Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 199 Meteor Flame Red Gold and Iron

"Zheng Yuanhua's storage ring?!"

Wang Ba was shocked and immediately put it away.

Then he quickly checked the injury of Wu Yuan King.

What reassured him a little was that although the flesh and blood on his entire arm had been scraped clean, Wu Yuan King's life was not in danger.

But I don't know what's going on, but King Wuyu looks extremely tired and sleepy, and he can't even open his eyes.

"Is it because you just transformed into a giant ape?"

Wang Hao quickly thought of this possibility.

The battle has skyrocketed, how can it be possible without paying the corresponding price?

I think it's because a lot of spiritual energy was consumed.

However, he was really at a loss about the changes that King Wuyu had just made.

After all, Wu Ape King has never shown such an ability before, and he has never heard that the Mountain Moving Ape can transform.

"Is this transformation a spell? I don't think I've ever heard of it..."

Coarsely recalled the records in the Ten Thousand Beasts Room, but Wang Ba found nothing.

I have no choice but to keep it in mind and wait until I have the opportunity to learn more about it later.

He quickly applied some healing medicine to Wu Yuan King, fed him some spirit fruits, and then carefully put them into his spirit beast bag.

King Wu Yuan is definitely a big contributor to his survival this time.

He immediately set his sights on the black-feathered chicken Bingyi.

Wang Ba was surprised by Bingyi's changes.

Originally, his body was a colorful black, but after eating that third-level ghost, the black on his body became lighter, and there was a faint feeling that it was more colorful.

It is somewhat similar to its maternal phoenix feather chicken.

Of course, there is still no comparison in terms of appearance.

What caught Wang Yan's attention even more was.

At this moment, the aura on Bingyi's body was already the second-level best.

Wang Ba didn't need to guess this time to know that Bingyi could change like this because it had eaten a third-level ghost.

"But...why isn't Bingyi dead yet?"

Wang Hao frowned and touched Bingyi's body.

The surging vitality in the other party surprised him, but also made him a little puzzled.

It's not that he wants Bingyi to die, but that he used the second-order low-grade soul seed to plant it on the second-order low-grade Bingyi.

According to the "Withered Soul Seed Method", Bingyi will reach the second-level mid-level after planting the soul seed. Of course, after a period of time, Bingyi will die.

The duration is related to the quality and quantity of the soul seeds used, etc. According to Wang Yan's understanding, Bingyi's life is at most one stick of incense.

He and Zheng Yuanhua have not been able to burn a stick of incense until now, but logically speaking, he should be able to notice the weakening of vitality by now.

As a result, Bingyi is still alive and well.

Looking at it like this, Bingyi can live for at least two to three hundred years.

"Strange... Is it because Bingyi ate the third-level Yin ghost and truly advanced, or is it that the Yin ghost itself can make up for the fatal flaw of the "Withered Soul Seed Method"?"

"I need to record this and study it later."

Wang Hao thought quickly in his mind, put away Bingyi, and at the same time quickly reviewed the battle process of Xia Cai.

Frankly speaking, it’s thrilling!

It was so thrilling that when he thought about it now, he felt like his legs and feet were weak and he felt guilty.

Before and after, three of the spirit turtles he had died for had died!

Especially when the opponent released the third-level ghost at the beginning, he really had no time to defend himself.

Later, when he faced Zheng Yuanhua, he reacted, but he had no means to resist.

Qi refining monks have very few spiritual attack methods, and even fewer means to defend themselves against divine soul attacks.

It’s nothing more than magical instruments, talismans, etc.

But the effects are very ordinary. It's fine when faced with ordinary Incense Tao monks. But when faced with a strong man like Zheng Yuanhua, it's no different than paper.

That is to say, Shen Feng controlled the opponent's third-level magic weapon from the beginning, and the black feather chicken unexpectedly defeated the third-level Yin ghost with blood. As a result, Zheng Yuanhua was limited in every way and was completely unable to display his own strength.

