LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 571 569: I am Aatrox, and I am the end of the world! (10,000-word chapter)

"It's the Sword Demon again!"

As soon as Su Cheng finished speaking, a series of surprised low-pitched shouts rang out from the stands behind him!

If the previous Sword Demon was still an exclusive toy for top laners, then after the redesign, Aatrox has become closely linked to Lin Ran and has become his representative hero.

Killing everyone in the intercontinental competition, chasing four or five people in team battles and slashing wildly, the three-life sword demon with resurrection armor and great destruction resurrection mechanism is the nightmare of almost every team that releases it.

The news of the second rework made Aatrox one of the symbols of Lin Ran's career.

Lee Sang Hyuk's perfect performance in using Ryze in the S5 World Championship led to the reinvention of Thunder King; and Lin Ran also used crazy performance to force Riot to restart Sword Demon for the second time within a month and a half.

The 8.15 version of Sword Demon has another change online. Many Sword Demon proficient players and professional players believe that Aatrox's lane has been abolished.

E [Shadow Rush] that cannot be charged, W [Fire Chain] and Q [Darkin Blade] with increased cooldown, and Great Destruction that cannot be resurrected.

All 4 skills and various basic attributes have been weakened, only in exchange for a higher life stealing effect.

But what about laning?

If you can't even survive the early and mid-term, how can you get teamfights in the mid-to-late stage?

In just one version, Sword Demon has been reduced from a T0-level single-player line choice to a sewer hero that no one cares about.

Hearing Lin Ran's choice of counter position, there was a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

[Guigui, is it the sword demon again? 】

[I still believe in Brother Ran’s Sword Demon]

[But now I am a stupid hero. After the redo, I played it for two games. In team battles, I thought I was resurrected. I subconsciously rushed into other people’s faces with my ultimate move, but was killed instantly by the skill’s focused fire.]

[It’s true, I also think Aatrox 8 is too good now]

[It used to be that when I brought Charged E, I could still compete with Zoe online. Now, isn’t the Sword Demon just a punching bag when he walks in the middle? 】

Fengtang thought so too.

How does this version of Sword Demon fight Zoe?

He took two deep breaths, as if he wanted to give himself confidence in this way, and at the same time kneaded his knuckles to move his fingers that were slightly stiff due to the spread of the cold air in the venue.

Steak said to Maple: "You must suppress him in the lane. This is not a high requirement... Ursei is very weak in the lane now!"

"Our lineup is all about betting in the mid-term. Pay attention to switching lanes and controlling resources," he emphasized before leaving, "Also, remember not to give them the chance to trade the Flying Dragon for the Herald."

Steak has watched YM's game videos before and knows that when they are delaying the situation, they like to trade the flying dragon for the omen, in order to replace the neutral resources, so that the team has the capital to drag the ancient dragon team battle.

Kasa thought for a moment. After being away from the LMS competition area for more than half a year, he finally realized what the prophet was. He quickly agreed, "I understand!"

Ten players exchanged heroes, and the lineups of both sides were determined.

Blue square TPE: top laner Shen, jungler Olaf, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane Hanbing + Braum.

Red square CHN: top laner Alchemy, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Sword Demon, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Niutou.

On the other side of the players' table, Abramovich also warned before stepping down, "You remember to play around Lin Ran and just follow the instructions. Our starting point is relatively far back, and a slight disadvantage in the early stage is completely acceptable."

He also patted letme on the shoulder, "Yan Junze, your task in this game is to drag Shen on the opposite side and prevent him from frequently using his ultimate move to support other lanes."

Letme was changing the runes, and when he heard his coach's words, he nodded repeatedly to indicate that he understood.

Lin Ran adjusted the position of his keyboard, then picked up the paper cup and took a sip of ice water to moisten his slightly dry lips.

The audience felt even more excited when they saw the avatar IDs of the players from both teams and the heroes they operated appeared on the big screen.

This is Aatrox's first appearance after the second restart. No one knows whether Lin Ran can continue his previous excellent performance as a sword demon.

But that doesn't stop them from looking forward to it.

10 players exchanged heroes, and after the loading page was loaded, Summoner's Rift suddenly arrived!

Amid waves of cheers from the stands, the CHN team ushered in its first competition in the main stage of the Asian Games!

Su Cheng pointed the camera of her mobile phone at the open space under her feet, and at the same time typed the text of both sides' lineups and placed it in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room.

After typing the last word, she raised her head again and introduced the runes of both parties to the audience in the live broadcast room.

The whole process was methodical and orderly.

"Fengtang's Zoe's main system is Witchcraft Ai Li, and his secondary system is Enlightened Time Warp Tonic and Biscuits. It is worth mentioning that his summoner skill belt is ignited... It can be seen that he really wants to cause a confrontation. Suppression, even trying to get a solo kill."

