LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 428 426: Why is he so fierce?

"Brother Gongzi brought purification in this game," I remember gasping, "I'm going to beat him with a crocodile!"

When Zoom just loaded the game interface, it noticed something was wrong with Jin Gong's summoner skills.

If Quinn brings Purification, how will he, a crocodile, fight in lane?

I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to fight back...

Mei Mengxing came up with a strange picture on Zoom - he controlled Crocodile E and rushed forward, and then was kicked away by Quinn's E [Spiral Predation]. In anger, he flashed W [Cold Prey] and was stunned. As a result, Jin Gong Turn over Purify Instant Solution, use Q [Dazzling Offensive] to hit vulnerable, and then use the movement speed provided to keep pulling the kite.

Just thinking about it made him feel like he was having a cerebral hemorrhage!

Zoom opened his mouth to speak, but his lips trembled slightly, and the words still failed to come out.

He clearly created a world where only Zhuo Ding was injured, so why was he the one who ended up unlucky?

In the YM team's voice, they are still actively discussing early tactical arrangements, which is much more serious than they were in the regular season one month ago.

Zhuo Dingsai came to declare a challenge, which in their view was a naked provocation.

Why, we have been working hard for a month, and you guys are all drifting? Do you think you can do it again?

"Brother Xiba, please be more careful. I'll clear all six groups of junglers." Garlic Bastard marked his rough jungle clearing route with signals on the small map.

Jin Gong thought for a moment and said, "Then my first wave of troops is coming."

Although Quinn, who can suppress the crocodile, was taken in this game, the Xiba people did not want to suppress it without thinking.

If he pushes the lane from the beginning, once the sad prince on the opposite side is caught at level 2, he will have to give up his life even if he is purified.

Lin Ran bought the Dolan Ring and two bottles of blood medicine and went out. Although the mana replenishment property provided by the Dolan Ring is of no use to vampires, the health value and magic power it gives are crucial to Vladimir. Attributes.

As usual, his talents in this game are Phase Rush + Enlightenment sub-system, plus the summoner skill of Flash Ignition, which is also the current standard for vampires.

Lin Ran swayed on the rune slot of the clockwork. Zhuo Ding also used Phase Rush sub-system enlightenment in this game, but the summoner skill added healing.

He adjusted the position of the mouse pad and controlled the vampire to stand guard in the river.

"Both level 1 teams are not strong, so a fight is unlikely, but they both want to know the opponent's jungler's opening moves," Zeyuan stood looking at the movements of the ten players, "Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong went to Go to the lower half of TOP, while Sadness and Zoom will take a detour to the YM blue zone!"

This kind of exploration of the wild area is often hard to guard against. After all, there are only 5 heroes on one side, and even defending along the river can only block all the passes leading to the wild area.

Once the opponent makes up its mind to invade with multiple people in a group, it can easily break through the defense line. Even if it returns to defense in time to defend the wild area, the wild monster camp is no longer clean - there must be eyes inside.

The routines of both sides are basically similar. YM inserts wards in the opponent's lower jungle area to detect the movements of the Sad Prince, while TOP depends on Xiaotian's jungle route.

Judging from the lineup alone, the general ideas of the two teams are basically the same - protect the top lane, focus on the bottom lane, and free up the middle lane.

On the top lane, Crocodile fights Purge Quinn, and it's not easy to catch the opponent to death. YM wants Jin Gong to suppress Zoom during the laning phase; TOP wants to ensure Zoom's development as much as possible, so as not to be suppressed into a super soldier.

The vampire in the middle lane is playing clockwork, and normal junglers will not even look at this middle lane; in the bottom lane, the policewoman + Thresh beat Verus + the bull head, and the auxiliaries all have initiative control, which is obviously easier to take action.

Both sides knew it well, and the wild monsters were refreshed at 1 minute and 30 seconds. The ten heroes ended their short rest and began to fight face to face in the canyon.

When Lin Ran got online, he discovered that Zhuo Ding was standing quite forward, right next to the top three melee soldiers, and the demon above his head was ready to move.

