LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 510 508: Intercontinental competition, let’s go!

The very regular vibrating sound of mobile phones buzzed in the dormitory of more than ten square meters. The wall-mounted air conditioner of 1 unit had no response. It was still blowing the cold wind of 26℃ conscientiously. It was linked with the thick curtains, making the hot weather outside All the air is blocked outside.

"Brother Ran...can you drop your phone? It's crazy." In the darkness, a weak voice sounded from a bed. Perhaps because the air conditioner was turned on all night, the voice was much hoarse than before.

Two meters away, Lin Ran, who was on the other bed, opened his sleepy eyes, easily found the source of the vibration with his long arm, and pressed down the phone with a snap.

"Get up, get up!" he greeted, straightening up his upper body, taking the water glass on the bedside table, and poured the ice water into his mouth in one gulp.

This refreshing coolness travels down the mouth and spreads to the limbs and bones along with the blood flow.

My whole body trembled and I woke up.

"I'm holding back my sleep. I have to get up early to catch my flight today..." He pulled on his slippers and wanted to take pictures of Garlic Bastard.

But the young man, who has been immersed in jungle skills for many years, has an outstanding sense of consciousness. Without opening his eyes, he quickly raised his legs hidden under the quilt and actually blocked Lin Ran's forearms.

"You go wash first, wash slowly, and I'll sleep for a while." His whole head shrank into the quilt, like a bastard shrinking into his shell. Now that he was being communicated with through a layer of air conditioning, his voice sounded loud and breathy.

"I'm never happy."

Lin Ran left such meaningless words and ran to the bathroom.

The garlic bastard twisted in bed, and then he realized what the Dan in his family was implying.

I really can't sleep now.

Lin Ran spent a quarter of an hour solving personal hygiene problems. After brushing his teeth, he ran out and saw Garlic Bastard sitting cross-legged on the bed, holding Bulbasaur's pillow in his hand. His eyes were wandering, and he looked like he was sleeping in a daze.

When he saw the boy getting up, he opened the electric shaver and cleaned the slight stubble around his mouth.

"I should shave too, otherwise I always feel like there's something stuck on my lips." Xiaoya abandoned his Bulbasaur pillow, took out his razor from the drawer, and started shaving.

"You said..." Amidst the slightly restless vibration of the razor, Garlic Bastard had a sudden thought, "How much time does Big Eyebrow spend shaving every day?"

Neither he nor Lin Ran have heavy body hair, which is about the level of normal people. The big eyebrows are already considered the peak level of yellow people. Not only are the eyebrows thick, but the amount of leg hair and beard are also amazing.

If he doesn't shave for four or five days, Lin Weixiang will turn into a savage, with the same beard.

"About... ten minutes?" Lin Ran didn't dare to make a conclusion and could only make a guess.

Xiaoyao curled his lips, "No wonder he can't get points. 365 days is 3650 minutes. When converted, it's 60 hours. You can play hundreds of ranked games."

Damn it, I can play hundreds of ranked games in 60 hours. I’ll give it to you at 15 points, right?

But Lin Ran got the idea right away.

It seems like someone can actually do it.

He looked at each other and laughed tacitly.

After washing his face, Xiaoyao rushed into the bathroom. Lin Ran opened the curtains, letting the bright sunshine outside the window shine in, occupying a small area of ​​floor tiles.

I picked up my phone and took a look - it was 7:22 on July 2.

Today they will set off to Dalian with three other teams to prepare for the 2018 Intercontinental Championship to be held in three days.

The phone vibrated for two seconds.

A friend with a star on WeChat [It’s an orange, not an orange] sent me a memo.

It lists the items that Lin Ran needs to bring with him for this trip, from clothes and socks to sun protection, everything is clearly arranged. There is also a warm Dalian weather forecast at the back, recording the temperature and humidity.

Lin Ran also knew that he needed to organize these things, and Su Cheng also knew that Lin Ran knew about them.

However, the two of them had a tacit understanding, and Lin Ran allowed his girlfriend to send him such a large number of luggage preparation items before he went out for competitions.