"As for Lin Ran on the other side, his main element is Conqueror, and his secondary element is the pupa and firmness of Resolute." Su Cheng nodded with satisfaction when he saw this, "This is very scientific, Zoe's lethargy, Shen's taunting, Ice and Braum have a lot of slowing and stun controls, and the toughness and slowing resistance given by [Steadfast] are very effective."

There is a saying that the Sword Demon is also a beneficiary of the changes to the Conqueror's runes.

Every time a skill causes damage, it can be stacked twice. It is perfectly suitable for Sword Demon's Q [Darkborn Blade]. Basically, you can fully stack up by playing a set of skills.

Anyway, after Sword Demon was redesigned again, its laning ability dropped by more than one level. There is no need to continue to use electrocution or comet to gain a laning advantage. Simply choose a conqueror with stronger team fighting and duel capabilities.

"Ten heroes from both sides bought equipment and left the spring. TPE did not form a long snake formation, but boldly launched an invasion into the CHN jungle area," Su Cheng recounted the scene to the audience in the live broadcast room, "Mainly because of the Taipei team's bottom lane. Ice and Braum are so powerful in combat, they should be one of the most powerful duos in the league, even as good as the Shadow Island combination of Calista and Thresh."

In comparison, CHN's first-level group strength is much weaker.

Neither Sword Demon nor Alchemy can provide effective support to the team.

"The Taipei team doesn't seem to want to take care of the top lane. They invaded the lower half of CHN. They clearly want Casa to reach level 4. During this period, top lane Shen is facing a situation of being left alone."

The problem of communication and cooperation is not limited to the CHN team, the Taipei team also has this problem.

PK is G-Rex's starting top laner, and the other four players are all from Flash Wolves.

Kasa couldn't cooperate with him, and during his time with Flash Wolves and RNG, he always used the top lane to protect the midfield and the bottom, and he was not used to playing top and jungle linkages.

In addition, the alchemy played by Letme tends to mix lanes. Catching him to death once or twice fattened up Shen, and it did not have a particularly big impact on the entire game.

Casa simply chose to help the bottom lane establish an advantage.

"In this way, Xiaoyao has to go to the jungle above his house, and Jack will be more dangerous," Su Cheng said: "Olav will reach level 4 in about 3 minutes and 10 seconds. After that, half a minute later, the conflict broke out in the bottom lane. high-risk period.”

She couldn't help but frown slightly when she said this, "At 2 minutes and 37 seconds, there is a wave of artillery lanes in the bottom lane. If the Freljord combination that controls the lane pushes all this wave of lanes, then there will be a wave at 3 minutes and 07 seconds. When the short term comes, the army line must be pushed back..."

Su Cheng muttered to himself, saying words that many people couldn't understand.

In the live broadcast room, some viewers raised questions, and many people followed her thoughts and fell into deep thought.

Because of the existence of the auxiliary bull head, Jack with purification will basically not be killed by jumping over the tower. If the opponent insists on taking action, there is a high probability that a human head can be replaced.

If Casa wants to help the bottom lane establish an advantage, the best way is to wait for the line of troops to be pushed out, let Olaf and Braum form a linkage, and use their own slowing skills to retain the CHN duo, so that Liu Qingsong and Shiba Inu dogs also have a hard time escaping.

Thinking about it this way, the time when TPE launches a surprise attack is almost predictable.

Lin Ran could also guess this, but he was not sure of his own thoughts yet, so he did not make accurate judgment and command.

It's still early anyway.

The first wave of troops had already met in the middle, and he came to the line carrying the God-Killing Blade.

Sword Demon has modified the cooldown indicator of the Q skill after the redesign. Now Aatrox cannot complete the Q skill like Riven, which also means that Lin Ran's first-level combat effectiveness will be very weak.

But Fengtang didn't seize this opportunity. Unlike other Zoe, who was full of flying stars and knocked down the minions on the line, Maple's early laning can be said to be very stable, and there was no idea of ​​interfering with the minions' health.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ran instantly clarified his previous judgment on the timing of Kasa's capture.

Normally, Zoe, who has a strong laning, will choose to gather a wave of artillery troops and enter the opponent's defense tower when facing a short-handed hero like Aatrox who is weak in the early stage.

In this way, he can take advantage of the range, and when the short-handed sword demon is finishing under the tower, he can continuously use skills and basic attacks to consume without damage, creating a health gap for himself, thereby threatening to compress the opponent's development space.

But Zoe didn't do that.

Lin Ran knew the reason clearly.

If the opponent accumulates a third wave of artillery troops and advances, the game is less than 3 minutes old, and Olaf has not finished slaying the wild monsters to reach level 4. The bottom lane troops will naturally not move forward because their arrival time is 10 seconds slower than the middle lane. The Taipei team pushed back, and Jack and Liu Qingsong would not leave the protection of the defense tower.

