Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

Chapter 186 A Visitor From The Immortal Mansion, Xuan Qing Sect.

The sixty-eighth diary entry ends here, although it is not long, it has exposed a lot of information.

Deep within the Fairy Spirit Spring, there really is an ancient formation!

What secrets could be hidden inside?

After reading this diary entry, the cultivators of Jiuzhou and the major immortal mansions were filled with a strong curiosity.

There was an urgent desire to continue reading!

But this is the last diary entry that has been released, so if you want to read the next one, you'll have to wait ten days.

It's really hard to wait, but you can also buy a preview from Xuanqing Sect to satisfy your curiosity.

Based on the preview content, it is still quite close to the content of the real diary...

I have to say, the imagination of the Great Elder of Xuanqing Sect is really impressive.

For a while, cultivators all over the world were discussing.

"The first time might be a bit painful... but it will be comfortable once you get used to it. I suspect that the Heavenly Emperor is hinting at something else, but is there any evidence?"

"Uh, the Heavenly Emperor is really fast, I'm talking about flying speed!"

"Is the Fairy Spirit Spring really that amazing? If I could soak in it, I've always been weak since I was young..."

"Indeed, cultivation still relies on opportunities, but often Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, Grotto-Heavens are occupied by major forces, which leads to the strong becoming stronger and the weak becoming weaker!"

"Yes, it's completely unfair. Now that the Immortal Realm is returning, I hope it can open up a way for us ordinary cultivators!"

"The Heavenly Emperor is so powerful, could it be related to this Fairy Spirit Spring? Maybe after they opened the ancient formation, they obtained some kind of opportunity. It's really enviable."

Everyone who watched the diary had different opinions and feelings.

Some envied why all the good things happen to the Heavenly Emperor? Even women like Han Xingmian are attracted to him!

There were also those who were jealous and felt unfair, thinking that fate was so unjust.

Of course, most of them expressed their feelings and then eagerly awaited the next diary entry.


Qingzhou, Southern Territory.

Xuanqing Sect.

After reading the diary, Elder Chen Xiu immediately returned to the Immortal Cave and bowed his head, leaning over the table.

He occasionally stroked his beard, his eyes shining with brilliance, as if contemplating something.

From time to time, he picked up his brush and recorded the inspiration that had just come to mind on the white paper.

The table was messy, with scraps of paper everywhere, filled with notes and revisions.

Chen Xiu frowned and murmured softly, "Immortal Palace, Spirit Spring, deep inside, ancient formation..."

"After it's opened, what will be inside?"

As his voice reached this point, it suddenly quieted down. In the empty room, only the sound of leaves rustling outside the window could be heard.

After a moment!

Chen Xiu's eyes brightened, a flash of inspiration flickered in his mind, and he said excitedly:

"Perhaps, it will be a strange space, desolate and ancient."

"There will be some lost scriptures, Jade Slips."

"Within these scriptures and Jade Slips, are there inheritances of cultivation techniques? Records of the true history? Or unknown secrets!"

Chen Xiu's thoughts kept flowing, his hand moved quickly with the brush, recording some key words.

"But these are not enough..."

"There are also ancient and mysterious fierce beasts, and a thrilling atmosphere of danger?"

Chen Xiu stopped writing here, furrowing his brow. He always felt like something was missing.

If it's just like this, it's not attractive enough!

After pondering for a moment.


Suddenly, Chen Xiu slapped the table, stood up, and exclaimed loudly, "There's also an ancient coffin? A corpse? Is it a mysterious Beast Race or an ancient female immortal?"

"Ancestor and Ancestral Grandmother, after experiencing danger, finally overcome difficulties, but their emotions deepen and they can't help themselves..."

"That's right!"

"That's it!"

Chen Xiu's excitement flushed his face. After recording everything on paper, he sat back down, completely exhausted.

He took a deep breath and said with a bitter smile,

"When my master first taught me the technique, I didn't practice so diligently!"


"How could I have become a Great Emperor or even reached Mahayana today!"

Chen Xiu took a sip of spiritual tea to regain some energy, and then immediately began writing the first preview of the diary.

What did the Sect Leader say?

Time is Spirit Stones!

The preview of the diary launched by Xuanqing Sect relies on speed to make money. It sells the most in the first few days after the diary is released.

Otherwise, after ten days, it will be time to announce the next diary, and who would spend Spirit Stones to buy it?

So Chen Xiu, as the main writer, must write it as soon as possible.

Then it will be copied by other disciples to ensure that fresh and hot diaries can be sold early tomorrow morning.

In addition to the diary, Chen Xiu is also in charge of matters such as the dao companion cave, milk tea, bikini, and stockings refining, and he is a bit overwhelmed.

He paused, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and he continued, "Our ancestor, Lin Feng, loves it very much. Every time he comes back, he must drink his fill!"


And the female cultivator in front of him is not bad-looking, with fair skin and wearing a slightly loose dress, showing a remarkable temperament.

Yan Changkong smiled and warmly greeted the beautiful woman in front of him, saying,

At this moment, a voice came from outside the Immortal Cave.

Chen Xiu said in confusion, changed into a more solemn green robe, and then left the Immortal Cave.

She also got straight to the point, directly stating her intentions, not wanting Yan Changkong to misunderstand.

Moreover, Han Yuwei is the peak master of Yunshan Valley, one of the two strongest forces in Yuheng Immortal Mansion. Both her cultivation base and power far surpass Xuanqing Sect.

"I came here presumptuously, and I apologize to Sect Leader Yan. I do have a request, but I mean no harm."

She knew that Yan Changkong was not at ease with her arrival.

The cooperation between the two has become more and more harmonious.

Han Yuwei smiled and glanced at Yan Changkong, thinking to herself that this little fatty is indeed shrewd.

Chen Xiu felt her gaze and was puzzled, a hint of embarrassment appearing on his face.

Not many years, it seems like never.

Han Yuwei took a sip of tea and nodded, saying, "A tea that even the Heavenly Emperor of the Wilderness likes truly has its unique qualities!"

Chen Xiu replied, letting the messenger leave first, and then he wrote a few more sentences before putting down his pen.

But he also knew that if Yan Changkong didn't have something important, he would never disturb him at this time.

"Although it's not precious, it is a specialty of our Xuanqing Sect."

"What important guest?"


But he also doesn't want to trouble the grandmothers every time something happens. It's not good to always rely on them.

"It seems like an important guest!"

The beautiful woman in front of him came from Yuheng Immortal Mansion, which is one of the top immortal mansions, second only to the six major immortal mansions.

Of course, Yan Changkong is not afraid of her either, as he has experienced many storms and is not afraid even without the Condensing Divine Pill.

Chen Xiu frowned, suddenly interrupted, and his face looked a bit unpleasant.

When Chen Xiu entered, Han Yuwei, who was sitting on the side, brightened up and looked straight at him.

"Come, Master Han, taste the exclusive spiritual tea of our Xuanqing Sect."

This made Senior Elder Chen Xiu's breathing slightly quicken.

"Senior Elder, the Sect Leader has ordered you to come to the Great Hall for a meeting."

Yan Changkong was about to ask the purpose of her visit...

As if she was looking at some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

It has been many years since a female cultivator looked at him like this.

"I understand, I will come later!"

Yan Changkong breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Senior Elder Chen Xiu walked in.

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