that these Hui Feng Valley monks were so fearless, he couldn't help but raise his hand and use the third-level magic sword to take action again.

However, at this time, a figure quietly flew up and raised his hand to stop his movement.

"Junior Brother Xu, stop it first!"

The monk surnamed Xu couldn't help but look back, only to see that it was Wang Tang who spoke.

His figure was a little embarrassed, and even his clothes were a little torn.

Obviously, it is not easy to escape from Feng Bao's nine wind-breaking beads.

"Senior Brother Wang..."

The monk surnamed Xu couldn't help but look surprised.

Wang Tang looked at him, shook his head slightly imperceptibly, and said via voice:

"Don't be too entangled! Our first priority on this trip is to capture the Hundred Arts cultivators!"

Although the monk surnamed Xu was unwilling to accept this, he still put away the third-level magic sword.

Wang Tang immediately looked at Feng Bao who was outside the 'Air Locking Formation'.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he said in a deep voice expressionlessly:

"Feng Bao, you have been friends with our Xuli Sect for hundreds of years since you returned to Feng Valley. I have also been close friends with Zhou Ying Zhenxiu and Li Hu Zhenxiu from Guigu for many years, but you attacked me. What does this mean?"

Feng Bao sneered and said:

"There's no one else here, so why bother saying these pretentious words."

"What's more, don't you understand what I mean?"

"I said before, hand over Master Shenfu. If you can't hand it over, you won't be able to take away any of the people here!"

After hearing Feng Bao's words, Wang Tang and the monk surnamed Xu immediately frowned.

The monk surnamed Xu couldn't help but frown:

"Feng Bao, are you fooled by lard? Where is the master of application here?"

Wang Tang said nothing.

Squinting his eyes, he looked at Feng Bao carefully.

He paid no attention to Wang Ba below.

If a monk in the early stage of foundation building had not had some relationship with the master of application, he would not have bothered to talk at all.

And the reaction of the other party just now also let him know that this person probably has no ability in fighting skills, and he can catch him casually in his eyes.

So at the moment, he didn't care about Wang Ba, but focused on Feng Bao.

But after hearing what monk surnamed Xu said, Feng Bao sneered:

"If there is no Master Shenfu here, what are you doing?"


The monk surnamed Xu was speechless for a moment.

Immediately he concealed it with a guilty conscience: "Uh... there are problems with these casual cultivators. Let's take them back and check them out to prevent any cultivators from the Incense Path of the Ten Thousand Gods Kingdom from lurking among them."

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Gods? The Way of Incense?"

When Feng Bao heard this, he suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

"In this case, it's just a matter of deceiving casual cultivators."

Who hasn't used similar excuses to find trouble with casual cultivators?

He immediately said bluntly:

"I don't care if you want to arrest these casual cultivators. But Master Shenfu, you must stay."

"I have said before, there is no master of submission here! Feng Bao, for the sake of your Jindan seniors in Huifeng Valley, I am more polite to you, but it does not mean that I will tolerate you messing around here."

"If you continue to obstruct me, I will kill you, and Guigu Jindan will have nothing to say!"

The monk surnamed Xu said coldly.


Feng Bao was not afraid and said in a choked voice:

"Am I being reckless? Then why not release all these casual cultivators and let me interrogate them one by one. See if there is a master of submission among them!"


Wang Tang, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help but said coldly.

He flew in front of Feng Bao.

Through the air locking formation.

Obviously his cultivation level seems to be slightly inferior to that of the monk named Xu.

However, in terms of momentum, it is unmatched.

He looked at Feng Bao with cold eyes, then took a deep breath and tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart:

"Fellow Daoist Feng, what exactly do you want to do? You might as well make a clear path!"

Feng Bao, however, still looked indifferent and sneered:

"What do I want to do? I've already said it, I just want you to let Master Shenfu go."

At this moment, even Wang Tang couldn't help but said angrily:

"Master Shenfu! Master Shenfu! Feng Bao, do you really think I am a three-year-old child? You said that Master Shenfu is among this group of casual cultivators. Then let me ask you, who is Master Shenfu here? If you find out , I’ll give it to you!”


This question actually touched on Feng Bao's blind spot.

He hurried over after receiving the news, but he really didn't know which one was the master of application.

Wang Yan, who had been deliberately lowering his sense of presence, finally couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this.

I finally waited for the right opportunity!

He was about to open his mouth and took the opportunity to admit it.

However, Wang Tang immediately sneered when he heard this, pointed at a monk and sneered:

"Master Shenfu? Isn't that the Master Shenfu you are talking about?"

Then he pointed at Wang Yan: "Or is it him?"

Wang Ba's face suddenly showed a strange look.

Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to admit it, but if I admit it now... no one will believe it at all, right?

This did not achieve the effect he wanted at all. On the contrary, he was looked down upon for nothing.

This is not the time to be low-key. The bigger the scene, the better, and the higher the style, the better.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan suddenly became silent.

