Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 690 Yuan Qing Shen Dan, prepare for a rainy day (two-in-one, please vote for me)

Yang Chan stepped off the ship, with the endless North Sea behind him and Yuandan Mountain in front of him.

Because he knew the itinerary of this trip, Yang Chan prepared a lot of things before leaving and placed them in the Xuanyin hanging beads.

Just like food, water, wooden boats and other things that may be used.

There are also those special elixirs that allow him to stay in the water for a long time without fear of being unable to breathe. These are not refined by Yang Chan, but there are all kinds of strange elixirs in the Dan Pavilion. I feel that they may be useful. Yes, he exchanged some for emergencies!

Although with his current cultivation level, even in the sea water, he can not breathe for a long time. His body has been tempered to a certain extent, and his physical body has already surpassed that of ordinary people!

With these preparations in Yang Chan's hands, he would be less affected by the sea water.

However, Yang Chan did not dare to enter the deep sea, because there are extremely powerful beasts in the deep sea, and some of them are comparable to those of the Martial Saint level. However, as long as you do not enter the deep sea, you will not encounter these. Powerful alien beast!

Moreover, the bones of powerful alien beasts are placed on these large ships in Tianxuan Holy Land. Those bones can also emit dangerous auras that can be sensed by alien beasts, so they dare not approach them easily.

"There are quite a lot of big ships here!"

Zheng Yuanliang looked at the large ships not far away. They were all ships from other major forces, and their styles were very different!

These forces came earlier than the Tianxuan Holy Land, but they had little impact because the Divine Pill Ceremony had not yet started. After all, some forces were far away and needed more time. The divine elixir ceremony would not be held until the major forces arrived at about the same time. Dan ceremony.

Of course, this time will not wait too long, otherwise Yuandan Mountain will disappear into this space again.

Just like the Taiyin Tian Secret Realm, there will be movement when it disappears. At that time, all the major forces will return to their respective ships and end the Divine Pill Ceremony at the same time. Of course, sometimes, it ends early, and some forces will leave early. This It all depends on the parties themselves!

The Divine Pill Ceremony is actually an exchange meeting between the major forces. It does not force any action. If you don’t like it, it will not affect you at all!

"I don't know how many forces are here?"

Yang Chan looked over and couldn't recognize it.

He had been staying in the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty before. Even though he participated in the battle between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Jinmeng Empire on the border, he never left the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He had never been to sea before, so naturally he didn’t know much about the conditions of these large ships!

"A lot anyway!"

Zheng Yuanliang said with a smile.

Since getting off the ship, Zheng Yuanliang's seasickness has improved a lot. Now he can joke with Yang Chan, and his recovery speed is still very fast.

Yang Chan's eyesight was very good. From a distance, he could still see the figures of people on those big ships. He could recognize some forces from some special clothes.

Previously in the Zixu Secret Realm, he had seen the costumes of many forces, such as the Taishang Sect, Tianxiang Sect, Zifu Holy Land and other forces.

His memory is very good and he can recognize these forces, and there are more forces coming this time than before from the Zixu Secret Realm.

Originally, the Purple Void Secret Realm appeared in the world and attracted many forces, but many of the forces were far away. When the news was received, the secret books were almost closed, and when they reacted, the secret realm had disappeared.

On the contrary, after jointly killing the foreign races, the major forces gathered together. However, Yang Chan was in the Qingyuan Sect at that time, so naturally he did not know the specific situation!

"There are many, so don't you recognize them?"

He knew that people like Zheng Yuanliang rarely left Xuanxu Cave and had little contact with the outside world!

"Yang Yaoshi, what you said is that the symbol of the long sword pointing to the sky is the Tianjian Sect!"

"The one that bears the symbols of many strange beasts is the Way of Ten Thousand Beasts."

Zheng Yuanliang retorted that he could still distinguish some of them.

The symbols of each major force are very distinctive and can be seen at a glance!

"It seems like this is where we live!"

Yang Chan saw that in the flat land at the foot of Yuandan Mountain, buildings stood side by side. They looked like they had been aged for a while, but they were already intact, as if there was a special force that kept them in this appearance!

Yang Chan has seen these in the tower in Taiyintian and in the secret realm of Zixu.

The power of some special magic circles can maintain these buildings and make them last forever!

If the formation is shattered, these buildings will also be shattered.

However, seeing that the people leading the team from Tianxuan Holy Land were very skilled in entering the buildings, they knew that the magic formation here was extremely stable. After all, among their group, there were also formation masters accompanying them, and there was something wrong with the formation. , these formation masters will find out immediately, but there is no need for Yang Chan to worry!

