LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 277 275: Difficult to bear

Lin Ran first removed his real eye before going online.

Since Xiaotian already controls the lower jungle area of ​​the map, Lin Ran's true eyes are placed in the upper half of the area.

After lighting up his blue BUFF grass, Lin Ran was satisfied and rushed back online.

Logically speaking, Clockwork would have a small advantage in the lane, but after Lin Ran returned home and bought an attack speed dagger, the situation in the lane was completely different.

In this kind of top mid laner matchup, having one more piece of equipment at level 1 is a huge advantage. If a professional player were replaced, Lin Ran would be able to use the equipment provided by First Blood to overwhelm him for the entire game.

Lin Ran's position was very forward, threatening the broiler's position.

At the same time, he kept shaking his head back and forth, looking as if he was ill.

The broiler frowned when he saw this move.

He is familiar with this technique after playing a few games at the ADC position last year.

For example, long-handed heroes such as Policewoman and Verus can use this kind of tentative step to sway back and forth to lure opponents forward.

Once the opponent moves forward, he immediately retreats. When the opponent retreats, he immediately turns forward, and then uses the normal attack distance to steal a shot from the opponent.

The aircraft has a range of 550, which is only 25 yards longer than the clockwork. This distance was difficult to block in the early laning, but Lin Ran can do it now.

Because he has an extra attack speed dagger.

The 12% increase in attack speed allows him to raise his hand faster for basic attacks, and he can shoot bullets the moment he steps out of range.

Broiler knew what Lin Ran wanted to do.

But he had no solution.

Under this situation, he was helpless and could not exert his arrogant line-up suppression power at all.

Song Yijin's face always had a kind of honest smile, but now his face is as gloomy as water.

I can't laugh!

"IG's bottom lane is also having a hard time. They know that Xiaotian is in the lower half of the jungle, and they don't dare to move forward to suppress the opponent in the lane," Miller explained from a God's perspective. "Liu Qingsong is very arrogant now!"

Broiler cut the screen and saw that his bottom lane was facing the lane but he didn't dare to step forward to suppress it. His face turned a little darker, and he looked similar to the skin color of King Ning next to him.

Moreover, his screen cutting skills are relatively average, and his speed is slower than that of his Korean fellow Lee Sang Hyuk.

When he cut back, he found that he had taken another basic attack from the plane.


Broiler looked at Lin Ran who had crossed the military line to steal a shot from him, his eyes filled with anger.

You kid is going too far!

He threw the golem and wanted to use the line of soldiers to complete the consumption.

But Lin Ran moved in the opposite direction and walked up to face the broiler. The Gatling gun was turned on again, and the machine gun kept reducing the double resistance of the clockwork.

There were still three long-range minions left beside Broiler, and he felt that there was no reason why he couldn't defeat Lin Ran.

The fact was just as he thought, even if Lin Ran had an extra attack speed dagger, it would be impossible for him to fight against him at the first level against the enemy line.

When the second wave of soldiers came up, the battle finally ended.

The aircraft still had half of its health, while Clockwork's health remained at about 60%.

But the power to push the line was controlled by Lin Ran.

"Baolan inserted an eye into his magic swamp frog and discovered Xiaotian's location..." I remember the focus followed the director, and the camera just glanced at Baolan, and then immediately switched to the road.

"King Ning is coming to catch him after finishing the red buff level 2. He is targeting Galio who has not flashed!"

In the camera, King Ning is crouching in the grass, looking at the laning situation on the top lane, trying to seize a chance.

But Jin Gong is very timid.

He also knew that King Ning was in the upper half of the jungle, so he still released the line in the early stage, and the whole process did not collide with TheShy at all.

Now the second wave of troops has arrived, and the position of the troops is not far from the tower.

Jin Gong's anti-gank awareness is very good. King Ning can only appear when TheShy rises to the second EQ and provokes Jin Gong in the second consecutive time. The meat bomb impact is followed by the slow barrel.

The skills of the two failed to kill Galio, who was almost full of health. Jin Gong used the W [Dulang Shield] learned at level 1 to withstand a small burst of wine barrels. He returned to the city with remaining health and then teleported online. .

King Ning's gank failed, and TheShy looked unhappy.

In his opinion, Jin Gong was just like a tortoise, just hiding behind and eating the soldiers, and he would not be fooled if he tried to seduce him.

The top lane laning has no blood or excitement. If King Ning hadn't come to squat, TheShy wouldn't have been able to get the pilot footage in the early stage.

