LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 536 534: The grief-stricken fist designer

In the audience, YM fans were red-faced and cheered in celebration, while RW fans were completely disappointed and silent.

The figure of the Tyrant Sword Demon seemed to them to be so powerful that they had no power to resist.

"Why is he so fierce?" some RW fans murmured to themselves.

Doinb leaned on the backrest and his eyes were blank.

Until now, the image of the sword demon spreading his wings and carrying a heavy sword was still in his mind, chasing after him.

Aguang didn't smile either, and the entire RW team was dejected.

After the five YM people left the stage with paper cups, they realized what they were doing and took off their headphones to hide in the lounge.

The two commentators looked at each other.

In fact, RW's failure in this game had been foreshadowed for a long time, and they were not surprised by it.

Some teams died in 7 minutes and were buried in 28 minutes.

After Lin Ran led the team to play three for four in the bottom lane, the game was actually over.

But they didn't expect such an outrageous sword demon to appear.

"...This Aatrox is totally unreasonable," Remember lamented, "With three lives and four pieces, how do you kill him?"

Zeyuan's tone was extremely exaggerated, "After the blood well is resurrected, there is half a tube of blood. After a set of skills is completed and killed, there is still resurrection armor to delay time. Coupled with the damage reduction effect of the Dance of Death [Ignore Pain], the sword demon It’s no different from the God of War!”

After the game, the data panel appeared in the center of the screen, causing a wave of excitement on the scene.

"22443 damage!" Remember to blurt out.

"The average output per point exceeded 800, which is already an exaggerated figure for a heavily armored warrior like Sword Demon..." Zeyuan praised, "The main reason is that there were too many brushes in the last wave, and Brother Ran's team battle It would have cost thousands of injuries."

There is no doubt about the MVP candidate, Lin Ran's makeup photo appeared in front of everyone!

He pointed to the two gold stars on the chest of his team uniform. The huge sword demon behind him occupied the entire screen. A pair of scarlet eyes were shining with a captivating light. The God-killing Blade in his hand was stained with blood and looked powerful. Perfect!

I found my boyfriend taking another MVP's Su Cheng and took a delicious bite of the skewers, humming: "Grilled chicken wings, my favorite..."

Si Jiayan put the grilled mutton skewers on the top layer of the grill. Seeing Su Cheng's happy face, she asked, "Lin Ran won again?"

"Yes, yes." Su Cheng took a sip of beer, and the slightly astringent taste spread in his mouth.

"How is Brother Gongzi doing?" Si Jiayan asked excitedly.

She is a ten-year-old fan of Jimu Gong, and she is usually very concerned about the situation of the Xiba people.

Su Cheng recalled the previous game in his mind.

What did Jin Gong choose?

Can not remember.

It seems like there aren’t many scenes from the beginning to the end.

Xibaren's advantage is that he is good at stealth. He doesn't require his performance to be outstanding. He can just stand up at critical moments.

"...It's okay," Su Cheng said against his will, "No mistakes, it's perfect."

"That's great!" Si Jiayan, who was kept in the dark, didn't realize it and asked the waiter to order more wine with a happy face.

Su Cheng waved her hand to indicate that she didn't need it, and focused on her phone.

The two commentators are still talking about MVP data.

"Battle damage ratio of 9/1/5, average damage per share is 801, average damage sustained is 777..."

Every time a piece of data was mentioned, the YM fans in the audience burst into cheers, while the RW supporters lowered their heads and didn't want to watch anymore.

When the sword demon appeared in this way, RW fans almost suffered from PTSD and were tortured until they could hardly breathe.

The director was also very heart-wrenching, insisting on replaying the last wave of team battles between MVP Sword Demon and inflicting another heavy blow on the tortured hearts of RW fans.

The scene where Sword Demon Q3E flashes and kills the Clockwork Demon on the head was also made into a 3D perspective, allowing everyone to see this cruel scene.

The barrage was noisy, and the first appearance of the two teams YM and RW after the intercontinental competition really attracted a lot of viewers.