He pressed the S key and paused for a moment, then walked forward again, positioning himself among his long-range soldiers.

Zhuo Ding originally wanted to use Q [Command: Attack] to control the golem to consume it, but when he saw the vampire's position, he immediately gave up the idea and stepped back.

If he throws the devil out, it will indeed consume Lin Ran, but it will also wear down the HP of the YM ranged soldiers.

The uneven strength of the troops will definitely cause the handover position to continue to advance towards the YM side.

Zhuo Ding saw Lin Ran taking a sip towards the melee soldiers, and at the same time he was still standing among the soldiers, so he also threw the basic attack at the soldiers.

Lin Ran stepped back slightly and waited until the melee soldiers were reduced to full health before stepping forward to take them away.

The early confrontation between the two was quite gentle, and there was not even a blood exchange.

The sad prince took the lead. After finishing the red BUFF in the upper half of his house, he plunged directly into the lower half of his house along his middle tower, and headed straight for the bottom road along the river!

"The second-level prince comes directly to grab the bottom lane. The duo on both sides are still trying to grab 2... They are about to be squatted!"

Some spectators in the audience saw the movements of TOP junglers and could no longer control their inner throbs, so they screamed in low voices!

ppgod had been selling blood before, and got close to Thresh intentionally or unintentionally. Liu Qingsong's pendulum of doom pushed him back, and he successfully seduced the YM duo to consume him. In this way, when Jack and Liu Qingsong attacked him, it would be impossible to wear down the troops at the same time. Naturally, it is impossible to grab level 2 in the first time.

And Jiu Meng took advantage of his auxiliary to be beaten and quickly cleared the army line.

This resulted in the two sides still fighting tit-for-tat when the second wave of troops arrived.

ppgod used the bull head with less than half of its health to eat the third melee soldier of the second wave of minions with the shield of the holy object. He learned the skill instantly when he reached level 2, flashed WQ and knocked Jack into the sky!

Jack saw the prince walking out of the grass and realized something was wrong. He handed over the healing technique, but the bull's head was already hanging above his head!

"The prince flashed the second company of EQ, decisively flying Jack to follow the control, and Verus supplemented the output from behind!"

Caitlin, operated by a Shiba Inu, never came down from the sky, and suddenly she became the Powerpuff Girls!

Liu Qingsong's reaction was very fast. He swung the chain to eat the minions, and upgraded to level 2 to help Jack gain some health. The Pendulum of Doom spawned the Bull Head and the Prince, preventing these two melee heroes from threatening Jack.

He took advantage of the situation and threw the lantern behind the Shiba Inu, and the shield blocked part of the damage to his ADC.

"The TOP duo inserted artificial eyes into the lantern at the same time," I remember shouting loudly, "If we don't give them a way to survive, they will kill the policewoman!"

But this time Jack learned from Xiaotian's experience. The moment he saw the lantern, he moved the pointer and clicked on it. Then the mouse stopped moving and remained motionless like a bastard.

As a result, after TOP's two eyes landed on the lantern, the policewoman picked up the lantern and flew towards Liu Qingsong under the tower with residual blood. She tore the wound and extended the flight distance with a flash, preventing the old dream from becoming angry and flashing at the same time to forcefully replace the head. !

Jane has arrived!

YM fans who were originally worried and thought that the policewoman's life was hanging by a thread saw Jack Jane arrive at the lantern, and they immediately burst into cheers!

"Oh my God!" I remembered that I had never seen this operation before, and my eyes suddenly widened. "Jack, is this so simple?"

The three TOP people in the field under the camera lens also looked confused, and the old dream scratched their heads and was at a loss.

Can a cooked duck fly?

Uzi, who had just finished the game and got on the bus to return to his suburban villa, was also watching the game. His mouth was open and he looked about the same size as the IG boss. He could fit a whole hot dog into it.

"How did this happen?" Uzi was extremely shocked.

Shi Senming had just put down his bag, and before he had time to see what was going on, the young woman from Beijing who had transferred to RNG this season to rotate with Letme sat down next to Uzi.

