LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 430 428: Hello! (Except Zoe players)

"The lineups of both sides are quite extreme," I remember commenting. "TOP is mainly defensive, YM is trying their best to attack in the early stage, and 3C are all Poke heroes. They are absolutely not allowed to wait until after 30 minutes."

Poppy, who had just returned to the lounge, looked at the TV screen with an extremely annoyed expression.

When this lineup was selected, his heart went cold.

From the beginning, the team's BP was led by the nose. After taking the vampire, in order to deal with Poke, they could only choose an extreme forced lineup.

The forced opening of the system requires at least two heroes to cooperate with each other, otherwise a single entry of a single hero can easily be pulled and resolved.

As a result, he took Niutou and Zach, two characters with strong attack methods, but their early abilities were very weak. With the addition of a vampire, the three of them were the type of heroes who would not fight back when beaten in the early stage.

Poppy followed Zoom's advice and chose Ornn, who is currently capable of carrying and fighting, and has certain advantages against Jace. In order to make up for the lack of core physical output in the lineup, Old Dream can only play heroes that can cooperate with the force-opening hero and enter the field at the same time. Small cannon.

After the BP was over, Poppy looked back and realized that his lineup could only be described as a stretch.

Sad: How can we defend the jungle in this game under the powerful offensive of YM Jess, Zoe and Troll?

With the double C of small gun + vampire, who can resist the mid-game?

Although the hero Tristana is not as extreme as the policewoman, the strength curve that changes over time is also a U. In the early stage, she relies on the linkage of E [Explosive Spark] and W [Rocket Jump], and her laning ability is not weak. It relies on the range advantage provided by passive.

But this hero is very embarrassed in the mid-term. Before the endless three-piece set is made, the critical strike ADC's output ability is not guaranteed enough.

The burst damage is not that high, and the range is not that strong. It is neither up nor down. It is stuck here, just like the gold and silver in ranked games.

The small cannon cannot withstand the heavy burden of the team's mid-term output, and the vampire is also unable to do this job.

So how to play in the TOP mid-term?

Bobby felt like he was falling into an ice cave as he thought about it.

Reviewing the entire BP in his mind, Poppy felt that the moment he chose vampire, the outcome of the entire BP was decided.

Redmi directly revealed Zoe and Jace. These two heroes can suppress the vampires in the laning phase, and can also form a double poke in the mid-term, which is very powerful.

In order to cope with the system built by YM, Bobby had to completely disrupt his entire lineup expectations.

Normally, the blue side, which has the right to choose first, can build a lineup system around the first-chosen hero, while the red side can only improvise and be forced to deal with it, and most of the lineups formed are not complete systems.

But this round was obviously the other way around. YM on the red side built a system as they pleased, while TOP on the blue side was tired of dealing with it, and ended up with a nondescript lineup.

Red rice...

Bobby is full of despair. The top coaches have obtained the full level number, and the only thing that can defeat them is patch.

Lin Ran didn't know the psychological activities of Coach TOP, so he bought the corruption potion and controlled Zoe to run to the river.

The Twilight Celestial Spirit is still holding a skipping rope as it speeds away. It looks lively and cute as it jumps up and down.

In this game, his summoner skill has healing, and his rune master has electrocution. His explosive ability in the line is fierce, but in fact this is not the mainstream configuration in the game.

In the professional arena that focuses on stability, most Zoe players will bring [Unsealed Cheats], which is very good whether it is to exchange skills to save lives or provide support.

But Lin Ran still remembered Zhuo Ding's provocation before the game. He wanted to beat his opponent violently online and needed the suppression provided by electrocution.

The secondary system is the stopwatch and minion death weapon of the enlightenment system.

Although the stopwatch was chopped off by a fist, Lin Ran took it to avoid being forced open by Zach, Tauren, and Ornn, and to save his own life.

Anyway, under normal circumstances, Zoe does not bring the talent of [Somewhat Magical Shoes] - after all, Zoe plays at a fast pace on the court, and often comes out with second-speed shoes for the first time when he returns to the city. The trigger time of the shoes provided by the talent is still too long. It takes a long time and is not as practical as a stopwatch.

Lin Ran glanced at Zhuo Ding's runes on the opposite side again. They were unremarkable. The phase rush plus the enlightenment sub-system, the summoner skill brought ignition.

It was obvious that he wanted to imitate Lin Ran and use the high damage provided by Detonate to try to achieve a solo kill.