[Don’t whip the corpse to make it woo woo woo]

[From the red buff camp to the RW highland tower, the sword demon's eyes were dry after killing him]

[The last time I saw the Sword Demon so fierce was the last time]

[Just take all the controls forcibly. There is no need to operate at all. Just press the beta button on the skill. It doesn’t matter if I fuck me.]

[Oh, you Wang Sicong, right? You wear a four-piece suit when you go out? 】

Across the ocean, Santa Monica, Los Angeles.

Blaustoise, the numerical supervisor of Riot Games, walked out of the bathroom wearing a towel and scratched his hair with his hands. The dark circles under his eyes were very heavy. With his Caucasian skin color, he looked like a giant panda.

It was now three o'clock in the morning Western Pacific time. His head was dizzy, his body felt weak, his limbs were cold, and he was listless.

Kidney deficiency, sometimes after overexertion.

Sitting down on the ergonomic chair and breathing heavily, Blaustoise used a hair dryer to dry the wet hair that showed that he was becoming a strong man step by step.

He just finished the data modification work on the test server.

Riot does not clearly stipulate the clock-in time for work, nor does it have rigid KPI indicators, but a standard flexible working system.

But the tasks assigned to you must still be completed on time.

Especially for the designer team, the workload is not small with fixed updates every two weeks.

From the testing of hero strength in the transitional stage from the test server to the official server, to communicating with the same team whether the hero mechanism is reasonable and feasible, and a series of other issues...

Originally, Blaustoise was used to this kind of work intensity, and she was quite comfortable with it. Sometimes she could even ask her colleagues to score rankings during working hours, and try out the Meow Meow Team to catch big fish.

But after the mid-season, he began to take charge of an extremely difficult task.

Weaken YM.

This work has been started since the end of S6, but it has not achieved much results. Chunli and others focused their changes more on the gameplay changes in Summoner's Rift.

From the emphasis on all-out hand-to-hand combat in the early days of S7, to the mid-term "Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom" Dharma King and Xia Luo take off, to the bottom lane Xian Luo monster during the World Championship, the game environment changes three times a year, and we strive to make YM unable to adapt to this aspect.

The result was not as expected, YM performed quite well, but other teams failed to keep up with Riot's ever-changing version rhythm. Except for Samsung, YM did not even encounter an opponent who could perfectly understand the World Championship version.

After Chunli and others left, Blaustoise took over the job.

He rejected the change direction of the previous team and established his own set of weakening principles - focusing on weakening the commonly used heroes of YM players in a game environment that ensures the opposite development of YM tactics.

Since YM focuses on the linkage of midfielders and auxiliaries, and the late-stage output is based on double C, he adjusted the price of ADC equipment so that shooters cannot take over the game prematurely.

At the same time, we communicated with colleagues responsible for Summoner’s Rift map design to move important neutral resources to the upper half of the area.

In this way, a world where only the ADC is injured is complete.

After that, the hero values ​​will be changed, and YM will cut down whatever he is good at.

He thinks this method of weakening is ridiculous.

The most important thing is that there will be no major changes in the focus of the version. Everything is based on the core gameplay of the top half, but the strength of some heroes has changed.

This is completely different from the S7 season.

The frequent changes in the focus of the game last year caused many teams to be unable to adapt. Longzhu was one of them. In August, they crushed SKT to win the summer championship. Less than two months later, they were swept out by YM and won the top eight. One step away from success.

The weakening method of Blaustoise can ensure that the version environment is relatively stable and allows other teams to adapt.

He knows that the YM coaching staff is very strong, and the analysts and coaches will allow a team to adapt to the new environment as quickly as possible.

That simply won’t change.

Just kill your hero.

However, the complicated and complicated changes to hero values ​​have greatly increased the work pressure of Blaustoise, the game numerical supervisor.

A few days ago, he added a bunch of new things to the test server, cutting off all the YM skilled heroes headed by Dao Mei. Now the side effects are showing, and there is a lot of subsequent modification work.

After all, a game must still be player-centered, and the design team cannot only consider the professional arena when making changes.

Blaustoise is very worried that too many hero changes will cause mutations in the ranking and matching ecological chain.

