LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 531 529: There is also a gap between roaming mid laners

After resting for the night in Dalian, the four teams set off collectively to fly back to Shanghai the next morning.

I originally wanted to spend two more days in this beautiful coastal city, but reality did not allow it.

The Intercontinental Tournament is an event added in the middle of the summer split. In order to allow the four teams to participate in this competition, Tengjing specially set aside this week and did not arrange a schedule for them.

However, the total number of 19 regular season games has not changed, which means that the upcoming schedule will be much denser. Lin Ran and others return to Shanghai to actively prepare for the next points battle.

"This afternoon to 12 o'clock tomorrow night is your holiday," Guo Hao made arrangements after landing at Pudong Airport. "If you go out, you'd better report to me and don't go to messy places."

"Don't worry..." Jack agreed feebly, "Who wants to play when we are so tired? I'll go back to the base and take a nap first."

The other team members also looked tired and agreed.

Without this intercontinental competition, they should have had a lot of rest time.

However, it is our duty to defend the glory of LPL, and everyone in YM can only make sacrifices.

Although it seems that YM only played three BO1 games, and the intensity was not very high, the usual intense training games and tactical review are the focus. In order to defeat the LCK in this intercontinental competition, Lin Ran and the others did not leave much to their colleagues. Step up the intensity, brothers.

After being exhausted and tired from traveling and traveling, there was only one and a half days of rest in total, and the team members all wanted to lie down in the base.

"Then I'll leave first. Will you go back to the base and start the live broadcast?" Lin Ran suddenly asked.

"No broadcast, no broadcast!" The Shiba Inu, who was always a lazy dog, shook his head repeatedly upon hearing this, "It's too bad, let Lin Weixiang make up the time!"

"Wairui, why is it me again?" Damei was very dissatisfied, "The team contract is only for a small amount of money..."

Although Da Mei's annual salary is just one million, his total income easily breaks into the tens of millions mark - relying on event bonuses and S7 championship skin sharing.

He doesn't look down on the live broadcast income now, mainly because his contract with Lin Ran is different.

Lin Ran signed a contract with Dousha alone, excluding part of the platform pumping and tax payments, and the rest went into his own pocket; Lin Weixiang signed a team contract because his commercial value was not that high, and his income was exploited at all levels, but the money he received was not Not much.

Without money, there is naturally no motivation.

"Take it up, make it up, I'll teach you a trick that will last for a long time..." The old anchor Jack began to impart knowledge about evil ways again.

After hearing this, Da Mei frowned, "Isn't this too heartless? Can the platform agree?"

"What does this mean?" Jack reassured Big Eyebrow, "It's reasonable and compliant. The audience doesn't have to spend any money to watch the live broadcast. Are you still not satisfied with the platform?"

Lin Weixiang was still hesitating, and Shiba Inu took the last dose of strong medicine: "Brother Ran did it too."

Lin Ran, who was queuing up to take a taxi to leave:? ? ?

What does this have to do with me?

But when Da Mei heard that his own mid laner had also used this method, he immediately felt at ease.

Lin Ran just wanted to ask what the method was, but a taxi happened to come to him, and he got in before he could ask.

The sky in Shanghai is still gloomy in the afternoon, and the rainy season is not over yet. It still looks like it may rain anytime and anywhere.

It was just two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to Tongji Beiyuan. Lin Ran chatted with his girlfriend via text messages for a while on the road. Knowing that the other party was still studying in the library, he simply drove alone to buy groceries.

Not far from the east gate of the community is the Xincheng Farmers Market. He went in to buy some vegetables and fruits.

Since Lin Ran was coming back to stay for a day and a half, and Su Cheng didn't cook much, he didn't plan to buy too many vegetables, otherwise it would be a waste to leave them alone. Three or two dishes would be enough for two people to make a home-cooked meal.

His girlfriend is still on her period today, so Lin Ran has to worry about a lot of things when buying groceries. Raw and cold seafood is not acceptable, and spicy food with strong irritation is not acceptable...

