LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 552 550: A strong showdown against IG!

9 a.m. PT.

Blaustoise came to Riot Games in Santa Monica and made herself a cup of coffee to refresh herself as usual.

Sitting at his workstation, he first glanced at his work tasks today. The skill sets of Sword Demon and Akali were in the final stages of rework, and it was not yet his turn as a numerical designer to show off his talents.

Finding that there was nothing important to do, Blaustoise was overjoyed and quickly opened the League of Legends client, preparing to go to work and play games.

Diamond promotion match, √×√×, BO5 life and death game.

The queue time is not too long.

He was gearing up, and when he saw the Sword Demon coming out from the other side, he suddenly trembled, and then his eyes lit up.

Although the patch for the second rework has not yet been implemented, this hero has already had its value cut off once, and yet there are still people using it?

Are you still here to imitate Lin Ran in playing the Three-Life Sword Demon?

Blaustoise feels that this promotion match is safe, and he is going to use his unique skill crocodile to win this ranking.

Who dares to challenge me, I will end his life!

Entering the game with a strong attack, Blaustoise starts exchanging blood with the Sword Demon at level one.

Although the crocodile has a pig nose at the first level, the sword demon is no less generous.

And Blaustoise clearly remembers that he slashed the Sword Demon hard in the 8.14 version, and many aspects of Q [Darkin Blade] including the damage to minions and basic health were severely weakened.

Aatrox is now a younger brother at level one!

He was smug and confident, thinking that in a contest between two level 1 trash, his opponent would definitely lose.

Because Blaustoise is a firebrand.

The top laner flashes + ignites, without teleportation!

Just go up and do it!

7 seconds later.

Blaustoise looked at the black and white screen, his eyes blank.

Are you going to die now?

I can not accept!

Fortunately, the ignition mark on the sword demon's head has not disappeared yet, giving Blaustoise the last glimmer of hope.

If he could exchange it for 300 yuan, he wouldn't be considered a blood loss this time.

Under Blaustoise's expectant gaze, Aatrox's health bar dropped little by little!

But the sword demon is still surrounded by vibrant greenery.

The recovery effect provided by the health potion can almost withstand 80 points of real damage from level 1 ignition!

The damage figure jumped out at the last second, and the sword demon only had 7 points of health left!


If he hadn't been at the company, Blaustoise would have slapped the table!

He was so angry that he knew he was broken.

Not only did he give away his first blood, but he also handed over his own ignition. The sword demon would return to the city later and teleport online, and his experience would be a full level ahead of him!

How does this work?

Blaustoise cursed in his heart, and he reflected that he was still too gentle towards the sword demon.

At that time, if I cut off 10 points of basic health and 2 points of armor, wouldn't I win this battle?

Flash Ignite is basically a dog gambler in the top order. If you win the bet, you will get a single kill and make a lot of money. If you lose the bet, you will be singled out. The game will be basically disconnected in the first 15 minutes, and will be killed in the middle and later stages. It's very uncomfortable for the opposing hero with TP to be pulled on the side.

Now he can only hope that the other four teammates will step up and carry the game.

As soon as he returned to the line, his bottom lane teammate was double-killed.

Half a minute later, the opponent's Enchantress in the middle grabbed 3, flashed EWQ and dropped Ryze in seconds.

The jungler had just finished clearing three jungle areas at this time. Before he could take action, he heard good news coming from three directions.

ClearLove7 (LeeSin):/ff

This blind monk, whose ID was immediately obvious, started to interact with his opponents on the public screen and angrily complained about his three-way color pen.

The double BUFF has not been finished, and the three-way success is coming frequently. Which jungler can withstand it?

Blaustoise knew his Diamond Promotions bid was in jeopardy.

22 minutes later, Aatrox, who had already made the Black Cut Blood Hand Resurrection Armor, officially joined the group!

Including the total of three lives of Da Mie Xuejing, the sword demon is invincible in team battles, slashing wantonly among the crowd!

It wasn't until Blaustoise's little crocodile died in the end that the Sword Demon was activated by the resurrection armor effect!

Is there any heavenly principle? This hero is just one short of killing five!