With this kind of troop layout, Kasa couldn't capture anyone at all.

But if Fengtang delays the time of hoarding troops into the tower and only pushes the piles of minions in during the fourth or fifth wave of troops, then when Karsa attacks the bottom lane, Lin Ran is still handling the troops under the tower. There is no way to teleport bot lane support at all.

Knowing that Casaolaf is in the lower half, Zoe's actions are obviously creating gank opportunities for the jungler.

Lin Ran immediately reminded his teammates.

Jack is obviously aware of this. If Han Bing accumulates a large wave of artillery lines and enters his tower, it will take a long time for him to clean them up. When the fourth wave of short lines arrives, the handover position of the lines will still be under the tower.

The defensive tower will also clear the Taipei team's fourth wave of troops.

In this way, the fourth wave of our own soldiers will survive, leave the defense tower smoothly, and push the next troop line handover position out of the river.

This will be his most dangerous time.

Lin Ran in the middle lane has no lane power and cannot support him; Alchemy in the top lane is not level 6 yet, and regardless of whether Letme can be teleported in front of Shen, even if TP lands, a Singed without a big move will have no effect.

Not to mention that jungler Xiaotian will still be wandering in the top half.

The bottom lane duo faces the dilemma of being isolated and helpless.

If Olaf catches him, he may be killed.

"Let's try to clear the line as quickly as possible," Shiba Inu said to Liu Qingsong, "try not to let a large number of soldiers push in."

Liu Qingsong had the same view as him, "I will leave one holy shield for the artillery truck, and the others will be given directly to the melee soldiers."

Quickly deal with the thick-skinned and thick-skinned soldiers who are stuck at the line handover position. This is the most effective way to prevent the opponent from hoarding lines.

The two reached an agreement smoothly.

But after all, it's Kaisha and Tautau. No matter how many skills he uses, it's impossible to defeat the Freljord combination.

Taking advantage of his range advantage, Hanbing saw Jack stepping forward to clear the line with Icathia's Rainstorm, so he immediately used basic attacks to consume W [Thousands of Arrows]. While setting up the deceleration effect, the approach speed also provided him with movement speed. Quick bonus, chasing connected points all the way, lowering Kai'Sa's blood volume.

The Taipei team's attempts to prevent Jack and Liu Qingsong from clearing the lane in the bottom lane were so obvious that Su Cheng, who was standing in the stands, and the other members of the CHN coaching staff in the background, could see that the opponent wanted to take action.

TPE's first offensive was naked and fierce.

Lin Ran was still being beaten in the middle.

Even though he bought Doran Shield, Elizoe's suppression was too strong. He complained endlessly about the constant flying stars and basic attacks with passive fireworks.

Su Cheng reported this information to the audience in the live broadcast room, and the fans suddenly became worried.

[I just said that Sword Demon is not good in laning, Brother Ran must use it! 】

[Can’t you see this? The designer redid the Sword Demon for the second time. Obviously you don't want him to continue playing, how can you go against the version? 】

This is the mainstream argument in the live broadcast room.

The third wave of troops arrived, and Lin Ran's blood volume had dropped to half.

Although Zoe doesn't have much mana left, the biscuits from the maple rune belt and the mana regeneration effect of the corrupted water are enough to sustain him until the first wave of return to the city.

"Binxuan has entered the tower!" Jack's voice was urgent.

"Wait a moment..." Lin Ran asked Jack to calm down.

Zoe ran to the top of the map to lay out her vision.

Lin Ran didn't know the specific location where the opponent lowered his ward, but when Zoe returned to the middle again, he looked up and glanced at the time in the upper right corner.

It took a total of 5 seconds.

With Zoe's movement speed, it was impossible for her to run up the river to take a look.

There is a high probability that it was stuck in the grass on the middle road.

This is also possible, Sister Li.

Since the troop line has not yet entered the middle defense tower, Fengtang may miss troops if she leaves the line and goes to a farther river to lay out her vision. Therefore, it is more reasonable to place the ward in the grass in the middle.

Lin Ran's brain was spinning at high speed, trying to think of a way to break the situation.

"After the bottom artillery line entered the tower, they started to push back." Su Cheng stared at the big screen at the scene. "Olav of Casa cleared the jungle very quickly and ate up all six groups of wild monsters." He has reached level 4 and is ready to attack the bottom lane!"

Her voice wavered.

This seems to be a dead end.

When the line of soldiers is pushed out, if Jack retreats to the tower, the soldiers will be stuck in the bottom lane of the Taipei team for a very long time.

Not only could he not replenish his troops, he could not even get the experience of his troops.

This is a type of military line that must be pushed outward no matter what.

Su Cheng had already sentenced Jack and Liu Qingsong to death in his heart.

She looked at the small map, and after a moment she was filled with hope!