"Xiaotian wants to try to invade at level 1. YM's top, middle and jungle combination is very strong!"

Garlic Bastard took Siba to the blue buff camp in the top half of the TOP, trying to start the game by switching buffs with the opponent.

“Before Zoom went online, I went to the upper half of my house and discovered the whereabouts of YM’s upper jungle. The sad Zach quickly took the duo to the lower jungle area to counter YM!”

Zoom also paid a small price when he discovered the Garlic Bastard's movement in the wild. He was hit by Jin Gong's Jace and lost a little health.

"Both sides swap jungle areas, and both start with the other side's blue BUFF," remember looking at the mini-map, "YM protects Jess and Zoe, while TOP mainly protects the bottom lane cannon."

The choices of both sides are quite reasonable. Sadness did not intend to help top laner Ornn at the beginning. The small cannon is the core of their offensive tower push in the early and mid-term.

Lin Ran saw that TOP had no intention of defending the jungle, so he controlled Zoe to return to the middle. As soon as the grass appeared in the middle, Q [Flying Star Intrusion] was thrown out.

Zhuo Ding's position was very careful. He knew that Lin Ran would show up in the upper half of the area, so he always moved close to the lower area.

Lin Ran saw that the vampire was moving steadily, and gave up the idea of ​​exchanging blood for consumption, and activated the flying stars to hit three long-range minions.

Taking advantage of the trend, he continued to move forward and sent an invitation to Zhuo Ding for a blood exchange.

Knight frowned. He felt that Lin Ran had already used his skills, and he still held Q [Blood Conversion] in his hand. This wave of blood exchange would not be a loss no matter what.

He wished that Lin Ran would come to him, so instead of retreating, he took another step towards Zoe.

Zhuo Ding wanted to wait for Lin Ran to use the basic attack with passive [Fireworks] before using Q, so as to maximize the recovery effect of blood conversion.

At this time, both sides had entered the range of their respective basic attacks. When Zhuo Ding saw Zoe raising her hand, he immediately launched a basic attack, and then took a sip of Q [Blood Conversion].

But during this period, the blood bar above his head did not change!

Lin Ran pressed S to pause his basic attack, but this pyrotechnic basic attack did not fire out!

After the vampire used the Q skill, Lin Ran controlled Zoe to knock down a bottle of corruption potion, focused his basic attack on Zhuo Ding, and then decisively retreated.

Zhuo Ding also wanted to catch up and hit another basic attack to trigger Phase Rush.

But Zoe had already stretched out her arms, facing away in an extremely cute posture, and quickly escaped from the range of Vladimir's basic attack!

Zhuo Ding bit his lower lip subconsciously.

In this wave of blood exchange, he suffered Zoe's passive basic attack and the corrosive effect of the Corruption Potion, while Lin Ran suffered an AQ shot. Both sides also attracted a round of concentrated fire from long-range minions.

Just looking at the blood volume, he must have made a profit. After all, Lin Ran knocked down a bottle of corruption potion, and there was no need to touch the two bottles of blood potion on his body.

However, the suppression and arbitrary control over details displayed by Lin Ran still made Zhuo Ding feel uneasy.

He is not yet Zoe's unique skill brother, but he knows this hero quite well - after all, as a professional player, who doesn't know Zoe?

Zhuo Ding knew that Zoe's passive [Fireworks] would make the normal attack trajectory disappear. The entire basic attack process was extremely fast, and the hand-raising movement was quite short.

In this case, it will be much more difficult to press S when raising your hand to block the basic attack, and Zhuo Ding cannot guarantee success every time.

But Lin Ran's whole movement was relaxed and freehand, and even pressing S to attack was smooth.

Gan, is it really that silky smooth?

This is obviously a sign of confidence in his own operation, because once he fails to block this pyrotechnic basic attack, he will be consumed by the vampire in vain, and he will suffer a huge loss in exchange of blood.

This elegant and bold style of play put a lot of pressure on Knight.

Zhuo Ding forced himself to concentrate, otherwise he would lose miserably in this game.

Lin Ran waited for Q's flying star to improve and once again close the distance, giving his opponent enough deterrence.

The vampire's level 1 Q has a cooldown of 9 seconds, which is a little longer than Zoe Feixing's CD. Zhuo Ding, who has no skills, can only retreat and stay away from his long-range soldiers.

The fully charged flying stars inflicted enough damage to kill the ranged soldiers.