Blaustoise's chest heaved violently with anger.

At 28 minutes, the scarlet word Defeat appeared on his monitor during qualifying.

After drinking all the coffee in the cup, Blaustoise thought that he needed to touch fish again to relieve his negative emotions.

"Is the fight over?" A faint voice suddenly sounded from behind.

This sentence almost scared Blaustoise so much that she jumped out of her chair!

Cursing the F-word angrily in his mind, he turned around and saw a middle-aged fat guy with a dangerous hairline.

The moment she saw this face clearly, Blaustoise took a deep breath.

Anyone who works in the online game industry in the 21st century will be familiar with this man with a hairline.

Greg Street.

He also has a famous nickname - Ghost Crawler.

Former chief system designer of World of Warcraft.

He joined Riot Games a few years ago and served as the chief designer of the LOL project.

He is also Blaustoise's immediate boss.

"...You Renekton is really bad at playing," Ghost Crab said with a look of disdain, "I didn't expect that you would get first blood while using Ignite."

Riot Games has a clear policy that when employees play games during working hours, others are not allowed to interrupt them at will. They have to wait until the game is over before they can talk about business.

From the beginning of this promotion match, Ghost Crab stood back and observed. He had one idea - there was still a lot of room for improvement in his younger brother's game level.

Hearing this, Blaustoise's face turned red and she tried to quibble: "Obviously the hero Sword Demon is too OP. I said before that I would cut him two more times, but now it seems that the cuts are not hard enough!"

"That's what I came to talk to you about." Ghost Crab's attitude became serious.

"Huh?" Blaustoise was very confused, "What happened?"

"Follow me." Ghost Crab led him through the office area and towards his workstation.

Riot's office environment is completely open. Even co-founders Ryze and Tryndamere don't have separate offices. Employees work at workstations in the lobby.

Ghost Crab's desk was in a mess, filled with various information documents.

He turned the computer monitor at an angle and motioned to his subordinates to look at the screen.

Blaustoise took a closer look.

It is the web page of major European and American forums.

In the LOL section, the entire article is Lin Ran’s interview.

At the end of that game against BLG, it was just early in the morning Western Pacific time. Blaustoise got up and went to work without knowing what happened.

He frowned, instinctively feeling that something was not right.

After carefully browsing the transcript of the post-match interview, he became even more silent.

"It's only been a few hours, and there have been a lot of criticisms and accusations against Riot on the Internet." Ghost Crab sat on his engineering chair. "I estimate that if we wait another two or three hours, the situation will become more serious."

"We angered a lot of people over the rework of Aatrox. Not many casual players will be willing to spend a lot of time adapting to a hero that is frequently modified," Ghost Crab said, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Ran's post-game The interview can be said to be the trigger that set all this off."

After listening to the leader's words, Blaustoise began to sweat on his forehead.

He is responsible for numerical changes, and is actually responsible for weakening YM. The rework of Sword Demon and the weakening of many heroes are inseparable from him.

Now that something like this has happened, Blaustoise feels that he must bear some responsibility.

Most importantly, these changes make it easy to see who Riot is targeting.

Last year, Chunli attacked YM from the aspects of equipment and jungle economy.

This year, Blaustoise's approach is to weaken the heroes that YM is good at.

These two methods are completely different in the eyes of many viewers.

Chun-Li's equipment changes like Feng Xiaoyu, at first glance, you don't know who is being weakened; Blaustoise is too direct and obvious. YM just used some heroes on the front foot to kill everyone, and the next version will directly cut them twice.

Thinking from a player's perspective, fists do not make sense for successive weakenings.

What's more, it was Lin Ran who made such remarks.

This is even more difficult.

In fact, Riot's attitude towards Lin Ran can be described very appropriately as a mixture of love and hate.

Love his excellent professional attitude, love his perfect operation on the field, love him full of honors.

After Faker showed his decline, Lin Ran undoubtedly became the spokesperson of League of Legends. With two world championships and two mid-season championships in hand, his reputation around the world is growing day by day. There are even many people who don’t play this game. Everyone recognized Lin Ran's ID and face.