Changes are coming!

The moment Olaf appeared in the bottom lane, someone appeared in the middle lane.

Xin Zhao!

"Casa came to capture the bottom lane, and Xiaotian went to capture the middle lane," Su Cheng's voice was urgent, "Both sides started almost at the same time!"

The director quickly divided the scene into two parts: the middle lane and the bottom lane.

"Liu Qingsong used W [Savage Crash] to push away Olaf, but Braum's Q flashed and put on the passive... and was blocked by Shao Shao!"

On the screen, the Tauren Chief made a small move and ate the Winter Bite that was originally shot at Kai'Sa!

"Han Bing also fired W thousands of arrows and successfully retained the Tauren Chief!"

Jack surrendered Flash and escaped successfully, but Liu Qingsong chose to sell himself, and his head was taken by Betty.

But it's not first blood.

And Zoe, operated by Fengtang in the middle, was killed first!

This time the two sides launched raids on the middle and lower roads at the same time, and eventually the score was 1 for 1.

The audience in the live broadcast room who learned about the game through Su Cheng's commentary also breathed a sigh of relief.

[Brotherhood, please put Rem on the public screen, Liu Qingsong is too cute to help block Q]

[Sure enough, I said that the level of mid laner Maple has dropped drastically now, Xiaoyao can just help Brother Ran, this person is the breakthrough! 】

"Yitang, why were you killed? Didn't I remind you of Xin Zhao's location?" Kasa was very sorry.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the situation and take the first water dragon after killing the bottom duo.

However, Fengtang's death in battle resulted in the loss of line rights in the middle. Sword Demon and Xin Zhao might come to support him, forcing him to give up his plan to steal the dragon.

"...I tried my best to lean down, but the opponent was too decisive." Maple explained for himself.

In order to restrict Lin Ran and prevent his opponents from roaming for support, he could only position himself in front of the CHN middle tower and continuously suppress him.

He knew that Xin Zhao was in the upper half, and Casa had sent a signal, so he moved lower.

In theory this is safe.

But Lin Ran seized the gap when he was stuck in replenishing troops, and QE successfully hit Zoe from 1,000 yards away.

Xiaotian's Xin Zhao took advantage of him being knocked away, W flashed decisively, hit him across the line of soldiers, and applied a layer of slowing effect.

By this time it was too late to dodge again.

Fengtang was followed by Lin Ran and flashed, and he ate Evil Fire Chain and Q2. He was stabbed to death by Garlic Bastard E [Fearless Charge], and his first-blood head was pocketed by Sword Demon's Q3.

"Forget it, it's okay," Snake arranged, "Haoxuan will come down the lane again later. Keisha didn't flash, so it's easy to catch."

"No problem." Kasa agreed and returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment.

Lin Ran cleared out the minions under the tower and returned to the city to rest. He received 400 yuan for the first blood. In addition to the economy accumulated from the previous battles and the wages paid by the system, he bought straw sandals, long swords and red crystals.

He is like a king of spare parts.

But when he was teleported back online again, he was still no match for Zoe.

There is no way, Sword Demon is indeed a bit weak now, and the damage of Q [Darkborn Blade] to minions has been weakened. Before the equipment and level are improved in the early stage, Sword Demon can't even try to win the line rights from Zoe.

"After returning to the city for supplies, the junglers of both sides also started their second round of jungle clearing." Seeing that the team successfully resolved the first wave of crises, Su Cheng's tone also calmed down, "The game has entered about 5 minutes, and both sides There was a stalemate for a while.”

This stalemate can be described as the dead silence before the outbreak of war.

The time comes to 7 minutes.

"Xiaotian took the lead in attacking on the top lane, wanting to cooperate with his own alchemy to catch Shen to death...but Kasa is nearby!"

Casa is also known as a radar-type jungler. With the support of known information, he can roughly determine the location of the opponent's jungler.

This time is no exception.

He marked the top half in advance and predicted the movements of the Garlic Bastard.

"Shen flashed and pulled back. Olaf activated his predator and rushed to the battlefield. The two sides engaged in a 2V2!"

This was the first move made by the Garlic Bastard.

However, Xin Zhao brought Phase Rush, which had good mobility, but the damage was a bit worse, and the Alchemy burst was not particularly high. The two of them did not kill Shen immediately.

"PK retreated to a safe position, but Casa was chasing after him. He knew that Xin Zhao didn't flash!"

Letme and Xiaotian wanted to fight back immediately, but PK came up with a big move.

A layer of white shield covered Olaf's health bar. At this time, the Berserker's blood volume had dropped to half. The effect of the passive Fury of Berserker greatly increased his attack speed.

Olaf is almost invincible in this state.

CHN Ueno did not dare to fight and retreated quickly.

But the straw sandals on Olaf's body did a great job, chasing and slashing all the way, trying to keep Xiaotian here.

