LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 550 548: Absolute C!

The moment the BLG base turned into a sky full of fireworks, Smile was so excited that he shouted loudly in his live broadcast room:

"Stop talking, brothers!"

"YM is really strong. They ended the game with just one wave of team fights!"

He could hardly suppress the crazily raised corners of his mouth.

The barrage was passing by densely on the screen.

【What happened? 】

[BLG played a dominant game for 35 minutes, but was overturned in the last minute? 】

[It’s quite outrageous, BLG suddenly can’t win team battles, and you don’t know why]

[Is this the Samsung-style operation that Zeyuan touted? In the late stage, one wave will kill you instantly! 】

Players on both sides have left their seats and returned to the backstage lounge with paper cups. The director took advantage of the situation and gave the economic curve of the previous game.

"Uh..." Zeyuan took a breath, "Isn't this too scary?"

A horizontal line crosses the panel, which is a sign that the economies of both parties are equal. The blue curve above this line is BLG's lead, and below the horizontal line, it means that YM's economy has taken the lead.

The continuous and winding BLG blue curve occupies most of the panel.

However, it can be clearly seen from the Y-axis mark that BLG’s economic lead at this time is not large, and it has never been able to exceed the number of 2,200.

It wasn't until BLG got the Baron in the 29th minute that the blue curve suddenly rose. With the destruction of several defense towers, the economic lead smoothly reached 5,500.

At the beginning of the 35th minute, the blue curve plunged suddenly, like diving.

The economy lead dropped all the way from 5500 to 443 at the end of the game.

"YM only had an economic lead in the first 15 minutes of the game. Even if they won the game in the end, their economy was still lagging behind!" Rao Shizeyuan was well-informed and was surprised.

The audience at the scene changed their faces at the speed of light.

Many fans who support YM felt that they were about to suffer when they saw BLG successfully rush the baron.

Who would have imagined that after a wave of ancient dragon team battles ended, YM suddenly took BLG away in one wave!

The director gave a replay of the team battle at this time, and Zeyuan was gearing up, "The main focus is on the last wave of team battles to see where BLG went wrong!"

He felt that when BLG's lineup was delayed until 35 minutes, the disadvantage should not be so great.

After all, the economy is ahead, and the three C-position equipment of Ryze, Nightmare, and Xayah are not bad. How can they be broken in a team battle?

Several confrontations, including first-blood outbreaks, were hastily skipped.

The game replay came to 34 minutes and 22 seconds. Although the Baron BUFF had disappeared, BLG still tried to advance in the middle.

At this time, there is still one minute before the ancient dragon is refreshed.

Everyone in BLG has already returned to the city for supplies. They want to work together to push down YM's middle high ground, so that when they are pulling near the ancient dragon later, YM must allocate their energy to deal with the super soldiers.

It seems to be a very decent approach.

But BLG ignored one point - they couldn't arrange sufficient vision on the YM highland.

The true sight range of the defense tower is 1095 yards. This function can see invisible units, including artificial eyes.

Coupled with the two scans carried by Xiaoyao and Liu Qingsong, BLG could be said to be completely blind on the YM Highlands and could not see anything.

In this case, Lin Ran stood in the side shadow, threw the devil to receive the shock wave, and rolled up all Xia and Zhumei who were clearing the line in front of the highland tower!

"The BLG has no vision here," Zeyuan felt pity for the BLG, "The output of a set of clockwork QRs is too high!"

"The key point of their mistake was to let Clockwork successfully move to the side. As long as the devil takes action, they will have no way to hide!"

The reaction speed of professional players is here. Clockwork is not blindly coming over to dodge with R. Using displacement skills to dodge QR combos is just a skill.

But as Ze Yuan said.

There is no way to hide.

Kasumi can use the ultimate move, but the cooldown time set by Fist R [Storm Feather Blade] is already very long. In addition, now that the blue-sucking sword has been revised, Kasumi no longer has this equipment. It is all Arashi Kiri + Artillery + Endless. school.

The crux of the matter is that this build doesn't have any cooldown.

If Golden Horn uses his ultimate in this wave, he will definitely not be able to use his ultimate in the ancient dragon team battle one minute later. Once he is controlled by Orn Bullhead, Jack's Kai'Sa will fly in to take his life. Get things out of your bag.

The Golden Horn King had no choice.

Chieftain's pig girl can use her Q pig to dodge Lin Ran's ultimate move, but once he retreats, it is equivalent to selling the golden horn that has been hit by the shock wave.

As a front-rower, he couldn't let the ADC stand in front and lose the pig and run away, right?

The two of them could only endure the shock wave, and their health volume was greatly reduced.

Rita also stared intently at the playback.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle and late stages of the game, there is no delay in the viewing angle. A lot of information on the field is fleeting. Whether you can capture this information and present it to the audience will test the director's ability.

This is related to the viewing experience of the entire competition area.

However, the LPL directing team is a team that is always ready to enter the factory. As a result, many important details during the game were not captured on camera.

