Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 230 Siege and Self-Rescue (Third update!)

Bu Chan's calm demeanor actually made several Xuli Sect monks slightly startled.

Inexplicably, the arrogant attitudes of these people couldn't help but soften a little.

"We suspect that there are foreign demonic cultivators sneaking into this place, and we have been ordered to search. Please get out of the way."

The leading monk spoke.

When Bu Chan heard this, a hint of surprise appeared on his face at the right time, and then he nodded slightly, without stopping, and turned sideways:

"That being the case, please excuse me."

Several Xuli Sect disciples rushed in immediately upon seeing this.

Wang Bao kept observing with his spiritual consciousness and found that several people searched his home and finally took away the remaining Dongshen Ningling Incense in his quiet room and the Qingling Jade futon used for meditation.

Soon these people's search was fruitless, and they all walked out angrily.

Before leaving, he reluctantly dug up the spiritual field on the grass where the first-level spiritual plants were planted.

"Let's go, next!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Recalling Buchan's calmness and calmness when facing the Xuli Sect monks just now.

Wang Ba's heart was both unexpected and full of surprises.

If Bu Chan hadn't put away the spirit beasts in time and removed the formation before they broke the formation to avoid the third-level formation being detected, the battle between him and the Xuli Sect monks would have been inevitable.

Even if he could escape by then, it would be almost impossible for him to stay in Yan Country.

But Bu Chan deliberately left the futon in the quiet room, the incense of the cave spirit and the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, which was also a clever trick.

This will not only prevent these Xuli Sect monks from becoming angry because of the lack of harvest, but also prevent them from being too clean and arousing the suspicion of the Xuli Sect monks.

It can be said that Bu Chan was able to think of so much in such a short period of time and arranged it in an orderly manner. This calmness was beyond Wang Yan's expectation.

In his impression, he still vaguely regarded Bu Chan as the young girl when they first met.

However, recalling Qichan's determination when she took the initiative to confess her love to him, Wang Hao felt a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.

Perhaps this is the real Bu Chan, a woman who never lacks courage and wisdom.

But in front of Wang Ba, she was willing to suppress all the light in her body and silently support him.

When Wang Ba is fulfilled, he is also fulfilled.

Perhaps this is one of the meanings of the word Taoist companion.

Wang Hao had some thoughts in his heart.

But Bu Chan, who accomplished such a result in an understatement, stood at the door, but did not deliberately hide his close relationship with Wang Ba. His eyes fell on him, naturally and relaxed.

When Wang Ba saw this, he couldn't help but secretly praise him.

This is the best. If you avoid it deliberately, it will easily attract the monk's attention.

After all, most of the monks have keen observation skills, and it is not that easy to deceive the monks.

Not long after, several Xuli Sect monks interrogated several monks who ran out after Wang Ba, and finally came to his side and began to interrogate him.

Due to Wang Yan's status as a foundation-building monk, the person who interrogated him was one of the two late-stage foundation-building monks.

This person has a generous face and looks full of kindness.

But Wang Hao didn't dare to underestimate the other party at all.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, don't be nervous. I'm Wang Tang, what do you call me?"

To Wang Yan's expectation, this person did not rush to cross-examine, but instead started chatting leisurely.

"I have met fellow Daoist Wang, my surname is Zhao."

Wang Ba quickly showed a flattered look.

"What is the relationship between fellow Taoist surname Zhao and Zhao Wei from the Shanli Singing Club?"

Wang Tang smiled broadly, but the question he asked made Wang Yan startled!

Wang Hao's thoughts were racing for a moment, he paused slightly, and then said without hesitation:

"Who is Zhao Wei? My name is Zhao Feng. I don't know him."

I'm sorry, brother!

Wang Hao secretly said.

He is not afraid of his name being leaked. Anyway, he has lived in the gathering place of casual cultivators for so long. Others only know his surname is Zhao, but no one knows his specific name.

The name Zhao Wei was also fabricated by him to conceal his identity as 'Master Shenfu'.

"Haha, I see, I'm just a little strange. That Zhao Wei is also a monk in the early stage of foundation building, and it happens that fellow Taoist is also... Haha, it seems like a coincidence."

Wang Tang smiled and suddenly asked:

"By the way, have you ever used spiritual chicken essence?"

"This... has been used before."

Wang Ba didn't hide it either.

Many casual cultivators here know it, and he can't hide it even if he wants to.

"Oh, so you have to go to the Shanli Singing Club? Have you ever seen Zhao Wei, the singer at the singing club?"

"Haha, I'm just asking, fellow Taoist, don't think too much."

Wang Tang still looked polite.

Wang Ba's heart was already filled with 120,000 vigilance.

Thoughts were flowing rapidly in his mind, and he immediately shook his head and said:

"I have never seen the person that fellow Taoist mentioned. Isn't that fellow Taoist Wen the host of the Shanli Singing Club?"

Wang Tang stared at Wang Yan for a few breaths, and then laughed again:

"It seems that Taoist fellow Taoist priest hasn't been there much recently. In these two singing performances, it was Zhao Wei who was the one doing the singing."

"Haha, so that's it."

A smile and a trace of regret appeared on Wang Ba's face: "I didn't meet him. It's a pity. Everyone's surname is Zhao, so maybe they are blood relatives."

"It's a pity indeed."

Wang Tang also nodded in agreement, and then said with a straight face:

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, let's start now, shall we?"

"Fellow Taoist, feel free to ask."

Wang Ba pretended to be sincere.

"Do you know Master Jin who is good at refining elixirs? Do you..."

"Are you related to Zhenling Palace? How about Huifeng Valley? What about Danlongmen? Or are you related to other small sects? Five Classics Sect..."

It was obviously in the name of coming to search for demon cultivators, but none of the questions asked were related to it.