Originally, he saw the newly harvested early-maturing lotus roots, which looked quite good. People were standing in front of the vegetable stalls. On impulse, he took out his mobile phone to check, and then he remembered that this was a cold food and should not be eaten during menstruation.

Lin Ran turned around and left without mercy, leaving the stall owner, who was holding a cigarette and trying to sell his lotus root, messy in the wind.

Finally, he walked around the vegetable market, picked up two bags of potatoes and ribs, and added some spinach and vermicelli, planning to fry the vermicelli with spinach.

Lin Ran drove all the way to the car wash, and while the staff was maintaining the car, he ran to the convenience stores around the community to buy breakfast and drinks.

After all this trouble, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when I returned home.

Lin Ran washed the ribs without stopping and threw them into the pressure cooker. The other ingredients were also prepared and were just waiting to be stir-fried.

Only then did he have some free time, lamenting the difficulty of life as a housewife. He opened a can of Coca-Cola and leaned on the sofa to watch the replay of the World Cup on TV.

In the quarter-finals at 2 o'clock this morning, the host Russia played against Croatia.

When the pre-match commentary introduced the two teams, Lin Ran learned that Russia had only reached the semi-finals of the World Cup once in 1966, and the rest of the time they basically wandered around from the semi-finals to the semi-finals.

For the Siberian Brown Bears, reaching the semi-finals in this local battle is considered a success.

Lin Ran is considered a pure Yun fan. He understands the basic rules such as offside and has heard the names of several familiar international stars. Other than that, he has basically zero contact with football.

However, this did not prevent him from watching the game. With the squeaking of the pressure cooker and the aroma of pork ribs and rice, the 22 multi-millionaires from the two teams began to sweat on the court.

Before the 90-minute regular time of the game ended, Su Cheng's WeChat message came. She had just left the library and was on her way home.

Lin Ran quickly got up and ran to the kitchen. He boiled a pot of water and added some salt to ensure that the spinach remained shiny green. He threw the vegetables in and blanched them for ten seconds before taking them out. After draining the water in the pot, he poured oil, added Sichuan peppercorns, vermicelli and seasonings. , wait until the vermicelli becomes transparent before adding spinach.

He was familiar with the job and moved quickly. He waited ten minutes before stewing the potatoes. Then he only needed to pour in the ribs cooked in the pressure cooker and he was done.

Russia and Croatia tied 1:1 in regular time. When overtime just started, the sound of a key turning the door lock came from the entrance.

" smells so good!"

Su Cheng's crisp voice echoed in the space.

"Are you tired?" Lin Ran poked his head out of the living room and saw his girlfriend changing her shoes. Although her clothes were loose in the summer, bending over like this still outlined an exquisite curve, "You go and wash up, and then you can eat. "

"Received, received!" Su Cheng's tone was lively and lively. After reading a book for a day, his head was drowsy with those numbers and formulas, but the moment he saw Lin Ran, his mood instantly brightened.

After changing into her strawberry bear slippers, she rushed over and hooked her hands on the back of Lin Ran's neck, pushing her boyfriend down hard, then raised her face and kissed him on the mouth.

Su Cheng usually didn't wear lipstick, but just put on a little lip balm. The corners of their lips touched, and they felt exceptionally soft and fresh.

Lin Ran chuckled. Even his girlfriend's lip balm was orange-flavored.

"It would be great if we can be like today after we get married," Su Cheng began to think about the future, "Every day when I come back from class and get off work, I can smell the aroma of the food..."

"Chengzi, you don't want to cook!" Lin Ran spoke righteously with a straight face, "It's wrong to open your mouth when food comes and to stretch out your hands when clothes come!"

Su Cheng pinched the soft flesh of his waist affectionately, and the smile on his face became more and more dangerous.

"Seriously, being a househusband is too uncomfortable," Lin Ran said before his girlfriend started twisting her fingers, "I can't even take a day off, I'm so exhausted."

