Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

Chapter 190 I Fly First, Immortal Realm Reunite!

The crowd saw Ye Xi's determined appearance, and their uneasiness in their hearts also subsided a bit.

Wei Yuan, the Great Elder of the Jade Pool Holy Land, thought for a moment and asked again, "It's useless to say anything now. Let's think about how we should face it next."

He paused and said, "This time, Shen Bai Xiu and others took the lead in transcending tribulation, which has also made many cultivators in the Nine States eager to move."

At this moment, the Prime Minister of the Liyue Immortal Dynasty, Yang Mu, also stood up and said in a deep voice, "That's right!"

"Now everyone gradually believes in the Boundless Immortal Realm and desires to transcend tribulation and become immortals. Not to mention other cultivators, even among our Nine States Immortal Dao Alliance, there are also many people who are tempted."

Yang Mu pondered for a moment and said, "We must do something, or prove that the Boundless Immortal Realm is really an Immortal Realm."


"Once most cultivators have transcended tribulation, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for us. Not to mention whether we can pass this current test, how should we deal with the subsequent Three Realms Transformation?"

These questions have weighed on their hearts for a long time.

Now it is time to face them, and there is no way back.

For a while, the Great Hall fell silent again.

The gaze of Wei Yuan and others focused on Ye Xi. Now they can only believe in Ye Xi and believe in the Immortal Great Emperor!

Ye Xi took a deep breath, shook his head, and said, "I can't prove whether the Boundless Immortal Realm is a trap!"

The hearts of the crowd sank. This is actually the question they are concerned about.

They even held a glimmer of hope...

If the Boundless Immortal Realm is not a trap, the situation of the Nine States cultivators will be much better all at once.

At least they won't be attacked from all sides.

But after experiencing the exploitation in the Immortal Court, they obviously dare not take this risk. Once they transcend tribulation and ascend, there will be no turning back.

Everyone felt a bit heavy in their hearts.


Ye Xi's voice sounded again, smiling, and said, "Whether there is a trap or not, we will know when we go to Ascension!"

The crowd was shocked again after hearing this.

Wei Yuan said, "Ye Xi, are you going to transcend tribulation too? Isn't this too risky?"

The others also looked worried.

In their eyes, although Ye Xi is strong, once he transcends tribulation and ascends to the Boundless Immortal Realm, it will be someone else's territory.

It's hard to fight against many opponents!

By then, if there really is a trap, wouldn't it be a futile death?

Hua Hongyi also felt a bit worried, but she had known Ye Xi's thoughts a long time ago and knew that she couldn't persuade him to turn back.

However, Ye Xi appeared calm, with a firm light in his eyes.

He was even a little excited.

After returning from the Qiong Ying Immortal Mansion, he met Qing Dai Shi Niang and learned some information from her.

This further strengthened Ye Xi's desire to transcend tribulation!

"Consider it an experiment. Maybe there will be different results?" Ye Xi thought in his heart, then said to the crowd, "Don't worry, I have my own considerations!"

"Besides, there is no better way."

Ye Xi paused for a moment and said, "For now, appease the Nine States cultivators and tell them not to transcend tribulation for the time being. Let's wait until I transcend tribulation and find out the situation!"

"Even if it's urgent, this little time won't make a difference!"

After he finished speaking, the Great Hall fell into silence again. After a while, everyone nodded secretly.

Indeed, this is the most secure way now.

Only Wei Yuan, Yang Mu, and the Patriarch of the Pei family still looked worried when they looked at Ye Xi.

The forces they are in are deeply bound to the Immortal Great Emperor. They don't want anything to happen to his disciples!

But after thinking about it, they didn't know what to say.

Wei Yuan lowered his head and sighed, "Alas... It's all because of this person's era!"


Purple Origin Immortal Mansion.

Xiao Family!

At this moment, in the council hall of the Xiao Family, the faces of the ten or so clan elders were heavy.

In the spacious hall, sighs could be heard from time to time.

"Qin Jian actually led all the Great Emperors of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect to transcend tribulation together. Is he crazy?" a clan elder frowned.

In their view, this is a gamble. Once they win, they can seize the opportunity.

But what if they lose?

That would be irreparable!

For a major power to lose all its Great Emperors at once would be a devastating blow.

Unfortunately, Qin Jian dared to do such a thing...

Xiao Galaxy Cluster, the patriarch of the Xiao family, had a gloomy expression and his eyes flickered. He had already sensed the scent of conspiracy.

