"Sect Master Ji, are you sure Ning Daohuan has really left?"

Outside the Dongsheng Station, a group of Jindan Daoists quietly appeared in the sky above the station at some unknown time.

But the few Tianmen Sect monks left in the station were unaware of it.

The leader of the Nine Spirits Sect couldn't help but look at Ji Lan with suspicion.

Ji Lan looked calm: "Yes or no, we will know after Ji visits it in person."

"You want to go in person?"

The leader of Jiuling Sect was suddenly stunned.

The people around were also shocked and quickly advised:

"Master Ji, don't be impulsive. This matter needs long-term consideration."

"Yes, yes, this place has been occupied by the Tianmen Sect for more than ten years, and there must be a lot of formation restrictions. Sect Leader Ji must not underestimate it. We might as well discuss it together and find a suitable method before making a decision. "

"I don't know whether this news is true or not. If Ning Daohuan is in the station at this moment, fellow Taoist fellow Taoist will fall into a trap..."

Ji Lan smiled slightly and looked around, with a trace of sincerity on his handsome and elegant face:

"You have traveled thousands of miles to help the Dongsheng Sect many times. Ji Mou feels deeply about it. How can I let you take risks for the Dongsheng Sect?"

"Both reasons and emotions dictate that Ji should take this trip."

"Don't worry, everyone. If we compare cultivation, Ji is naturally far inferior to Ning Daohuan. However, if we talk about the attainment of teleportation, Ji is still somewhat confident."

"Besides, our Dongsheng Sect has been operating here for many years, how could we not be prepared at all?"

"Even if Ning Daohuan is here, Ji will still have the confidence to come out."

After saying that, Ji Lan had a thought in his mind and disappeared in front of everyone.

More than 20 Jindan masters, headed by the four major sect masters, immediately looked at the Dongsheng station with solemn expressions.

Almost everyone activated their magic power, and as soon as there was a slight movement in Dongsheng's station, they immediately took action to deal with it.

However, what made everyone uneasy was that there was still no movement inside the station.

Just when everyone was exchanging glances and preparing to join forces to break through the sect-protecting formation at the Dongsheng Station, Ji Lan's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

But there seemed to be a hint of suppressed surprise and excitement in his eyes.

"The news is correct! Ning Daohuan and the other twenty golden elixirs are not here!"

"What?! You're really not here?"

Everyone already knew about this situation, but they couldn't help but be shocked when they heard Ji Lan's words.

The head of Jiuling Sect also looked shocked and couldn't help but ask:

"Ji Daoyou really didn't see Ning Daohuan? Could it be that they are hiding?"

Tsering Phuntsok also nodded and said: "Yes, fellow Taoist, are you sure?"

Zhong Bu of Chihe Sword Sect was also staring at him closely.

Ji Lan took a deep breath and said: "Ji will not be mistaken. The layout of the entire station has not changed much. Ji has stayed here for more than three hundred years. Ji knows all the places where people can be hidden." , Ning Daohuan and the others will never be able to hide, at least not within the station."

"Not only that, except for a small number of foundation-building monks who act as a deterrent, there are basically only some weak monks left in the station. There is no difference from the news I received."

"Thinking about it, Ning Daohuan and the Jindan monks from the Tianmen Sect are indeed no longer stationed."

"Then, will you come back through the teleportation array and give us a surprise attack?"

The male sect leader of Shanhai Sect couldn't help but ask.


Ji Lan nodded: "So, I just deliberately followed the unique spiritual energy fluctuations of some teleportation arrays and found two teleportation arrays, but I secretly interrupted the formation lines in them."


"Zongzhu Ji is really as careful as his hair!"

"So, wouldn't we be able to attack this place with Sect Master Ji now and take back the headquarters for Dongsheng Sect?"

"Absolutely not!"

Upon hearing this, the five major sect leaders unanimously rejected it.

The five people couldn't help but look at each other and immediately laughed.

"I think it's up to Sect Leader Ji to clear up everyone's doubts."

Tsering Phuntsok said with a smile.

Ji Lan did not give in and said immediately:

"Even if Ning Daohuan and others are not here, we can't be sure whether he was really distracted by Jiang Guoxianghuo Dao, or whether he deliberately sold this flaw to us."

"So the best way is to play it slow and steady!"

"Anyway, the teleportation array in the station has been destroyed by me, and it is impossible to set up an ambush. So we only need to crack the formations and restrictions here bit by bit from the outside, and get rid of the Tianmen Sect monks. In this way, we will sweep it again. Even if Ning Daohuan really sets a trap, there is nothing we can do about it."