As long as you win the MVP on the court, Riot will immediately post a message on Twitter to celebrate. After winning MSI, they deliberately used the photo of Lin Ran holding the cup as his avatar.

Faced with the most well-known professional e-sports players in the world, Riot Games’ official promotions seem to be a bit of a dog-licking gesture.

But he hates that his status will always remain at the peak, and the hard power of his team will always be at the forefront of major competitions around the world. In every world competition, YM is the favorite to win.

If this continues, other professional players will really compete for the runner-up spot in the competition.

Two cuts are necessary.

However, frequent hero reworks and targeted weakening have caused the Riot designer team to face a wave of public opinion counterattack.

Backlash can only be said to be backlash. God is watching what people do, and God's choice can never be changed.

"How does the company plan to deal with it?" Blaustoise asked in a low voice.

"Of course, the sooner the better, to minimize the negative impact of this matter." Ghost Crab's answer was very official.

He is the chief designer of the game, and all version modification proposals must be approved by him, including these two Sword Demon reworks.

In every sense of the word, the ghost crabs themselves are also to blame.

"...I'm going to ask my colleagues to stop the redo work on Sword Demon?" Blaustoise panicked.

Ghost Crab waved his hand and refused, "We can't stop redoing the work."

The reason why he agreed to the second redesign of Sword Demon before was because it could effectively weaken Lin Ran and YM.

If it is suspended directly, this year's YM weakening plan will be declared bankrupt.

Ghost Crab's next words made Blaustoise stunned on the spot.

"Probably in these two days, I will leave my post."

Blaustoise was in disbelief, "Huh?!"

"Is it that serious……"

Ghost Crab explained, "To be honest, the company originally planned to transfer me from the position of chief designer in August, but when this happened, I simply applied for the transfer in advance."

Going down the slope can also appropriately calm the players' anger.

Ghost Crab is also very familiar with this. Anyway, he was like this in Warcraft back then. Players kept criticizing him, and he was basically full of bad reviews.

He must have a pot of his own, and the pot is not small.

But if he does all the immoral things, then he is not a ghost crab.

That was Sun Xiaochuan.

"The person who will replace me is Meddler. When the time comes, you will obey his command." Ghost Crab instructed.

Blaustoise leaned forward slightly and asked quickly: "If I want to be transferred, I should also..."

"You can still keep your position this time," Ghost Crab took a sip of ice water, "but if similar trouble occurs again, the consequences will be different."

The main reason why Blaustoise is not allowed to leave is that the World Championship is approaching, which is an annual event for the League of Legends project. He, who is mainly responsible for weakening YM, must not leave at this time, otherwise no one will be able to take over the mess in a short time.

Another reason is that Blaustoise is not as well-known among players as Ghost Crab. If he wants to apologize to the player base, it will definitely not be his turn.

Going around in circles was equivalent to Ghost Crab taking the blame for him and helping him keep his job as numerical design supervisor.

Blaustoise slumped in his chair.

He thought carefully and realized that his weakening in the past two months had indeed gone too far.

Although Lin Ran's influence is large enough, it is unrealistic for Riot to be so resolute and react within a few hours of the post-match interview being broadcast.

Lin Ran's counterattack this time was a disguised form of standing up to speak out for the player community. In other words, he took advantage of the 'power'.

And this force is the group that Riot least wants to offend, and it is the company's bread and butter.

Blaustoise rubbed his cheek slightly distressed.

As soon as this incident came out, it was a wake-up call for him.

From now on, it will be difficult to unscrupulously weaken YM. Everything must be carefully considered before making a decision.

Five hours later, Riot Games issued a statement that chief designer Ghost Crab will be transferred to the head of Riot's creative department. From now on, he will be mainly responsible for the design and development of the game's worldview and other content, and his successor will be Meddler, the original gameplay design director.

As soon as this news came out, the major e-sports forums became even more turbulent.

[It’s him again, Ghost Crab! 】

[I knew that if I redo Sword Demon twice in two months, this kind of cerebral palsy operation must be done by ghost crabs]

[Warcraft players sent congratulatory messages! 】

[Good guys, the rework of Sword Demon is still going on? 】

[Wusuowei, after all, the redo of Sword Demon is just a waste of water, just don’t be so disgusting from now on! 】

Riot has been pretty good at handling public relations crises, throwing out the person with the highest reputation and highest position in the designer team to attract firepower. Anyway, Ghost Crab thought they were getting tired of the designer position, so they originally planned to transfer the position, but this time they In fact, nothing is lost.