He pinched his throat and was still trying to learn how to speak after registering, "Pick up a lantern? It's very simple..."

The statement given by Zhizhi was almost the same as that of Xiaotian, but Uzi was very surprised.

"Is there still such a way to play?"

Zhi Zhi glanced at him and said, "Is there anyone who can't pick up the lantern? Isn't it?"

Uzi laughed twice and stopped answering.

In terms of seniority, the DJing boy Zizi had started his career a year earlier than him, so it didn't matter if he joked about it.

The director showed the replay of Shangbo Jack Jane's Lantern, and there were still many viewers in the audience who didn't know what was going on.

Seeing this, Zeyuan raised his chest and raised his head and said loudly: "I often encounter this situation when I play ranked. Thresh's lantern mechanism is like this..."

The voices in the YM team are very noisy and lively.

"WDNMD, these hanging people are coming here to disgust me, aren't they?" The Shiba Inu, who had just escaped from the dead, tilted his mouth and cursed, "I was arrested at Level 2, and a lantern was stuck in my eye. Who do you think I am?"

"Didn't I make great contributions to this bowl?" Xiaotian, who had brushed the red buff all the way up from the lower half, had been cutting the screen to observe the battle in the lower lane. Upon seeing this, he immediately started to claim credit, "If I hadn't taught you how to light a lantern, you might have He would have died a long time ago!"

"Okay, okay," Jack responded perfunctorily before turning the topic to himself again, "Then how about my operation? Not bad, right?"

"You're awesome too!"

During the commercial exchange, Xiaosi did not stop. He took advantage of Sadness to appear in the bottom lane and pressed the tab. When he saw that the number of CS of the prince with the red BUFF was 4, he knew that Sadness had only brushed one group. Red BUFF.

He finished his lower half and advanced to level 3, using the troll to cross the middle and go to the upper half of the jungle to counter the TOP.

"This level 2 capture didn't get first blood. It's hard to bear the sadness." I remember looking at Xiaotian's arrogant appearance and couldn't help but say, "He can only let Xiaoyao invade his wild area!"

Sadness also knew that he had already collapsed without killing Jack. He had traveled thousands of miles from the top half to the bottom lane. The failure of the gank not only delayed time, but also interfered with his jungle route.

Now, he, a level 2 prince who didn't dodge, couldn't defeat the troll, so he could only suffer the loss, finish the three groups of wild monsters in the lower half of his area, and decisively kill the dragon.

This resource replacement is quite correct.

Because there are no wild monsters in the entire lower half of Summoner's Rift, and Sadness knows that Xiaotian is grabbing wild monster resources in the upper half of his area. It will be some time before the next round of wild monsters are refreshed. He has nothing to do. It's better to take advantage of the opportunity to control a little dragon.

Sadness hadn't appeared on the map for a long time, and Lin Ran could roughly guess what this person was up to, but he had no other choice but to send two signals.

The middle line of troops was still in the middle. Without line rights, it would be difficult for Lin Ran to take the lead in supporting the wild area.

Besides, he is a vampire who has not reached level 6. What can he do if he goes there?

The position of the bottom line of troops is not ideal either. Jack, who has just returned to the city for supplies, is still dealing with the minions under the tower.

"Give it, give it," Lin Ran gave up the fight for the little dragon and shifted his target to the top lane. "Xiaotian, can you flash out the crocodile?"

The Garlic Bastard also ate all the TOP wild monsters at this time. He glanced at the zoom position and said, "No, he is too steady."

Zoom plays like his size and looks as stable as a mountain.

Playing a crocodile just stayed behind to connect and eat. He also knew that if his teammates didn't come, he had no chance of killing Quinn. He might as well maintain his condition to prevent overshooting the tower.

"Then wait until I reach level 6," Lin Ran thought for a moment, "...let's work on the bottom lane later."

It is difficult for their combination in the middle and jungle to kill the crocodile with healthy health. In comparison, Crispy Verus is obviously more convenient to withdraw money.

"Can you use me to help you deal with the lower line of troops?" Xiaotian was eager to give it a try.