Otherwise, Wang Hao felt that the ten of them together might not be enough for Zheng Yuanhua to fight alone.

The gap is really too big.

But because of this, when Wang Hao realized that the other party had been seriously injured, he did not hesitate to pretend to be dead, but immediately got up and wanted to keep the other party behind.

Of course, he was forced to pretend to be dead before because his mana was almost exhausted and he had no choice but to do so.

Once such a powerful enemy is released, the troubles will be endless.

Instead of waiting for the other party to know his methods and come back to cause trouble after he recovers, it is better to kill him.

It's just a pity that the opponent has a deep foundation, but he still made a mistake and let the opponent run away.

"However, it is not without gain."

Wang Hao thought of the storage ring on the arm that was torn off by King Wu Yuan, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

At this moment, Wang Ba felt something in his heart and immediately looked not far away.

Then I saw the fisherman and Shen Fu coming quickly.

Seeing Wang Ba's alert look, the fisherman immediately consciously slowed down his pace and stopped at a safe distance.

However, the application speed of the pale and haggard person increased instead of slowing down, and he rushed to Wang Yan's side, so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

"Brother, how are you?"

He had just seen Wang Ba fall and really thought Wang Ba was dead.

Then he desperately used the second-level short sword that required a lot of blood and energy to be used.

It's a pity that Zheng Yuanhua knocked him down with one blow and did not make any achievements.

Although Wang Hao pretended to be dead, he was still aware of everything happening around him. He was naturally aware of Shen Fu's concern and patted him with a smile.

"It's okay, very good!"

This was the truth. He looked embarrassed. In fact, since Zheng Yuanhua was basically fighting against the Wu Yuan King and the Black Feather Chicken, he was just releasing some spells and giving instructions at the same time.

Although I suffered a lot of shock, I really didn't suffer much injury.

Immediately, Wang Hao looked at the fisherman, and secretly sent a message to Shen Fu to ask about this person's details.

Shen Fu naturally told the whole story about the fisherman without hesitation.

The fisherman also smiled at this time and politely said:

"Fellow Taoist has extraordinary strength. Even Zheng Yuanhua was defeated by fellow Taoist. It's really admirable. I, the Bitter Incense Fire Dao of Qianyu Lake, have been here for a long time, but because of the opponent's strong power, I dare not say much, but fellow Taoist has stood up for us. He was so angry!"

Between the words, there was no longer any disregard for Wang Yan before.

When Wang Bao heard this, he quickly smiled politely, but he felt a little guilty in his heart.

After all, Zheng Yuanhua's defeat felt unfair to Wang Ba.

On the face it said:

"Fellow martial artist is ridiculous. If it weren't for the intimidation of fellow daoist Zheng, Thief Zheng would probably have to spend a lot of effort even if he wanted to win."

The two complimented each other again.

Wu Buping finally couldn't hold it any longer and said, "Fellow Taoist, please let me make it clear. Since you have defeated Zheng Yuanhua, then his third-level magic weapon can be regarded as your harvest." ...I wonder how you are going to deal with it?”

"Third-level magic weapon?"

Wang Ba suddenly felt enlightened.

It was obvious that the other party had been chatting with him for a long time just because of this magic weapon.

The reason why he didn't take it away directly was probably due to his relationship with Shen Fu. Secondly, it was probably because the Tianmen Sect stood behind him. As a casual cultivator, Wu Buping was extremely afraid of Jindan Master even though he had his backing. .

Thinking of this, Wang Yan couldn't help but feel ridiculous.

The Tianmen Sect, which he tried every means to get rid of, sometimes became his support again.

"This is where blessings and misfortunes depend on each other..."

Wang Hao had a vague understanding.

I quickly communicated with Shenfu.

Immediately after pondering for a while, Wu Buping was overjoyed when he spoke.

"I understand what fellow Taoist means. I can give the third-level magic weapon to fellow daoist, but..."

The fisherman immediately said sincerely: "If you have any conditions, fellow Taoist, just tell me, and I will try my best to fulfill them!"