Wang Hao knew it well and answered these questions flawlessly.

"Master Shenfu who is good at refining spiritual chicken essence? I have heard of his name for a long time, but it's a pity that I don't know him."

"A monk who is good at various arts? Well, my Taoist companion is good at growing first-level spiritual fields... Oh, no, I really don't know much about that."

"The Five Classics Sect... did have an encounter with one of their Jindan elders, but that person died long ago..."

In the process of answering, the emotions ranged from surprise, reminiscence, confusion, and confusion.

No flaws at all.

Some cross-examination.


A skinny foundation-building monk quietly walked up to Wang Tang's ear and whispered something unknown.

Wang Tang nodded, then looked at Wang Yan with a smile on his face and said:

"Haha! Congratulations, fellow Taoist, you really have nothing to do with those demon cultivators."

"In that case, fellow Taoist, please go back first."

Wang Hao was stunned.

However, he did not lose his composure at this time. Instead, he quickly raised his hands and saluted:

"Then I'll go back. Thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist."

"It's your duty, it's not hard, it's not hard."

Wang Tang said with a smile.

Seeing Wang Ba enter the house, the smile on Wang Tang's face slowly disappeared.

The skinny monk on the side also looked puzzled and said:

"Senior brother, didn't I just say that Zhao Feng clearly knew about Zhao Wei's existence, but denied it. There must be something wrong. Why did you let him go?"

Wang Tang sneered when he heard this:

"Don't worry, this guy can't run away. Go ahead and send two people to interrogate this guy's Taoist companions for a while to buy up time."

"Besides, we may catch a big fish this time!"

"Big fish?"

The skinny monk was a little confused.

Wang Tang smiled:

"Junior Brother Xu just sent me a message, saying that among this group of foundation-building monks, they have found a Master Mi who is good at making the 'Second-order Tianleizi'."

"There are also a few people who are inextricably related to those famous monks of all kinds of arts..."

"What an unexpected surprise!"

"It seems that raiding the gathering places of these casual cultivators is quite useful."

As he said this, a hint of coldness flashed in Wang Tang's eyes:

"But our policy needs to be adjusted. The harvest this time is not small, but we can't let the people in Huifeng Valley and Danlongmen know that all the casual cultivators here can be taken away, and if they can't be taken away... Kill them!"

"Kill on the spot?"

The skinny monk couldn't help but feel a hint of shock on his face.

Although the Xuli Sect was the most ruthless towards casual cultivators, they rarely killed them.

Just because doing so can easily trigger public outrage.

Although the casual cultivators were beaten until their spines were broken, there will always be some powerful figures among the large number of casual cultivators.

It's just that most of these capable people have already left the Yan Kingdom, but it is not ruled out that if Xu Li Zong goes too far, it is not necessarily possible to bring these people back.

"Just pack your stuff, no need to worry."

Wang Tang dismissed it and quickly arranged:

"Go through another quick screening to prevent any of this group of people from slipping through the net."

"Once confirmed, take action immediately!"

"hurry up!"


The skinny monk nodded immediately.


There were several more foundation-building monks beside Bu Chan, who asked many questions carefully.

These questions are extremely detailed, even trivial and boring.

At this moment, Wang Ba, who was standing behind the formation and just a moment away from Bu Chan, couldn't help but look slightly gloomy.

He was vaguely aware that the question Wang Tang asked him was not that simple.

But he didn't know exactly where the problem occurred.

"Wait, maybe it's not necessarily the problem itself, but something other than the problem?"

He suddenly thought that every time after questioning a person, the skinny monk would walk next to the monk in charge of the interrogation and whisper in a low voice.

It's as if this skinny monk is the standard for judging these answers.

I think this person probably has the ability to judge whether a person's words are right or wrong.

Realizing this, Wang Yan suddenly became even more restless.

Especially when he was keenly aware that the Xuli Sect monks at the door were interrogating Bu Chan in more and more detail, and even when many of the questions began to become repetitive, he finally felt a strong sense of crisis.

"That Wang Tang, I'm afraid he is stalling for time."

"But why did he do this?"

Wang Hao thought about it, but he still couldn't figure it out.

However, for some reason, he felt more and more wrong.

A monk's spiritual sense will become more and more sensitive as his cultivation and soul improve, and Wang Yan does not dare to ignore this feeling.

"No! We can't wait any longer!"

Wang Yan gritted his teeth and finally made a decision in his heart.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he used the teleportation talisman of another 'teleportation array'.

In an instant, he disappeared from where he was.

When he reappeared, he was already in a cave under a cliff.

Without any hesitation, Wang Hao immediately released two transmission notes.

After doing this, Wang Yan used the original teleportation talisman again.

Returned to the house at home.

Above Baiyunping, towards the direction of Huifeng Valley.

Streams of flying magic weapon light flashed across the air quickly.

But at this moment, the leading stream of light seemed to notice something and suddenly stopped.

A figure emerged from the stream of light.

It was the monk named Feng from Huifeng Valley.

He looked away slightly.

Although the monks around him were puzzled, no one dared to question it and they all stopped.

Not long after, I saw a transmission note flying from a distance and landed in the hands of the monk surnamed Feng.

The monk surnamed Feng looked puzzled.

However, soon, when he saw the content on the transmission note, his expression suddenly changed.

Accident, surprise, rage...

"Senior Brother Feng, this is..."

The long-faced monk on the side couldn't help but wonder.

The monk surnamed Feng just woke up from a dream and directly threw the transmission talisman to the long-faced monk.

When the long-faced monk saw the content, he only read one line and his expression also changed.

"Master Shenfu is at the gathering place for casual cultivators in the southeast corner of Baiyunping..."

"Now we are surrounded by the Xuli Sect?!"

The third update, I made it up, but it doesn’t work anymore...

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