Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 321 Everything is for the sect, against Zhou Fuyu (please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticke

"The refining difficulty of Buyuan Yangshen Liquid is really low, but the main medicine needed is a bit precious. According to the efficacy of taking it, it will help more external refining."

After Yang Chan drank the nourishing spirit liquid that he refined himself, he felt the changes in it.

After getting a lot of medicinal materials, Yang Chan naturally began to practice alchemy again. Now there are many high-quality elixir in Qingyuanmen, and they can be exchanged again after the refining is successful.

He saw that there were still many precious medicinal materials that had not been exchanged yesterday, and these were naturally targeted by Yang Chan.

In this way, he can collect more materials and accumulate more pills, especially those whose main medicine is hard to find, so he should replenish them first.

Now his success rate of refining the three-stage internal organs nourishing pill is getting higher and higher. Naturally, he has to continue to improve and reach the level of Princess Lanyue as soon as possible, or even surpass her. This is the goal that Yang Chan needs to achieve.

"The effect of nourishing essence nourishing liquid is mediocre, and there are other pills that can improve spiritual power, so I'm afraid the potential points won't increase much."

As Yang Chan took more and more pills, his understanding of the daily harvest of potential points became more and more profound, so he naturally guessed about it.

But as long as there is still harvest, it is not considered a waste.

Moreover, during this period of time, he can replenish a lot of materials, which is nothing to him. Every time he succeeds in alchemy, he will gain a lot. Even if part of the pills are exchanged, the accumulation in his hands But it is more and more.

Not only him, but even Princess Lanyue has accumulated a lot in his hands, and even took the initiative to pull Yang Chan to make alchemy, obviously knowing that this kind of opportunity can be met but not sought.

Before that, she had a noble status and could get whatever she wanted, but now she is attached to Yang Chan, even though her status is not low, she is still subject to many restrictions.

Just like some elixirs, she wanted to refine them, but she didn't have any materials at all.

Compared with the Great Zhou royal family, Qingyuanmen is still much worse.

For Princess Lanyue's request, Yang Chan naturally satisfied her.

This is like an employee telling their boss that they have to work overtime to complete the project. As a boss, he naturally accepts it. Although the overtime pay is a lot, the results of overtime work will naturally bring more benefits. As a boss, the money in hand will be even more. , so why not do it?

Because of the high-quality elixir in the Yinzhou Secret Realm, Yang Chan and Princess Lanyue basically stayed in the Earth Fire Academy for alchemy, refining various elixir.

The alchemy rate of both of them is constantly improving, especially Yang Chan, who is improving faster, and even his proficiency in the profession of pharmacist is also rising rapidly.

This does not add potential points at all, purely personal efforts, according to this progress, it is estimated that he will be promoted in the pharmacist profession in a short time, and by then he will be the youngest senior pharmacist in Qingyuanmen.

Such busyness did not last long, only five days, and those superior elixir were consumed.

Yang Chan was not the only one refining the elixir, there were other mid-level pharmacists, such as Gao Cen, who was also constantly refining elixir, and the senior pharmacist, Mr. Hua, was also replenishing quickly.

Each one is rolled up.

At first, Yang Chan thought that they were accumulating more pills, but later he learned that Yinzhou needed to send a batch of refined pills to support the Qingyuanmen disciples in Yinzhou.

These high-quality elixir were sent for the same purpose, just to supplement, otherwise the effect of just getting the elixir would not be that great.

Although some elixir can be taken directly, the effect will not be very good, and some elixirs are not suitable for direct consumption at all. Only by sending them back to Qingyuanmen for refining can their true effects be exerted.

Yang Chan didn't hear from the hall master Gu An, because he has been working hard to make alchemy. Seeing this, Gu An naturally didn't need to say more.

Every day, I watched Yang Chan hand in a batch of elixir, and then take a batch of elixir from the pharmacy, repeating the cycle until the end.

After seeing this situation, Gu An came over and said a few words to Yang Chan, and at the same time told him to rest well first, so as not to hurt his body.

He was also told that in a short time, Yinzhou Secret Realm would send back another batch of high-quality elixir, and the ingredients were even better than these.

Yang Chan was taken aback when he heard it, and then followed Gu An's topic.

He also showed an appearance that everything was for the sect.

Yuan Qing Court.

"This period of time is really busy, but there will be no shortage of pills for half a year."

"The effect of nourishing essence nourishing liquid is really mediocre. It only provides 0.2 potential points, so that the daily income of potential points reaches 7.6, which is getting closer and closer to breaking 8."

Although the effect of Buyuan Yangshen Liquid did not meet Yang Chan's expectations, he would not let it go if he had the potential to receive it every day, and he had accumulated a lot of high-quality elixir.

Like liquid medicine, ointment, and some pills that don't accumulate for a long time, he can only save the elixir first, and then take it out for refining when needed.

Otherwise, if it is refined now, it will be abolished in a short time, which is not good for him.

After all, if you can't use it, it's wasted.