After a cursory glance, he sent back a bowing emoticon of thanks, and the next moment Su Cheng initiated a video call.

"There's nothing I shouldn't look at, right?" She was cautious, not daring to look around.

"...Have you already seen everything you can see?" Lin Ran was speechless. He turned the camera to focus on his bed, connected the Bluetooth headset and folded the quilt first.

Su Cheng chuckled lightly, with a hint of disdain in his tone, "Of course I know you very well. I'm afraid of Xiaoyao."

This is when I saw my boyfriend put on his earphones and start driving whenever he disagreed with me.

"Oh..." Lin Ran drawled, "There is indeed something you shouldn't see."

Su Cheng was really panicked this time, "Then what video are you accepting?"

Lin Ran left the camera and took the Bulbasaur pillow from Xiaoyao's bed, "This is something that a dirty-minded person like you is not worthy of seeing."

"Look at those flat eyes, how innocent and kind they are." He shook the chubby Bulbasaur and pinched the big pie face, "Look at you again..."

Su Cheng hesitated to speak, too lazy to continue discussing this topic with him.

Anyway, YM will have a day off after the intercontinental competition, and she will have plenty of opportunities to show off in person.

"It's very windy in Dalian and not as humid as Shanghai now. Remember to take good care of yourself," Su Cheng was still teaching skin care skills. "After washing your face every morning, first use toner to relieve facial discomfort, and then slowly massage your eyes with eye cream. Week, wait until the skin is fully absorbed before applying facial cream..."

This is not to say that the climate in Dalian, which is close to the sea, is not humid, but relatively speaking, few cities can compare with Shanghai during the rainy season.

Lin Ran's head was pounding after hearing this.

This thing is indeed his knowledge blind spot.

"It's okay," Su Cheng knew her boyfriend well. Seeing his expression, she knew that this would be more difficult for Lin Ran than mastering Yasuo. She quickly comforted him, "Remember that I gave you a set of skin care products during the Chinese New Year. I The order of use is posted on the bottle, you just need to apply it on your face in order.”

Lin Ran pulled out the things Su Cheng gave him from the drawer, opened the box and took a look. There were indeed small sticky notes inside.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

If you have this thing, you won't mess it up.

"You're so kind..." Lin Ran thanked him sincerely, his voice softening.

Xiaoyao heard these words as soon as she walked out of the bathroom with a smell of mint toothpaste.

Then I leave?

As soon as Garlic Bastard finished brushing his teeth, his mouth started to feel sour.

"Hurry up and clean up," Su Cheng also saw the boy at the edge of the camera and urged, "Don't we still have to pick up Liu Qingsong?"

Two weeks have passed, and Guo Hao has finally recovered from his wounds. Today's plan is to set off from the YM base, go to the hospital to meet Liu Qingsong, and then rush to Pudong International Airport.

The topic was successfully diverted.

Lin Ran folded the last short-sleeved team uniform on the top of the suitcase and sealed the zipper.

"I'll hang up now," Su Cheng on the other end of the phone glanced at the time, "I'll have class soon, and I haven't had breakfast yet."

After hearing this, Lin Ran also felt a little hungry.

After waving goodbye and promising that he would send a message after arriving in Dalian, he hung up the video.

Xiaoyao didn't have that many things to pack, so he just put a few short-sleeved shirts, a team uniform and pants, and put the razor into a small bag, and that was done.

Turning off the air conditioner and opening the windows to the maximum, letting the summer morning breeze rush in, the two pushed their suitcases out of the dormitory and locked the door.

The door to the room opposite was open, and Jack was still humming and trying to stuff a pair of co-branded shoes into his suitcase.

"Hurry up," Guo Hao stood in the corridor of the dormitory area of ​​the YM training department with his hands on his hips, "Lin Weixiang, didn't I tell you yesterday, get up earlier..."

"There's nothing we can do!" Big Eyebrow yelled, "We go to bed at three or four in the morning and wake up at twelve noon every day, and you suddenly ask us to gather at eight in the morning. Who can withstand this?"