Now the director is closely watching the junglers of both sides. Ning Wang helped the top lane to catch once, and the speed of jungle clearing should be slightly slower.

Two and a half minutes into the game, the director suddenly focused the camera on the bottom lane.

"The duo also had a fight after each reached the second level!" I remember quickly speeding up my speech, "Sapphire's Luo successfully lifted Liu Qingsong and cooperated with Han Bing to hit a set of output, but he failed to run away immediately go back!"

Liu Qingsong held E [Pendulum of Doom] in his hand and never handed it over. When Bao Lan wanted to use E [Dancing in Pairs] to return to his own Han Bing, he suddenly swiped Luo Xiang back and successfully interrupted!

"Thresh reacted very quickly, and Sapphire consumed a lot of blood!"

Baolan originally wanted to use Luo's flexibility to play a set of consumption, but now that Liu Qingsong is keeping him, he has to worry about whether the Garlic Bastard is in the bottom lane.

Although Baolan successfully returned to his teammates by using the second stage of Qingwu to form a pair, Jack's burst also came out, and Luo finally escaped under the defense tower with just over 100 health left.

At the same time, Liu Qingsong only had 200 blood left.

Mainly because the ice at this time is too strong.

The bottom duo has to capture the fourth wave of troops that arrives at 3 minutes and 18 seconds to reach level 3. Now all four players on both sides have level two skills.

However, Baolan saw Xiaotian's position in the jungle before, so West did not click E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], but learned Q [Archer's Concentration].

In this case, Han Bing's combat effectiveness is naturally much stronger than Xia's.

Taken together, YM did not make much money from this round of blood changes in the bottom lane.

Although the ADCs on both sides haven't healed yet, the assistants are holding ignition in their hands. If they continue to fight, someone will definitely die.

Professional games cannot be played as a rank. In this case, it is rare to try extreme operations and a little bit of luck.

The only way to be steady is to return to the city to replenish your health.

"I'm about to reach level 3, can you come and see me?" Lin Ran in the middle found that he couldn't kill the chicken, and was about to shake him, "He doesn't have much HP!"

Xiaotian, who had reached level 3, immediately responded, "I can come, but don't push your troops too deep!"

Lin Ran heard this and immediately slowed down the pace of pushing the line.

But even so, since the first two waves of troop lines were not cleaned up, the position of the troop lines was still pushed under the IG middle tower at this time.

The moment he ate the third melee soldier, Lin Ran was promoted to level 3.

In order to make up for this little soldier, he deliberately ate a set of QW from Clockwork, and the health gap between him and the broiler gradually widened.

When Lin Ran saw that his blood volume was reduced, he immediately handed over W [Valkyrie Dive] in order to seduce the broiler.

Broiler lost a melee soldier with his basic attack, and together with the remaining health soldier who died when using QW, he also successfully upgraded to level three.

This time he followed up decisively, stepped on the accelerating array created by the devil, and threw a basic attack at the plane. After firing the Thunder Lord's Decree, Lin Ran only had 40% of his health left!

Lin Ran knew he was safe when he saw him chasing so close.

"Pig Girl appears, Q flashes the chicken, and focus fire output with Ran!"

"And the wine barrel emerged from the grass above. This is a wave of reverse squatting by King Ning!" The two commentators spoke in impassioned tones.

"They can't control me, kill the plane first!" Broiler saw that his blood volume was still nearly half, and he felt that there was no possibility of dying in battle.

Pig Girl's frost effect that can cause dizziness can only be triggered by the superposition of melee heroes, and the aircraft's basic attack is useless.

Now the midfielder and jungler of both sides are at level 3, and the broiler chicken has more health. At the same time, he still has the demon's E [Command: Defense] that has not been handed over.

As long as Ning Wang E flashes and hits the plane, Lin Ran will not be able to withstand the explosion of the two of them even if he brings purification.

He will definitely win this mid-field battle!

The broilers are all dreaming about what equipment they will buy with this pile of gold coins later.

But at this moment, a green sickle suddenly stretched out from the grass below, seemingly coming to harvest his soul!

There is no suspense. The cock that has not recovered from the pig girl's flying state is hit by the sickle!

Liu Qingsong's Thresh came to the middle at this time, and the health bar above his head was clearly visible, only a little more than two bars.

He didn't return to the city at all, but went straight to the middle!

"IG Nakano has been fooled!" I remember shouting, "YM has been prepared for a long time, this time three people are here to catch the chicken!"

Liu Qingsong triggered the Q skill again to follow, and then set it up in the air to ignite.