Zhuo Ding did not dare to exchange blood with Lin Ran at this time - because YM had three more long-range soldiers. If he stepped forward to use Q to suck blood, the concentrated fire of these three long-range soldiers would not make him easy.

Lin Ran was not in a hurry to eat the remaining three TOP melee soldiers. He just stood aside and waited for the remaining health of the soldiers before replenishing the tail knife and executing his line hoarding strategy.

Knight felt upset just looking at it.

Lin Ran and himself are both teachers and friends, and are naturally his learning goals. Zhuo Ding never fails in all YM games. Since there is no first-person perspective, he can only speculate and speculate through the few shots of the middle lane from the OB perspective. Lin Ran's thoughts.

Zhuo Ding was very impressed by this line hoarding strategy.

Because it's so abnormal.

Generally speaking, the top laners and ADCs on the two wings use this strategy the most, while in the middle, the lane hoarding strategy has been in the embarrassing situation of no one paying attention in the past two years.

First of all, the biggest difference between the middle lane and the upper and lower lanes is that the line is short, and you can't store many soldiers if you stock the line.

Furthermore, the two side lanes hoarding lanes into the tower can cooperate with the jungler to cross the tower to kill, causing the opponent to lose a large wave of troop development.

In the middle lane that extends in all directions, it will be very difficult for the jungler to complete the tower jump in the early stage.

Moreover, most of the mid-lane mages have long hands and can deal area-of-effect damage. At worst, they can use skills to replenish troops and mana to clear the troop line.

But Lin Ran made the originally neglected strategy of hoarding lanes in the middle a trend. He first used his personal suppression or hero strength to hold the lane rights and force the opponent's mid laner to retreat.

After pushing the lane, he doesn't just stay in the middle, but instead looks for trouble from the opposite jungler.

This is equivalent to extending the advantage of the middle lane to the jungle, and then the jungler will feed back the middle lane, forming a virtuous cycle.

Lin Ran saw through the essence of League of Legends.

This game not only has laning, but also a 5v5 team game.

As the version changes and the level of professionalism continues to improve, it is now less and less likely for one person to carry and win the game.

If Shu Xin wants to win, he must fatten up the other four people in the team. "The first dad is inferior, the second dad is equal, the third dad and the fourth dad can win casually." This sentence is not a joke.

With the continuous development of competition trends, the positioning of mid laners is becoming more and more diverse. Lin Ran's strategy of hoarding troops and roaming has also been favored by many professional mid laners.

At this time, Zhuo Ding saw Lin Ran's intention of hoarding lines and immediately started to sway people.

"Sad, please reach level 3 and go straight to the middle. Help me push the line."

Sadness, who was operating Zac to pull the blue buff to the Demon Swamp Frog camp and try to fly together, heard the signal for help from his mid laner. He cut the screen and glanced at the road. He also knew that he could not let Lin Ran succeed, otherwise he would be the unlucky one later. .

He agreed, and while eating the blue BUFF, he punished and lowered the HP of the Demon Swamp Frog to speed up the progress of clearing the jungle.

Lin Ran relied on his flying stars and electrocution, and stood arrogantly in front of his melee soldiers.

Zhuo Ding saw that Lin Ran sometimes moved aggressively and even walked out of the protection range of the soldiers, so he tentatively stepped forward to exchange blood.

Anyway, without taking damage from minions, the vampire uses Q [Blood Conversion] and basic attack to hit a phase and dash away.

Lin Ran has the extra damage of flying stars and passive [Fireworks], which is worthy of Zhuo Ding.

By the time Lin Ran finished the second wave of troops, he and Knight only had half their health left.

When the artillery troop line reached the middle, the YM side's soldiers had been completely stocked up, with a total of 12.

And one of the melee soldiers has a star mark on his head.

This means that after Zoe kills it, it will drop a W [Spell Stealing Hand] spell fragment, which contains summoner skills or equipment active effects.

Lin Ran glanced at it, pulled up the flying stars as usual, and hit the long-range soldiers hard.

"Xiaotian appears on the top lane and wants to cooperate with Jace to catch Ornn!"

After the Garlic Bastard reached level 3, he launched his first gank, but the pillar failed to trap zoom. Although Jin Gong's reinforced cannon was very accurate, it was blocked by the shield provided by Ornn's W [Bellow Breath]. harm.

Xiaotian hit the stick twice and lowered Zoom's health, but he still couldn't find a suitable killing opportunity, so he had to give up.