Players are also happy to hear that the Ghost Crab, whom they designated as the culprit, will no longer be responsible for modifications in the game. Many people feel that their goals have been achieved.

Everyone seems to be okay, and the storm has finally subsided.

When Riot Games posted the post, Lin Ran had just finished a BO5 training match with RW, and immediately saw the news of Ghost Crab's resignation when he got his phone.

"Brother Ran is so awesome!" Xiaoyao started to boast again from the side, "In just three sentences, I drove the ghost crab out of the design team!"

"Gungun," Lin Ran said angrily, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Players are already very dissatisfied with frequent updates. I just stood up and pointed it out." He told the truth.

Jack interrupted, "Does this mean we won't be further weakened this year?"

"Are you just daydreaming here?" Jin Gong rolled his eyes at him angrily, "It's just a change of designer supervisor. Should we cut it off, we will definitely suffer this year."

"People from Xiba are right," Lin Ran took a cup of milk tea from Guo Hao, opened the lid with a straw and took a sip of coconut, "Everyone, please don't take it lightly. Our situation this year is very serious."

"I understand," the Shiba Inu stretched out and reached for a cup of fruit tea, "I think I need to take a good rest after playing hard this season. It's too tiring!"

Lin Ran glanced around and found that the fatigue of his teammates was visible to the naked eye.

Not only is the physical pressure of the continuous competition, the most critical Triple Crown season is about to usher in, the psychological pressure is also huge.

"Why don't we come back for team building?" Guo Hao suddenly suggested.

Liu Qingsong immediately objected, "Don't be disgusted with me. You only have two days off a month. What kind of team building are you doing?"

"That's right!" The other contestants were very dissatisfied.

"Do I seem to be taking up your rest time?" Guo Hao couldn't laugh or cry.

"I just took a look at our upcoming training match schedule. On the 28th, there is only one training match against EDG, and there are no filming tasks. We can relax!"

"Isn't there a training match?" Jin Gong was puzzled. "It starts at two o'clock in the afternoon. After the game, we will review the game. After everything is over, we have to have dinner."

"Fuck you!" Guo Hao got angry when he mentioned this. "Do you remember that EDG gave us to pigeons last time they arranged a training match?"

"Let's give him a try too!"

"When you have free time, let's go out together as a group!"

As soon as they heard that there was no need to play training matches, a group of players immediately became energetic.

"Okay, okay!" Xiaoyao firmly supported Manager Guo's initiative, but then the second question came, "Where should we go to play?"

"...Don't go to Disneyland, don't go to the cinema," Lin Ran made two requests, "Other than that, I can accept it."

"How about playing real-life CS?" Jack thought of an idea.

Xiaoyao shrank, "Is it safe?"

This activity sounds painful.

"Don't worry, there are coaches for this kind of projects. They will guide you step by step and improve teamwork skills." Shiba Inu was very excited.

He has been playing CSGO during his recent vacation and spent money to stock up on a bunch of accessories such as dragon snipers. Now gun games can no longer satisfy him.

None of the team members had ever been exposed to real-life CS before, so they were curious after hearing Jack's hype.

Even Hongmi and Gouba are eager to try it.

Guo Hao contacted someone and contacted an experience center that could provide venues and guidance. On the 28th, he took the team members out for a whole day.

By the time we got back to the club, it was completely dark.

When Lin Ran returned to the dormitory, he immediately ran to the bathroom to take a shower, put on his pajamas, and lay on the bed feeling sleepy.

Xiaoyao also came out of the shower, her hair was wet, and she kept kneading the muscles on her body.

"I'll go..." He couldn't help complaining, "I feel like I practiced several thousand meters before the junior high school physical education exam."

The real-person CS experience center that Guo Hao found was indeed very professional.

It's just not very friendly to old homebodies like Xiaotian who don't do strenuous exercise all year round.