He really didn't want to dirty the soldiers, he just wanted to mess around.

"...No need, I will just use my ultimate move to hit him once later, and the army line will advance." Lin Ran said this matter of course.

"Okay, okay, I know you are the best." Garlic Bastard sighed, ran back to collect all the wild monsters in the upper half of his area, and returned to the city to make a jungle knife and straw sandals.

Lin Ran began to change blood frequently and his positioning became more and more aggressive.

He is not afraid of being caught by sadness. The prince who has not flashed and the clockwork can force out his blood pool will be good.

Zhuo Ding's scalp felt numb as he looked at Lin Ran, who was rushing towards his face and constantly inviting him to exchange blood.

He had seen how the vampire Lin Ran climbed over the tower and killed the full-blooded account. He knew that this vampire's killing line was very strange, so he gave in at first.

When he was eating the sixth wave of artillery soldiers, Lin Ran took a big sip with the acceleration effect of Scarlet Dash. Even though he had the shield of E [Command: Defense], the vampire who was the first to hit Phase Rush still switched with him. A wave of blood.

Knight had 70% of his health left, and with his alertness high, he felt that he was about to enter Lin Ran's killing line - his sub-system Enlightenment brought biscuits and time warp tonics, and combined with the corruption potion when he went out, he was called the King of Medicine. .

But the disadvantages are also quite obvious - the upper limit of blood volume is not as high as that of the Dolan series, and it is easy to be killed instantly by a set of bursts.

With no other option, Zhuo Ding quickly came over to help.

Fortunately, the jungler still remembered what he said during BP - stay in the middle.

Since Zhuo Ding begged him, there was no reason why the sadness wouldn't come.

"But as soon as the sadness showed up, Xiaotian started to make tricks again," I remember looking at the action route of the Garlic Bastard, "This Demon Swamp Frog is going to be eaten by the troll!"

"Help me push this wave of soldiers, I will upgrade to level 6 and go home." Zhuo Ding saw that the ninth wave of soldiers arrived in the middle on time, and quickly asked Sadness to help deal with it.

Before the vampire reaches the E [Tide of Blood] level, the clearing speed is not very fast. Even if it brings a minion death weapon, the most it can do is eat the cannon truck.

As long as this wave of troops is pushed forward and Zhuo Ding returns to the city to replenish his equipment, he will not lose troops when he returns to the line. At the same time, he can use the troops to lock Lin Ran in the middle, preventing him from taking advantage of his return to the city. Wandering on the sidelines.

When Sadness heard Zhuo Ding's words, he immediately raised his halberd and used the passive [Rhythm of War] basic attack to lower the health of the minion, allowing Zhuo Ding to use his skills to take it away.

Lin Ran's eyes narrowed as the clockwork demon threw a minion that hit.

He immediately stepped forward and at the same time used the minion kill weapon to pocket the full-blooded artillery cart.

The gun carriage filled the vampire's experience bar, blue light rose, and Lin Ran successfully reached level 6!

R [Blood Plague] successfully hit the prince and the clockwork demon, Lin Ran's AQ ignited and hung on the prince at the same time!

"What's going on?!" I remember looking at the director's camera, everyone was almost dumbfounded, "Brother Ran, a vampire, wants to fight the top midfielder alone?"

The noise in the audience gradually rose, and Sadness suddenly panicked in her heart. This vampire was so cruel!

Why do you dare to fight 1 against 2?

But without getting Xiaotian's exact location information, he didn't dare to fight back for fear of being squatted by the troll.

He planted the flag backwards and used Q [Dragon Impact] to move away.

But Lin Ran used three stages of damage to trigger the acceleration of phase rush, and was right behind the prince!

Zhuo Ding was very calm. The moment he saw Lin Ran take action, he also used basic attacks to kill a melee soldier.

In this way, he successfully reached level 6.

Knight knew that it was useless to learn R [Command: Shock Wave]. The vampire now had flash and blood pool, and it was impossible for him to hit the ultimate move.

He used the skill points on E [Command: Defense] in great detail, and then summoned the golems in the line of soldiers back, and attached them to the prince to provide a shield!