"I'm coming!" At this time, a sad voice came from Zhuo Ding's earphones, "Go up, go up, hit him with a flash!"

Sadness knew that Lin Ran had just used the flying star and was at a low point in combat power, and Xiaotian was also showing up on the road, which was a good opportunity to take action!

Zhuo Ding saw that his jungler was in position and decisively used the minion remover to clean out the YM gun truck.

Although this artillery cart is not enough to upgrade him to level 3 because of the lane hoarding, it will undoubtedly reduce some of the minion damage for the sad gank!

"Zach settled down, squatted in the grass and flew out!"

With a strange cry, the shit-yellow Xiang warrior appeared in Lin Ran's field of vision!

But he had been prepared for it. The garlic bastard showed up on the top lane, and he was still pressing the line. It would be abnormal if he didn't mess with him.

He used the minion deplasmatizer on the gun carriage, and then handed over the healing technique!

While restoring blood volume, W [Spell Stealing Skill] and healing spells provide double movement speed. Lin Ran successfully avoided the impact circle of Zach's rubber band slingshot.

Seeing this scene, Sadness and Zhuo Ding couldn't help but be startled.

Lin Ran did not retreat, but continued to move forward. Now he was standing next to his melee soldiers, and his position was stuck between the top midfielder and the jungler!

"What is Brother Ran doing with his position?" Zeyuan was extremely shocked, "He wants to rely on his own army line to fight one against two?"

Before Zach fell to the ground, the minion death weapon Lin Ran had just cast had killed the artillery truck, allowing Zoe to successfully upgrade to level 3!

While learning the skill in seconds, E [Hypnosis Bubble] was blown out the moment Zach landed, not giving Sadness a chance to escape!

Zach cannot use flash when casting E [Elastic Slingshot] in the air. He can only use displacement at the moment before his entire body reaches the landing point.

And by this time he had hit the bubble!

"Zach fell into a sleepy state. He also tried to hit Zoe with Q [Extended Strike], but Brother Ran used the acceleration effect to spin around in the pile of soldiers!"

Sadness could see clearly that he was very close to Lin Ran, and there was only one soldier in the middle!

But in order to quickly clear the jungle and reach level 3, he had already handed in the punishment, and there was nothing he could do at this time!

Extending his arm to hit the minion, Zach's next basic attack will become a long-range slap. Sadness originally wanted to catch Lin Ran, but now Zoe is as slippery as a loach, burrowing through the pile of soldiers, stunned. Let sadness take hold!

The 1.5 seconds of sleepiness ended, and Zach was forced to stay where he was and fell into sleep!

Lin Ran's basic attack used three missiles provided by his magic-stealing skills, and hit the melee soldier with magic fragments!

Kill a minion with high damage, and skills will fall out of the corpse.

Golden yellow flickered, reflected in Lin Ran's eyes.


Lin Ran's expression became much softer due to the golden color, while TOP Zhongzhi's head was pressed against a heavy stone.

"Withdraw, withdraw, it's almost done!"

Sadness shouted, he wanted to make a flashback at first, but to his surprise, when Lin Ran saw the person advancing instead of retreating, he immediately thought of the vampire riding on his face in the last game, and he felt scared and wanted to retreat quickly.

It's not a loss to get a healing spell in vain...

But he was still in a comatose state and couldn't move!

"Zoe picked up the barrier, and the flying star pulled it full sideways!"

The sleepiness time and miscellaneous skill gaps made it difficult for Lin Ran to wait until the cooldown of his Q [Flying Star Chaos] improved.

Sad's toes couldn't help curling up, and the boulder that had been pressing on his heart fell down, but it didn't fall lightly to the ground, but hit it hard with endless power!

He knew that soon this flying star would smash through his health bar like the boulder in his heart!

"Help me block it!" Sadness quickly urged Zhuo Ding.

Zhuo Ding pursed his lips when he heard this.

Of course he knew to help block it.

But how to block it?

Lin Ran Feixing was pulled to the side, but Zhuo Ding was still behind at this time. If he wanted to block it, he had to flash out.

But how could anyone show off like this in front of Zoe?

Zhuo Ding hesitated for a moment and then flashed, watching as the flying star hit Zach!

The electrocution was triggered, and blood-red lightning fell from the sky, hitting Sadness together with Zoe's basic attack with [Fireworks]!

Fortunately, Zoe's skill level is low and her equipment does not have magic power, so the damage is not ridiculously high.

"Zach's health bar is less than 1/3 left, but Zoe is still outputting!"