Once certain characters are weakened too severely, they will disappear from the game. This is not what he and his colleagues want to see. When the Tsar was killed, the appearance rate in the passerby game plummeted dozens of times, and he once fell into despair. The plight of people.

Therefore, he has to keep a close eye on the data of the test server to prevent similar situations from occurring.

His job tonight is to fine-tune the values ​​of the heroes, one of which is the Sword Demon.

After cutting off multiple attributes of the Darkin Sword Demon, he found that the winning rate of Aatrox in the test server dropped significantly. He felt that the reduction was a bit too much, so he adjusted the armor and base health back.

It took three o'clock in the morning to make repairs.

Blaustoise breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he would not have to work tomorrow. Otherwise, he would really worry that he would die suddenly one day.

After drying his hair, he lay on the bed and dimmed the lights. He picked up his tablet and planned to watch videos before going to bed.

It turned out that on the Rat Channel late at night, the live broadcast of LPL matches ranked first on the homepage.

Due to the three consecutive championships of S3-S5, the Korean League was originally more popular, but as YM successively won the world championship, the LPL division gradually attracted the attention of Western audiences.

Coupled with the gradual improvement of the English streaming commentary station and logistics system, LPL broadcasting is now more popular than LCK.

Blaustoise is also very interested in this Eastern Division. After all, the LPL has brought together the big boss TX and the biggest target of the weakening YM. Except for the unfriendly US and Western time during the live broadcast of the game, everything else is very good.

Now because I work overtime, I can actually watch the live broadcast of the game at three o'clock in the morning.

Clicking in, I found that the first round of YM's game against RW had ended, and the highlights of the previous game were being played.

When he saw Lin Ran pulling Doinb for a solo kill in the middle, he took a deep breath and felt that this man's strength could only be described as terrifying.

Brother, you are a mid-lane player, and you use melee heroes to pull people off like this?

Blaustoise is a platinum player, and he couldn't understand the psychological game between the two mid laners at first glance.

But he was shocked.

Then came the four-man tower jump launched by YM at 7 minutes. He did not pay attention to the passionate fights of other heroes, but focused on the sword demon controlled by Lin Ran.

When Aatrox on the tablet used Q2 to successfully predict the impact of Sword Girl's blade, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

It had to be said that Lin Ran's operation was almost beyond his cognition.

Thinner than a toothpick.

Blaustoise ruffled her scanty hair with a slight sense of joy.

Fortunately, he sharpened Aatrox's skill. Otherwise, Lin Ran's proficiency with a sword demon would not be as good as in the World Championship?

He originally thought that the team battle in the bottom lane would end after Liu Qingsong and Doinb were killed, but he didn't expect that Xiaofu would come up again in a Predator.

Then came Lin Ran's "drag, just drag" part. He just used his health and the passive blood-sucking provided by E [Shadow Rush] to withstand the output of three people for 6 seconds, allowing Jack to successfully replace Xiaofu. .

When Blaustoise saw this scene, he cursed the F-word angrily.

Dirty words echoed through the bedroom.

He wished he could punch himself twice.

Today I saw that the winning rate of the Sword Demon test server has dropped. Why do you want to be kind and adjust the base health and armor back?

Are you waiting to see Lin Ran continue to use his body to delay the output of his teammates?

Is this a big deal?

Blaustoise was forced to get up and turn on the computer, intending to stay up for a while, finish today's work, and cut back all the Sword Demon's attribute values.

The tablet was put aside, with the game highlights still playing.

After several rounds of kills, the 28-minute team battle came.

The moment the special effects of the Great Destruction and Sakura Blade sounded loudly, Blaustoise turned his attention away from the laptop again.

The sword demon used the thick white shield provided by Shen and started slashing at the RW crowd wantonly!

Blaustoise opened her mouth when she saw Aatrox raising his heavy sword and killing Clockwork with Q3E flash.

When he saw Aatrox using his body to take down all the control and damage, and then returning to the battlefield with the help of the blood well and resurrection armor, his eyes showed disbelief.

When he saw that the team battle was over and only Xiaofu was left in RW, he activated the Predator and escaped back to the spring, Blaustoise began to doubt his life.