Then W [Command: Noise] attached an acceleration effect to Sadness, allowing him to evacuate quickly.

Lin Ran glanced at the amount of shield above the prince's head, and could guess Zhuo Ding's countermeasures - the shield provided by Clockwork Level 2 E was 40 points more than that of Level 1, and the shield could be detected with the naked eye. Differences in shield thickness.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to kill Sadness, so he simply shifted his target to Zhuo Ding.

E [Tide of Blood] slowly accumulates power, and the new blood star condenses in Vladimir's palm, and is about to explode!

Zhuo Ding knocked down a piece of biscuit, and the Time Warp Tonic provided a 5% movement speed bonus. Although it was difficult for him to trigger Phase Rush after losing all his skills, his movement speed was not too slow at this moment.

"While the tide of blood takes away Clockwork's blood, it also adds a short-term slowing effect," Zeyuan said in a very fast voice: "Brother Ran is still chasing, but it will take some time for his blood to be converted." improving!"

Level 6 vampires have level 3 Q [Blood Conversion], with a basic cooldown of 7 seconds. Counting the 5% CD provided by Astral Insight, it takes 6.65 seconds.

When the skill improved, the damage of R [Blood Plague] had already exploded, but Lin Ran refused to let go and insisted on catching up and continuing to be fierce.

Before he could resist the tower, flowers of blood had already bloomed on the prince and Chongzhang, instantly draining a portion of their health bars. Among them, the sadness bar had been reduced to the limit by the vampire's series of skills and igniting real damage.

And the power of blood flows into the vampire's body, filling his blood bar again!

Lin Ran relied on the TOP midfielder and had no countermeasures. He was stunned and the anti-tower moved forward. The energy bar of Q [Blood Conversion] was about to reach the extreme value.

Seeing that the bright red scarlet sprint effect was about to appear, Zhuo Ding was afraid that he would flash and suck his sorrow to death, so he could only hand over the healing technique to his teammates to increase their health!

"Knight's healing technique protected himself and Sadness's lives, but he himself was hit by Scarlet Dash's enhanced blood conversion, and he didn't have much blood left!"

As usual, Zeyuan read out the names of the skills one by one. Fortunately, he was good at speaking quickly, otherwise by the time he finished speaking, the battle would have been over long ago.

Clockwork and the prince under the tower were all reduced to residual blood, but the vampire was content and easily left the defense tower.

"My old swan," I remember being shocked by this scene, "Brother Ran beat 2 one by one, and he completely disabled both of them!"

The barrage is also full of question marks.

[What is this vampire? Can Dolan Ring be so vicious? 】

[It’s really outrageous. The two cowards in the top, middle and jungle will be beaten. You fight back! 】

[That's almost it. If I didn't dodge the prince's EQ and was dodged by the blood pool, wouldn't it be a send-off? When the time comes, you will play the suona at his funeral, right? 】

"No, why is he so fierce?" Sadness felt puzzled.

"It's okay, you'll get used to it after a few more times."

Zhuo Ding was not surprised. His jungler was still too young and had never seen much of the big world. People like him who had experienced great storms had gained experience in being tortured and knew how to escape Lin Ran's pursuit.

Lin Ran didn't even pay the blood pool, and resisted the defensive tower twice, but after taking a sip of the red Q, he still had 80% of his health left, so he went back and continued to clean up the army line.

"Both TOP's midfielder and jungler are left with health. They can no longer deal with this wave of artillery troops, so they can only let Brother Ran push the line over..." I remember hearing a series of signal prompts burst out in the background from the God's perspective, "He and Xiao Tian is going to the bottom lane to find an opportunity, four-for-two!"

Lin Ran made no secret of his intentions. He crossed the jungle, all the way down from the TOP blue buff camp, and ended directly at the position between the first and second towers in the TOP bottom lane, hoping to complete the outflank!

Zhuo Ding and Sadness, the two remaining blood men, didn't dare to go down. Once Lin Ran crouched down halfway, both of them might risk their lives!

"Verus and Niutou still want to evacuate, but it's already a little late!"