As a thrifty person, Yang Chan naturally resisted this kind of wasteful behavior, thinking that he took the risk to go out in order to refine the elixir. Now that these high-quality elixirs are in his hands, naturally he must preserve them carefully, or use a special method to preserve them , so that its medicinal properties will not be lost.

"Although the potential points added are not many, but one more potential point can be added every two days, and the internal cultivation can be improved earlier."

Yang Chan never disliked the lack of potential points added, but only cared that the elixir he took had no effect. The so-called no effect means that no potential points were provided.

Only a small part of the efficacy of the elixir can help him, and more is the potential point plus the proficiency of the panel.

"There is also the matter of Yinzhou's secret realm. According to the words of the hall master, it should not only be as simple as the secret realm left by Dazongmen, but also involve other things."

"The suzerain Liu Xuan and others are all for the things deep in the secret realm. I hope there will be no big accidents!"

Although good news has been coming from Yinzhou Secret Realm, Yang Chan is still worried.

He only wanted to develop steadily, but he didn't want any big troubles at Qingyuanmen, which was not in line with his expectations.

Gu An found Yang Chan again before, and told Yang Chan a lot of news, including some secrets of Yinzhou Secret Realm, but he didn't say too much, but some more important news was revealed to him, and at the same time, he was told not to waste martial arts Practice.

This repeated reminder also made Yang Chan feel a sense of urgency.

The current Great Zhou Dynasty can be described as troubled.

Internal and external troubles appeared one after another. The internal troubles were the regrets of the old emperor beheading the prince and other princes. It seems to be dormant, but these people are not so peaceful.

Instead of doing trouble in Bai Yujing, he went to other states to do trouble, which has already shown signs of this.

At the same time, the children of the royal family who hold military power in various places are loyal to the court on the surface, but seeing the old emperor's cruel methods, they naturally have their own ideas. Even if the emperor summons them, they will not enter Baiyujing in person. Entering Baiyujing is also to prevent the old emperor from doing anything.

There are also the remnants of the previous dynasty who have been hiding in the dark. After seeing the current situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they also began to show their traces and began to turn against the Zhou Dynasty.

Yang Chan also knew a little about the last two points through the news recently sent by the Han family.

The foreign aggression is obvious. The battle has already started in Jinyun City of Lanzhou, and a large number of troops have gathered. It is said that there have been heavy casualties.

Lanzhou, Qizhou, and Yuzhou have already started conscription, but Qingzhou's conscription is only a matter of time, and Qingyuanmen will definitely intervene in it.

As a member of Qingyuan Sect, Yang Chan couldn't avoid it.

However, according to how hard he is refining the elixir now, under normal circumstances, he should not go to the battlefield in a short time, and this is one of the few points that makes Yang Chan feel gratified.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was full of disasters. Various natural disasters caused the death of countless people, and the people’s livelihood has not been restored. There were so many troubles before, and there were faint traces of the last years of the dynasty. Although it is not so clear, but The appearance of traces is a warning.

However, the Great Zhou Dynasty still has a master of martial arts sitting in charge. As long as this person is fine, the Great Zhou Dynasty can still stabilize.

While Yang Chan was thinking about these things, early morning came quietly, and new potential points appeared on the panel again, and this was something that could relieve thousands of worries.

"add a bit!"

Yang Chan instantly made the potential points on the panel start with zero, and then he clearly felt the improvement of his strength. He was getting closer and closer to the completion of the fourth lung tempering, and he would soon be able to improve his strength again.

Refining the lungs internally, every lung is tempered, the strength will undergo a qualitative change, and the six lungs are tempered, it will be transformed six times.

Every time the tempering is completed, the physical body is also improved in all directions.

Yang Chan looked at the potential point panel.

【Name: Yang Chan】

【Shou Yuan: 18/339】

【Talent: 30】

【Potential point: 0.4】

[Professional Mastery: Pharmacist (Third-level Fusion 38%), Swordsman (First-level First Sight 80%)]

[Comprehension of exercises: Taiji health preserving skill (47% of the fourth-level furnace fire perfection), Bull Demon Daliquan (4th-level furnace fire perfection of 12%), tortoise breath body nourishing skill (3rd level of fusion and mastery 7%), Jiangmo sword method (4th level of furnace fire perfection of 12%) ), Stepping on the Wind (65% of the fourth-level furnace fire), Bull Demon Seal (16% of the third-level fusion), Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist (7% of the fourth-level furnace fire), Tiger Demon Seal (11% of the third-level integration), Ziqi Accumulation Body Skill (25% of third-order integration), Flood Demon Breathing Technique (3rd-level integration of 56%), Flood Demon Martial Seal (3rd-level integration of 12%), Meditation and breath-holding method (third-level integration of 16%), soul-absorbing Dafa (first-level first-glance method 4%), Huangji Shocking Book (first-level first-glance method 11%)]

On the panel, there are obvious improvements, the fastest of which is the sword master profession, which is about to be promoted, but the breath method of the dragon demon is also obvious. When it reaches 60%, he can complete the fourth lung tempering , and then began to temper the fifth lung.

This kind of progress has made Yang Chan very satisfied.

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