Su Cheng felt a little distressed when she saw the fatigue on her boyfriend's face, and quickly let go of her hand.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while. After a moment of tenderness, Lin Ran let go of Su Cheng's waist and let her go.

The girl took out all the textbooks, tutoring materials and calculation papers from her schoolbag, stuffed them into the study room, and then hurried to the bathroom.

Lin Ran poured the ribs into the pot and simmered them for a while.

After he brought the rice, potato ribs and spinach vermicelli to the table, Su Cheng just wiped her long hair and walked out of the bathroom.

"Wait while I blow dry my hair!" She said loudly, fearing that her boyfriend in the kitchen wouldn't hear her.

Lin Ran responded and walked around the stove, feeling that he had forgotten something.

It wasn't until I saw the empty can of Coca-Cola in the trash can that I realized what I was doing.

He cut the small watermelon he bought from the supermarket in half, then used a knife to cut the pulp into the juicer, pressed the start button, and let the machine tremble in his hands and let out a few moans.

After a while, all the watermelon pieces in the juicer turned into juice. Lin Ran calmed down and ran to the living room to watch TV.

The replay of this game has not yet ended. Russia, playing at home, was very tenacious. Although Croatia hit a header at the beginning of overtime, at the last moment, they still broke through the opponent's defense and evened the score again.

The fur bears in the stands were so excited that their faces turned red with excitement!

When they all thought their team was about to be eliminated, they unexpectedly found a way out of desperate situations!

It was a 2:2 draw, and the winner could only be decided through a penalty shootout.

Lin Ran, a Yun fan, was very excited. He was very lucky that he didn't watch the news today, otherwise it would be boring to watch the video replay after knowing the result of the game in advance.

"Are you watching the football?" Su Cheng had just walked out of the bedroom after drying her hair when she saw Lin Ran standing guard in front of the TV.

"I'll just watch two games if I have nothing to do. It's time to relax." Lin Ran walked towards the dining table, but turned back every three steps to pay attention to the penalty kick results.

Su Cheng picked up the plate and walked to the living room, "If you want to see it, come over and seems like I don't want you to see it."

"This plate is hot, let me do it." Seeing that his girlfriend was about to serve the potatoes and ribs, Lin Ran immediately stopped her, "Just bring rice...and Coke."

Su Cheng was a little dissatisfied, "I can only watch you drink, Lin Ran, you are so cruel!"

Menstruation is troublesome, and she can't even drink carbonated drinks. The phosphoric acid contained in it will prevent the absorption of iron. She is already deficient in iron during this period. If the absorption is further affected, her body will inevitably have problems.

"...If you had only taken two steps into the kitchen, you wouldn't have said such a thing." Lin Ran was quite helpless.

Su Cheng obediently jumped in twice and found a juicer filled with watermelon juice.

Her eyes lit up slightly with surprise, but embarrassment soon followed. She giggled twice, poured the watermelon juice into the glass, and sat down next to her boyfriend.

The penalty shootout on TV has just begun.

Su Cheng is even less knowledgeable about football than Lin Ran. She rarely pays attention to sports games and only knows a little bit about badminton and table tennis. She is completely blind about football. She is still stuck on the national football team and the 'RNM refund'.

However, the penalty kick mechanism is good in this way. The rules are simple and crude. There are only two outcomes: scoring or not scoring, and both of them can easily understand it.

"Let's celebrate with a toast first!" Su Cheng raised the watermelon juice in his hand and raised the corners of his mouth to reveal his dimples, "Second Intercontinental Championship!"

"Isn't this an expected and reasonable thing..." Although Lin Ran said this, he still raised the Coke can to clink glasses with his girlfriend, and took a big gulp into his mouth.

"Eat more ribs, fresh ones."

"...The stew is so good that the bones can be removed with just a sip." Su Cheng bit into the pork ribs with a satisfied look on his face.

"How about it, am I strong?" Lin Ran said subconsciously, "Is this bowl a great meritorious service?"