"Don't let us take advantage of us," Jack began to taunt, "Guys, you guys have already gotten up."

"That's right," Jin Gong also walked out dragging his suitcase. "If I hadn't patted his door, Lin Weixiang would have slept in the sun until his buttocks were exposed."

Damei muttered dissatisfiedly, and finally hurriedly hurriedly carried the suitcase into the car on time at eight o'clock.

"Where's breakfast?" Lin Ran was a little hungry just now, and now he was even more ravenous. He was usually used to getting up early and couldn't bear not eating in the morning.

"I have some bread here. You should put some on it first." Guo Hao took out a bag of bread without filling. "We will have breakfast after picking up Liu Qingsong and arriving at the airport."

Lin Ran was stunned, and then became furious.

"Brother Hao, I am your 20 million, why are you trying to fool me with this thing?" He said righteously, "At least you need a bag of milk, right?"

Otherwise, how can you eat this bread that looks so dry?

"There is still milk..." Guo Hao took out a box of milk from the glove box and handed it over.

Damei didn't know whether he had just woken up or his brain was just spinning a little too slowly. At this moment, he remembered Guo Hao's last sentence, "We'll have breakfast at the airport? Is that too late?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely come in time." Guo Hao was full of confidence.

"Why?" Lin Ran bit the bread and took a sip of milk, quite curious about Guo Hao's statement.

"...Some team will be late," Guo Hao said, "I won't say who it is."

Several team members were speechless.

The Riddler, right?

Lin Ran didn't bother to ask. After eating a piece of bread, he slumped on the chair and picked up his cell phone.

Now YM has won all seven games and maintained a perfect winning record after the first round robin. In this kind of favorable situation, Lin Ran naturally wants to go surfing on the e-sports forum.

The anti-stress bar still has a familiar feeling, with various identification ingredients, water experience scores and activity posts, but otherwise it is a mess.

Lin Ran scrolled down and suddenly saw a post - just ask if you don't understand, should I choose Kai'Sa or Xayah as the champion skin this year?

Nowadays, Lin Ran has seen so many posts of all kinds that he can only say that he understands them all. Only such blatant fishing posts can attract his attention.

Intrigued, he decisively clicked in and started browsing the replies.

[Haha, are you starting to choose skins now? It’s such a familiar feeling]

[Why can’t I choose a skin? Is there anyone in LPL or LCK who can beat YM? You don’t expect Europe and the United States to beat them, do you? 】

Lin Ran doesn't quite agree with this view. North America is indeed quite profitable now, but the European warships have a vague feeling of taking off, especially FNC, which has gathered a star lineup, which put a certain amount of pressure on YM in the mid-season.

A layman can only watch the excitement, but an expert can tell the truth. Not only will FNC win the championship, this lineup will at least secure eight and compete for four in the World Championship. If they are lucky enough to avoid the No. 1 seed in the LPL division and LCK, they might make it to the finals.

Even if the version changes, the team's performance will not be particularly bad. After all, the basic strength of the players lies here.

For example, Lin Ran's YM team has been weakened several times, but their dominance has not been completely shaken. This is because the players are too strong, and the strongest player is still the mid laner.

This is the position that has the greatest influence on the overall situation in League of Legends. If a player's ability is full score of 100, Xiaoyao can also get this score when his condition is at its peak. However, after heroes such as Spider and Lee Sin are weakened, the score may drop to 80, but Lin Ran relied on his radiating ability in the middle to push him to 90 points.

The same goes for the bottom lane. Jack sometimes dies suddenly, and Shao Shao often gets lost and commits crimes. Lin Ran can also help them improve their ability scores by relying on his own good condition.

In a lineup of five first-line players, one or two have been given away, and the other three are guaranteed. Unless they all pull their hips, the probability of suddenly falling ill is quite low.

According to the audience, this is called circular leg hugging.

The next reply is a bit confusing.