Lin Ran felt sad and wanted to run away, so he immediately handed over the barrier he had just picked up, and his movement speed increased again.

Three small missiles appeared around Zoe again. She stretched out her white and round arms like lotus roots and rushed towards Zach in an extremely unbeatable posture!

The sad face turned as yellow as Zach's.

Don't come over here!

Even if he was really Bu Jingyun, it was useless. Lin Ran stepped forward and hit Zach with another basic attack, hitting Zach with corruption potion, fireworks, and spell-stealing missiles. It’s simply too much to bear!

"Zoe chased A all the way, and Zach was about to be beaten out of his passive state!"

I remember that like the audience in the audience, I was extremely shocked by this scene. Zoe was stunned and chased the top midfielder to hit!

Sadness didn’t want to hand over Flash yet. Zhuo Ding didn’t have the ability to keep anyone alive. Handing Flash would be giving Lin Ran skills in vain. Zoe used his Flash to kill him, and it also gave him passive extra damage. It was simply a loss of blood.

He was knocked out of his passive state by another basic attack from Lin Ran, and the ball of fire broke into four pieces. Lin Ran continued to activate his passive organization!

"No teleportation, no teleportation, he can't kill me." Sadness breathed a sigh of relief and asked Zoom not to teleport to protect him.

Now that Zoe has surrendered all her skills, she has no means to threaten him again, and even these four pieces of Xiang Lin Ran can't be dealt with.

"Knight can't catch up with Zoe at all. Without skills, he can only let Brother Ran retreat!"

[I almost got killed in two-on-one, can you play? 】

[Laughing, brothers, can anyone tell me how to catch people in the middle and jungle of TOP]

【Is it too cruel? Why can Zoe be so fierce? 】

[This is not the same species. There is no need for TOP to catch it. It can’t be hit with the left hand anyway]

Relying on the shield provided by the barrier and the recovery of the corruption potion, Lin Ran didn't pay much health cost at all in this counterattack.

"Zach used the passive resurrection, but he didn't dare to come to the middle anymore, so he could only go back to brush his own wild monsters!"

Sadness didn't come, so Xiaotian took the initiative to find him.

The garlic bastard who had previously returned from zoom passed by the middle carrying a big stick, and also helped Lin Ran push the line of troops.

"The troll went straight to the lower half of the area and wandered around with Zoe to drive Zach out of his jungle area!"

Zhuo Ding was helpless. Just now his jungler came to the middle and was almost killed by Lin Ran. Naturally, he couldn't help him push the lane.

Now that the army line is under the tower, there is no way he would give up so much experience and economy to help his family in the jungle.

His face collapsed with sadness and he remained silent.

He is really sad now.

How could Zach, a weak-blooded man with no passive abilities, have the resources to defend the jungle?

Even E [Elastic Slingshot] is useless, the forced displacement of the troll pillar can easily interrupt his charge!

"Zach was forced to withdraw from the lower half of his jungle area, but at this time he didn't have enough gold coins to make a jungle knife, so he had to risk going to the upper half of YM to steal the growth of wild monsters!"

Lin Ran could also guess Sadness's course of action. Seeing how happy Xiao Tian was doing the wild game, he simply returned to the upper half of the area by himself.

Zoe jumped rope all the way to her red buff camp, inserting an eye into the partition wall.

In less than 5 seconds, sadness appeared in his field of vision!

Lin Ran stopped returning to the middle road and returned to the wild area again.

"Sadness is very alert. He was punished at the moment when the red buff's blood volume entered the killing line, and he pocketed the wild monster!"

But Lin Ran appeared, and while receiving the punishment, he forced the sadness back.

"Zoe holds Punishment, Sadness doesn't dare to wander around in the upper half of YM now!"

Sadness had a bulging face and a look of helplessness. Once Lin Ran discovered that he was stealing wild monsters again, Zoe would definitely use punishment to rob him.

The only way is to wait for the punishment that Zoe picked up to disappear.

But by then, Xiaotian must have arrived.

She has no choice but to kill the harmless river crabs.

Bobby in the TOP lounge was restless and couldn't hide his guilt.

He knew that there was a big problem with his BP. If he chose a strong midfielder for his team members, Lin Ran would not dare to be so arrogant.

The sadness of having nothing to gain returned to the city, while Xiaotian made a lot of money.

After the two junglers cleared all the wild monsters in the first round, the experience gap widened by a full level!

