Yan State.

Southeast, Baiyunping.

It is located in the third of the four major sects, at the junction of Huifenggu, Danlongmen and Xuli sect.

Baiyunping is thousands of miles of fertile land, and there are many mortal cities located there.

This day.

It was evening.

Outside the largest city on Baiyunping, Lingbi City, clouds filled the sky, and figures quietly fell from the sky.

Some are immortal, some are evil, some are male or female, old or young.

They hid their auras and stood scattered around a boundary monument with the word "Shanli" written on it.

Most of them are alone and hidden in the shadows of mountains and trees.

Occasionally, a few people seemed to know each other and whispered, but it was difficult for outsiders to hear.

After a while, the figures falling from the air became increasingly rare.

Gradually, some people began to become impatient:

"Why hasn't this 'concert' started yet?"

These words full of resentment immediately attracted the approval of some people.

"That's right, we came all the way here, we're not wasting our time here. Where are the singers in the singing club? Didn't they say they would start at midnight? Why is there still no one there?"

"For being so lazy and unpunctual, in the Wei Kingdom, I would have been killed by Da Chu's Jin Dan!"

A tall and well-proportioned gray-clothed monk who hid his appearance said with a sinister tone.

His words immediately attracted some people's attention.

An old man with a white head and a blurred face politely raised his hands to the monk in gray and said:

"Could it be that your Majesty has returned from the homeland of Wei? May I ask how the situation is there? I heard that the war between Chu and the Kingdom of All Gods has been quite fierce recently."


The monk in gray clothes smiled and said:

"However, the news, fellow Taoist, is a bit behind. Before I left the front line of Wei State, Da Chu and the Kingdom of All Gods fought in the old capital of Wei State. Da Qi secretly dispatched dozens of Nascent Soul Lords to defeat the Kingdom of All Gods. Zhan killed eight fourth-level elders of the Ten Thousand Gods Kingdom, hundreds of third-level divine envoys, and countless others. The Ten Thousand Gods Kingdom retreated tens of thousands of miles overnight, and now most of them have probably withdrawn from the old Wei Kingdom."

This shocking news immediately shocked everyone.

After being shocked, everyone couldn't help but start talking.

"This...the Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Gods was actually defeated!?"

"The stalemate with the Chu Dynasty has been going on for almost ten years, right?"

"The main reason is that Da Qi also participated."

"That's right, I'm afraid the Kingdom of the Gods didn't expect Da Qi to intervene. After all, it has never attacked Da Qi before."

"Haha, this is wrong. Da Qi is not a fool. The State of Wei is the place of the Four Wars. It is the northern gateway of Da Chu and is also adjacent to Da Qi. The Kingdom of the Gods made great progress ten years ago and conquered the State of Wei in one fell swoop. Not only did it If the Chu Dynasty is to unite with the outside world, I am afraid that Da Qi will also be restless, but the consequences now have been sown ten years ago."

In the shadows, a discerning person couldn't help but shake his head and pointed out.

Hearing these words, the gray-clothed monk who had spoken before couldn't help stroking his hands and exclaimed:

"That's right, that's right! Although this fellow Taoist is not in the game, he sees it thoroughly. He didn't ask for his title... well, if it's inconvenient to reveal it, it doesn't matter."

But he suddenly remembered that this was a 'singing club'. People who came here would inevitably be targeted by people with ulterior motives, and they would hide their faces and auras for fear of being known.

However, the man who spoke just now slowly walked out of the shadows, and a spell was also cast on his face, making it difficult for people to peek.

Wearing a green robe, he raised his hands and cupped his fists, and saluted the monks around him:

"I'm Zhao Wei, I'm planning to sing for this 'singing party'. I'm in a hurry and I'm late. Please forgive me."

"But it's finally here!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's only a moment away!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, why didn't Fellow Daoist Wen come this time?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Wen is busy, and I don't expect to be able to make it in time, so I'm asking you to do the appraisal for me. You can rest assured that this time, Fellow Daoist Wen has raised a lot of good things from various sources, which should satisfy you."

Zhao Wei said politely after hearing this.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start quickly. We are all impatient!"

Someone couldn't help but shouted loudly.

Zhao Wei didn't look angry when he heard this. He raised his hand and took out an object from his sleeve and threw it at the boundary monument.

Soon, streams of light quietly appeared on the boundary monument.

Faintly above the boundary monument, a portal condensed.

Zhao Wei stepped in first.

Regular customers followed without hesitation.

Some monks who were not too familiar with Zhao Wei hesitated slightly and followed him in one after another.

Until the end, a few monks who had no appearance looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then quickly disappeared into the portal.

After a while, the portal quietly converged.

Only the black boundary monument with the word "Shanli" inscribed on it was left standing alone in a barren mountain.