After the game, they were given time to prepare for the review so that they could smooth everything out.

For example, after Lin Ran used his ultimate move to lower the health of the BLG jungler and AD, the director gave a cooldown reminder for Clockwork Demon's ultimate move in the side status bar, which had never appeared during the live broadcast of the event.

"52 seconds!" Zeyuan discovered the first detail, "After Brother Ran's clockwork cools down, the CD of his ultimate move is quite short!"

Clockwork is originally a typical late-game hero. After the cooldown is reduced, the golem becomes the main body, and Orana, who can control the ball, is the best Clockwork.

The basic cooldown of level three R [Command: Shock Wave] is only 80 seconds. With Lin Ran's 35% cooldown reduction, the cooldown of his ultimate move is less than one minute.

In other words, after he casts his ultimate move on the high ground this time, the ancient dragon group will be able to turn around before it starts.

"Due to Xia's poor condition, BLG was forced to return to the city to replenish supplies, resulting in a temporary lack of combat effectiveness of the team." Rita discovered the second detail, "They were unable to compete for the view of the lower river!"

BLG's main output in the later stage is Xayah. Although AJ's Ryze is also very powerful, after all, he has short hands and no ability to protect himself. Moreover, in order to avoid the many controls of BLG's lineup, YM bought a bunch of mercury shoes, and the magic resistance is here. , it is difficult for AJ to deal explosive damage easily.

During the time when Jinjiao returned to the city, he was caught by YM. They immediately gathered together and controlled the entire view of the lower river in their own hands.

The whole process was deliberately emphasized by the director who was responsible for the replay, and the camera almost shone in the faces of Xia Xia and the YM heroes.

"I see..." Zeyuan finally figured out why BLG's team battle formation was so poor when the ancient dragon was born.

"It can only be said that Brother Ran's ultimate move under his highland tower was very crucial," Rita sighed with emotion. "After Jinjiao was forced to return to the city, it completely disrupted BLG's advance planning!"

The director sped up and replayed the entire team battle.

"After standing in the dragon pit, the clockwork is really scary!" Zeyuan saw in the replay of the team battle, Lin Ranguang persuaded the BLG people to retreat by placing the demon doll in the river, and his eyes shone. "Brother Ran is very skilled in ball control, BLG dare not make mistakes!"

A clockwork demon with 600+ spell power, it is no exaggeration to say that the demon can get pregnant by anyone.

The disadvantage of BLG's lineup is fully reflected in this kind of team battle.

Missing front row.

Only Chieftain's Pig Girl is a tank.

Moreover, the refresh frequency of this version of the jungle area is too low, resulting in a very mediocre jungle economy. The pig girl who is delayed to two and a half pieces in 35 minutes cannot withstand the YM double C carrying the storm.

The dragon pit was dark, and the Chieftain did not dare to go in directly. After Jin Gong and Xiao Yao used double punishment to contain the ancient dragon, the situation was completely reversed.

Camille, who was wearing resurrection armor, went to the Dragon Pit to start the team, and entered the game with Jack's body. After Liu Qingsong Niutou died first, he just kept all the BLG members.

After that, it was YM’s four-on-five.

"This team battle..." Rita's eyes were full of excitement, "I can only describe it as pleasing to the eye!"

Zeyuan also echoed, "The four YM players each performed their duties. Their team battle ideas were very clear. They would focus their fire and kill one in seconds, and then Qinggangying and Kai'Sa would split the formation, leaving Ornn and Clockwork to fight together. This relatively bulky character can easily deal damage to the enemy!"

Lin Ran's ultimate move forced a double flash and killed Road at the same time. When the director showed the replay, he also zoomed in on the camera, wanting everyone to see how Morgana died; when he and AJ played a two-person spin to increase the distance At this time, the director played it at a slower speed, hoping that the audience could clearly see the details of the moves.

At the end of the replay, amid the voice announcement of the team’s demise, YM’s four remaining health heroes walked through the BLG jungle and marched toward victory with their heads held high!

[I didn’t expect you to play slow speed at the end. Director, you don’t think I can learn to pull, do you? 】

[I am convinced by this director. One replay can allow people to see so many details. Are you doing Jβ during the live broadcast? 】

[One thing to say, YM is really ruthless in handling this team battle]

[Isn’t this Brother Ran’s great contribution? One big move knocked Xia home, allowing the team to grab the river view, and the second big move directly forced double flash + a kill, giving BLG a happy send-off]

[Isn’t it the case that others in YM are good at dragging the front in the mid-term? Four-on-five allowed Clockwork to develop in the bottom lane, and it took a full 10 minutes for BLG to take the baron]

When Lin Ran returned to the backstage lounge, the first thing he did was to put drinks into paper cups.

During the whole process, his face remained calm as usual, without any fluctuation.

The victory in the last game was completely unexpected.

From the beginning, BLG fell into the trap they set.

YM let go of the Rift Herald and focused on collecting the number of dragons.

