Chapter 201 Confession...beginning!

In the secret room.

Zheng Yuanhua's expression fluctuated violently.

Countless thoughts floated and fell in my mind.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and issued a teleportation note.

Soon, a monk in ocher clothes walked in.

When he saw Zheng Yuanhua's empty sleeve on his right side, he suddenly looked shocked:

"Shenshi Zheng, you, what are you..."

"Notify everyone immediately and interrupt the use of Ling Er!"

"And everyone leave their location! Change the situation at any time within three days!"

Zheng Yuanhua had made up his mind, and finally showed the strategy and vision that a leader of the Yinshen lineage should have, and urged in a hurry.

The ocher-clad monk was a little puzzled at first, but then he seemed to think of something and couldn't help but widen his eyes:

"Shenshi Zheng, could it be..."

"You are right. The chief ear was taken away this time! I cannot escape the blame for this matter. After that, I will immediately go to the third-level divine envoy to apologize. But now that the monks of Tianmen Sect have mastered the chief ear, , the top priority is to try our best to preserve our manpower!"

Seeing the ocher-clothed monk with his mouth wide open, he was still immersed in shock and did not react for a long time.

Zheng Yuanhua suddenly glared and said, "Did what I said not work?"

"No! No!"

"I'm going right now! I'm going right now!"

Only then did the ocher-clothed monk come to his senses and hurriedly went down.

The secret room soon became quiet again.

Zheng Yuanhua was uneasy, pacing back and forth in the secret room anxiously.

He hadn't been this uneasy in a long time.

If his storage ring is really unlocked by Nascent Soul Lord, it will be great fun.

Once the other party discovers the chief ear, the operation of the Yin Shen lineage is likely to be a complete failure!

After all, except for the third-level divine envoys, almost all the second-level monks of the Incense Path in Chen's country have the aura of the soul in their spiritual ears.

The opponent only needs to follow the breath of the soul to quickly kill all the second-level incense path. Without these mainstays, it is simply impossible for the incense path to control a country.

"No! This matter can't be hidden anymore! We must tell the third-level divine envoys immediately."

After much thought, Zheng Yuanhua finally made this extremely difficult decision.

Although this move is likely to be punished by the third-level divine envoys, as the leader of the Yin Shen lineage's operation in Chen State, he is not the kind of person who dares not take responsibility.

But more importantly, he sensed a deep sense of crisis.

Once he conceals the situation because he is afraid of being punished, it is very likely that the entire operation will fail.

And once the action fails, it means that he will never have a chance to turn around.

On the contrary, if he could stop his losses in time and make great achievements in conquering Chen Guo, he might have the possibility of reversal.

These thoughts just flashed quickly in his mind.

And he has captured the most correct path.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly came to the Thousand Gods Tree, raised his hand to grab a few divine dew, and after hurriedly drinking it, he immediately stepped on the flying magic weapon and flew further south.

With the best efforts of the second-level flying magic weapon, he quickly stopped in front of a canyon.

The canyon is full of flowers and gurgling water, creating a quiet and poetic atmosphere.

Zheng Yuanhua didn't pay attention at all, and quickly used the magic formula.


A huge formation slowly emerged above the streams and flower beds.

Streams and flowerbeds are like fragile reflections, quickly shattered and disappearing.

It turns out that everything I just saw was an illusion!

At the same time, a loud voice like a morning bell suddenly came from the formation:

"Zheng Yuanhua? Why are you here suddenly?"

"Didn't you say you don't come to disturb us unless it's an emergency?"

Zheng Yuanhua quickly bowed respectfully, feeling extremely guilty:

"Palace Divine Envoy, this junior has come to report something important indeed."

"Well, important things... you tell me."

The palace envoy pondered for a moment and then spoke.


Zheng Yuanhua immediately told the whole story.

Of course, he deliberately emphasized the strength of the Tianmen Sect monk and his huge impact on the situation.

Not only himself, Li Canghai also suffered a loss at the hands of the other party.

