Masahiko’s face is not very good-looking.

Although wind and rain have experienced everything in the past 100 years, the neighing of snakes has made his scalp feeling numb.

Inside Ryuchi Cave, the terrain is complex, with caves everywhere, entrances and exits everywhere. What’s more important is that none of these caves is full of large and small Ao snakes and flower snakes. Masahiko has been turning on the repulsive force at all times, so that these snakes are at least far away from his ten meters, and his face looks better.

Orochimaru worthy-of is their “kindness”. They have no different colors on their faces, but instead look around with interest.

“Go this way,” Masahiko said slightly to Orochimaru.

When he came to the cave, Masahiko never dared to make the sense opened the biggest. It wasn’t that he was worried that the snake Sage would find them, but that there were too many snakes after the sense was enlarged.

As for how to figure out the direction, Masahiko just moved towards Senjutsu Chakra and took a more tangy place to walk that’s all.

As he went deeper and deeper, Masahiko’s face improved slightly. Although the size of the snake is constantly increasing, the relative number will decrease. For dense phobias like Masahiko … this will be much more comfortable.

Although Ryuchi Cave looks small because it is spliced ​​from one hole to the other, it really is not small. Masahiko and Orochimaru travel at a slow speed, but after about an hour, Masahiko felt relatively large Chakra fluctuations.

Going forward for a few minutes again, a dozen giant snakes appeared in front of them.

Said to be giant snake, in fact not at all is particularly large, far can’t compare with Manda, which is more than ten meters long, but Masahiko can feel that their within-the-body has no small Chakra fluctuations, It should belong to the kind of spiritual wisdom.

The snakes saw the two of them, and surrounded them instantly.


Obviously not friendly.

Masahiko wrinkled frowned, and it was not good to be surrounded by a dozen snakes. He was about to do it, and Orochimaru stopped him.

“Blue snake, it’s me.” A husky voice came out, clearly seeing “Famous Snake.”

“Lord Orochimaru.” A deep blue giant snake agreed, as if he had just recognized him.

“Take me to Manda.” Orochimaru did not say his purpose directly, but wanted to go to Manda first.

There are “famous snakes” who can do a good job. A dozen giant snakes around them immediately spread out, and the blue snake led them to continue to go deep into the cave.

“Ryuchi Cave … Snakes are really more rank and strict?” Masahiko sighed softly. The more the snakes got stronger inside, it felt a bit like playing a game …

“Is there a giant snake with three Manda ranks?” As we move forward, three larger Chakra reactions have appeared in the sense of Masahiko, probably similar to the Orochimaru in front of me.

After turning five or six corners, two giant snakes of different colors appeared in front of their eyes, and a purple was exactly Manda. There is also an Ao color and a red one.

The three snakes were surrounded by triangles. The first reaction in Masahiko’s mind was: The landlord brought me one …

Of course, they were not fighting the landlords, but looked like they had been waiting for the two for a long time.

“Orochimaru, you can really find it here.” The roar of Manda heard, apparently Orochimaru had already told him that he was coming to Ryuchi Cave training.

“But!” Manda’s pair of snake pupils stared at Masahiko tightly. “Why come with other people!”

Masahiko looks-at The snake’s mouth approaching quickly, his eyes turned black, and the repulsive force was instantly turned on …

Whether it was three giant snakes or Orochimaru, they all flew upside down at split second and crashed into unknown caves.

Zheng-yan’s face was darkened by the dust around him.

He is not a glass heart, he will fight back with full force when he is provoked by Manda.

But just when Manda opened his mouth and bite at him, he felt a sense of death … smoked.

“I’m not here to cause trouble …” Masahiko sighed. Just now, I fully exported Shinra Tensei, even Senjutsu was turned on subconsciously. Looks atat, the originally narrow cave suddenly turned into a square. Good, the three snakes should not hurt badly.

As for Orochimaru, he didn’t worry too much. His life-saving measures were not ordinary.

“Senior, I’m here to learn Senjutsu …” Sure enough, Orochimaru’s voice came over, but a little tremor, I don’t know if it was injured or Masahiko was angry …

Masahiko looked towards his direction, waved his hand, “I have no choice but to remember to teach Manda to brush my teeth in the future.”

As he was talking about Manda, Manda had already moved back and surrounded Masahiko with the dozens of larger snakes he had encountered before, looking-at him vigilantly.

“Unexpected resistance.” Masahiko muttered, and the other two apparently could not return for a while.

“Manda, don’t be impatient.” In this case, Orochimaru could calm down and comfort, but it obviously didn’t help.

“Hateful humans!” The huge snake tail flew towards Masahiko, and Masahiko gathered a lightning long sword and nailed it to the ground.

Manda sends out a painful roar and struggles, Masahiko no longer takes advantage of his hands, after all is Summoned Beast of Orochimaru.

He waved to a dozen “little snakes” who were still alert to him, “You try to pull out the sword, and we’re going to find your old Ancestor.”

“Orochimaru, go this way.”

As if nothing had happened, Masahiko took Orochimaru forward.

Masahiko had sensed to Chakra of the snake Sage long ago. It stands to reason that such a big movement, it should have been here, but it never moved, Masahiko was a little curious.

Taking Orochimaru along the way, after about a few 1000 meters, Masahiko finally saw the last of the three Great Sages, the snake Sage!

On a huge stone chair, a giant snake with whole body is snow white scales sits on it, with fine carvings on the back and sides.

Snake Sage, a pair of snake pupils, was unexpectedly mild. “Orochimaru, first time you meet, are you here to learn Senjutsu?”

The tone was also very mild, which made Orochimaru a little bit surprised and looked towards Masahiko.

Masahiko laughed, “Are you going to learn Sage Mode?”

Orochimaru wrinkled frowned, then slowly nodded, always feeling the atmosphere is not right.

Masahiko was actually a little confused, obviously before he severely injured several snakes, but the snake Sage seemed to be unaware, not at all.

“This is better, and the best solution is peaceful. This snake Sage always feels like there is something wrong. Although there are many Chakra Reserves, it feels weak …”

Masahiko had just thought of this, and was suddenly surprised, subconscious soaring high into the air.

Under the ground, a huge snake’s mouth emerged from the ground, biting at Masahiko.

Looking again towards the huge throne, the white giant snake slumped in general.

“Did the snake shed?” Masahiko sighed.

“Earth-Style: Super-Heavy Stone Fist Jutsu!”

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