His girlfriend was stunned by his words, "I think this is the result of the pressure cooker. What does it have to do with you?"

"I didn't choose the pressure cooker?" Lin Ran said matter-of-factly.

"...彳亍," Su Cheng was speechless and could only follow her boyfriend's words and praise her, "Are you awesome?"

At this time, there was a deafening noise from the TV, which drew their attention away.

Lin Ran took a closer look and saw that it was the Russian goalkeeper who saved Croatia's penalty kick, keeping the tie for the host country!

The cheers of the Siberian brown bears were earth-shattering, and Lin Ran was forced to pick up the remote control to interfere.

After reducing the volume by two levels, the restless sound coming from the scene was finally not that noisy.

"Is Brazil the favorite to win the championship this year?" Su Cheng picked up a chopstick of fans and casually chatted.

"...Brazil was eliminated."

"That's Germany. I remember when I was tutoring for the Mathematical Olympiad during the summer vacation of my freshman year in high school, I heard a classmate mention that they scored 7 goals in Brazil in that World Cup. It sounded very impressive!" Su Cheng felt that her analysis was correct. And a little smug.

"...Germany didn't qualify for the group stage," Lin Randuo said, "and they didn't even play in South Korea."

Su Cheng was very embarrassed. During the exam week, she studied offline during the day. Several close friends around her were not interested in the World Cup, so she had no idea what was going on.

But she immediately found a new starting point for the topic, "You haven't even played in South Korea? Are South Korea good? I remember reaching the semi-finals, right?"

"Then you have to ask Italy. As far as I know, the top four are not very valuable." Lin Ran didn't expect that he could show off his football knowledge in front of Su Cheng.

"Why is the gold content not high?" Su Cheng looked confused.

"...You know about Enter the Dragon and the Tiger Cup, right?" Lin Ran explained patiently, "That's probably what it means."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng immediately understood.

The penalty shootout was coming to an end, and the Croatian player named Rakitic sent a fatal blow to the Russian goal, successfully piercing the heart of the host country!

"Croatia narrowly defeated Russia with one goal!" The CCTV commentator's voice was extremely excited. "They have entered the semi-finals, and their opponent in the semi-finals will be England!"

"...Russia has done everything as the host, they can only stop here!"

As the camera glanced over, many local spectators in the stands had tears in their eyes. They could only watch Russia, for which they had high hopes, fall on the way from eight to four.

The reaction of the players was even more real. They shook hands with the Croatian and then walked on the green field with red eyes, looking towards the stadium for the last time.

At this moment, Lin Ran felt that he had found common ground between e-sports and traditional sports.

Although the size is very different, and the number of spectators and influence are not at the same level, in the final analysis, the competition itself is for victory.

Su Cheng seemed to be touched and sighed.

Then she said: "The landlord came to see me two days ago."

The girl's mind was spinning so fast that Lin Ran didn't react for a moment and even made a suspicious nasal sound.

"She said she was going to sell that house." Su Cheng's face was as usual, but the roots of her ears were a little red, but it was hidden under her medium-long hair and no one could tell. "We won't renew the lease when the contract expires."

"...Can this house be sold?" Lin Ran was very surprised.

He didn't believe it at all.

The average price of Tongji Beiyuan is 70,000 yuan per square meter. It was a welfare house for Tongji University faculty and staff. The apartments are spacious and large. Most of the houses cost around 900 yuan, which is definitely not cheap in Shanghai.

To put it bluntly, the houses in this community are basically in a state of market price but no market. When Lin Ran rented an apartment to his girlfriend when she first went to college, she thought that this place where every inch of land was so valuable was exaggerated. However, it turned out to be a paper tiger that could be broken at the first glance.

Tongji Beiyuan is an old community that has been built for more than ten years. Its greening and layout are not popular at all.

Who in the right mind would spend 900 Tabula to buy such a second-hand house?

There is only one group.