[ @rubbed his head optimistically, you are more familiar with the topic of clan leader. It would be better if you could teach Jack how to play reverse Q]

[Don’t be embarrassed, Gao Dewei is now a skydiver. If you want to teach him, he will also teach 98K how to shoot bullets in the reverse direction]

After that, they were all replies mocking Gao Dewei. Lin Ran had no choice but to comment, so he closed the post and continued to scroll down.

[EDG lost again? After Hehehehe was replaced by YM and ended his winning streak, was this his third consecutive defeat? 】

Kangba has always been good at killing piglets. As long as EDG's recent performance is not good, they will be whipped out.

Lin Ran glanced at it quickly, and found that some of the replies were quite interesting.

[EDG is not allowed to laugh when they lose, everyone is crying, and they are not allowed to laugh! 】

[The factory director is really in trouble. Hurry up and replace him. Isn't he a good guy with Haro's skills? 】

[Qijiang is really fishing now. The jungle is full of strong men and women who collide head-on. A jungler like him who relies on his brain is at a huge disadvantage]

[Qinggang Ying can’t understand, the rock bird is so-so, how old is it, and it’s still using an excavator right here]

[The question is: What are the talents of the excavator? 】

The good time of surfing is always short-lived. The SUV flew all the way and arrived at the entrance of the hospital in less than half an hour. The YM staff helped Liu Qingsong go through the discharge procedures early in the morning and were waiting on the street.

Seeing the familiar license plate number, Liu Qingsong was filled with passion.

Guo Hao got out of the car with a group of team members, and deliberately arranged a formation. It looked rustic and awkward. With the BMW car with flashy paint, the posture was just like welcoming the boss who returned to the world. It attracted a lot of attention. A crowd of melon-eating people gathered around to watch.

He was really eating melon. From the corner of his eye, Lin Ran saw two middle-aged men squatting next to a fruit stall on the street, gnawing on the watermelon rind and staring at him.

At this time, Lin Ran naturally knew that it was not his face that attracted people, so he quickly gave Guo Hao an elbow, "Isn't this not good..."

Liu Qingsong was also a little embarrassed.

If this was recorded by a YM fan and posted online, he would probably die.

Lin Weixiang had a look of enjoyment on his face, "Don't you understand now? This is called playing cards!"

Your sister on the card!

Lin Ran wanted to speak again, but Liu Qingsong seemed to think that Big Eyebrow was right - as long as I don't feel embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

At this moment, the full aura of the second grader overcame the worries of social death. He suddenly straightened his back and said seriously:

"I, fight..."

Lin Ran raised his eyebrows, slapped Liu Qingsong on the back, and finished the rest of his words for him.

"Welcome back to the team, welcome back to the team!" He pulled the torn wound and walked to the car.

"I haven't finished speaking yet!" But Liu Qingsong didn't expect that his bachelor would be so enthusiastic, and he got in the car half-pushed.

Now that the real people were in the car, Guo Hao's formation was naturally useless and he could only get in the car and rush to Pudong Airport.

"How about it, don't you miss me?" He hugged Da Mei after tearing the wound.

"I miss you," Lin Weixiang said without any pretense, with a straight face, "I wish you could stay in bed all the time."

This triggered Liu Qingsong's passivity. He licked his lips and retaliated decisively. For a moment, the whole car seemed to be driving into a resistance bar.

As he sprayed and sprayed, Liu Qingsong also realized that he still hadn't figured out why he was cursing.

"What do you mean?" It wasn't like he couldn't surf during this period of time in the hospital. He thought about it for a while and figured it out, "Are you afraid that I will steal your starting spot?"

Lin Weixiang sighed.

He finally started five games, and I have to say it was really satisfying, and he felt like he couldn't stop.

Every morning while lying in bed, he would surf various e-sports forums and Weibo.

Although most netizens' attention is on the other four teammates, there are also a few comments about him.