"This elixir is called 'Juegu Shengxian Bufu Dan'. It is a kind of bigu elixir. It is made from the main materials of spiritual pine and spiritual chrysanthemum, and condensed with spiritual pine resin. There is no need to worry about the erysipelas in it. Even if it is refined, Even if the Qi is perfect, it can still be used.”

"The base price is estimated to be twenty yuan for a bottle of low-grade spiritual stone. The price will be increased by at least one yuan each time."

In the brightly lit hall.

Zhao Wei stood on the stage and introduced clearly.

A lifelike puppet is holding a bottle of elixir and showing it to the monks below.

The white crystal bottle shines brightly under the bright lights around it.

In the main hall, the monks' quotations suddenly sounded.

"Twenty-two dollars!"

"Twenty-three dollars!"

Every time the price was quoted, Zhao Wei on the stage would sing the price.

This is called 'estimation singing'.


After a while, the elixir was taken by a tall monk with twenty-five low-grade spiritual stones.

At that moment, a puppet quietly walked to the crowd below and handed the porcelain bottle to the tall monk.

The singing on the stage continued, and various rare magical instruments, talismans, and elixirs that were rarely seen outside appeared on the stage.

Even puppets, slaves, and techniques are all available.

"This is a monk from the 'Yi Po lineage' of the Incense Path. He follows an extremely rare path of physical cultivation. He is physically strong and can be compared to a monk at the fifth or sixth level of Qi Refining. He has been implanted with a slave restraint. If you are interested, Available for bid.”

"The base price is estimated at 800 yuan for low-grade spiritual stones, and the price will be increased by at least 50 yuan each time."

There was no expression on Zhao Wei's face, and he said slowly.

The monks below suddenly had different expressions on their faces when they looked at the strong female monk on the stage who had an ugly face but was about ten feet tall, with her hands and feet shackled.

However, among casual cultivators, there are always people with unique tastes. A monk who was as thin as a five or six-year-old child couldn't help but look strangely in his eyes and glanced greedily at the body of a strong female cultivator:

"If such a strong female cultivator can be used to reproduce offspring, it would be perfect. I will pay you eight hundred and fifty yuan!"

"Ha! It's such a waste of natural resources. It would be a pity not to make a cauldron for such a vigorous physical practitioner! I'll pay nine hundred yuan!"

A blood-clothed monk with an invisible appearance laughed in a low voice.

"Why don't you two film it and let this fellow Taoist give birth to offspring first, and then use it as a cauldron for you, wouldn't it be best?"

Next to him, a monk in colorful clothes joked.

He was joking, but he didn't expect that the dwarf monk and the blood-clothed monk actually looked at each other, and their emotions were vaguely visible.

After all, eight to nine hundred low-grade spiritual stones is indeed not a small amount for casual cultivators like them.

"Fellow Taoist, you might as well leave a transmission note and let's work it out..."

The two quietly communicated.

However, this female cultivator of the concubine's lineage was eventually taken away by another cultivator with an obscure and profound aura who spent twelve middle-grade spiritual stones.

The dwarf monk and the blood-clothed monk originally planned to come up with a price to suppress the other party, but they immediately stopped after feeling the faint pressure coming from the other party.

"Foundation-building monk...can't afford to offend him!"

The dwarf monk lamented.

In fact, there are not many foundation-building monks in this choir.

After all, those who can participate in the singing club are all wealthy people. It is naturally easier for foundation-building monks to accumulate spiritual stones than Qi-refining monks.


The singing concert has reached its final stage.


Zhao Wei looked around at the monks below. Under the influence of the spell, the expressions on his face could not be seen clearly, but from his tone, he could still feel his excitement and excitement:

"Next, is the highlight of this concert!"

"Refined by Master Shenfu Shen himself, it is 100% pure and has no impurities at all - Spiritual Chicken Essence!"

"Twenty bottles in total."

"The potency of the spiritual chicken essence in each bottle is comparable to ten second-level low-grade elixirs!"

"And more importantly, there is no erysipelas at all!"

"The estimated base price is only 20% more expensive than the average second-level low-grade elixir, but it can save you several years of detoxification work..."

"Zhao Aixuan, please stop being so nagging! Isn't this what everyone is here for? Hurry up!"

The monks below could not help but urge.

Zhao Wei was not angry when he heard this.

Immediately he clapped his hands.

Soon a puppet came in holding a porcelain bottle.

The porcelain vase is only as big as a palm and looks quite plain.

"Don't look too small, everyone, there is a folded 'Small Sumeru Formation' inside, which can hide several objects..."

Before Zhao Wei could finish his introduction, he was interrupted:

"Zhao Euchang, please stop introducing me and estimate the price quickly!"

When Zhao Wei saw this, he could only smile bitterly and said:

"Okay, okay, I won't say much more. The price is still the same. The base price is estimated to be thirty yuan for a bottle of medium-grade spiritual stone. Each increase in price must not be less than one yuan."

