"Senior Brother Feng!"


The water mist slowly fell in mid-air.

A group of disciples from the Return Wind Valley who came following the sound were restricted by the second forbidden air talisman and had to run on the ground. They could hardly arrive at this moment.

But he saw a middle-aged monk with a round face standing alone in mid-air with a blank look on his face. There were no other monks around him.

All the monks were suddenly filled with doubts.

The middle-aged monk with a round face seemed to be waking up from a dream, and he raised his hand and waved.

The monks felt their bodies loosen up, and the invisible force pressing on them dissipated instantly.

"Senior Brother Feng, where was that casual cultivator just now?"

The long-faced monk took the initiative to fly up and asked.

"he's gone."

The middle-aged monk with a round face looked solemn. Hearing the words of the monk with a long face, he shook his head slightly and said:

"This person may not be a casual cultivator. We have just fought. If he hadn't left in a hurry, I'm afraid I wouldn't be his opponent. His strength is so strong and his skills are superb. Among the three major sects, there are probably only a handful of people who can defeat him. .”


The long-faced monk was suddenly shocked.

This Senior Brother Feng is already one of the most powerful among the five Golden Core Masters in Huifeng Valley.

If he dares to say this, he is probably 80 to 90% sure.

The long-faced monk suddenly looked alert and thoughtful:

"At this sensitive moment when the second-level alchemist of the Baidan Society disappeared, this person suddenly appeared nearby. Could it be that he is..."

What surprised him was that the monk surnamed Feng immediately rejected his idea:

"This person's aura is unfamiliar, and his strength is amazing. I probably just happened to meet him while passing by."

"Besides, if this person really did it, how dare he expose it in front of our eyes."

"That's true."

The long-faced monk thought for a moment, nodded immediately, and then suggested:

"Then let's report this person's situation to the elders, and then continue to go back for questioning. These casual cultivators are very cunning, and the interrogating disciples have to do a good interrogation."

However, what surprised the long-faced monk again was that the monk named Feng waved his hand and said:

"That's not necessary. There is no need to disturb the elder for an irrelevant person."

"But, after all, this person is..."

The long-faced monk looked hesitant.

When the monk surnamed Feng saw this, his face suddenly darkened, and he looked at the long-faced monk coldly:

"Junior Brother Yin is teaching me how to do things?"

The long-faced monk's heart suddenly tightened, and he quickly bowed and said:

"I don't dare, it's my junior brother who has overstepped his bounds."

Only then did the monk surnamed Feng withdrew his gaze.

Immediately he fluttered his sleeves, controlled the flying magic weapon, and flew towards the gathering place of casual cultivators.

The crowd followed closely behind.

After flying for a while, I saw the young disciple who had been beaten by the majestic monk and fled in panic. His handsome face was filled with a flattering smile, and he came up from below:

"Uncle, those casual cultivators have been recruited, and they have provided several places where they often gather..."

The monk surnamed Feng glanced at him lightly when he heard this, with no emotion on his face.

The young disciple didn't take it seriously. He knew the respective temperaments of these uncles. Master Yin was upright and protective of his shortcomings, while Master Feng was aloof and cruel.

"Take us to see it."

Seeing that the monk named Feng didn't speak, the long-faced monk immediately whispered to the side.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The young disciple immediately led the way.

The casual cultivators all around stood on both sides, staring at the young disciple with obscure and resentful eyes.

The young disciple noticed the gazes around him, and instead of being afraid, he stared back with a sneer.

No matter how powerful these bugs in the sewer are, as soon as the masters and uncles in the sect arrive, they will immediately turn into chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

Not as strong as the majestic monk just now.

However, when he thought of the majestic monk just now, the young disciple could not help but feel a trace of resentment and anger.

This damn casual cultivator made him lose face in front of his uncles and peers!

If he hadn't died soon after being injured by Master Yin just now, he would have had to be tortured.

However, when he thought about the other party leaving behind a weak Taoist monk, and when he thought about the other party's pear blossoms and rainy appearance, the young disciple suddenly felt a trace of evil fire rising in his lower abdomen.

"Don't worry, I'll finish the work later..."

He suppressed the urgency in his heart.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of a casual cultivator's house that was temporarily used as an interrogation place.

The original owner of this casual cultivator house must have put a lot of thought into this. Under the eaves of the house hang a string of white bells like wind chimes, which seem to be attached with small spells. Whenever someone approaches, these bells will appear. The white bells swayed in the wind, crisp and sweet.

And when the monk surnamed Feng and others approached the house, along with the sweet sound of the white bells, there were painful howls from inside the house.

The long-faced monk's expression suddenly darkened, and he glanced at the young disciple coldly.

Most of Huifeng Valley's techniques do not care about the distinction between good and evil, but they have always claimed that they are a righteous sect.