The moment Jiu Meng saw Lin Ran walking down, he wanted to retreat, but the Garlic Bastard who had previously eaten the TOP Demon Swamp Frog appeared from the grass behind the lower tower, blocking their way back in advance!

"The old dream tried to take advantage of the troops to enter the tower, return to the city and escape to the spring..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Optimus Prime protruded from the ground and hit Verus and the Tauren Chief at the same time. The forced displacement interrupted their return to the city!

"I'll teleport, take a look!" Zoom finally found a suitable teleportation location in the closed grass in front of the second tower. Although Sadness had been pushed by Jin Gong when he appeared in the middle, he had to teleport this time.

It’s not about protecting old dreams.

But I don’t want Policewoman Jack’s tower-pushing rhythm to start too fast.

Otherwise, if the next tower is pushed down later, and the YM duo switches lanes and continues to advance on the top lane, he will have to go to the bottom lane to resist the pressure, but there is no defensive tower in the bottom lane, so he dare not go out - once he is caught by Quinn A fat beating.

In order to allow himself to develop longer, Zoom must protect his bottom lane defense tower.

But just a second after the teleportation light came on, a loud eagle call sounded in my ears!

The crocodile hiding in the grass has an eye mark on its head!

"Jin Gong used W [Sensitive Perception] to spy on the crocodile's location..."

Quinn had already entered the state of his ultimate move [Penetrating Behind Enemy Lines], and rushed towards him at accelerating speed with Valor. His E [Spiral Strike] kicked the huge crocodile, and used the forced displacement effect to interrupt its teleportation!

Zoom was so angry that he wanted to step forward and bite his opponent, but Jin Gong had already used the movement speed provided by the vulnerability effect to escape. He could only stand there helpless and furiously QQ the air!

"This Quinn is as slippery as a loach!" Zeyuan couldn't help but exclaimed, "Zoom has no way to do anything with him!"

The focus I remember is on the bottom lane, "The crocodile teleportation was interrupted. Now no one can help the TOP duo!"

Lin Ran also came from the jungle to double-team at this moment, and moved forward with Shimo, surrounding Jiu Meng and ppgod!

"I'll fight the tower first, you guys can follow me!" Lin Ran knew it was too late and quickly collected the heads. He had to return to the city to replenish his equipment.

"Teammates, teammates, help me!" Jiu Meng knew that no one could help him, so he just wanted to vent his emotions at this moment.

Jack was already smiling when he saw the bottom lane on the opposite side wandering around under the tower like a headless fly.

There is a vampire anti-tower, and his output is unscrupulous. He raises his sniper rifle and points it at the old dream, which is a bullet, and he screams while shooting:

"Like calling people? Like level 2 capture? Like putting eyes on lanterns?"

"You haven't been beaten in the past, have you?"

"I have a big daddy, do you?"

Jack said the last sentence confidently.

"The vampire resisted the tower twice, and EW used the blood pool to avoid the second company of the bull head!"

Entering the blood pool state, Lin Ran successfully avoided the bombardment of the defense tower and transferred his hatred to his teammates.

"Give me the head, don't take it!" Lin Ran noticed that Jack was still holding on to his skills and immediately warned him.

"Oh, okay." Jack sighed inwardly with an innocent look on his face, and obediently shot out the Q [Peacemaker]'s puncture bomb.

Lin Ran's basic attack accepted the old dream, and then the red Q sucked ppgod's health bar, easily killing the double kill!

"You guys push down the tower, I'm going back to the city first." He left the defense tower and had 1,900 gold coins with him when he returned to the city.

Buy the Devil's Codex + Boots of Clarity + True Eyes, and use the talent of Astral Insight to instantly achieve 25% cooldown reduction.

After going online, he began to suppress Zhuo Ding, who had just made [The Lost Chapter].

First, Qi a small soldier, and then step forward to close the position. Zhuo Ding dares to step forward with a set of skills.

But Knight is also very shrewd. He knows that he has no chance of winning against a vampire with two heads.