"A little slower, but a lot safer."

After hearing Ji Lan's words, everyone quickly came to their senses.

A consensus was quickly reached.

The other four sect masters immediately led the people of their sects and each took on the task of cracking the formation.

Ji Lan unexpectedly handed over the matter to Ye Lingyu, and he disappeared again and moved into the station.

He personally took action, knocked out all the Tianmen Sect monks who had been left in the camp, and some Left Dao monks who looked vaguely familiar to him, and tied them together.

After all, Ji Lan is a golden elixir monk. These monks couldn't even release a single transmission note.

Soon, all the monks in the entire station were caught together.

Ji Lan glanced at the monks from the four major sects who were busy deciphering formations outside the station in the distance, and then immediately flew to the peaks behind the majestic mountain gate.

As expected, I saw a huge purple figure.

The figure was restrained by arm-thick iron ropes and could not move at all.

It was the sacred beast of the Dongsheng Sect in the past, known as Ming Dynasty.


Fan Ming saw Ji Lan and seemed to have thought of something in his eyes. After a slight delay, he immediately started shouting.

"Sure enough, the mythical beast has a spirit!"

Ji Lan looked at Fan Ming's embarrassed appearance, and then took out a bell-shaped treasure from his sleeve.

Then pour in mana and activate the bell.

When Fan Ming heard the sound of the bell, he immediately started struggling.

However, despite struggling hard, the iron rope became tighter and tighter the harder he struggled.

"Ning Daohuan!"

Ji Lan gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, then immediately stopped pressing the bell.

He walked forward carefully again, took a look at the material of the iron rope, and immediately frowned.

"This Ning Daohuan is so generous, he actually used the extremely precious fourth-order 'Xuanhuo Muddy Gold and Iron' to refine the iron rope magic weapon!"

"What a waste of such treasures!"

The materials were refined into a magic weapon. It would be fine if the magic weapon was precious. This iron rope magic weapon could only be used to bind the Ming Yuanshen, but it was a waste of such treasures.

After thinking about it, Ji Lan turned over his hand and took out a third-level top-quality magic weapon, and hit it hard on the corner of the iron rope.

However, there was only a tiny mark left on the iron rope.

Ji Lan spent a lot of effort before smashing a palm-sized block of iron rope from the iron rope.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Ji Lan regretfully threw the iron lock block aside.

Then his eyes swept over the more than fifty iron ropes on Fan Ming's body. While marveling at Ning Daohuan's handiwork, he also became increasingly annoyed.

"It will probably take half a year just to remove these iron chains."

"But it doesn't matter, now I'm finally back at Dongsheng Station, I have plenty of time!"

Think of this.

He had to give up on uncovering the truth for the time being, and then used the movement method to reach outside the formation.

"The layout style of the Tianmen Sect's sect-protecting formation is indeed different from our Chen country, and even the nearby Sen country and Fu country."

Someone sighed.

However, despite this, with the cooperation of more than twenty Jindan masters, the outermost periphery of the formation has been almost dismantled.

And just then.

A sudden scream came from Zhongyuan City, and it actually resounded throughout less than half of the Chen Kingdom.

"How dare you touch my Tianmen Sect's sect-protecting formation!"

It was Lu Yuansheng’s voice!

The roar soared into the sky, even the white clouds in mid-air were shaken away by it.

The Jindan practitioners outside the Dongsheng Station were stunned when they heard this voice.

I have an inexplicable feeling of guilt.

However, at this moment, a few more weird laughters were heard.

One of the voices was as loud as a morning bell, and he whispered:

"Are you friends of the five major sects? Haha, feel free to take action, we will do our best to hold this Lu Yuansheng back for you!"

After saying that, an astonishing wave of soul suddenly came from the direction of Zhongyuan City.

"Get out of here!"

Lu Yuansheng shouted angrily.

Then the magic power and the soul intertwined, and a series of shocking shocks came.

"Oh, these people from the Incense Tao are still somewhat useful."

Zhong Bu sneered, and with a single slash of his sword, the formation in front of him suddenly shattered, revealing the scenery inside.

"Even if Lu Yuansheng comes running over, it won't help. There are so many of us. Even if we can't take him down for a while, when his magic power is exhausted, he will just be waiting to die."

Tsering Phuntsok said with a smile.

All the Jindan Masters around him also regained their composure and were even in the mood to laugh.

