Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 203 Five Sects (Five Thousand Updates)

Jade Emperor Peak.

The first peak in Chen country.

With a vertical height of 25,613 feet, it has the reputation of being the first pillar in the Chen Kingdom.

It stands majestically among the mountains in the eastern part of the Chen Kingdom. Standing on the top, with the eyesight of Jindan Master, he can have a panoramic view of most of the Chen Kingdom.

Due to the sparse population, even though the Incense Road was rampant, it did not occupy this place.

On this day, more than twenty figures quietly fell on top of the Jade Emperor.

These figures were faintly divided into five directions.

The leader of one of them was the former leader of the Dongsheng Sect, Ji Lan.

Behind him was a young female cultivator with a frosty face and cold eyes. If Wang Yan were here, he would definitely recognize that this person is his acquaintance, Ye Lingyu.

It's just that Ye Lingyu now has a frown and a serious expression, but he looks inexplicably old and overly mature.

In addition to her, Ji Lan was followed by four Jindan masters.

They actually brought the entire Dongsheng Sect’s top management.

When Ji Lan saw everyone, he showed a gentle smile, and then greeted the people around him kindly:

"I've met Master Tsering."

"Brother Zhong Dao's sword intent has become more and more powerful. He is worthy of being the best sword in the Chen Kingdom."

"Master, Master... Haha, Master, you're welcome, you're welcome. In cultivating spiritual beasts, it is natural to learn from each other and learn from each other's strengths... We have also benefited a lot."

"Haha, Master Xiong, why don't you see your sect's wife, Mrs. Pang?"

A thin middle-aged man laughed when he heard this:

"Not long ago, Mrs. Pang was lucky enough to get a treasure that was of some benefit to the physical body. Now she has gone into seclusion to practice."

"In addition, since all the senior leaders of our sect are out this time, we have to leave one or two people in the sect to keep an eye on them, so I didn't come."

When the surrounding Golden Core Masters heard the words of this male sect leader, their hearts suddenly condensed.

Ji Lan showed a surprised smile:

"Okay! Taishang Pang's physical strength is not weaker than that of True Lord Yuanying. Now that he has taken a step further, won't he be about to enter the realm of Yuanying?"

"When Mrs. Pang comes out of seclusion, the five sects will work together to clear the world and make the Chen Kingdom clean!"

"What a joy! What a joy!"

The thin middle-aged man heard this but didn't even dare to say anything, appearing quite modest.

The sect masters and sect masters of the other three sects around him also reacted and congratulated each other after being stunned for a moment.

It's just that the thoughts in their hearts are different.

The five major sects of the Chen Kingdom have not had the True Lord of Nascent Soul for many years, so they have been balanced. However, now the great power of Shanhai Sect is about to enter the realm of Nascent Soul...

Some people present were already muttering secretly in their hearts.

However, even if he had other thoughts, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, this Pang Xiao was a generation older than everyone here, and his strength was comparable to that of True Lord Nascent Soul. He already had the reputation of being the number one person in the Chen Kingdom.

This title changed ownership only after Tianmen Sect Ning Daohuan came.

After all, no matter how strong Pang Xiao is, it is only comparable to him, but Ning Daohuan is a solid Nascent Soul Lord.

"Speaking of Ning Daohuan, this person still hasn't made any movement for some reason."

Tsering Phuntsok, the head of the Great Sun Sect, was wearing a red Great Sun robe and quietly changed the subject with a puzzled look on his face.

Upon hearing the name Ning Daohuan, everyone on the peak also looked solemn.

The master of Jiuling Sect nodded when he heard this:

"Indeed, Ning Daohuan can really sit still! So far, he has only sent out a golden elixir monk to calm down the situation."

"But... this incense path is also a disaster. When we left them before, they were just three or two big cats and kittens, but somehow, they actually hid four golden elixirs. If it weren't for the golden elixir from Tianmen Sect, After capturing the 'Zhongyuan City' and forcing them into a panic, I'm afraid we are still kept in the dark."

"Yes, it seems that this Incense Road is indeed as Ning Daohuan said, and it is quite harmful. But this time, when both of them are hurt, we will annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

Zhong Bu from Chihe Sword Sect said with murderous intent.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in approval.

Only Ji Lan frowned slightly.

Sect Master Shanhai Sect on the side noticed this scene and asked curiously: "Sect Master Ji seems to have other ideas about this?"

Ji Lan quickly smiled and said:

"How dare you, how dare you, brother Zhong Dao's method is indeed effective, and Ji agrees with it, but..."