For him, the third-level magic weapon can not only improve his combat power, but also serve as his destiny, which will help him form pills in the future.

Unfortunately for casual cultivators, ordinary second-level magic weapons are not difficult to obtain, but third-level magic weapons completely depend on fate.

Even the real Jin Dan behind him has nothing extra to give him.

"My conditions are quite simple."

Wang Hao stretched out his finger and said bluntly:

"Two conditions, one is that fellow Taoists accompany me and the two of us back to the Tianmen Sect's base. Don't worry, as long as we leave the area occupied by Incense Tao."

The fisherman frowned and thought for a while, then nodded:

"Okay, Zheng Yuanhua is injured, so Li Canghai must be more cautious. Apart from these two people, there is nothing to be afraid of. What is the second condition of fellow Taoist?"

"The second condition is that it is rumored that Taoist friend has a piece of 'Meteor Flame Red Gold Iron' in his hand. I wonder if I can give it to you?"

"Yeyan red gold and iron?"

The fisherman was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but look at Shen Fu.

Although Shen Fu's face was pale, he was calm.

The fisherman still didn't understand what was going on, so he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It seems that Brother Shen has sold out all my money."

"Forget it, although this 'Meteor Flame Red Gold Iron' is a third-level spiritual material, if you trade it with your fellow Taoist for a third-level magic weapon, you still take advantage of your fellow Taoist."

The two of them immediately made a vow to their inner demons.

Once both parties have agreed upon the conditions for completion, the transaction is considered completed.

"But I'm afraid, fellow Taoist, I still need to wait for some time."

The fisherman suddenly said helplessly.

Wang Ba looked puzzled, but when he saw the lake in the distance rising sharply and the surrounding water waves rushing towards the bank, he suddenly understood.

After the two agreed on a time, the fisherman flew back to Qianyu Lake to sort out the water.

Wang Ba and Shen Fu settled in a nearby mountain.

Although there are many monks gathered in Qianyu Lake, a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Out of caution, Wang Ba is not willing to enter rashly, even if half of the local snakes like Shenfu are present.

The reason why he was willing to trade the third-level magic weapon to Wu Buping was not only that the incense magic weapon did not suit him, but also because he could vaguely sense that someone in the lake was also peeping.

Once he rejects Wu Buping's request for a trade, there's no chance that some casual cultivators will take action against him.

On the one hand, there are the third-level magic weapons that he has no use for, and on the other hand, there are the casual cultivators from Qianyu Lake who may fall out at any time, and the third-level spiritual materials that he has been thinking about for a long time, which contain the two elements of 'gold and fire'. How to choose, naturally There is no need to think about it anymore.

As for why Wu Buping was asked to accompany him back to Dongsheng Station, it was naturally for safety reasons to prevent Wu Buping from regretting his move after completing the transaction.

This was also proposed by Shenfu.

There are indeed good people among casual practitioners.

But a monk who has grown to Wu Buping's level can already switch back and forth between good guys and bad guys.

And you will never be able to remain unmoved in the face of interests just because you are kind to him.

In short, never use benefits to test the limits of others. This is one of the self-cultivation of a monk.

Wang Ba was convinced by Shen Fu's words.

"It seems that you have indeed been through a lot."

Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, I'm talking about others, not senior brother."

Shen Fu said with a smile.

Wang Hao nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Some people care about profit, while others regard it as dirt.

Different pursuits in life naturally lead to different attitudes toward the same thing.

After thinking about it, he took out the storage ring that Zheng Yuanhua had before and handed it to Shen Fu.

"Do you know who can open this thing?"

Wang Yan didn't hold out hope.

He had tried to open it several times before, but could not open it at all.

After all, the owner of the storage ring is still alive, and the strength of the soul in it far exceeds his.

He was a little unwilling to just leave it like this, so he asked with the hope of being safe.

After all, Shen Fu has been out and about for many years, so he might be able to meet some strange people.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fu took a look and said in a relaxed tone:

"Leave it to me."

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