During the period of Thresh's control, Pig Girl fired a basic attack, and coupled with W [Winter's Wrath], Xiaotian had already stacked three layers of frost effects on the broiler, and was about to trigger a stun!

Lin Ran threw a phosphorescent bomb and the Gatling gun triggered thunder damage, lowering the broiler's health.

Broiler Clockwork was released from the control state, and he quickly commanded the demon puppet to return to himself and cast a shield.

He didn't hand over Flash and Sprint because he knew it was useless.

Thresh's E [Pendulum of Doom] has a farther range than Blink.

Even if he flashes, he will be brushed back and slowed down, and he will still die in the end.

But the broiler still wants to drag someone into the water with him.

"Kill the plane, the damage is enough!" He kept marking Lin Ran.

When King Ning usually sees the residual blood, it seems that his passive is triggered and he can't walk.

Not to mention that now there are two remaining health of Airplane and Thresh!

Prince Ning's eyes shone, he took a swig of strong wine, and then pushed forward with his big belly!

But when he wanted to use the flash to lengthen the distance and hit Lin Ran, the plane suddenly used the flash and took the lead to widen the distance!

"Ran flashed the hand in very timely, so Prince Ning had no choice but to kill Thresh!"

In the midst of Miller's hurried explanation, the wine barrel flashed over and fell on Thresh!

At this time, Xiaotian was also stacking passives on the broiler, and immediately pressed E [Permanent Freeze Field] to freeze the clockwork into an ice sculpture!

"The damage caused by Thresh killed Clockwork, but he couldn't run away!"

Although Thresh only has a little over 200 health left, the barrel must also hand over Q [Rolling Barrel], otherwise the damage he will do without strong spell equipment will not be enough to kill Liu Qingsong.

After killing Thresh, King Ning also entered a skill vacuum period, and he had no power to resist at this time!

"Keep him, don't let him escape!"

When Lin Ran saw that the wine barrel skill was exhausted, he immediately raised his voice and asked Xiaotian to save someone.

Needless to say, Garlic Bastard was already moving forward, trying to block the way for the wine barrel to return to the First Tower.

At the same time, the flail with the red BUFF kept hitting the barrel's rough-skinned and fleshy body.

Lin Ran caught up and stepped forward to deal damage. Although he only had a health volume of around 200, he had used up all his wine barrel skills anyway, and he couldn't hit anyone with punishment, so he wasn't afraid at all.

"Zhu Mei is very good at this card position. It's hard for Prince Ning to escape!" I remember watching Xiaotian keep pushing against Prince Ning from the front. Pig Girl and Wine Barrel are both fat, and with the red BUFF slowing down, he can't leave at all. .

"Give me the head! Give me the head!" Lin Ran looked at the wine barrel that was gradually turning into residual blood, and immediately became anxious.

He covets King Ning's body... and gets double BUFFs!

The Garlic Bastard was still considerate. After being beaten to residual health, he immediately stopped and resisted the output of the defense tower, allowing Lin Ran to easily take the head.

"Change the goose! YM has made a lot of money!" I remember shouting loudly.

Miller's excitement was palpable, "The key is Thresh! Crisp is so smart, just like the previous game, he changed the entire battle situation by roaming!"

"That's right, Broiler didn't even expect that an assistant with residual health would come to the middle in 3 minutes!" Remember to agree from the side.

Really didn't expect that.

Broiler originally thought that the support would definitely return to the city to replenish supplies after the duel, but he didn't expect that Thresh would dare to come to the middle lane with his remaining health.

But that’s what wandering is like.

As long as your opponent doesn't expect it, you've won half the battle.

Broiler couldn't help but let out a long sigh as he watched the aircraft with double BUFFs push all this wave of troops into his defense tower.

This is a real loss!

Why are other people’s assistants so spiritual?

What Broiler didn't know was that this wave of wandering was not planned by Liu Qingsong himself.

He really wanted to go back to the city.

But it happened that Lin Ran was calling someone in the team voice to help him catch a chicken.

Liu Qingsong took a look at the bottom line of troops and felt that he could let Jack develop alone for a while, and then went to the middle lane with the idea that "it would be a waste to have him in a multi-person party".

Since IG's bottom lane has been under pressure before, and King Ning is also active in the upper half, the entire bottom lane is under YM's control, and Liu Qingsong's wandering to the middle lane was not discovered by anyone at IG.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the middle, he saw the middle and junglers of both sides engaged in a four-player movement, and he actually caught the gap and hooked the chicken.

If we really want to clarify the causal relationship, Lin Ran's words can be regarded as the trigger. If he hadn't said to focus on the middle, Liu Qingsong would not have wandered like this.