"Ji is not too worried about the Incense Dao. Even though the Incense Dao is powerful, the Chen Kingdom has already been blocked by us and cannot spread. It is not difficult to get rid of it. It's just that Ji is a little worried about Ning of the Tianmen Sect. Dao Huan."

"Ji has dealt with him. This man is very deep and thoughtful. He knows that the five sects of the Chen Kingdom are secretly hostile to him. Will he really fight to the death with the Incense Taoist and wait for us to reap the benefits? "

"I'm afraid there's a trap hidden in it."

Ji Lan's words made everyone slightly alert.

Tsering Phuntsok from the Great Ri Gate spoke in agreement:

"What Sect Leader Ji said is absolutely true. We really need to be on guard against Ning Daohuan. And according to what Ji Daoyou said, there are twenty Jindan Daoist disciples in this Tianmen Sect, sitting in five major stations. Their profound knowledge, compared individually, far exceeds mine. When it comes to any sect, you’d better not be underestimated and go all out!”



All the Jindan masters nodded one after another.

"Next, let's see how the confrontation between Tianmen Sect and Incense Tao goes."

Ji Lan looked quietly at a small black spot in the west, her eyes flickering.

That's where the Dong Sheng Sect's old headquarters was.


A bright red figure suddenly retreated from the explosion.

Immediately he ran away quickly and tactfully.

However, before he could run very far, a black shadow like a phantom flashed past!

Yin Hong's figure suddenly spilled blood into the sky and fell straight from mid-air.

Just as he was about to be thrown to death, suddenly a big hand of blue mana condensed out of thin air, hugged the red figure, and then took a picture of it with his backhand.

Yin Hong's figure was shaken by this slap, and she couldn't mobilize any power of her soul.

But next to him, two figures quietly appeared at this time.

It was Wang Ba and Shen Fu.

Shen Fu stood next to Wang Ba with a look of shame on his face: "If senior brother hadn't taken action in time, he would have almost let him run away."

"It doesn't matter."

Wang Ba smiled and glanced at Shen Fu.

He noticed something was not right about Shen Fu's state, and seemed to have something on his mind. However, since Shen Fu didn't say anything, he obviously had his own concerns, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Immediately, he walked up to the second-level incense monk in front of him and checked his status.

After confirming that he was still conscious, he directly raised his hand to hold the top of the opponent's head and launched the soul search technique.

However, the souls of the second-level monks were much stronger than those of the first-level monks. Wang Yan also found it difficult to use the soul-searching technique.

But fortunately, he still collected a lot of useful information.

"Yesterday, Lu Yuansheng faced the six third-level monks of the Incense Path with his own strength, and the result was undefeated..."

"As of now, in the Tianmen Sect, only Lu Yuansheng's golden elixir has come forward, and the rest of the golden elixirs are missing."

"The whereabouts of Ning Daohuan, the leader of the Tianmen Sect, has become a mystery."

"Yan Yun is killing everyone in the north. Zheng Yuanhua specially mobilized several second-level perfection monks and more than ten second-level late monks. Now he has set up a dragnet and is waiting for him to fall into the urn."

"Zhu Ziji, Cui Fengcheng, Yang Lie and others are also very active..."

"Zheng Yuanhua felt that he was struggling, so he specially sent him to notify the second-level monks in the southwest and south to come for support. He was also responsible for delivering the message. The content of the message was... bang!"

Wang Ba only had time to protect himself and Shen Fu, and watched helplessly as the second-level monk exploded into a huge bloody pit.

"What a great gesture! Using a second-level monk as a messenger, and also imposing a ban on him."

Wang Ba couldn't help but look shocked.

"However, it seems that Tianmen Sect and Xianghuo Dao should come for real this time... It's just that there are so many Jindan Daoists in Tianmen Sect, why haven't they come out yet?"

Wang Ba's heart was also full of doubts.

As far as he knew, there were twenty-one Jindan elders of the Tianmen Sect, including the leader Ning Daohuan, who could kill Chen Guo's Xianghuo Dao countless times.

Even if he is afraid that the five sects of Chen State are behind his back, he will not watch the other party grow up.

However, the strange thing is that Tianmen Sect also sent many monks, but with little effect. Instead of solving this personal problem, they watched the opponent grow step by step.

Until now, Incense Dao has been raging across half of the Chen Kingdom, and even the sword is pointed directly at the Tianmen Sect.

In such a situation, Wang Yan could not connect it with the Tianmen Sect that was cunning, bold and meticulous more than ten years ago, and took down the Dongsheng Sect in one fell swoop by building a plank road in secret.