"The style is the same as in the records, relatively ancient!"

Zheng Yuanliang looked at these buildings, which were very different from those in Tianxuan Holy Land, and also very different from what he had seen outside.

Looking from a distance, it feels like there is a very long history deposited on it!

Yang Chan and others entered with the people from Tianxuan Holy Land. Before entering, Tianxuan Holy Land had already arranged everyone's accommodation.

As expected, he has come here to participate in many divine elixir ceremonies. This also makes Yang Chan feel more at ease. Nothing has happened to him before, so he should be the same this time!

Yang Chan's residence is near Zheng Yuanliang. To be precise, the residences of the pharmacists are relatively close. On the periphery are the residences of other disciples of Tianxuan Holy Land. This protects the pharmacists like them, which can be said to be a sense of security!

"So Master, the Yuandan Mountain you mentioned is here. Where did I think it was?"

"This seems to be the secret realm of Qingdan Sect. I have been here before, but the location is different from where you are now, master!"

After Yang Chan entered the house, the black dragon in the Xuanyin Hanging Bead had already used his consciousness to investigate the situation here.

However, in order to prevent anyone from seeing the black dragon's soul, Yang Chan did not let his soul appear in the room. Even though the black dragon said that it would hardly be discovered, he did not let the black dragon's soul come out!

The reason why the black dragon's consciousness was allowed to inspect was for safety reasons.

Although it doesn't look dangerous now, what you see on the surface may not be true!

"Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the world has changed. It's normal for the location to change!"

"Since you've been here before, do you have any impressions of this place?"

Yang Chan was not surprised by the change of location. Instead, he was interested in Heilong's statement that he had been here and even told the real name of this ancient Alchemy Sect. He had not seen these records in the ancient books sent by Gu An!

They just used the Ancient Alchemy Sect for unified naming. I don’t know if Tianxuan Holy Land didn’t detect it or didn’t send the news out. Yang Chan didn’t know this!

"I was invited by the Qingdan Sect to watch them refine the Yuanqing Divine Pill, which is a magical pill that helps to create the Divine Sea. Many masters came here!"

"Even the Zixu Emperor Dynasty arranged for people to come over. It was a big scene!"

Black Dragon recalled the memories about Qingdan Sect in his mind and said slowly.

"Then what?"

When Yang Chan heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

When it comes to this topic, he is also very interested!

"No more, I remember that the Yuan Qing Shen Dan refined by the Qing Dan Sect failed to cross the Dan Tribulation, and then it was over, leaving me with a wasted trip!"

When Black Dragon said this, he curled his lips.

At that time, his cultivation level did not require pills such as Yuanqing Divine Pill. He was just curious about the process of making pills, but he was disappointed.

"Overcoming the pill tribulation?"

When Yang Chan heard this unfamiliar vocabulary, he looked at the black dragon in confusion!

"The magical elixir is an extraordinary thing that has the ability to turn decay into something magical, so how can it appear safely in this world!"

"When the elixir is completed, the heaven and earth will bring down the elixir tribulation. Only by surviving it can you achieve the divine elixir and possess all kinds of incredible powers!"

Black Dragon glanced at Yang Chan, did not dare to mock, and quickly told the information he knew.

But this information made Yang Chan somewhat silent!

The difficulty of refining the divine elixir was one level higher than he expected!

"But now there is no divine vein in Taiyu China. I wonder if it will be necessary to overcome the pill tribulation after the refining is successful!"

"I heard that in some special realms, this calamity can be avoided. Taiyu China has changed too much now, so I'm not sure!"

Black Dragon quickly added.

The disappearance of Taiyu Shenzhou's divine veins has caused some changes in the rules of this world. Therefore, some of the restrictions he knew before are still there!

"Then breaking the boundaries between humans and gods and becoming a legendary god-like existence, does it also require a tribulation?"

After Yang Chan learned about the Dan Jie, he thought about what would happen after breaking the boundaries between humans and gods.

"Of course, there are also races that break the boundaries between gods and exist, and need to go through a heavenly tribulation. Only through the baptism of the heavenly tribulation can they completely shed their mortal bodies and become god-like existences!"

"I said before that it is difficult for Taiyu China to break the boundaries between humans and gods. In addition to the disappearance of Taiyu China's divine veins and the absence of that special spirit of the gods, there is also the change of the rules of heaven and earth. I don't know if there will be a catastrophe to complete the final Divine transformation!"