Parents buying school districts.

Parents are always willing to spend money for education. In Yangpu District, where Tongji Beiyuan is located, only primary schools can be entered through district housing, but there is no such thing as district housing for junior high schools.

Unfortunately, Tongji did not consider this issue at all when it was building the community.

What school district room?

Isn’t it enough for our own teaching staff to go directly to Tongji’s primary school?

Those who are not Tongji faculty and staff cannot enjoy this benefit. According to the school district zoning, the children of residents who buy second-hand houses must attend the nearby Zhengli Road Primary School.

This is a famous "Caixiao". Caixiao is not a good word if we trace its origins, but now it refers to ordinary schools without teachers.

If Yangpu District is divided according to the strength of primary schools, the nearly 30 primary schools in the top three tiers are all pretty good, but Zhengli Road Primary School is not among them.

You must know that the famous Dahushan Road No. 1 Primary School in the same district, the price of housing in the nearby school district is also around 70,000.

So why buy an old community like Tongji Beiyuan that is more than ten years old?

As for young people, firstly, they have insufficient purchasing power, and secondly, they prefer new communities with better environments and supporting entertainment facilities.

As a result, Tongji Beiyuan was stuck here, with almost no one buying it.

The old professors from Tongji and Fudan in the community are happy to be quiet. Anyway, the neighbors on the left and right are all colleagues from the past. They can visit and chat when they have nothing to do, and their lives are relaxed and comfortable.

"I don't know why I changed my mind. The landlord said before that we can rent it long-term. Anyway, she has gone to live abroad with her children." Su Cheng was also distressed when she said this.

Lin Ran thought for a few seconds. After all, this is someone else's house. If it doesn't violate the rental contract, there is no need to blame the landlord. "Then what do you think? Looking for a new house?"

"How about... I move here?" Su Cheng hummed and said. The rosy color spread from the roots of her ears to her cheeks. She looked like a peach blossom after just taking a shower.

Lin Ran said nothing.

He only came back to live for one day a month. Even if Su Cheng moved here, the relationship between the two would probably not be that of living together.


After Su Cheng finished speaking, she kept observing his face. Seeing her boyfriend's solemn expression, she felt that what she had just said was a bit frivolous. They were not married yet, so why did they live together?

"If you don't want to, forget it."

"No, no," Lin Ran said hurriedly, "I'm mainly afraid that your father will come over and tear me apart."

"...That's right." Su Cheng thought for a while, then lowered his head and started chewing the ribs.

Su Hongmin is still a senior executive of BMW China. In a sense, he can keep his boyfriend's shoes on. After all, Lin Ran still works in a club sponsored by BMW.

He can't control things on the field, but there are too many things he can interfere with off the field.

What if the price of Lin Ran's endorsement contract is reduced?

Su Cheng panicked when she thought of this.

Every penny your boyfriend earns now will be a brick for the Shanghai wedding house in the future!

Dad must not move!

Su Cheng became very motivated when she thought of this, "Then I'll look for a house after I finish the exam. There should be many in the community, so it shouldn't be difficult!"

"Before you sign the contract, tell your parents, be careful not to be fooled." Lin Ran warned. He heard that there are many rental pitfalls, and a bad landlord will be disgusted to death.

Su Cheng responded in agreement, picked up the remote control to change the channel, and watched the news on Dragon TV.

The meal was eaten quickly. Su Cheng looked at the leftovers on the coffee table and volunteered to wash the dishes.

Lin Ran was so happy that he took a change of pajamas and ran to take a shower. When he left the bathroom feeling refreshed, he found that his girlfriend had left a message for him.

It’s an orange, not a tangerine: [I’ll go to the study downstairs to review, you can play by yourself]

Lin Ran knew that his girlfriend hadn't finished the real variable function test yet, so he didn't bother her. He took out a small piece of pudding from the refrigerator and ran to his 'study'.