"Letme used the movement speed bonus after activating the ultimate move to flash behind Olaf, throw him over the shoulder and throw him away from Xiaotian!"

Kasa then gave up.

"At this time, another wave of conflicts broke out in the bottom lane. Liu Qingsong found an opportunity to WQ first, and cooperated with Kai'Sa's output to lower Betty's health!"

After a brief silence, one after another conflicts broke out in the canyon.

After tearing open the wound, he knew that his side Edisi had not flashed, and Olaf was likely to attack again later, so he decided to take advantage of the fact that Casa was still on the road to strike first and reduce the status of the opponent's duo. Create a more favorable operating space for yourself.

In the middle, Lin Ran chose to withstand Zoe's flying stars and basic attacks, and used Q [Darkborn Blade] to swallow up the whole wave of artillery troops.

Since he blocked the flying star with his body, the cooldown time of Fengtang's Q skill was not too low even without the support of cooling equipment.

And in order to ensure the pressure of the line, he brought cookies instead of minion removers.

It was difficult for him to deal with the artillery truck quickly, so he was forced to move his troops in.

"Lin Ran is walking down the road, passing through the ward that Snake previously placed in the grass in the lower river, and continues to move down. It seems like he is trying to help relieve the pressure on the bottom road!"

As soon as Su Cheng finished speaking, he saw a series of Taipei team warning signals appearing in the bottom lane of the mini map.

"If you can fight, don't be afraid!" Snake said in the team's voice, "Kesha didn't flash, our bottom lane will be upgraded to level 6 soon!"

Although Jack and Liu Qingsong had handled the army line when they were ganked by Casa, due to the death of Shao Shao, Shiba Inu did not get all the army line experience, and the Taipei team's bottom lane duo who had taken the experience of killing people could be the first to upgrade to 6 class.

In terms of level, Betty and Snake have a certain advantage.

When Fengtang heard this, he also cleared the line of soldiers under the tower and walked down the road.

Since Casa had been on the road for more than a minute before, and Snake's auxiliary equipment had not yet been upgraded, the only real eye was used in the lower river.

This caused the Taipei team's lower half to have no vision at all, and it was completely dark.

Therefore, Fengtang chose to rush to support in a safer way.

Jack was very bold, using E [Extreme Overload] to increase his movement speed, and walked forward to forcefully interact with the ice.

Seeing this scene, Maple thought that Lin Ran was almost reaching the bottom lane.

Originally planning to make a large circle in his jungle area, he chose to follow the corridor behind his red buff's butt to the battlefield.

Between the Taipei team's red zone and Xiaolong Pit, there is an exploded cone that has been generated, allowing him to climb over the wall.

This is the fastest way to get to the bottom lane.

But when he was about to reach the grass behind the red buff, a piece of sword blade suddenly hit him!

A sword demon emerged from the grass!

"Lin Ran successfully crouched down on him. After Q1 hit, he was followed by the Evil Fire Chain!"

Fengtang was stunned.

Didn’t the real eye that was just placed in the lower river clearly see you walking down the lower road?

Didn't Jack force the blood exchange forward?

Why are you still here?

"Although Zoe used R [return jump] to get himself out of the scope of the evil fire beam chain. But he will still return to where he came from!"

Fengtang's hand speed was very fast. Amidst the screams from the audience in the stands, Lin Ran was hit by his basic attack and hypnotic bubble.

In this almost face-to-face situation, Lin Ran couldn't avoid the bubbles.

But before he fell asleep, he still hacked out the second Q [Darkborn Blade].

The outer edge struck Zoe who returned to her original position.

Coupled with the stabbing sword energy, Zoe's blood volume dropped to half in an instant.

"Fengtang didn't dare to stay any longer. She quickly tried to escape while the sword demon fell into a coma!"

The sleep time is fixed at 2.2 seconds, but Lin Ran has toughness.

Rune [Steadfast], each summoner skill used will provide him with 10% slowdown resistance and toughness.

Now that his flash and teleport are all cooling down, he has successfully gained 20% of his toughness.

Coupled with the [Legend: Toughness] in the main precision system, Lin Ran currently has close to 30% toughness.

Calculated in this way, the control time of Zoe's hypnotic bubble is 1.54 seconds.

Zoe, without straw sandals, had a basic movement speed of 340. In 1.54 seconds, he could not run 600 yards.

"There are no reinforcements within a thousand yards, where are you running?" Su Cheng's voice became high-pitched and powerful, sounding particularly crisp.

Aatrox, who recovered from his coma, suddenly spread his wings.

Great destruction!

Before the revision, Sword Demon's ultimate move only gave him one second of explosive movement speed, but now it's a movement speed bonus that continues to decay for ten seconds.

The pursuit ability has been improved to a higher level than before!