I just feel that no matter how I look at it, this situation seems a little weird.

But after all, he is not a senior member of the Tianmen Sect, and he has no way of knowing many things.

"I always feel that if I continue to stay in Chen, something will happen."

"There are a lot of abnormalities in many places...the five major sects, Tianmen Sect, Incense Road, and Qianyu Lake..."

"It's best to go back and hand in the mission. When the time comes, go to Lu Yuansheng's place to do some activities and see if you can take your junior sister and Shen Fu to the Jiantao station for a while."

"I can also take advantage of the opportunity to practice the second dantian..."

Wang Ba couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

But he was soon suppressed again.

Then the two of them immediately adjusted their route in time based on the information revealed by the monk just now.

Wang Ba now does not reject people who meet Xianghuo Dao.

Nowadays, most of the powerful ones in Incense Dao have been transferred to the vicinity of Zhongyuan City. Although the monks left behind are not weak, they are indeed a little underwhelming in front of Wang Yan's bunch of spirit beasts and Shen Fu's explosive weapon skills.

And you can also harvest the collections that these incense monks have accumulated throughout their lives.

The risk is extremely low and the benefits are high. Even a cautious person like Wang Yan would find it difficult not to take action.

Of course, they actually didn't meet many people along the way.

However, after flying south for a while, Shen Fu suddenly stopped and looked at a canyon in the distance with some surprise.

There, you can faintly see the gurgling stream and flowers blooming, which is quiet but ordinary.

"Is there anyone there?"

Wang Hao followed Shen Fu's gaze, but didn't see anything, so he whispered in confusion.

"There seems to be a formation arranged there..."

Shen Fu secretly listened to the instructions from the strange voice in the spiritual platform, and at the same time said with a solemn expression: "The formation should be quite big!"


Wang Ba was shocked.

There is no doubt about the inference of application.

After all, when Shen Fu started practicing, he was quite talented in battle techniques.

It's just in the wilderness, who would set up a formation here?

Moreover, this place is also the occupied area of ​​Incense Road.

"Incense Road?"

Wang Ba also looked serious.

"It should be...according to the size of this formation, there should be quite a few people inside."

Shen Fu thought carefully.

Wang Hao immediately said without any hesitation:

"Then let's avoid it immediately and leave quickly."


Wang Yan and Shen Fu immediately adjusted their routes and quickly circled in the opposite direction of the formation.

What they don't know is.

At this moment they were far away from the formation.

Within the formation.

In a huge water curtain, there were clearly the departing figures of Wang Ba and Shen Fu.

In front of the water curtain, a dozen second-level Incense Tao monks breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon these people started talking.

"Why are there other monks here?"

"I don't know. Could it be that he is a casual cultivator?"

"We shouldn't have been exposed, right?"

"The sacred object is of great importance. Once it is exposed and the angels know about it, we will be in trouble!"

"It should not have been exposed. With the third-level formation here, the two second-level monks will definitely not be able to find us. But why haven't the divine envoys sent us a message yet? When do we need to send the divine objects there?"

"Who knows, just keep waiting! Maybe the divine envoys will show their great power and be able to capture the Tianmen Sect without using divine objects at all?"


In the water curtain, the figures of the two people quickly shrank, and finally disappeared completely.

But beyond the water curtain.

However, Wang Ba and Shen Fu quickly passed through hills, forest ravines, grasslands, cities, and mountain villages.

There are people, birds and animals, but these seemingly chaotic people are filled with a strange unity.

A second ago, there was no movement in the chimneys, but at the beginning of noon, green smoke came out of every chimney.

It was as if there was some kind of power that made ordinary people put down their work at the same moment, light firewood, put it into the stove, and the smoke rose at the same time.

This strange unity made Wang Ba and Shen Fu feel an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

"This is the way of incense. Once you become a believer of these evil gods, you will be like a puppet on a string. In addition to surviving, you will provide a steady stream of faith to the evil gods."

Wang Ba couldn't help but recall the many information he had obtained from searching souls from the Incense Tao monks.

Shen Fu couldn't help but look solemn.

Compared with Incense Taoism, Tianmen Sect appears to be much kinder.

Although he can also sacrifice blood to mortals, he does not dare to do so in a big way, but this is not the case in the Incense Road. In the entire country, mortals are like livestock, worshiping the monks and gods of the entire Kingdom of Gods.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ba and Shen Fu felt a little heavier.

Two days later.