[Lin Weixiang played very well today. The Bull Head Flash WQ second company was very decisive. 】

[The legendary journey of 100% win rate support continues]

[I think Lin Weixiang’s transition to support is really good. When the time comes, he will win the championship in two positions and become the first person in alternative history]

Although there were not many comments, Lin Weixiang gained full happiness.

However, when Liu Qingsong came back, this dream was shattered without a trace.

Da Mei has a complicated heart. If it were someone else, he could say that he was unhappy.

But Liu Qingsong is his true brother.

"Do you want to see the microphone section?" Lin Ran, who was sitting by the car window, waved his phone, "The Bilibili account was just released."

"Sure." Lin Weixiang lowered his head and picked up his phone in order to get rid of his thoughts as soon as possible.

After tearing open the wound, he looked around and saw that neither of them paid any attention to him, so he could only lower his head and surf.

The video team that Guo Hao spent a lot of money to acquire is quite capable and is one of the best among all LPL clubs. It is of good quality and extremely productive.

When other clubs do this kind of video program, they have to think about what content can be edited. The industry practice is to intercept the video recordings of the home team's victory. After all, the players in the losing games are boring and there is no program effect. Moreover, the editing is not pleasing to the fans. Like to watch.

This leads to the fact that some bad teams may not be able to produce more than a few issues a year.

YM doesn't have this kind of trouble.

At first glance, everything is winning. The video group can be edited at will, and the room for play is quite wide.

After the familiar club logo and BMW China logo disappeared from the screen of Liu Qingsong's mobile phone, the video quickly got to the point.

"What do you say today?" Jack on the phone started shaking his legs as soon as he sat down, shaking his seat and looking at his teammates on both sides, "Who is the support?"

Through the prompt next to the screen, Liu Qingsong knew that this was the voice when YM played against EDG a few days ago.

"Give me an even plate!" The Garlic Bastard was quite excited. "That pig-nosed Liu Qingsong keeps telling me that support is difficult. Today I want to see what is so difficult about support?"

"Obviously I came first!" Lin Ran was still fighting, "Last night I said I wanted to play support!"

"Ai, it's one game per person," Lin Weixiang was still trying to be the peacemaker, "Brother Ran will assist in the first game, and I'll play the mid laner!"

Mr. Tie didn't expect that he would be turned on when the show came on.

This episode of Microphone had just been released not long ago, but as usual, the barrage was flying all over the place, and the fans were so enthusiastic that it was hard to resist.

[Hahahaha, they are all playing support, Liu Qingsong feels miserable]

[Xiao Yao is just disgusting, I'm going to tear him down, why don't I arrange it for him? 】

[Lin Weixiang’s face made me laugh. I guess I can’t wait to play Sword Girl, right? 】

[Do you understand the value of the only sword girl with a 100% winning rate? 】

【only? Brother Ran and Daomei have never lost either】

Liu Qingsong wanted to turn off the barrage, but hesitated for a moment, but still didn't do it.

It was Lin Weixiang's stifled laughter next to him that made him a little restless.

The mobile video continues to play.

After Lin Ran got Thresh, he managed to save Jack from Gui Jiao Qi through level 2 operations.

The video contains a lot of background sounds from the audience at the time. When the Shiba Inu was saved, the fans in the audience went crazy and screamed.

"I think you will be the YM supporter from now on. How about kicking Liu Qingsong out?" Jack said with a bit of ecstasy about surviving a disaster.

When I saw this scene, my fists became hardened.

My Shiba Inu son who I had raised for more than a year ended up with someone else in the blink of an eye?

Who can withstand this?

He turned around and looked, then remembered that Jack was in the car behind him, and decided to let the Shiba Inu live for another half hour.

Liu Qingsong then saw Lin Ran Thresh's outrageous Q + flash backwards + W Soul-Drawing Lamp + triggering the second Q combo.

He couldn't help but hiss lightly.

This operation is not difficult if you look carefully. It is a basic operation for old Thresh.

But Liu Qingsong knew that Lin Ran was not very good at playing Thresh at all, at least before he was hospitalized.

In just the past few days, being able to play Thresh like this is definitely a talent.