"There must be a conspiracy among them!"

He had been fighting with Qin Jian for so long and he knew the other party well. Qin Jian was only interested in personal gain and had a narrow mind.

But he was definitely not a fool. He wouldn't take such a big risk for no reason and drag the entire Nine Heavens Sword Sect down with him.

At this moment, another old man in a green robe also said, "Recently, the Nine Heavens Sword Sect has been getting close to Shen Bai Xiu and the others!"

"That's right!"

"Shen Bai Xiu and Shen Tu Lie took the lead in transcending tribulation, and there was also the return of the Infinite Immortal Realm. Shen Bai Xiu knew about it in advance. These coincidences are enough to show that something is not right."

"Hmph! Perhaps all of this is planned by Shen Bai Xiu!"

Listening to the words of the elders, Xiao Galaxy Cluster felt even heavier in his heart.

Now, the Xiao family and the Nine Heavens Sword Sect had completely torn their faces apart.

Both sides were openly fighting, like water and fire.

Once Qin Jian transcended tribulation and became an immortal, and if he wasn't eliminated, it would be a disaster for the Xiao family.

Of course, apart from them, the Wan Xian Sect and the Purple Robe Sect were also not in a good situation.


Xiao Galaxy Cluster coughed lightly, interrupting the argument of the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "So, according to the opinions of the elders, what should we do now?"

He looked around sharply and continued, "Transcend tribulation, or temporarily wait and see!"


The hall fell silent.

After a moment, an old man with white hair stood up and said slowly, "I think we can let some of the Great Emperors in the clan transcend tribulation first, and the rest can observe for now."

"This way, there will always be a way out!"


The first one to sense the tribulation and summon the thunder tribulation was Shen Bai Xiu.

The elders present thought for a moment and agreed with this method.

"I'm going to transcend tribulation and become an immortal. Is this the thunder tribulation? It's truly shocking."

Time quietly passed in this eerie and tense atmosphere...

For a while, tribulation clouds appeared everywhere in the sky, and the sound of thunder echoed.

Cang Mysterious Immortal Mansion.

The situation of the Xiao family was just a microcosm of the major immortal mansions.

Except for a few forces like the Extreme Ice Immortal Palace, there was still no news of anyone transcending tribulation.

In ancient times, cultivators would often transcend tribulation in remote and uninhabited places, rarely to be discovered. Scenes like this were extremely rare.

Hundreds of cultivators were transcending tribulation at the same time, summoning thunder tribulation. It was truly a spectacular sight.

Silver lightning snakes shuttled through the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

Immediately, the Great Hall was filled with discussions again.

"Let's meet again in the Immortal Realm!"

Shen Bai Xiu stood on the immortal mountain, looking at the tribulation clouds in the sky, his eyes shining. "Finally, I can return to the Immortal Realm! Come!"

"Thunder tribulation is indeed the natural enemy of cultivators. It's too powerful!"

His voice carried a hint of magic power and spread far and wide.

Someone was transcending tribulation!

"It has begun!"

At this moment, in all the major immortal mansions, any force that had a Great Emperor was making similar decisions.

Shen Bai Xiu, who was sitting in the lotus position, suddenly opened his eyes and scanned the surroundings. He loudly declared, "Fellow daoists, Shen is ascending first!"

The commotion caused by the Heavenly Tribulation was too great. Curious cultivators flocked to the nearest transcending tribulation site to watch from a distance.

It was Shen Tu Lie and Qin Jian, among others.

Many people were inspired by his enthusiasm and greeted him from afar, cupping their hands in return. "Haha, good! Let's meet again in the Immortal Realm!"

A dull thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. The cloudless sky suddenly darkened, and dark tribulation clouds quietly appeared.


As they watched, the tribulation clouds in the sky became more and more violent.

Xiao Galaxy Cluster nodded and said, "That's what I think too. Since everyone has no objections, let's go with this plan!"

He paused and continued, "Next, let's discuss the candidates for transcending tribulation!"

On this day!

Immediately after, tribulation clouds were forming in other immortal mansions as well.

"Becoming an immortal, it's truly enviable. Even if I can't ascend, I'm fortunate to witness it with my own eyes."

"It makes my blood boil. I'm going to cultivate diligently. I don't know if I'll be struck by lightning in this lifetime!"

They dared not not transcend tribulation, but they also dared not all transcend tribulation together.

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