Although a laser gun was used, everyone in YM who tried it for the first time was still very uncomfortable.

Finally, they had an outdoor barbecue, which lasted for a long time, which really made them very tired.

Lin Ran ignored him and fell asleep.

The Garlic Bastard also felt sleepy upon seeing this. After drying his hair and setting the air conditioner temperature, he lay down on the bed and wrapped himself in a quilt, turning his whole body into a green caterpillar.

July 31st.

Shanghai Zhengda Plaza.

"Hello everyone, I am Doll!"

The Hale brothers appear in the center of the frame.

You can tell from the tone of their voices that they are in an extremely excited mood.

After a short self-introduction and a long commercial, they finally got to the point.

“Today’s game is definitely the highlight of the second half of the regular season!”

"IG vs. YM, the battle between the top players in the Eastern and Western divisions!"

Both the event live broadcast room and the venue are now overcrowded.

"After Sima Laothi joined, the so-called complete IG showed strong dominance in the regular season. They have already locked a playoff spot 7 rounds in advance!"

Miller's voice was smooth, "On the other side is the YM team, a well-deserved top team, winner of 4 LPL Silver Dragon Cups!"

Wawa added, "And so far, both teams have maintained unbeatable records."

"After this game, one team is destined to have a complete victory here!"

At this time, the director gave a comparison chart of the data of the two mid laners.

The makeup photos of Lin Ran and Broiler appeared on the big screen at the scene.

The former is handsome and handsome, and his glasses make him look elegant and easy-going; the latter's chubby face is full of collagen, making people want to rub it with their hands.

"The core players in this game are naturally the two top mid laners."

"In the 12 BO3 games played in the summer split, Rookie scored 24 single kills, which ranked first among all mid-unit units. The average damage scored was 666, ranking second in the same position. The damage conversion rate was 143.4%, which also ranked first..."

Among the four or five listed data, broiler chickens are either second or first, extremely luxurious.

In his fourth year at IG, Rookie finally gathered a team of good helpers. The original director of the orphanage shined brightly this year.

Unlike Lin Ran's standout performance in previous years, Broiler's performance is enough to make him a strong contender for regular season MVP.

“Brother Ran’s statistics are also very gorgeous, with 23 single kills followed closely by him, his average output of 689 ranked first among units, and his damage conversion rate of 134.4% is slightly behind Broiler!”

The audience at the scene burst into continuous exclamations and admirations!

Just seeing this pile of data comparisons makes my baby excited.

The audience in the live broadcast room is no exception.

[WDNMD, are these two mid laners normal people? 】

[Ye Gucheng fights against Ximen Chuixue, right]

[Boiler and Ran Ge directly took the top two spots in all the data of the winning unit? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, I just took a look, and the damage ratio of the two of them is not that high]

[Injury proportion? Naque, with TheShy on one side and Jack on the other, two damage kings are placed here, the damage ratio of the mid laner will definitely not look good]

[That is exaggerated enough. Broiler and Range are tied for the same performance this summer. There is one gap in the middle, then doinb, and then there is one gap before someone else can get it.]

Although Miller was prepared before the game, when he actually saw the comparison of the data of the two mid laners, he was still surprised from ear to ear.

"It is worth mentioning that after this game, these data rankings are bound to change," he came back to his senses and continued, "In the last game between YM and BLG, Brother Ran was in the category of average damage. In terms of data, it has surpassed broiler chickens!”

Wawa laughed when he heard this, "After all, that game averaged 35 minutes per game. The longer the game lasted, the more exaggerated the average output."

As the game enters the later stages, the hero's equipment and level are improved to the extreme. Sometimes a wave of team battles can cause thousands of damage, and the average output will naturally increase.

Miller echoed twice and then said, "I think everyone is more interested in whether the single kill list will change. One of them has 23 times and the other 24 times. The data are very close!"

"Then it depends on how the two mid laners are doing today," Wawa received the notification from the director, "The scene is ready, let's enter the BP session of this game!"

With a sonorous and powerful crisp sound, the BP panel appeared in front of all the audience!

I'm a little sleepy, so I'll go to bed early today and finish writing the whole chapter directly tomorrow.

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