Not to mention how much courage it takes to do this in the professional arena.

It's good to succeed, but what if you fail?

For example, if you flash backward, the lantern is thrown out, but the time to trigger the second stage of Q has passed...

When the time comes, I'm afraid it will be recorded in Lin Ran's dark history of the game.

For his mid laner, Liu Qingsong is convinced.

The microphone in the second game against EDG was also full of laughter.

Jack kicked K's head all over the place, and even triggered Lin Ran's death glare.

"Is the support very blue?" After the last wave of team battles, Xiaoyao looked at his KDA of Luo 1/0/15 and smiled broadly.

"In such a simple location, Liu Qingsong still barks there every day..."

[Hahahaha, how brave! 】

[I don’t even care about my life]

[Crowdfund to give Brother Gongzi a rocket and let him protect the garlic bastard]

[Tianbao flies bravely, if anything happens he will bear it on his own! 】

At the end of the video, Jin Gong complained unhappily, "You each support one game, but I have never played!"

The boy immediately finished his attack, "Okay, Brother Xiba, save some face for Shao Shao. You have to give people a good memory in the last period of time... If you also use support to win the game, what will Liu Qingsong do?"

How many people have been blackmailed?

Liu Qingsong added another name to his revenge assassination list.

At around 9:30, the YM fleet arrived at Pudong Airport.

"Let me first send you the rough itinerary for this intercontinental competition..." Guo Hao asked everyone to gather together.

Everyone took out their phones and waited to receive the file.

Five seconds later, there was no movement in the group chat of the training department.

"Where are the documents?" Lin Ran was confused.

"Word is very big, please bear with it." Guo Hao explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, the file was transferred. Lin Ran opened it and took a look. It contained detailed procedures for interviews, promotional videos, and makeup photos.

"The meeting time is 10 o'clock. You are free to move around. Have breakfast when it's time to have breakfast..."

As soon as Guo Hao gave the order to move freely, Liu Qingsong rushed to find Xiaotian and Jack, and each of them used a set of Wang Ba boxing to relieve his anger.

Lin Ran hurriedly went to find a Kaifeng restaurant and bought a panini set meal.

After eating, he ran to the meeting place, almost spilling the soy milk along the way. The result was exactly as Guo Hao said.

A team is late.

"Where are the people from IG?" Poppy was almost anxious, "Call me!"

"Manager Su said we were on the way..." A Tengjing staff member came to report, "They said they set off very early, but there was a traffic jam in the city."

"Then why didn't you plan ahead and save time for traffic jams?" Poppy said angrily, "The three teams and all the staff are just waiting for them to come?!"

After waiting for another 10 minutes, everyone on IG arrived belatedly.

Su Xiaoluo didn't dare to show off when he saw Bobby, so he quickly went up to apologize.

"Damn it, it's so cool to have a club in the city center, and there's still traffic jams?" Xiaotian was a little envious.

The IG base is right on the Huangpu River, very close to the Bund, and in the center of Shanghai. Traffic jams during rush hours are normal.

Poppy also knew that Daju was the most important thing, so he didn't care about it and quickly asked the four teams to gather together for a group photo.

"YM stands in the middle, and the other three teams will wrap them up..."

With double championships and double MSI, YM is a well-deserved C position in the division. The rest of the team members clearly understand that performance is the first priority and have no complaints about this. They stand beside Lin Ran and others as foils.

"Three, two, one..."

The cameraman Ichimura adjusted the angle to include everyone in the shot and pressed the shutter button.

"Get ready to take off!" Bobby gave the order, and the players dispersed to chat with their old acquaintances.

Theshy, who seemed to be in the form of slippers, ran over, shouting one after another, asking Lin Ran to help him sign his autograph.

Ten minutes later, the official blogs of the four clubs YM, RNG, IG and RW released this group photo.

In the comment area of ​​the YM official blog, sponsors such as BMW China and Dousha Platform appeared together. The format was extremely unified: see you in Dalian for the intercontinental competition!

Please ask for a monthly ticket

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