In short, it was to make this fiasco of my own seem more excusable.

But after hearing Zheng Yuanhua's story, several third-level beings in the formation were still angry.

"You bastard! We thought you were down-to-earth and steady, so that's why we gave you the command! You're so careless!"

"If you delay in seizing the scripture, I will definitely train you into a ghost with my own hands!"

"Damn it! If Na Ning Daohuan gets the chief ear, it will be troublesome!"

A series of angry scoldings made Zheng Yuanhua's red face turn green.

However, there were all third-level monks here. He didn't dare to show any resentment, so he could only stay close to them.

But at this time, the divine envoy named Gong who initially greeted Zheng Yuanhua suddenly said:

"Excuse me, Zheng Yuanhua didn't want us to be disturbed. That's why we suffered such a disastrous defeat. It's not selfish or reckless."

"Besides, the most important thing now is to discuss how to respond, rather than to pursue responsibility."

As soon as the divine envoy named Gong opened his mouth, the others, although they complained, said nothing more.

"Let me tell you, even if all the foundation-building monks below are killed by Ning Daohuan, we are not afraid of him. The six of us have been making this thing here for so long, and it's time to take it out!"

In the formation, a voice suddenly suggested.

His proposal was immediately approved by the other two people:

"That's right! Brother Yu Dao is right! They are just indigenous barbarians. Even the Nascent Soul Lord is just lucky. How can he compare with us!"

"Without calculation and intention, and with the help of divine objects, we have a great chance of winning."

The divine envoy named Gong pondered slightly, and then said:

"What you say makes sense. However, there is still one last step left to complete this object. If we wait a few days, as for the matter of the General Er... it will indeed be troublesome."

Several people discussed it for a while, but in the end there was still no result.

In the end, the divine envoy named Gong said helplessly: "It can only depend on their own destiny. If we leave now, I am afraid that all our efforts will be wasted. It is really not worth the loss."

After thinking for a while, he said to Zheng Yuanhua:

"Zheng Yuanhua, although you were at fault, you finally informed us in time, and you have successfully defended this place before. Forget it this time, be prepared. When the formation is broken, it will be time for us to take back the scriptures and destroy the Tianmen Sect! "

Zheng Yuanhua felt vaguely uneasy.

Compared with these third-level divine envoys who have been away from the battlefield for a long time since the death of Yin Shen, he obviously understands the Tianmen Sect better after having fought against them for several years.

Especially after the tragic defeat at the hands of the unknown monk, he realized that this Tianmen Sect was not a small sect in a corner.

Maybe the third-level divine envoys, coupled with that 'divine object', could really defeat or even kill Ning Daohuan.

But can a few third-level divine envoys really take over the Tianmen Sect?

He was skeptical.

But right now, none of the six divine envoys can escape, and there really is no better way.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yuanhua sighed and could only plead guilty and leave.

Time flies, and it will soon be three days later.

Zheng Yuanhua sat cross-legged on the futon in the secret room.

Listening to the ocher-clothed monk's report, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"We have only lost about twenty second-level monks in the past three days?"

More than twenty second-level monks were lost in three days, and these casualties were definitely not small.

After all, the number of second-level monks of the Incense Path in the entire Chen Kingdom is very high. Counting the large number of captive monks brought from other countries by the third-level divine envoys, there are only three to four hundred people.

But compared to what was expected, when all the second-level monks were killed by the Tianmen Sect, such a loss was completely acceptable.

Such a loss also made Zheng Yuanhua feel relieved.

After a brief inquiry, he found out that they were all monks near Qianyu Lake, and he immediately had a lot of guesses.

"It seems that the Tianmen Sect monk must have used some special means to open my storage ring and get the chief ear."

"It's just that due to its strength, it can only kill monks who are relatively close."

"Although I don't know why he didn't go back and hand over the chief executive to the senior officials of Tianmen Sect, it is a great thing for us!"

"The lower-level monks did not suffer much damage. The artifact created by the six third-level divine envoys will soon be successful."