"Sadness is a shame, but Knight is a little comfortable in the middle." I remember noticing that Zhuo Ding's last-ditch count never dropped, and he even took advantage of Lin Ran's support in the jungle to overtake the last-ditch kill count.

Lin Ran has been using skills all this time. Even with the corruption potion, he can't bear the frequency of using skills at such a high rate.

Zoe didn't have enough mana, so he could only use it sparingly, and Lin Ran didn't want to go back to the city - he wanted to save up 1,100, go home and take out a pair of French shoes, but the gold coins he had now were far from enough.

Now that the soldiers will not be dropped and teleported, Lin Ran will lose a lot of soldiers when he returns to the city. He can only hold on until the ninth wave of artillery soldiers arrives, and he will have enough gold coins.

Zhuo Ding was not overjoyed either. He was able to get the line rights now simply because sadness helped him eat too many skills.

Otherwise, if Zoe had enough mana, he would have no choice but to connect and eat under the tower.

The ninth wave of minions finally arrived, and Lin Ran knew that Zhuo Ding was going to level up to 6. When the time came, he might be able to kill him if he cooperated with Luo Ding.

He was not greedy for soldiers. He used his only mana to pull out flying stars to clear out the long-range soldiers, and then the small soldiers killed the artillery car.

After reaching level 6, quickly return to the city, buy magic shoes and rush back online.

Zhuo Ding also followed the same method and used the small soldier death weapon on the artillery soldiers.

But he has to push other soldiers by himself.

But the hero Vampire basically didn’t have the ability to clear lines quickly before the first big piece was made.

The cooldown of E [Tide of Blood] is very long and the damage is not high. Q [Blood Transformation] is still a single-target damage skill.

There was no other way, he could only push the line of soldiers a little bit.

This wave of artillery cart lines was finally cleared, but the 10th wave of soldiers came again, blocking the line handover position in front of the YM middle tower!

Zhuo Ding could only give up the idea of ​​returning to the city, otherwise he would lose a lot of soldiers if his troops could not enter the tower.

As a result, before this wave of troops was pushed through, Lin Ran had already rushed back to the middle.

He looked at the vampire whose blood volume had dropped to half in order to clear the army line, and suddenly he had a plan in mind.

Lin Ran operated Zoe R to move behind the extended wall of the Sharpbill camp, and then pressed the return button.

At the moment when R [Return Jump] forced Zoe's body back to the middle line, Lin Ran threw E [Hypnosis Bubble] towards the vampire in front of the tower in the distance!

Due to the lack of vision, Zhuo Ding was unaware of Lin Ran's little moves.

He only saw a hypnotic bubble shot towards him.

Zhuo Ding's first reaction was that Lin Ran was joking.

There were no walls or buildings between the two of them, and the displacement distance of Zoe's hypnotic bubble was not very long, so there was no way to hit him.

Isn't this a waste of blue?

Zhuo Ding remained motionless and used E Tide of Blood to explode the health of the troops again.

The flying speed of the hypnotic bubble is not slow, and it shoots rapidly all the way.

But it did not stay at the place Zhuo Ding expected, but continued to fly towards him. The flight distance of the bubble had already exceeded a thousand yards!

This unscientific!

what's the situation?

Zhuo Ding was shocked in his heart. Amid the exclamations of the audience and the commentators, the vampire 1,300 yards away from Zoe had eaten this hypnotic bubble!

"What's going on with this hypnotic bubble?" Zeyuan screamed, "Isn't this too long?"

In a sleepy state, the vampire moves slowly and Zhuo Ding's heartbeat speeds up. Being nervous, he can only rely on his feelings to open the blood pool before sleep comes!

But the blood pool lasts for two seconds, and the sleep bubble's sleep state lasts for 2.2 seconds!

In other words, Zhuo Ding was still in a coma when he recovered from the blood pool!

Amidst the screams of the entire audience, Lin Ran pulled the flying star backwards, moved forward and threw the flying star out!

The golden light flashed, Zoe used the flash to close the distance, and a shooting star with double damage was poured into the vampire's weak body!

The next moment, a basic attack with the passive [Fireworks] hits the vampire.

A blood-red lightning struck from the sky!

The electrocution was triggered, and Zhuo Ding's health bar was completely emptied!

"Hello!" Zoe was holding a skipping rope with a soft and cute look on her face.

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Single female protagonist, dog food novel, this book is also called "The Female CEO and Her Little Can of Tea Boyfriend"

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