As long as you can get three little dragons, the benefits provided by the Ancient Dragon BUFF will be extremely terrifying.

The result was undoubtedly a success.

BLG thought that by getting two vanguards, they could control all the rhythm in the early stage.

But they overestimate their ability to snowball.

BLG, which failed to use the vanguard to seize more resources, was held back, and was finally forced to fight an ancient dragon team battle with YM.

The double punishment of Ornn + Qinggang Shadow is also a routine that YM has prepared for a long time.

One link after another, as long as YM can delay the ancient dragon team battle in 35 minutes, they will definitely eat this true damage BUFF!

After filling a cup of iced black tea, I returned to my seat and listened to Hongmi’s speech.

In fact, Homme didn't prepare much information about the BLG team before the game. He just asked the players to come up and discuss it themselves.

And he's already studying his playoff opponents.

"Everyone's army line operation in the first game was pretty good..."

When Hongmi said this, she clicked the pen twice and asked in confusion, "Where did you learn this trick?"

He remembered that he had never taught.

After Jiang Chenglu finished translating, the YM team members burst into laughter.

"It's a long story," Lin Ran stopped his smile, cleared his throat and said, "It was all two years ago."

"Huh?" Hongmi didn't respond.

"One of SKT's world-beating operating methods was this lane switching method," Lin Ran explained carefully. "Before the S6 finals, we also studied and watched SKT's games."

"It was to prevent myself from being tricked in the finals. I didn't expect that it would be used on BLG today."

When this topic comes up, all the team members are sighing.

They personally destroyed the dynasty built by SKT, and then watched this legendary team go from glory to decline.

Thinking about it now, it’s inevitable that I feel like the world has changed forever.

"The second round of BP has started, and now YM is temporarily leading 1-0!"

In Zeyuan's slightly excited voice, the BanPick panel appeared in front of all the audience again.

"In the last game, YM used an unconventional operational strategy to defeat BLG," Rita commented appropriately, "but the whole game did seem a bit boring..."

The overall game lasted for 36 minutes, and the only serious 5V5 team battle was the last wave. At other times, there were always people developing, and even if there was a slight friction, it was easy to break up.

The final head-to-head ratio was 4:8.

On average, one head explodes every three minutes.

For the audience, it is quite boring. It is no wonder that the ratings of LCK in the past two years have not been ideal.

"Let's see if YM will show us something new and interesting in this round!" Rita said with great anticipation.

She felt that YM's operation was just a whim.

"What is all this?!"

"YM won the lineup of Captain + Kai'Sa + Tauren Chief in the first round!" Zeyuan said in an exaggerated tone, "Are you going to delay the later stage and play operations again?"

The captain's own characteristic is the standard level 13 power. Under normal development, the time point is about 22 minutes; Kai'Sa's early combat power is not particularly strong. YM chooses the two side lanes, unless the midfielder takes two Drive heroes with very strong rhythm ability in the early stage, otherwise you have to wait for team battles in the mid-to-late stage.

There is still a glimmer of hope left in Rita's heart.

But the fourth choice of the red side YM ruthlessly shattered this hope.

"Pig sister Sejuani!"

Xiaoyao's jungle position means that YM is destined to replicate the tactical thinking of the previous game and force it to the later stage.

Everyone in BLG frowned, and their faces were clouded.

How come you are still addicted after playing a round of operations to get some program effects?

Almost done!

"We'd better find a support point that can do enough damage in the late team battle. The combination of Xia and Morgana in the last game was really a bit nondescript..." Head coach Jin Taiying paced behind the players' table, "Jinjiao, what ADC do you think should be used? more suitable?"

The two commentators are still giving advice to BLG.

"I don't think there's much problem with Verus with this hand. The attack speed is very good, the hand is not too short in the later stage, and the percentage output is very impressive." Zeyuan had a good reason and looked at his partner again, " Rita, what do you think?"

"I think it's OK," Rita took over the topic, "And Verus can also add control, and his bottom lane laning strength is pretty good."

Verus is a very reliable choice in every sense of the word.

In the current version, he is a panacea for the bottom lane.

I don’t know what to choose, and Verus is definitely the right choice.

The smile in another live broadcast room also thought so.

But unexpected things always happen.

A character who surprised everyone appeared in Golden Horn's hero selection box!


Zeyuan felt faintly hoarse, "Is BLG serious?"

“It’s really locked down!”

Dabuli's cross-faced face suddenly moved forward, almost hitting the monitor, and his mouth opened wide, "Huh?"

"BLG are you kidding me?"

The audience at the scene even set off a wave of cheers!

No matter who the fan is, they were extremely excited the moment they saw Vayne on the stage!

The chat channel in the live broadcast room is in full swing.

[66666, I am convinced by this version of Vayne]

【remarkably brave! By the way, have you written the application? 】

[The question is, who should I write to? 】

[I think I can write to Kid, "What is your Vayne winning rate?\

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