Such behavior has lowered Huifeng Valley's face for nothing.

The young disciple was busy fawning over the monk surnamed Feng, so he didn't notice this at all and opened the door excitedly.

The monk surnamed Feng walked in with still a cold expression.

The first thing you see is an extremely bloody scene.

The limbs of the monks he had just selected were now separated one by one, and even ten fingers were removed one by one.

However, due to the monk's strong vitality, even though only half of his body was left, without any vital injuries, his mind was as clear as ever.

And since their magic power is banned, they cannot cut off the five senses. In this way, the pain is far greater than the limit of pain that mortals can feel.

He could only kill but nodded. Seeing this scene, even the long-faced monk couldn't help it and was about to speak angrily.

But suddenly I heard the monk surnamed Feng nodded slightly:

"Well done."

The young disciple paused for a moment after hearing the words, and then his heart suddenly became ecstatic.

But he kept saying modestly on his face:

"It all depends on my uncle's cultivation."

Immediately, he told all the information confessed by the casual cultivators, and finally said regretfully:

"It's a pity that we still don't know who kidnapped those second-level alchemists."

"It doesn't matter."

The monk surnamed Feng didn't seem to care. Instead, he had a rare smile on his face.

When the long-faced monk saw this, he was dissatisfied, but he could only suppress it.

In front of Senior Brother Feng, he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

After receiving the praise from the monk surnamed Feng, the young disciple suddenly became very excited.

Uncle Feng has a very high status in the sect. Few people can reach it under the Golden Pill. He also holds real power. If he can be valued by him, not only will he have many conveniences in doing things, but I am afraid there will be many benefits.

Maybe, he also hopes to taste the taste of those foundation-building female casual cultivators...

At this moment, I suddenly heard the monk surnamed Feng say coldly:

"Junior brother Yin, Yu Xi has vicious methods and impure thoughts. He doesn't look like a practicing person. It's up to you to destroy his cultivation and expel him from the sect."

Yu Xi?

This, isn't this my name?

The young disciple was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he heard wrongly. He quickly raised his head, but saw that the smile on Uncle Feng's face was still there, but his eyes that looked at him had no warmth at all.

In an instant, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

The surrounding Hui Feng Valley disciples all looked astonished.

Weren't you just praising someone? Why do you have to turn around and kill people?

The long-faced monk was also startled when he heard this, and immediately reacted and said quickly:

"Senior brother, no! Yu Xi is just a child, making small mistakes is insignificant. Aren't we all like this in the beginning..."

"Humph! Junior brother is confused! This moment is the same as the other moment!"

"The Valley Master said before he came here that the alchemist's robbery was probably caused by one of the two sects, the Xuli Sect and the Danlongmen. Our Huifeng Valley is not as strong as the two sects, so we should join forces with the casual cultivators."

"I heard that the Valley Master is contacting two Jindan cultivators, Yuan Wenzhi and Zhang Tailai, to invite them to join the sect."

The monk surnamed Feng's face was as dark as water. He pointed at the confused young disciple and sneered:

"This guy is trying to kill the casual cultivators at such a critical moment... Could it be that he is afraid that these casual cultivators won't hate me for returning to the Valley of the Wind?"

"This move will cause me as much damage as returning to the Wind Valley, even if I die ten thousand times, it won't be enough!"

"Just expelling me from the sect and giving up my cultivation, I am already opening a wide range of things for the sake of being a fellow sect!"

Listening to the words of the monk surnamed Feng, the long-faced monk didn't know what to say for a moment, but he always defended his shortcomings, so he was still a little unwilling to say:

"Even if Yu Xi is guilty, he should be punished after he returns to the sect. If senior brother is doing this now, will he be too anxious? Besides, this book was also given by senior brother..."

"Hmph! In a hurry? This is the right moment!"

The monk surnamed Feng's eyes flashed and he interrupted directly:

"Don't forget, that old guy from Zhenling Palace is probably dying. This is a rare opportunity! If we don't use the power of casual cultivators when we return to Fenggu, how can we grab some meat from the Xuli Sect? possible?"

"But the casual cultivators have been frightened by us all these years. How dare those cultivators of all kinds of arts dare to contact us?"

"Let's get rid of this person now. Do we still need to doubt Huifeng Valley's attitude towards rogue cultivators? Naturally, no one in the Yan Kingdom knows about it!"

"When the time comes, will Master Xin, Master Jin, Master Shen and the like have any other options?"

The monk surnamed Feng asked:

"What do you think, junior brother, that a disciple who is already in a bad situation has won such an opportunity? Even if the Valley Master and elders are here, what do you think they will do?"


The long-faced monk was stunned when he heard this.

I have to admit in my heart that what the monk surnamed Feng said is probably correct.