Now that Tianmen Sect Ning Daohuan and the twenty Jindan masters are not here, and the teleportation array in the station has been destroyed, this means that Ning Daohuan will probably find it difficult to return to Chen Country for a while.

There is only one Lu Yuansheng left here struggling to support himself, but he is nothing more than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

After everyone clears out the Tianmen Sect's headquarters, they will be able to free up their hands.

When the time comes, neither Lu Yuansheng nor Xiang Huodao will escape death.

Only Ji Lan vaguely felt that something was not quite right.

While he and the Jindan master in the sect broke through the formation, he frowned and thought.

After thinking about it, he finally realized something was wrong.

"It's so smooth... This operation is a little too smooth!"

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

After all, Ning Daohuan and other Jindan masters were busy dealing with the Incense Road in another station, and this reason was very reasonable.

And using Lu Yuansheng as a cover to attract everyone's attention and make everyone dare not act rashly, there is nothing wrong with this explanation.

If he hadn't learned this secret from Cheng Shu, I probably wouldn't have dared to bring anyone here.

"Wait a minute! Could it be that Cheng Shu has turned traitor? Did he deliberately pass on false information to me?"

However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

After all, the reason why Cheng Shu gained Lu Yuansheng's trust was because he secretly obtained the second-order top-grade and top-quality spiritual chicken from the Dongsheng Sect.

Otherwise, how could he have been able to cultivate such a high-grade spiritual beast in such a short period of time just with his very ordinary ability to cultivate spiritual beasts.

Once this matter is exposed, Cheng Shu will inevitably lose Lu Yuansheng's trust.

Therefore, in Ji Lan's view, there is a possibility of Cheng Shu's betrayal, but it is very small.

After thinking about it, he still couldn't figure out where the problem lay.


Outside Zhongyuan City, there was a howl!

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling brilliance suddenly exploded!

It was a vision of the death of a third-level monk!

"Friends of the five major sects, are you still okay?"

A voice as loud as a morning bell came through gritted teeth and shouted from afar.

Everyone who was breaking the formation looked at each other and suddenly smiled.

"Haha, it seems that Lu Yuansheng is really anxious! He should know that once the formation is broken, the teleportation formation cannot be maintained, and he will be alone by then."

"It's a pity that it's useless for him to be anxious. Fellow Daoist Ji had already used the secret hand left by his predecessors to sneak into the station and destroy the teleportation array."

"Everyone, don't be anxious, just be steady."

"Just in time to release the blood from Incense Road!"

It didn't take long.

There was another miserable howl, and another strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky.

"It's not okay yet!"

That loud voice was already full of eagerness and anxiety.


At this time, Tsering Phuntsok was kind-hearted and replied.

It was indeed fast. Even though everyone deliberately slowed down, after all, it was more than twenty Jindan Daoist people who took action, and the formation was quickly dismembered and broken.

Everyone immediately flew in all directions of Dongsheng's station, scanning every inch of land with their spiritual consciousness to ensure that no hidden dangers were left.

None of these monks were lazy, mainly because they all knew the dangers of the Tianmen Sect staying in Chen State, and had seen with their own eyes the tragic situation of the Dongsheng Sect being forced to leave the sect's headquarters, so no one dared to slack off.

When Ji Lan saw this scene, he finally felt relieved.

Looking at the familiar hometown of Dongsheng Sect, I finally felt a sense of joy in my heart.

"Finally back!"

"Otherwise, what would I, Ji Lan, look like facing the master and the master Jiaohu..."

And just then.

The sky suddenly darkened!

The energy and energy interacted, and the monks couldn't help but look to the southeast.

There, at some point, thick layers of dark clouds appeared.

Between the dark clouds, there is a faint smell of disaster and ominousness brewing, and it seems that endless disasters are about to come.

"Heavenly Tribulation! It's the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Sir Pang of the Shanhai Sect is going to survive the tribulation?!"

This chapter is a transitional chapter, the protagonist does not appear, but some things are hidden in it, so I had to write it.

Then in the foundation building stage, the protagonist's participation in major events has been greatly improved compared to the mortal and Qi refining stage, but it is still on the sidelines. Therefore, the protagonist cannot kill everyone. At most, he participates indirectly or gains from it. Some of the things he needs are explained so much because he is afraid that some readers will find them boring before they see the protagonist appear... How should I put it, there cannot be only the protagonist in a world, at least in my opinion, so some I will try my best to write down the branch plots, but some still have to be written. Also, my writing power is limited, so suggestions are welcome, please don’t comment.

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