The two finally crossed the south side of Chen State and successfully entered the southwest boundary.

It is getting closer and closer to Dongsheng Station.

The further north you go, the more times you encounter Incense Tao monks.

Among them, I also met a person from the Tianmen Sect.

Wang Ba did not get closer because he was not sure whether the other party was a real Tianmen Sect monk or one who had his body taken away.

But this also made Wang Hao realize that it was probably really close to Dongsheng's station.


Shen Fu casually used his magic power to crush a first-level cultivator of the Incense Path into a puddle of flesh and bones.

Wang Yan didn't pay attention to this, but frowned slightly.

I just asked this incense path monk and found that the last stop they would pass through on their planned route - Yushui City, is now occupied by the incense path.

Meng Xingzhuang, which was only more than a hundred miles away from Yushui City and was rebuilt a few years ago, is now also a gathering place for incense roads.

Wang Yan was somewhat familiar with these two places.

The first time he went out on a mission was to Meng Xingzhuang, and then he followed Bai Yu to Yushui City.

It was also this time that he was able to resurrect Zhao Feng, and with the encouragement of the other party, he understood the changes between dragon and snake.

"If you put it that way, it's probably not easy to leave Meng Xingzhuang and Yushui City."

"It seems that I have to rush through this last level by myself."

Wang Ba looked at the map and secretly thought about the direction.

According to the monk whose soul he searched, there were more than thirty foundation-building monks in Yushui City, and there were countless Qi-refining monks.

It was extremely difficult for him to rush through Water Control City.

Wang Hao was stunned as his eyes inadvertently glanced at the location between Meng Xingzhuang and Yushui City on the map.


In his mind, he instantly remembered that about nine or ten years ago, when he sent a puppet to deliver a mortal to Mengxing Village, he accidentally passed by this place and recorded the scene of twenty or thirty 'Thousand God Trees'.

"Thousand Gods Tree...there must be people from the Incense Path guarding this place."

"This place is about two hundred miles away from Meng Xingzhuang and about three hundred miles away from Yushui City... If I capture this place, the monks from the two places will probably come to support me after receiving the news."

"So, if I can seize the opportunity..."

Wang Ba's eyes suddenly lit up!

The more I thought about it, the more feasible it became, and I immediately started discussing it with Shenfu.

"The only thing I'm worried about is that I don't know how strong the monks here are, but right now the Tianmen Sect and the Incense Sect are busy fighting, so there shouldn't be very powerful people here, otherwise it would be a bit of a waste."

Shen Fu nodded in agreement.

The two of them confirmed the planned method and route, and immediately flew to Yuyu Mountain.

This time, they tried their best to hide their figures from the people in Xianghuo Road to prevent their purpose from being exposed.

Even so, there were several times when his whereabouts were almost broken.

Fortunately, they were lucky and finally arrived at Yuyu Mountain smoothly.

However, when I looked around, I didn't find any Thousand Sacred Trees. Instead, there were weeds everywhere in the mountains, which was unremarkable.

There are only a series of well-proportioned hot springs flowing gurglingly.

Other than that, it is not much different from other barren mountains.

"It's a formation!"

Shen Fu's eyes flashed and he immediately spoke.

Wang Yan was not surprised.

Yutang Mountain is very close to the Tianmen Sect, and there are Thousand God Trees planted in it, so it is natural not to be careless, and it is extremely normal to arrange formations.

"Can you crack it?"

Shen Fu looked cautious, but in fact he was secretly asking about the strange voice in his heart.

Soon, Shen Fu nodded and said: "Please help me, senior brother, to break the formation together!"

After that, he took out the nails one by one and quickly began to arrange them.

Not long after, Shen Fu gave the order.

Wang Ba poured all his magic power into the nails that had been driven into the ground.


As soon as he finished speaking, array flags suddenly appeared in place of the nails!

Soon, the formation dissipated!

On the originally barren grassland of the mountain col, you can actually see the crowns of straight trees, and the green leaves carrying colorless water masses.

"It's Shenhualu!"

"Thousand Divine Trees!"

On the side, a disheveled monk in ocher clothes looked up at Wang Ba with a confused face.

It seems that some of them still haven't reacted.

And the naked female cultivator under him could not help but scream...

at the same time.

Outside Zhongyuan City.

In the camp, Zheng Yuanhua, who was busy handling affairs, suddenly changed his expression!

"No! There is something wrong with Qian Shen Mu!"

Thanks to Feng Er Chuichui and book friend 20181027204255861 for the reward, thank you!

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