Coupled with the straw sandals he carried, Aatrox was close to Zoe instantly.

"Lin Ran was not in a hurry to release Q3...the operation was as detailed as ever!" Su Cheng did not forget to praise her boyfriend at this time.

Without casting the last Q, the Darkin Blade went into cooldown smoothly.

Due to the skill mechanism of Sword Demon, if all the Darkin blades are not released, the cooldown of the next Q skill will be reduced by 4 seconds.

Level 7 Sword Demon has level 4 Q with a base cooldown of 8 seconds.

Lin Ran successfully changed the cooldown of Q [Darkborn Blade] to 4 seconds.

In this way, he can immediately acquire another set of skills to maintain his combat effectiveness.

"Aatrox used the cooldown-charged Shadow Crush to get close to his face, and continued his basic attack with Conqueror!"

As the conqueror runes were superimposed, the sword demon's attack power increased day by day, and the sword struck Zoe, which was extremely painful.

Zoe still wanted to run, but in front of the sword demon whose Q skill was restored, the twilight star spirit that did not flash was a lamb to be slaughtered!

"Q1 followed by Q2 at an angle, successfully killed Zoe!" Su Cheng became excited, "Single kill!"

The audience at the scene was extremely excited. Many fans who came from China to watch the game waved red flags in their hands and burst into warm cheers.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also exploded instantly.

[Why did you kill alone? 】

[Can you find Doll Miller? Cheng Zi’s explanation is not clear at all. What’s the use of just understanding it? There is no picture in my head! 】

[One thing to say, Que, watching the game with a black screen is really not a good viewing experience]

[No matter how many there are, just deduct 666. Anyway, Brother Ran has a solo kill! 】

[The classic is to kill the helper first, and whoever's family member follows him to the side to support him will be unlucky]

Fengtang took a breath of cold air.

He looked at the black and white screen and knew he had been fooled.

Lin Ran used a blind trick!

Deliberately walking down the bottom lane in front of the real eye of the lower river, pretending to make him think that Sword Demon went to the bottom lane. In fact, Aatrox made a big circle and used the E [Shadow Rush] position under the dragon pit to move to the Taipei team wild. area, hiding in the grass and waiting for him to take the bait.

What a cheap sword demon!

In the voice of the CHN representative team, Letme took the lead in performing, "Wow, is this Shi No. 1 Middle School? The redesigned disabled sword demon single-handedly kills Zoe!"

"Just get used to it. You see, I never praise him." Shu Tian said with a smile.

Liu Qingsong and Jack also retreated to the safety line.

Just now, at Lin Ran's request, they desperately moved forward to exchange blood. Combined with the information that the Sword Demon was previously exposed to the Snake River's True Eye's field of vision, the purpose was to make Fengtang think that Lin Ran was going to the bottom lane, so that there would be no psychological burden. He followed Xiaolongkeng to the lower road.

The two put on a good show and now the mission has ended perfectly.

Betty and Snake were really fooled by the duo's superb acting skills. They didn't dare to step forward to save anyone, and wanted to wait until Fengtang reached the bottom lane before taking action.

As a result, there was no sign of Zoe at all, and everyone was buried in the wild area by the sword demon.

"Brother Ran, stop it. You make me look like a bastard." Although Jack said this, the corners of his mouth were raised uncontrollably.

"Aren't you just a bastard?" Liu Qingsong added, "It's just a hug."

Among the voices in the team, the Shiba Inu laughs the loudest.

Lin Ran agreed, feeling suspicious at the same time.

At first glance, the value of the new version of Sword Demon's health recovery ability seems nothing special, but in actual combat, it is actually a bit outrageous.

When he hit a single kill just now, Zoe also suppressed a lot of blood.

But after turning on the great destruction, slashing and killing, the blood volume was restored to full in an instant!

He felt that it was necessary to carefully test Aatrox's blood-sucking effect when he returned.

"Come and fight Canyon Pioneer, the other side can't come!" Garlic Bastard kept calling his teammates.

"Master is here!" Lin Ran promised, and at the same time controlled the sword demon to walk through the middle road towards the big dragon pit at the top of the map.

It was now 7 minutes and 47 seconds, and by the time he arrived at the Canyon Pioneer's pit, Purple Garlic would have just been born.

Su Cheng in the audience shook his selfie stick twice, looking very excited, "Taipei team's Zoe died in battle, top laner Shen didn't have a big move, and the Freljord team was dragged down by our duo just now. Stay there, it’s too late to move to the upper half now!”

"TPE doesn't have any capital to compete for the canyon pioneer, so it must be let go." She raised her lips and showed a smile. "Olav can only come to the lower half to replace a water dragon!"

Kasa was anxious.

He listened to Steak's instructions before the game and clearly didn't want the opponent to steal the flying dragon when he was using him to defeat the prophet.

Why is it now my turn to use this trick?