Before he finished speaking, someone immediately made an offer.

"Forty dollars!"

A foundation-building monk looked around, showing a trace of his aura.

Of course, this is also because this price is basically everyone’s psychological bottom line.

In addition to this bottle, there are more than a dozen bottles, so everyone is not in a hurry.

Therefore, the foundation-building monk quickly put a bottle of spiritual chicken essence into his pocket.

What the surrounding monks didn't expect was that during the competition for the second bottle of spiritual chicken essence, the monk actually made another bid.

And the price was stuck at forty yuan again.

This immediately aroused dissatisfaction from some people.

"Forty-one yuan! This fellow Taoist, one bottle should be enough, don't be too greedy!"

The gray-clothed monk who came back from the Wei front line whispered.

Feeling the evil spirit on the other side that was different from other monks, the foundation-building monk hesitated and finally chose to give up.

Facing the overt and covert fighting among the monks below, Zhao Wei on the stage saw it but didn't say anything.

As the soul chicken essence was sold, some people finally couldn't hold it any longer, and the price slowly rose.

Forty-three, forty-five, forty-six...


"This fellow Taoist bids fifty, are there any others that are higher?"

Zhao Wei looked around and said loudly: "If there is no one higher, I declare that the last bottle of spiritual chicken essence in this singing concert will belong to this fellow Taoist!"

The monks who didn't get it and were reluctant to spend more sighed.

If you miss this time, you don’t know when the mysterious application master will make the next batch.

As the last bottle of spirit chicken essence was handed over to the monk, Zhao Wei once again politely clasped his fists and saluted:

"Everyone, this concert is over. The specific time of the next concert will be announced at another time."

"Everyone, please."

Regular customers were not surprised by Zhao Wei's clean and tidy ending.

This 'Shanli Singing Club' has such a style, straight to the point, which actually suits everyone's liking.

It saves you a lot of trouble of blindly wandering around in the ghost market.

And the good and the bad are mixed.

The monks walked out one after another.

When there was no one else in the hall except Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei nodded slightly, chanted the incantation, pinched his fingers, and opened a storage bag. Soon, puppets came out from the back of the hall, each holding a box. The box spirit stones jumped into the storage bag one after another.

The hall became empty instantly.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Wei put away his storage bag and strode out of the hall.

In a flash, he appeared in front of the black boundary monument.

The portal also quietly converged and finally disappeared.

Zhao Wei looked around and saw that there were clouds on the horizon when he first entered. Now when he looked again, he saw that the moon was already in the sky.

There were no monks around, and everything was quiet and deserted.

However, Zhao Wei remained motionless and suddenly said:

"A few friends stayed here specially. Are they waiting for me?"

It was quiet.

Zhao Wei smiled slightly: "Do you think I'm deceiving you?"

After the words fell, several figures in black quietly emerged from under the big tree not far away.

They were the last few people to enter the choir.

Looking at Zhao Wei at this moment, the leader of the monk in black looked coldly:

"You have a good eye, and you are worthy of being an estimator."

Several people quickly dispersed and vaguely surrounded Zhao Wei.

During the action, the aura of mana leaked out, which made Zhao Wei's heart move even more, and he vaguely saw some secrets.

"Two in the middle stage of foundation building, three in the early stage of foundation building... they must leave the sect."

However, Zhao Wei did not seem to be panicked and asked immediately:

"I wonder what the purpose of these people is to find me?"

"Haha, it's nothing. I just want to ask you about the whereabouts of Master Shenfu."

The black-clothed monk glanced around and saw that several monks around him had completely blocked the possibility of Zhao Wei leaving. He no longer covered it up and said in a relaxed tone:

"Master Shenfu has superb skills in refining spiritual food. We would like to cooperate with him, and we also hope that Fellow Daoist Zhao can introduce him."

When Zhao Wei heard this, his heart suddenly trembled.

His mind was spinning, and he said calmly:

"I wonder what it is. It turns out to be this. You might as well leave some transmission notes or famous tattoos. When you return next time, they will be handed over to Master Shenfu."

Unexpectedly, the black-clothed monk heard this and immediately sneered:

"Haha, people in the Ming Dynasty don't tell secrets. Fellow Daoist Zhao, your Shanli Singing Club became famous through this Master Shenfu. How can you be willing to give him up? Do you really think I will believe you? ?”

"We are all not fools, so don't waste your time."

"We won't embarrass you if we stop you today. You just need to take the oath and lead us to Master Shenfu. Everything after that will have nothing to do with you."


There was a hint of coldness in the black-clothed monk's eyes:

"If there are one or two monks missing from Baiyunping, no one will care, right?"

Zhao Wei narrowed his eyes and fell silent slightly.