Just like now, when Lin Ran returned to the city to replace the pickaxe, he was shamelessly claiming credit.

"Am I strong, huh?" Lin Ran took out his pickaxe and walked towards the line, chattering non-stop, "It's not too much to give me 1/3 of the credit for Liu Qingsong's wandering in this wave, right?"

"What B words are you talking about?" Xiaoyao was not happy, "I am not the most critical in this wave? If it weren't for my extreme position, would you have won the kill? At most, it would be one for one."

Jin Gong, who was still on the road to resist the pressure, finally stood up and said a fair word, "Liu Qingsong, you are walking well!"

"I think so. If it weren't for me, Brother Ran would have gone to keep company with chickens." Liu Qingsong rarely smiled in front of the camera.

After joining YM, he rarely appeared on the top league stage, mostly in small games that did not affect the ranking.

This is the first time for him to appear in such a focused battle.

After a game of running-in, his touch became more and more hot.

If this hard-assist version continues, he feels that it won't be long before he can squeeze out the prophet's position and secure his spot in the starting lineup.

The game in the middle has lost its suspense. Lin Ran in 2/0/1 comes online with a pickaxe, and the broiler on the other side only has Dolan Ring + Dark Seal.

Not to mention that Lin Ran also had double BUFFs, and his combat power was not at the same level at all.

"Ran's plane rides directly on the face, and the fighting style is really violent!" Miller couldn't help but exclaimed as he watched Lin Ran hand over his W and ride on the cock's face to hit Thunder, directly cutting the health of the clockwork by half. .

"The difference in damage is too big, and the mid lane laning cannot be compensated by the operation," I remember squinting my eyes and smiling, "I think if I were to masturbate, I should be able to ride the clockwork of the face cock."

[Is it okay if I have sex with you? 】

[One thing to say, I saw the gap between my teammates in these two games. Xiaotian suddenly started to catch people as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. 】

[As long as Xiaotian leads the rhythm normally and doesn't go to the hard counter jungle area, IG can't win at all! 】

Lin Ran did not strictly follow the four-for-two schedule this time. Instead, he returned to the city at 9 minutes and 49 seconds to replenish the Demon Sect and Bee Stinger - he cleared the previous wave of artillery soldiers at 10 minutes and 08 seconds. Soldier line, this way you can travel back to the city without losing troops.

The explosive packet generated in 8 minutes was still waiting for him in the spring. After picking it up, Lin Ran's movement speed increased rapidly, and he bought his true eye and ran towards the canyon pioneer.

When ten minutes are up, the Canyon Pioneer emerges from the void, and Xiaotian breaks open!

"Should we let it go?" Broiler asked.

Exactly the same as the previous game, IG failed to find a countermeasure during the 5-minute break between the courts. YM still controlled all Dalongkeng's vision in advance.

IG will definitely have to pay a high price if they want to counter-clear the ward position now.

But Prince Ning said without hesitation, "I don't think we can let it go. If they hit a health tower with a plane later, how will they control this person's development?"

Broiler said nothing.

Now Lin Ran's development is completely ahead of his time. If he is given a first-blood tower worth 600 gold coins, he will be able to make Demon Sect + three items in 17 minutes.

"Find the auxiliary position, we can't be attacked again!" King Ning still remembered Liu Qingsong's elusive Luo in the last round, and planned to find Liu Qingsong's position first in this round.

But before he could see Liu Qingsong, Lin Ran, who rushed over with explosive packs, had already taken action.

"The plane's special delivery directly blocked the intersection from IG to Canyon Pioneer!" Miller watched as the plane rumbled and dropped explosive packets, and all the roads from the river to IG's red zone were blocked by him. "It's hard to catch the broiler now. come over!"

"I'll try to grab it, but don't come here!" King Ning had nothing to do about it. This path with the aura of destruction and death lasted for 5 seconds. It not only had a slowing effect, but also caused huge damage.

If an undisplaced clockwork wants to reach the canyon pioneer from the middle, it must cross this path of flames.

Broiler is a Christian and does not believe in the Ming Dynasty, so naturally he will not step on the fire.

After thinking about it, he still listened to King Ning's advice and pushed the line in the middle, trying to make Lin Ran lose some lines.

"Prince Ning wants to seize this canyon pioneer alone. He first inserts artificial eyes into the dragon pit..."

Thanks to the excellent and dense visual layout of the Dragon Pit, Lin Ran already knew that there was only King Ning above the Dragon Pit.