But there was nothing he could do. Mid laner Fengtang was now 0/2, and Zoe died twice during the laning period, basically declaring the connection disconnected.

It can only develop.

But the CHN team finally showed its fangs after being dormant for 8 minutes.

Lin Ran took advantage of his own advantages and began to drive the rhythm constantly, going to the sideline to harass the combination of Shen and Freljord.

Because he carries the [Eye of the Pioneer], the Taipei team does not dare to be careless.

Once Lin Ran wanders around and seizes the opportunity, he will kill people and get goods. While getting the head bounty, he will also summon the vanguard to pull out the defense tower.

Kasa had no choice but to follow Lin Ran's pace. If the opponent went to the bottom lane, he could only go to the bottom lane.

But in this case, the jungle area will be rotten.

The resources in the upper half of the wild area were plundered by the Garlic Bastard.

The economic level gap between the two junglers is constantly widening.

The disadvantage of the jungle position has been radiated to the wing. Jack has developed well during this period, and Letme is even more smiley.

The alchemist he was operating wore an ice staff naked and began to disconnect, which was disgusting.

Anyway, Zoe is now trapped in the middle by the army line, and jungler Olaf is being dragged around by Lin Ran, so there is no time to take care of him.

PK felt bitter, but the Eye of Twilight he used was beyond alchemy. If he chased him, he would be poisoned, and the poison also had a slowing effect. It was so disgusting!

"We took the lead in opening the breakthrough in the middle," Su Cheng was now calm, sitting on a chair and watching the CHN team expand its advantage little by little, "I originally thought it would take around 25 minutes to reverse the situation, but I didn't expect it. All this was done in just 8 minutes, hey, this is really unexpected..."

The Canyon Pioneer controlled by Lin Ran was finally used by him to push down the bottom lane defense tower, allowing the two sideline heroes to successfully switch lanes, which was more conducive to rolling the snowball.

After gaining the advantage, CHN's operations were suffocating.

Casa couldn't stand it any longer.

Team leader Snake also feels that if this continues, their chances of winning will get lower and lower.

Shen, Olaf, Zoe, Ashe and Braum, this lineup lasted for 30 minutes, and he didn't know how to win!

"Let's wait for Barong to be born and then fight directly!" He made a decision.

At this moment, there are still 5 minutes left before Baron Nash arrives.

In just 5 minutes, Jack and Liu Qingsong successfully knocked down the first tower on the top lane, while Lin Ran and Xiaotian used the second canyon pioneer to knock down the first tower on the middle lane.

Letme played happily and comfortably in the bottom lane by himself. From time to time, he imitated TheShy and secretly eaten the stone beetles in the opponent's lower jungle area to supplement his own development.

The economic gap between the two sides widened little by little, expanding to 6K.

Finally, Baron Nash appeared in the Dragon Pit in Ueno District!

"TPE wants to give it a try and fight to the death in the Dragon Battle!"

From a God's perspective, Su Cheng saw the Taipei team's intentions at a glance.

CHN has no intention of delaying further.

Lin Ran had already made a black cut + bloody hand + Caulfield's war hammer. He had two and a half pieces in hand and a pair of cloth-armored shoes.

This is the outfit idea for the new version of Sword Demon that has been explored so far.

Aatrox's current kit makes him more of a juggernaut with high lifesteal in team fights.

Coupled with the fact that it carries a conqueror instead of electrocution, the original equipment plan of Youmeng is a bit outdated.

"Hit, beat, beat, Mr. Tear, you can do whatever you want!"

Lin Ran directed his teammates. He and Letme stood in the spring, letting the acceleration effect of Home Guard constantly refresh and reset.

Liu Qingsong was unambiguous when he heard what he said. He hid in the shadow corner on the side of the dragon pit and started scanning to make sure that he was not discovered by his opponent.

Finally, he found an opportunity that wasn't an opportunity.

The pair of wild assistants, Kasa and Snake, came to the river to lay out their vision, preparing to control the entire surrounding circle.

To be honest, Olaf and Bronn are both very tough, so it's not the best choice to drive them both.

But Liu Qingsong didn't care.

Lin Ran's instructions to him were to drive casually.

Then go straight on!

"Chief Niutou flashed WQ and sent Taipei team Nosuke Tongtong into the sky!"

The Garlic Bastard also ran out from behind Niu Tou, charged fearlessly and stabbed him, slowing down to save someone!

And Kai'Sa emerged from the void, and Icathia's heavy rain cooperated with the void to search for enemies, reducing Olaf's health!

"Fight, fight, don't be afraid!" Kasa turned on R [Twilight of the Gods], immune control and rushed towards Jack!

Several other members of the Taipei team also want to step forward.

But Liu Qingsong inserted a real eye directly under his feet.

The next moment, the teleportation rotation lights up!