The atmosphere solidified instantly.

But at this moment.

A clear voice suddenly sounded from behind the black-clothed monk.

"Others don't care, but I care."

As soon as the voice came, a figure appeared beside Zhao Wei.

He is also dressed in Tsing Yi, but this man is completely uncovered. His face is as sharp as an axe, his eyes are bright, and his body is slender. The most eye-catching thing is his two arms, which are like apes and can reach over the knees.

When Zhao Wei saw this person, there was a hint of surprise in his tone:

"Friend Daoist Wen, aren't you too late to make it?"

"Haha, how can I rest assured that you have so many spiritual stones here? No, as soon as the matter over there was resolved, I rushed over without stopping. But it's a good thing that I rushed over, otherwise I would almost regret it for the rest of my life!"

The monk in green laughed.

Surrounded by several monks, he still talked and laughed with ease, and his demeanor was heart-warming.

When they saw the monk in green, the monk in black suddenly looked ugly.

"It's Wen Yong... let's go!"

With a low drink, he actually chose to retreat without hesitation.

Seeing several people retreating, the monk in green did not pursue him. When he was no longer aware of it, he breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly turned to Zhao Wei, solemnly bowed his hands and said apologetically:

"Fellow Daoist Shen, I've frightened you."

Zhao Wei, no, Shen Fu heard this, and his blurry face suddenly became clear, revealing a fairly handsome middle-aged face.

He smiled lightly and said: "Haha, it's just a trivial matter. Fellow Taoist, you don't have to be so open-minded. Besides, I am also involved in this singing group, so naturally I have to bear some risks."

Wen Yong, a monk in green, still looked apologetic:

"Fellow Taoist, don't be surprised. These people are people who have to leave the sect. Although I am not afraid of them, if I touch these people, I may be in a lot of trouble in the future."

Shen Fu nodded: "I know, these people must be jealous of the profits of Lingji Essence. It seems that we have to change places again."

Wen Yong couldn't help but nod when he heard this: "Fellow Taoist is right, I will handle this matter, and leave all the subsequent singing performances to me to estimate the singing."

Immediately, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and a smile appeared on his originally apologetic face:

"I have something happy to tell you, fellow Taoist. You asked me to find a second-level weapon refiner, and I already have something in mind."

"Oh? Are you serious about this?"

Shen Fu's calm face showed a rare hint of surprise.

"Of course I don't dare to deceive fellow Taoists. I have found out that a second-level weapon refiner has returned from the Wei front line and happens to pass by us in the near future. When the time comes, we will spend some spiritual stones and I will be able to invite him to refine the Tao. Of course, we will discuss the specific situation at that time."

Wen Yong said seriously.

"good good good good!"

Shen Fu felt very happy when he heard this: "Then I'll thank you fellow Taoist first."

The two chatted again and soon agreed on a date to meet again.

Wen Yong wanted to send Shenfu back, but Shenfu declined.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wen, I have my own means of protection."

When Wen Yong saw this, he had no choice but to take the initiative to leave. Before leaving, he kept a share of the spiritual stones that Shen Fu deserved.

A total of one thousand middle-grade spiritual stones.

"Isn't this... too much for me?"

Shen Fu couldn't help but said.

"It's not much. This time it's all done by Taoist friends, and the main highlight is the spiritual chicken essence made by Taoist friends. In addition, I was frightened by the monks of the Xuli Sect. These are what Taoist friends deserve."

Wen Yong was extremely generous.

After hearing this, Shen Fu no longer hesitated and nodded to accept it.

Wen Yong then left.

Shen Fu immediately scanned the surrounding area with his consciousness, and after confirming that no one was there, he took out a talisman with complicated and mysterious patterns from his sleeve and rubbed it gently.

The talisman burned quickly.

Wait until the talisman is burned out.

Shen Fu's body also quickly surged with a trace of light from the teleportation array.

Soon, he disappeared.

When Shen Fu appeared again, he was already in a house lingering with the faint fragrance of vegetation.

There is only one bed in the room and a huge floor-to-ceiling water mirror.

Shen Fu walked to the water mirror.

The power of the Yin God dissipated.

In the water mirror, an ordinary face was reflected.

"It's not easy to earn some spiritual stones."

Looking at his face, Wang Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

Sorry, I'm very busy today, and because this is a new volume, I've been thinking about how to enter it for a long time... so there is only one update today.

Then everyone should have noticed that the singing party is a common auction. Well, because I feel that the name auction is very inconsistent in the world of cultivating immortals, so I looked it up and found that there was actually a similar auction form in ancient times. , but it started in the temple, that is, after the old monk passed away, the clothes left behind were given to other monks. Some of them were divided equally, and if they couldn't be divided, they were auctioned, so it was called a clothing singing party, which is roughly like this

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