Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

Chapter 197 This Immortal, It’S Okay To Say Goodbye!

The Immortal Realm, boundless.

Within the shimmering golden immortal crystal veins, the sound of explosions continued to ring out.

The immortal crystal veins were extremely hard.

Mining them was extremely difficult. Out of the over two hundred newly ascended immortals, only a few could dig up a thousand immortal crystals in a day.

Therefore, they had to continue mining through the night.

"Young man, you're being reckless. Don't dig so fast. Once you get used to it, the workload will likely increase!"

"Everyone, slow down a bit. It's enough to almost complete the task. Your actions are making it difficult for everyone!"

A middle-aged man with a square face said to Xu Yang with some annoyance.

Does this kid have to work so hard?

He can't use what he digs up himself. It all has to be turned in. It's a capital offense to keep even a piece for oneself!

His words caught the attention of the other immortals.

They all looked dissatisfiedly at Xu Yang, something they had wanted to say for a long time.

Why make things so difficult?

They used this method often when they were in the mortal realm, but back then, they were the exploiters. Now, they had become the exploited.

Xu Yang's eyes turned, and he explained, "I'm not digging so much for myself. Later, many people won't be able to reach a thousand crystals."

"By then, I'll have extra, so I'll share some."

Afraid that no one would believe him, Xu Yang added, "There's no need to thank me. I'm also doing it for myself. If too many people can't complete the task, General Hu will blame us, and I'm afraid I'll be implicated!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the skeptical crowd immediately believed him.

It was normal for Xu Yang to have such concerns.

The middle-aged man with the square face apologized, "I'm sorry, I almost misunderstood you."

Another elderly-looking immortal also said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, you have foresight and high awareness. I'm ashamed in comparison."

Xu Yang smiled slightly and, to prove that he was telling the truth, voluntarily gave some extra immortal crystals to a few people who clearly didn't have enough.

This action immediately gained everyone's trust.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, now we're all mining here, living a life worse than death. It's in times of adversity that true feelings are revealed!"

"Yes! I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Xu to be so righteous!"

"It's a pity we didn't meet you earlier. If we were in the mortal realm, I would have definitely taken you to my mansion to enjoy!"

"I regret ascending to this damn Immortal Realm!"

"I hope that scoundrel Shen Bai Xiu doesn't fall into my hands. My Ten Thousand Soul Banner isn't just for show."

The people who didn't speak much before now opened up.

They spoke one after another.

Xu Yang's eyes flashed with cunning, then he put on a look of regret and sighed, "It's a pity. My lifelong treasures are all hidden on Jiupan Mountain in the Yuheng Immortal Mansion, and I didn't leave any descendants..."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone immediately continued the conversation on this topic.

After all, everyone present had been lurking in the major immortal mansions for tens of thousands of years. They all had many hidden cards.

Even after transcending tribulation and becoming immortals, they wouldn't ascend without any reservations.

Almost everyone had their own secrets that no one knew about.

"Brother Xu, hearing you say that, I also feel regret! I still have many Supreme Grade Spirit Stones left, they're stored in..."

"Me too! Those are the refining materials I've collected for thousands of years. I was planning to use them to refine an immortal weapon after becoming an immortal."

"To be honest, I accidentally stumbled upon an ancient secret realm once. There were many rare spirit herbs there, and I made great progress in my cultivation thanks to that secret realm!"

"Alas! I can't rest assured about my dozens of dao companions. We agreed that I would go back to see them after becoming an immortal... but now look at me."

"Who can match my regret? I've collected treasures my whole life, and I haven't had a chance to enjoy them. They're all stored in the Ziyuan Immortal Mansion, right in..."

Everyone spoke openly, without holding back.

After all, these things no longer held much meaning to them.

They didn't know how long they would have to keep mining here.

Thinking of leaving the Immortal Realm?

General Hu had said it was impossible. As long as they still had breath, this place was their home.

If something unexpected happened and their souls were devoured, that would be their final destination.

They all knew that General Hu Da Jiang never lied and had no reason to deceive them any further.

After Xu Yang brought up this topic, he silently listened and secretly noted down each address.


"Finally, we can make up for some of the losses..."

He thought silently in his heart, filled with helplessness.

Another hour passed.

When those armored immortal soldiers arrived, it was time to hand over the immortal crystals.

The leader of the soldiers coldly scanned the surroundings with a cold gaze and said in a deep voice, "Alright, now hand over all the immortal crystals you dug today. If there's not enough from one person, everyone will continue digging!"

"Keep digging until it's enough!"

The previously quiet crowd became noisy again, with anger appearing on their faces one by one.

But no one dared to speak up.

Xu Yang hid behind the crowd, having already dealt with the immortal crystals he dug today.

He had put them all into a small mirror hanging on his chest.


"These are all the immortal crystals that daddy worked hard to dig. Hand them over to you? You're thinking too much!"

However, the next moment, everyone was once again surprised. They saw Xu Yang calmly take out a talisman.

"What's wrong with this kid? Did he suddenly take the wrong medicine?"

"Immortal talisman!"

"Is he crazy?"

"It seems like you haven't learned your lesson..."

Immediately, he decisively activated the immortal talisman in his hand.

Xu Yang remained unmoved. In his heart, he was also bleeding. Only he knew the price he had paid to obtain these immortal talismans.

Then, a earth-shattering explosion sounded.


The people were shocked to hear this, and for a moment, all eyes were focused on Xu Yang.

Thunderbolts filled the sky.

"Well, what he's saying now is actually what I also want to say. I just don't know what the outcome will be."

Immediately, their expressions turned fierce, revealing a sinister smile.

Xu Yang took a deep breath and smiled, "You're right, daddy is indeed seeking death!"

In the midst of silence, Xu Yang suddenly laughed coldly, stood out from the crowd, and said coldly, "Hand them over to you? Who do you think you are?"

But now, he couldn't use them.

There was no need to wait any longer.


If it was an ordinary talisman, these immortal soldiers wouldn't pay it any mind.

"What are you trying to do? Are you seeking death?"

"I won't become an immortal! Farewell!"

By now, he had achieved his goal of ascending to the Immortal Realm.

The immortal talisman in the person's hand was enough to make them cautious.

Everyone looked at Xu Yang, filled with shock and curiosity.

The leader of the immortal soldiers encountered this situation for the first time and spoke sternly.

"You're not qualified to speak to me. Call your master to come see me!"

"You... How can a mortal cultivator who just ascended have an immortal talisman? And it's a Thunderburst Immortal Talisman!"

They were even more surprised.

Everyone had the impression that Xu Yang was very cunning, low-key, and kind-hearted. In today's terms, he was like a pushover.

The next moment, a dazzling light burst forth, illuminating half of the sky in the Immortal Realm.

The armored immortal soldiers were also incredulous.

"He wants to die, but he better not harm us!"

"Why did he come out at this time and act so arrogantly? What does he want to do?"

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