What did I see?

This sword demon used three lives to change his blood type, and destroyed RW in the most reckless and fierce way in the opponent's formation!

Are you still human?

Blaustoise glanced at the sword demon's adjustment text and felt disheartened.

I cut a Jβ!

He pushed away the laptop and twisted his newly smoothed hair into a messy bird's nest shape.

"Ahhhhh!" Blaustoise burst out with a roar.

After a while, he raised his head, his eyes filled with endless fighting spirit, and he typed on the laptop keyboard while gritting his teeth and said:

"Let me see if you can play the Three-Life Sword Demon this time!"

"Welcome back to Supermarket Square!" Zeyuan is now full of energy and energy after taking a break. "The upcoming game is the sixth week of the regular season. The second game between YM and RW. Previously, YM Xianchi won a match. Zero is temporarily ahead!”

"I think if the Xia team can't deal with Jian Mo, they can simply buy him a house in the ban position," I remember still struggling with Jian Mo in the last game, trying to give advice to the weak team RW, "Or I can't do this myself. You can also grab it on the blue side."

The two discussed for a while, and the BP panel was opened again!

"RW chose the blue side for themselves in this game and took the lead in banning the Sword Demon!"

The YM fans in the audience burst into laughter. They liked this script the best, in which the hero had no choice but to be banned.

Hongmi flipped through his notebook and directed Jin Gong to block Qinggangying, a typical example of a life-threatening ganking jungler.

The two mad-dog arrests of Xiaofu Liquor in the early stage of the previous game brought a lot of hidden dangers to YM. If they get the Qinggang Shadow, something might happen again.

Hanyi continued to follow up and block Zoe. While the Doinb hero pool brought new tactics to the team, it also contained certain hidden dangers. As long as Zoe was strong, they had to ban it.

"YM pressed down the captain again with his second hand... They really don't want Aguang to get the convenient carry hero!"

Hanyi paced behind the players' bench, thinking for a moment before choosing to ban the Troll King.

I have to say that this indeed poses a difficult problem for YM.

If Redmi bans Yasuo as usual, then RW will have to grab Crow first. Without Troll and Karma being severely weakened, it will be very difficult for the team to restrict Swain.

If Redmi sends Crow to the ban position, then Yasuo has to be considered.

Homme made the decision without much thought. He couldn't help but let his opponent choose first, and blocked the death song himself.

Swain and Yasuo, the blue side can only take one anyway.

"Yasuo has been released!" I remember blurting out, "This is a rare sight!"

Ze Yuan echoed from the side, "Since the revision of Infinity Blade, Yasuo has been in YM's ban position and has been released in very few games!"

"But RW didn't plan to grab it first. They got Swain and threw this problem to YM!" I remember that I wasn't surprised by this. "We'll see if Brother Ran will take it!"

Hongmi still had no intention of grabbing Yasuo for Lin Ran.

In fact, he has practiced several Yasuo systems for the team before, and the experimental results in the training games with the youth training team were also good.

But he still has to hide his moves.

To be fair, there are very few hidden moves in the League of Legends professional arena, and people often joke about hiding them until next year.

This is because the version changes very quickly. Characters that were considered OP last week are often cut off this week. Therefore, there is no need to hide many tricks. The most is to make sure that the version remains unchanged in cup competitions. Hit ultimates - such as Worlds and Mid-Season.

But this time is different.

He knew that the focus of Riot's weakening was YM. As long as Lin Ran did not use Yasuo in the professional arena, the designer would think that Lin Ran would not use this hero.

Based on the idea of ​​weakening him, Feng Nan can continue to be strong as a matter of course and will never be weakened.

Therefore it is necessary to hide this Yasuo.

Wait for the critical moment to use it, and catch the opponent by surprise with your fists.

Hongmi chose to rob Happy Man’s good partner, Wine Barrel. Now that the troll Qinggang Shadow is all banned, there are very few heroes who can match Yasuo.

"Let's take Syndra again," he said to Jack, "mainly letting you hit the backhand."

"...That's OK," Shiba Inu thought for a moment, "Then I'll be the deputy?"