Black Dragon continued.

When he mentioned these, he spoke more comprehensively.

He would tell a lot of information only if Yang Chan asked him. If he didn't ask, he wouldn't tell it at all.

Even before, he deliberately concealed some information and did not tell the whole story!

It's just that he has experienced a lot during this period, so when he mentioned some secrets, he told Yang Chan directly!

If he wants to leave Taiyu China, it is impossible for him to do so by himself. He must rely on Yang Chan's power. Yang Chan's martial arts talent is very good and he has a special physique. He is expected to break the boundary between humans and gods, so he is a good choice.

Although he is too steady, sometimes this may be a good thing. At least he doesn't have to worry about Yang Chan dying suddenly!

"This information of yours really gives me a headache!"

Yang Chan covered his head, this was somewhat different from his original plan.

"Is there any way to overcome the calamity of pills and the calamity of heaven?"

Yang Chan continued to ask.

Knowing these existences, he would naturally know how to overcome the calamity.

If he could prepare in advance, he would make some preparations first to avoid being in a hurry later!

"Each race has its own way to avoid disaster, but they are all different. The human race also has it, but I don't know about it!"

"The dragon clan's method of avoiding calamity is different from that of the human clan, because the calamity to be overcome is also different!"

Black Dragon shook his head.

He is not a human race, so naturally he will not collect the human race's methods of avoiding disasters. And after he grows up, he will not need the human race's methods of avoiding disasters. It is of no use to him, so why waste time collecting them!

"But these holy places contain ancient books written by those forces from ten thousand years ago, and there may be books on how to avoid disasters. Master, you may be able to access them when you become a top pharmacist!"

He knew that during this period, Yang Chan had been working hard to be promoted to the top pharmacist, because in this way he could become an important figure in Tianxuan Holy Land and naturally have access to many secrets.

Frankly speaking, he felt that Yang Chan's path was very good and the most efficient!

Because he saw that Yang Chan was very close to being a top pharmacist!

"It seems that when I return to Tianxuan Holy Land, I will have one more thing to do!"

The original purpose of Yang Chan's promotion to the top pharmacist was to achieve a transcendent status, obtain the Demonic Dragon's Blood Exchange Technique, and have the authority to exchange for top elixirs in advance. There was a lot that needed to be done, and these all required the status of a top pharmacist.

Now, he has one more purpose to become a top pharmacist.

Look for information about elixir tribulations and heavenly tribulations, and find ways to avoid them.

Although Heilong said that there may not be such a disaster, he has a relatively stable character and plans to make more preparations.

Being prepared and not using it will not have much impact on him, and it will just take some time. If he is not prepared and encounters a disaster, he will suffer!

It would be a tragedy to die in a disaster!

Because he is very confident in breaking the boundaries between humans and gods. Those rules of heaven and earth may have restrictions on people in this world, but that is not necessarily the case for his panel. He is very confident that he can break these restrictions with the help of the panel!

At most, it’s just a matter of time!

"Master is still far behind in terms of both his alchemy ability and martial arts cultivation, so don't worry about it unfounded!"

"Just follow your original plan!"

Black Dragon looked at Yang Chan among the Xuanyin Hanging Beads and said slowly.

"Unfounded worries?"

Yang Chan looked at Xuanyin hanging beads and asked slowly.

His face became very gloomy, and with his intelligence, he naturally guessed some situations quickly.

When he asked Black Dragon before, some information was hidden by Black Dragon. Perhaps it was because he had no chance to refine the magic pill and could not break the boundary between humans and gods!

Of course, if it were an ordinary person, Black Dragon's judgment would be fine, but it still made Yang Chan very angry!

"Master, I made a mistake!"

"It's about preparing for a rainy day. The master is so wise, so powerful, and so gifted, so he naturally needs to prepare in advance!"

"It's because of my limited knowledge that I think so!"

Black Dragon realized something was wrong, so he quickly changed the topic, praising Yang Chan with a lot of nice words, and at the same time demeaning himself!

After following Yang Chan for so long, he has long known that those who understand current affairs are heroes. As for the dignity of the Dragon Clan, he has long since lost it!

"Okay, is there any news about Qingdan Sect?"

Yang Chan waved his hand, having heard too many compliments.

In contrast, he was still more concerned about the news about Qingdan Sect.

The black dragon has been here and should know more. Maybe some information will be useful to him!

Even if it's useless, it would be a good thing for him to know more about the situation!

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