“All the middle and upper class members of CHN are coming to join the group!”

The Taipei team is now in a difficult situation. If they retreat, they will have to sell Nosuke who is at the front.

If Kasa dies, the dragon will fall and the game will be over.

There is no choice but to fight.

I have to fight even if I bite the bullet!

The 3.5 seconds of teleportation guidance time flies by.

Lin Ran and letme arrived at the battlefield!

"Bron prepared in advance, and his ultimate move sent the two of them into the sky!"

Zoe's hypnotic bubble hits alchemy, while Betty draws her bow and shoots arrows, constantly producing output.

"On the other side of the battlefield, Jack uses purification to remove the slowing effect, distances himself from Cassara, and keeps kiting!"

Lin Ran finally recovered from Braum's ultimate move. At this time, his blood volume was less than 2/3.

Spread your wings.


The death-giving sword energy stabbed Bronn!

Q [Darkborn Blade] starts to chop!

"Alchemy fell into a comatose state and was awakened by arrows scattered by Ashluana's hurricane!"

Letme didn't expect such a good thing.

He immediately activated his ultimate move [Crazy Potion], and after obtaining a bunch of basic attributes, W [Powerful Glue] was spread under Ashe!

He flashed an over-the-shoulder throw and sent the Ice Assistant in front of Lin Ran!


Betty didn't expect that letme would retaliate with kindness, but at that time, he was in the bondage provided by the strong adhesive and couldn't flash at all.

At this time, he was thrown out of the ground-binding range. He immediately flashed away and pulled away. At the same time, R [Magic Crystal Arrow] also hit the sword demon.

"Give Ursus a second!" Betty yelled.

The others did not doubt that he was there, and immediately changed their direction, wanting to kill Lin Ran.

But then they realized something was wrong!

Shen's taunting, Braum's passivity...the controls were put in place one after another, but the sword demon still moved freely!

It seems that he is not affected by these controls at all!

"Oh my God, this resilience is too exaggerated!"

Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

When the Sword Demon teleported here just now, he spent 500 gold coins to drink the steel mixture.

The potion provides 25% toughness, the [Legend: Toughness] in the main precision rune provides 30% toughness at full level, and the secondary system [Resolute] provides 10% after handing over the teleportation.

Since toughness is a multiplication rather than a superposition calculation, when the three items are taken together, Lin Ran Sword Demon has a control reduction of 47.25%!

This also means that for every one second of control time, the actual effect on Lin Ran is only a little more than half a second!

The combined duration of Shen's taunt and Braum's stun is less than 2 seconds!

Operation Lin Ran was not fatally affected at all.

He even had to resist the opponent's control and forcefully kill the opponent!

"Darkin Blade with E [Shadow Charge]!"

Ai Xi's blood bar suddenly dropped a lot.

"Alchemy uses the movement speed increased by the passive poisonous current to run rampant in the Taipei team's formation!"

Use the effect of the ice staff to release poison and give it a slowing effect.

Han Bing and Zoe couldn't run, they could only watch helplessly as the sword demon struck down with his sword!

"Sword Demon Q3 flashes and takes the ice away directly!"

After the redesign, the Sword Demon can kill enemy heroes with a big blow, and can also extend the duration of the big destruction.

Now that Ashe is dead, a deep sound can be heard in the Summoner's Rift, and the Sword Demon's movement speed is once again maxed out!

Jack also realized that there was a better opportunity here, so he decisively turned on R [Hunter Instinct] and rushed over.

With his cooperation, Lin Ran sent Fengtang's Zoe to the spring with three strokes, five divided by two!

Lin Ran originally still had half of his health, but the vanquished + E [Shadow Clash] blood-sucking effect + Triumph completely overcame him!

Serious injuries are of no use to him!

In the blink of an eye, Aatrox is at full health again!

The remaining three members of the Taipei team were filled with despair when faced with Aatrox, who had not even triggered the bloody hand yet!

The audience burst into waves of carnival after wave!

"The Sword Demon doesn't care about control, and his HP gets higher and higher as he fights. Why do I feel that his teamfighting ability is even more exaggerated than before!"

Su Cheng was stunned.

If the previous version of Sword Demon had a stronger stance but average pursuit ability, then this version of Sword Demon has top-notch pursuit ability despite the great destruction!

One sword after another, the blood volume increased more and more, and finally all TPE members were killed!

After killing everyone on the other side, Aatrox, who still had full health, was floating in the sky, looking down at the surroundings with a stern look!

"They thought I was defeated and bound, but I never gave in!"

Lines full of murderous atmosphere came out of his mouth.

Destroy the opponent and win the big dragon. The victory is no longer in suspense!

The final game duration was fixed at 24 minutes and 43 seconds!

TPE base turns into fireworks!

10,900 words. Is this chapter okay?

Am I awesome? ah?

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