This place has been transformed into an e-sports room by him. Most of his live broadcasts are held here during holidays. The peripherals and monitors are the same ones that Lin Ran used during his own games. He also spent a lot of money to purchase cameras and microphones.

Su Cheng also took out 10,000 yuan from the small coffers she had saved over 17 years of work, bought a desktop computer and put it here, and occasionally came over to play with it.

After turning on the computer, Lin Ran didn't know what to do.

There was no game in LPL today, so he had to hang out in other live broadcast rooms.

Everyone in YM is not broadcasting, probably like Lin Ran, he is almost exhausted and just wants to rest.

But RW’s mid laner doinb is live streaming.

This was something Lin Ran didn't expect.

When he clicked into the live broadcast room, he heard a loud noise. A monkey-like creature occupied the camera in the lower right corner and was jumping up and down there, extremely excited.

"Isn't this person tired? Live broadcasting at high intensity just after the game?" Lin Ran sneered.

Then he realized that the rhythm of the barrage was not right.

[YMRan entered the live broadcast room, YMRan entered the live broadcast room... I just copied and pasted the live broadcast room announcement, there is no other meaning]

[Lazy dog ​​watches other people’s live broadcasts, but doesn’t start the broadcast himself? Your card is gone! 】

[Joke, do you think Brother Ran cares about the 6 yuan for a card? 】

[Hurry up and start broadcasting, learn from others doinb! 】

[There is also a gap between roaming mid laners, right? 】

Lin Ran didn't expect that the notification function developed by Dousha when players entered the live broadcast room would actually trick him.

He couldn't hide anymore, so Lin Ran simply sent a plane over.

Doinb, who had just turned to black and white on Summoner's Rift, saw this gift prompt immediately and immediately blushed and shouted:

"Thank you RRRRan for sending me one hundred planes! Thank you boss!"

Hearing the click of doinb, Lin Ran was stunned for a second and quickly looked at his consumption records.

That's right, I sent a plane...

He almost thought he gave away 10,000 yuan.

But why did doinb say one hundred?

Lin Ran was puzzled.

He didn't type to ask, he simply leaned back on the ergonomic chair, sipping a little pudding while watching the live broadcast.

After watching it for a quarter of an hour, Lin Ran had to admit that doinb was much smarter than the average player when it came to live streaming.

For example, in the just-concluded intercontinental competition, doinb started to review the game during the break in queuing games, taking advantage of his popularity and converting his popularity on the field into his live broadcast fans.

When he was unknown at that time, he was just a younger brother compared to him when he was talking into the microphone.

Thank you for gifts, interact with barrage, complete in-game operations, and type in the chat channel to record the CD of the opponent's summoner's skills.

Even the word "multitasking" can't sum up the outrageousness of Doinb's live broadcast, and he was yelling and full of energy throughout.

I heard that doinb also has a girlfriend. How does he maintain his energy?

Lin Ran felt that he needed to go back and learn from him.

You can’t drink Shenbao, right?

After watching the rankings for two or three games, he felt sleepy coming over him. He threw the popsicle into the trash can and ran straight to the bedroom to sleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

Su Cheng, wearing a thin coat over her orange pajamas, crept in.

She saw her boyfriend lying on her side on the bed with her eyes closed. Su Cheng, who had been thinking about real variable functions before, had a smile on her lips. She took off her coat and shoes and got into bed without saying a word.

The air conditioner in the room was not turned on very high, but it was quite warm under the quilt, and Lin Ran was constantly distributing heat like a small stove.

Su Cheng moved gently, found a comfortable position in his arms, and curled up her body.

However, Lin Ran was still woken up.

"...What time is it?" He didn't open his eyes and his nasal voice was a bit thick.

"It's still early at 10:30 in the evening," Su Cheng lowered his voice, a little apologetic for waking up her boyfriend, "You can continue to sleep."

Lin Ran put his arm around his girlfriend's waist and pulled her into his arms.

The two of them didn't speak anymore until their soothing breathing sounds overlapped.

Big chapter tomorrow

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