Wang Tang didn't notice it, but pointed at Bu Chan and some other monks not far away.

"Is it her? Or is it him? Fellow Daoist Feng, you said that Master Shenfu is here with us, so please point it out. Whether he is a man or a woman, old or young, our sect has a close relationship with you back to Fenggu. We don't want to do it because of This is a fictitious thing, and it makes me unhappy."

After hearing Wang Tang's words, Feng Bao immediately hesitated. At the same time, he faintly noticed that something was wrong with him, but soon, along with an imperceptible blush, this doubt quietly disappeared.

Instead, there was a hint of arrogance:

"I don't care, fellow Taoist Wang Tang, anyway, if you don't release Master Shenfu today, you won't even be able to take away a single cultivator!"

After hearing Feng Bao's words that sounded like a scoundrel, Wang Tang and the monk surnamed Xu finally couldn't bear it anymore!

Their faces instantly darkened.

The breath also suddenly became solemn.

Sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, the cultivator from Huifeng Valley immediately came closer in a tacit understanding. Faintly, the magic powers of the same lineage were connected to each other into a whole.

The disciples of the Xuli Sect also gathered together immediately.

Compared to Hui Feng Valley, most of the disciples are in the Qi Refining Realm.

Many of the disciples of the Xuli Sect are in the early stages of foundation building.

The two monks were facing each other faintly, and the atmosphere quickly solidified.

It's just obvious that the momentum of the Huifeng Valley disciples is much weaker than that of the Xuli Sect disciples.

And just when the atmosphere between the two sides was tense, a war was about to break out.

From the southwest, a majestic voice sounded leisurely:

"Haha, what's going on? What made Fellow Daoist Wang Tang and Fellow Daoist Feng Bao so angry?"

"Why don't you two just stop and make peace for the sake of me, Danlongmen?"

Danlongmen? !

At this moment, not only Wang Tang, the monk surnamed Xu, and Feng Bao's expressions changed, but even Wang Ba couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The two transmission notes he sent out, one was for the monk surnamed Feng, just in case, and the other was for Wen Yong.

What I didn't expect was that Wen Yong didn't show up, but instead someone from Danlongmen showed up.

And just in the blink of an eye.

From the southwest, six figures came through the air.

Although the number of people is small, each one has a clear divine light and a solid momentum. Each one of them is no less inferior to Feng Bao from Returning Wind Valley.

The leader has a resolute face, his bearing is not inferior to that of Wang Tang, and he exudes the aura of perfection. He is clearly a foundation-building perfection monk who is only a short distance away from the golden elixir!

But Wang Hao couldn't help but be surprised by the figure next to him. His arms were above his knees and he had a kind face. He was none other than the leader of the Shanli Singing Club, Wen Yong, whom Wang Hao was very familiar with!

"Zhang Yunlong... Wen Yong..."

Wang Tang looked around at these people with a gloomy expression.

Even though he had a deep mind and was good at hiding his emotions, the successive arrival of uninvited guests made him feel a rare feeling of being exhausted.

Let alone Feng Bao and others from Huifeng Valley, they had never discovered that this person was such a rogue.

The people from Danlongmen who have just arrived are almost the top group of foundation-building monks in their sect, and none of them are easy to deal with.

Even that Wen Yong, he was quite afraid of the existence behind him and did not dare to neglect him at all.

Just looking at this group of people, Wang Tang felt solemn, but also confused and even a little aggrieved.

They just caught Master Mi who was good at making Tianleizi. Why is this happening?

If it really doesn't work, what if he doesn't want this Master Mi anymore?

Feng Bao also looked at the Danlongmen monk who suddenly arrived with fear.

When the three sects gathered together, they were the weakest force in Huifeng Valley.

The smile is also a little forced:

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Zhang. I heard that your sect has made a lot of achievements in Wei State. Several of you are not practicing in the sect. Why did you remember to come here?"

Hearing Feng Bao's words, Wang Tang couldn't help but pricked up his ears. This was exactly what he wanted to ask.

Zhang Yunlong smiled calmly when he heard this:

"It's okay, it's just that Daoist Wen's friend happens to be here, and we came together to visit him."

"But I didn't expect to meet a few of them."

"Wen Yong?"

The eyes of Wang Tang, the monk surnamed Xu, Feng Bao and others suddenly fell on Wen Yong.

As for visiting friends...this is just a lie to children. What kind of friends can make so many Danlongmen monks come out together?

Only Wang Tang felt a faint uneasy feeling in his heart, as if he had overlooked something.

However, despite the attention of so many sect monks, Wen Yong appeared calm and indifferent, smiled slightly, and cast his eyes on an unremarkable figure below.

With a hint of respect in his expression, he whispered:

"Fellow Daoist, are you okay?"

Following Wen Yong's gaze, everyone couldn't help but be stunned when they saw the figure of the man.

And Wang Tang's eyes widened in disbelief.

"How can it be?!"

"How could it be him?"

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