At the cost of a disciple with a bad temper, even if he loses a little of the majesty of the sect, he can get a chance to gain the hearts of the casual cultivators. Such a price, let alone the Valley Master and the others, even he is extremely excited.

Thinking of this, under the horrified gaze of young disciple Yu Xi, the long-faced monk finally gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Xi.

"Uncle! Uncle! No! Don't...no!!!"


The disciples of Huifeng Valley, led by the monk surnamed Feng, broke through the air and left.

On the spot, only the casual cultivators who were driven by anger and resentment were left, surrounding Yu Xi, who had lost all his magic power.

Yu Xi's eyes were filled with extreme fear.


The miserable howl startled countless birds in all directions.

Wang Ba controlled the flying magic weapon and landed quietly in a mountain stream.

At the same time, he was checking his body with his spiritual consciousness to prevent anyone from secretly tampering with him, such as leaving something for tracking.

At the same time, he couldn't help but recall what he had gained after using the power of the Yin God to implant thoughts into the middle-aged round-faced monk.

"Returning to the Wind Valley really can't hold it any longer."

Wang Ba's face looked solemn.

"On the one hand, we recruit casual cultivators who are skilled in various arts to accumulate strength, and on the other hand, we secretly investigate the other two sects..."

"I'm afraid Xuli Sect and Danlongmen are doing the same thing."

"I'm afraid Yan State is really going to be in chaos!"

Although he had expected it in his heart, Wang Yan still couldn't help but sigh when he actually heard such news from the monks of Huifeng Valley.

When the Yan Kingdom was in chaos, the most unlucky ones were the monks at the bottom. There is no doubt about this.

After all, the sect disciples still have the support of Jindan Zhenren behind them. They will not end up easily until the end. The final result is that the casual cultivators are driven to the front line to fight life and death for the struggle between the four major sects. .

But what made him feel a little more relaxed was that he got a list from the middle-aged round-faced monk.

On the list are all famous casual cultivators in Yan country.

Although Wang Hao had only been in Yan State for a short time, he was very familiar with the people on the list.

These people are either good at fighting or good at various arts.

Among them there are even foundation-building monks who have obtained the third-level qualification of Linglong Ghost Market.

When he knew this, Wang Yan couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

Foundation-building monks who can obtain the third-level qualification of Linglong Ghost City are either outstanding in strength or have amazing attainments in various arts.

He has experienced the test of Baiwenlou and knows the difficulty of it.

Wang Yan is ashamed of those who can pass the test of Baiwen Tower.

And such people are naturally within the scope of Huifeng Valley's key care. Of course, for these people, the request given by the owner of Huifeng Valley to the middle-aged round-faced monk is completely different from the past, and he requires that he be invited back in a gentle manner.

If this is not possible, if it is confirmed that no one knows about it, it must be robbed. Even if it is killed, it must be prevented from being known and obtained by the other two families.

What made Wang Ba feel a little relieved was that his pseudonym, Shenfu, was also among them.

"Wen Yong is right. It is best to put yourself under everyone's gaze. Although you have lost a little bit of the initiative, at least until the dust settles, no one dares to move."

"And by the time the dust settles, I will probably have cultivated a third-level spiritual beast..."

He also thought about leaving Yan State.

However, due to the rapid expansion of the Incense Path in the Kingdom of All Gods, the surrounding countries have actually been squeezed. There are many foreign monks in each country, competing for the few resources.

In fact, these years of experience have made Wang Ba already clear that wherever there are monks, there will inevitably be fights.

Demonic cultivators, sect monks...

Among the casual cultivators, you also compete with each other.

Even if you don't fight, someone will take the initiative to fight for you.

Just like those casual cultivators just now, hiding in the mountains with barren spiritual veins, they may not be rich, but they are still targeted by the sect cultivators.

In the world of spiritual practice, there is never any pure place.

Instead of escaping from the Yan Kingdom, starting over in a place that is unfamiliar to you, and competing with other monks, you might as well make good use of your reputation in the Yan Kingdom, get a barely stable place, and secretly improve yourself.

The thoughts in his heart floated and sank. After checking his whole body, Wang Yan took out a teleportation talisman after confirming that there were no trace marks.

Disappeared in place.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a house where casual cultivators gathered.

Wang Ba walked out of the house and looked at the spirit beasts who were comfortable on the grass. He was a little envious of these guys' carefreeness.

Bu Chan seemed not to be there, so Wang Ba simply walked out of the house and went to Chongzifang City to inquire about the news.

The information from casual cultivators may not be accurate, but sometimes they are extremely knowledgeable.

I sat down in the teahouse and ordered a pot of first-order spiritual tea as usual.

After taking a few sips, Wang Yan couldn't help but pricked up his ears.

"...Have you heard? The current palace owner of Zhenling Palace personally came out to refute the rumors two days ago!"

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