"In this way, the situation is actually stable."

After thinking for a while, he rushed back to the southern canyon and awakened the formation again.

"Zheng Yuanhua? Why are you here again?"

There was also a hint of anger in the tone of the divine envoy named Gong.

Zheng Yuanhua immediately told the situation and speculation.

After hearing this, the divine envoy named Gong was slightly dissipated, and immediately began to think deeply:

"What you mean is that we have been in a stalemate with the Tianmen Sect before, and they are probably used to it. Now if we suddenly take action, it will catch them off guard..."

"That's right!"

Zheng Yuanhua said seriously: "Furthermore, the Tianmen Sect and the four surrounding sects seem to be planning something. Rather than waiting for them to take action, it is better for us to strike first and capture the Tianmen Sect quickly, thus avoiding the dilemma of being attacked from both sides."

"Well...what you said makes sense."

The divine envoy named Gong pondered for a while, and then discussed it with several other third-level divine envoys.

Soon, the voice of the Divine Envoy named Gong was heard from the formation, as loud as a morning bell:

"Then let's wait two days and go straight to the Tianmen Sect's headquarters!"

Near Qianyu Lake.

Deep in the mountains.

Wang Hao looked at the transmission talisman in his hand and suddenly felt helpless.

"This Wu Buping was actually called to do something by Master Jin Dan, and he asked me to wait for two more days."

Wang Ba was also speechless.

In the past three days, with the help of his chief ear, he picked out some second-level incense monks whose soul aura was not very strong, and enjoyed the feeling of bullying others.

In addition to harvesting a lot of divine flower dew, there are also some magic weapons, talismans, elixirs, etc.

Most of the magical artifacts, including those in Zheng Yuanhua's storage ring, were given to him for submission.

After all, the other party has a spell that uses magic weapons as consumables. These things are most suitable for him.

I also gave some Shenhualu to the application.

For monks, this kind of treasure can replenish the soul and increase the power of the soul. The more the better.

There is not much demand for application. The path he is taking has little to do with the divine soul, so the demand for divine dew is not high. It is best to have it, and it will not be a problem if it is not available.

Of course, although these things are good, in Wang Yan's heart, they are far less valuable to him than the piece of 'Meteor Flame Red Gold and Iron'.

With the Chief Er in hand, even though the people in Xianghuo Dao had cut off contact with Ling Er in time, but with three days of preservation of the soul aura, it was not that difficult for him to return to Dongsheng Station.

At the same time, there is no need to worry too much about casual cultivators hijacking the path. Anyway, he can use the chief ear to get the best route.

Therefore, he immediately sent a transmission note to Wu Buping, hoping that the other party would trade with him directly.

It's a pity that the other party didn't reply for a long time. It took three days before I finally got a reply.

And since Ling Er can only record the breath of the soul for about three days, after three days, the traces of the Incense Tao monks became a mystery in his eyes again, and the total ear lost its value.

Now, he could only wait for Wu Buping to arrive in two days.

But thinking that he would soon be able to start practicing the Second Dantian, and that his plan to escape from the Tianmen Sect was about to be implemented another step, he still couldn't hide his joy.

"After I go back, I have to help my junior sister apply for a uniform and see what the second dantian carries... Junior sister is okay, she is only at the Qi Refining Realm, so the second level treasure should be enough, but my junior brother..."

Wang Ba thought about it for a while, but couldn't come up with any good ideas.

Shen Fu and he are both foundation-building monks, and they need at least a third-level treasure to meet the conditions.

But for a while, he really didn't know where to get the third-level treasure.

And soon.

Two days passed quickly.

This day.

A figure fell into the valley where Wang Ba and Shen Fu were hiding.

Wearing a raincoat with a vicissitudes of life, he is a monk who has perfected his foundation and is a fisherman named Wu Buping.

As soon as he arrived, he brought Wang Yan some shocking news:

"Do you know, fellow Taoist, that Xianghuo Tao and your Tianmen Sect are already at war!"

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