"Well, let's go with Deputy E. Don't let the crow get in easily." Lin Ran responded.

I remember still staring at the BP panel, "Rockbird and Crocodile, RW's second and third hand choices are extremely strong!"

"This crocodile should be for doinb," Zeyuan guessed reasonably. "After all, RW's main focus in the early stage must be the middle and jungle, not the upper jungle!"

"And as the midfielder with the fastest pace in the early stage, getting a strong combination will also bring a lot of help to the team!"

Lin Ran wiped his gold-rimmed glasses with lens tissue and squinted at his monitor. Hongmi behind him was still thinking about which hero to use to face the pair of rogue midfielders like Desert Rock Sparrow.

As long as the crocodile rushes up and W [Cold Hunting] stuns the enemy, Taliyah's rock protrusion will be a sure hit.

This pair is as disgusting as a desert spider.

When the selection was finalized, both commentators were a little surprised by the character that appeared in Lin Ran's hero selection box.


Zeyuan and Remember shouted in unison.

Then Remember organized his thoughts and analyzed, "This pick of Morgana is really good!"

"If you take the middle path, the magic shield will prevent the crocodile from controlling its ruthless hunting, and then you can also move to avoid Taliyah's rock protrusion!"

Zeyuan talked about the hidden dangers on the side, "But Morgana has been away from the middle lane for a long time. The intensity of playing solo is a very critical issue."

Han Yi was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought that his midfielder with Crocodile + Rock Bird would be a sure kill.

I didn't expect that YM also had Morgana.

"It's okay. Morgana can only defend in the middle. I push her troops and then move to the side with Yanque. The effect is the same." Doinb patted his chest with confidence.

He likes mid-term warriors like Crocodile, who are both meaty and effective. When he gets them, he feels like he has a chance to win.

Hanyi responded to indicate that she had heard it. When she saw that Hongmi had banned Thain, she also banned Dao Mei to prevent Jin Gong from using it.

"In the last ban position, YM gave Big Insect, while RW blocked Ornn!"

For the fourth choice, Redmi showed up first with Dannar.

"RW got the Tauren Chief and Shen!"

Zeyuan is still analyzing, "This lineup has a strong ability to rush into the formation, and it has control of all three lanes. It is very easy to catch people with Yanque."

"Quie," I remember agreeing with my partner, "and his ability to seize lane rights is also quite good. In this game, RW is freeing up space for Xiaofu to play. It depends on how much advantage he can help the team gain in the early and mid-term."

"Look at the last choice here in YM..."

As soon as he finished speaking, YM decided on his last choice!


Amid the endless cheers from the audience, I remember reacting very quickly, "YM is going to ask Morgana to assist, and use Berserker Olaf as the mid laner to deal with the crocodile!"

"My old swan!"

[What kind of cool operation is this? 】

[Just swaying, Morgana, who has been shining for a long time, is finally a support? 】

[What is Olaf? Can this be a mid laner? 】

[One thing to say, Olaf is pretty good at fighting crocodiles, and after level 6, he is not too afraid of rock sparrows coming to catch him]

There was a lot of discussion in the barrage, and everyone in RW was at a loss!

"Wow, it's true..." Doinb's mentality was a bit broken.

If Morgana takes the middle route, he can still accept it.

But you are such a reckless man, how can I fight you?

"...You must hold on tight and wait for the jungler," Han Yi was still telling him, "My dear, before Olaf reaches level 6, you must grab the middle lane once to help doinb open up an advantage."

"I understand." Flawless knew very well that if you want to catch Olaf, you must do it before the opponent reaches level 6, otherwise it will be difficult to target him once he has a big move.

The lineups of both sides have now been determined.

Blue square RW: top laner Shen, jungler rock bird, midlane crocodile, bottom lane crow + bull head.

Red square YM: top laner Gnar, jungler Barrel, mid laner Olaf, bottom lane Syndra + Morgana.

The loading screen ends, and Summoner's Rift appears on the big screen!

I was taken to have a meal... I wasted a little time. Go to bed early and get up early. I will finish writing this scene tomorrow. (This time for sure)

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