"He doesn't have a big move. Come here and kill him directly." Lin Ran called his teammates directly.

He glanced at the troop line and said, "He shouldn't have reached level 7 for this wave of artillery soldiers, but the next wave of troop troops is enough."

Because Sadness lost some troops in the middle, Zhuo Ding's clockwork experience was abnormal. Lin Ran was unable to make an accurate judgment and could only make a rough estimate.

"Coming, coming," Liu Qingsong, who had just returned to the city to resupply equipment, rushed to the middle with Garlic Bastard. "I'll trick him into flashing first, and then you guys go up. Pay attention to the lantern."

Lin Ran's moves were as aggressive as ever - if he suddenly gave in now, it would make Zhuo Ding suspect that he was seducing.

He deliberately left out a small flaw.

Q [Blood Conversion] with the scarlet sprint effect failed to absorb Zhuo Ding, so Lin Ran turned around to eat the artillery soldier next to him.

However, the red Q failed to drain the artillery cart's health bar, and there was still a little blood skin left. In order to take over the artillery cart before his own soldiers, Lin Ran had to stand still and attack.

Zhuo Ding's eyes lit up.

This is a vacuum period for vampire skills!

He did not hesitate to control the demon QW to consume, warning his opponent not to suppress it so unscrupulously.

But the moment W [Command: Noise] was cast, a hook suddenly flew out of the grass under the middle road!

The black and red hooks are so deep in color that they seem to be breathtaking!

Zhuo Ding's heart suddenly tightened, but he reacted very quickly and used his flash to avoid Thresh's hook!

"Although Knight used the flash evasion skill, Liu Qingsong's hook still hit a long-range minion!"

This angle was calculated by Liu Qingsong. Regardless of whether Zhuo Dingjiao flashed or not, he could use the hook to get close.

There was a heartbreaking sizzling sound, which meant that the other end of the hook had hit an object. Liu Qingsong swung the lantern at Xiaotian's feet next to him, triggering the second stage of Q and flying up!

"The troll picked up the lantern and closed the distance. E [Ice Pillar] blocked the position of the clockwork demon!"

Sadness was brushing the Sharp Beak beside him. When he saw Thresh appearing, he immediately EQed out, but the troll that appeared later gave up his idea of ​​continuing to counter-crouch, and he immediately broke down and ran back to the tower.

Zhuo Ding, who was stuck, had previously handed over W [Command: Noise], and without movement speed bonus, he moved very slowly!

Lin Ran caught up and used his skills to drain all his blood easily and comfortably!

"The vampire chops off another head!" I remember getting excited, "The equipment gap between the two mid laners is about to be revealed!"

Zhuo Ding pursed his lips and raised his left hand holding the mouse slightly.

Didn’t we agree to a fair fight? How do you shake people?

"Brother, I'm so cute." He said glumly.

Zoom was happy to hear this.

This is a good thing, it collapsed so well!

When he saw the lineup, he thought he would be caught first, but he didn't expect that Zhuo Ding would be the one to suffer in the end.

This would not be in vain for all his efforts in teaching Zhuo Ding how to provoke Lin Ran.

Lin Ran took his wild assistant to the bottom lane to catch Old Dream and ppgod. The sad jungle prince did not dare to move at all and could only try to put some pressure on Jin Gong.

"Verus and Niutou have to explain themselves to each other again..." Zeyuan shouted loudly, "The old dream has just been revived and returned to the line not long ago!"

The loss exploded.

In the past minute and a half, Xiu Meng had eaten a wave of troops.

Now he can only watch the four men in the middle and lower jungle of YM bulldozing his next tower!

"The YM duo is ready to switch lanes and go on the road to continue their suppression!"

Zoom, who was still complacent just now, heard the tower push prompt from the system and immediately put on the pain mask.

He's going to be forced to switch to the bottom lane, and the next tower has already been destroyed.

Without Ta's father's help, how would he, a crocodile, face Quinn's intrusion?

There is a 515 monthly ticket explosion challenge. I studied it and decided not to go... No, I decided to participate for fun.

Tomorrow I will choose between challenge C and challenge D

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