The moment the prosthetic eye was inserted, he responded.

"The damage-resistant pig girl made Dalong take two steps into the pit, and then turned around..." I remember watching the actions of everyone in YM and reacting immediately.

"This is very detailed. By adjusting its position, the Canyon Pioneer also changes its direction. It is now facing the red side where IG is, and its back is on the blue side where YM is!"

Miller also shouted: "In this way, even if King Ning enters the dragon pit, he will not be able to hit the eyes behind the canyon pioneer. It will be very difficult to grab it based on punishment!"

Canyon Pioneer is not a big or small dragon. It will open its eyes from time to time on its back. One attack will cause 12% of its maximum health as real damage. Its output is not much better than Punishment.

"Prince Ning gave up, but Thresh rushed to the scene again. He didn't seem to want to let Prince Ning leave!" Miller's sharp eyesight allowed him to spot Thresh's movements from the mini-map on the screen, which was still some distance away from him, without the need for a director to direct the camera. .

The five-speed shoes Liu Qingsong made after returning to the city helped him rush from the bottom lane to the Canyon Pioneer as quickly as possible.

He did not go straight into the dragon pit, but took a detour to the IG wild area from the river where Xiao Tianbu had controlled his vision.

Lin Ran's accessory eye was inserted above the big dragon pit. He only saw the wine barrel giving up the fight for the vanguard and then retreating to the wild area. He didn't know anything about the rest of the movement.

"You can follow me, I can find his location!" Liu Qingsong said as he walked upwards, marking the IG gargoyle camp along the way.

At this moment, Xiaotian used Pig Girl's basic attack on the eyes exposed on the back of the Canyon Pioneer and then followed up with Punishment to kill him.

Lin Ran removed the real eye inserted by Prince Ning and put the 30 gold coins into his pocket.

But he was not satisfied.

30 gold coins is still too little for a plane like his with magic cutting equipment.

Lin Ran needs more economy to develop and take shape.

300 gold coins for a human head suits him quite well.

"I want to pick up Pioneer, just give me a lantern." Lin Ran wanted to have them all and become a small blacksmith in Los Angeles.

Liu Qingsong remained silent. Standing in the IG red BUFF grass, he first inserted an eye into the gargoyle camp through the wall.

It was different from what he thought. The gargoyle family had disappeared long ago, and Prince Ning was not here.

"I know, it was eaten by TheShy." Jin Gong said in a low voice as he was rushing back to continue his development.

After playing several games with TheShy, Jin Gong has already discovered the pattern. As long as he is on the red side, his opponent will definitely eat his own gargoyles during the laning phase.

This group of wild monsters is worth more than 100 gold coins. If you swipe it three times during the laning phase, you will get one head money. It is very suitable for TheShy who likes to develop.

Liu Qingsong didn't hesitate after hearing this, and decisively launched the hook, aiming directly at the grass opposite the red BUFF!

"He really guessed it!" Miller couldn't believe it. "Crisp was confident in his blind hook and accurately hit King Ning in the grass who was about to return to the city!"

King Ning obviously did not expect Liu Qingsong to appear in his wild area at this time.

He hadn't returned to the city for supplies in a while, and the green jungle knife's eye slots had long been used up. He even had no vision in his own jungle area, and the only real eye in his backpack was still stuck in the dragon's pit.

His wild area was pitch dark, and he had no defense at all.

"Lantern, lantern!" Lin Ran saw Liu Qingsong hooking King Ning, and immediately handed over W [Valkyrie Dive] to cross the dragon pit!

Liu Qingsong took a step back and threw the lantern at Lin Ran, then triggered the second stage of Q to pull himself to Prince Ning!

"Nice operation!" Miller couldn't help but cheered when he saw Thresh's smooth operation, "Light the lantern and follow and start outputting!"

In 10 minutes, Lin Ran had Demon Sect + Bee Stinger, and his output ability was quite good. King Ning couldn't handle it at all!

"Jun Ke used his ultimate move to blow YM Nosuke away," I remember explaining what happened at the scene, "but Ran used his flash to adjust his position and let himself be knocked forward!"

King Ning is now in a dilemma. With Thresh behind him and Lin Ran in front of him, he cannot escape with his wings!

"The wine barrel should have given up resistance, and the flash will be saved for later use..."

Lin Ran fired a super missile and took down the wine barrel's head!

[Is the IG field of vision too bad? I really didn't expect that the opponent's support could enter the jungle at will in 10 minutes. 】

[This Thresh was a substitute before? Are you kidding me? 】

[This blind hook is really scary. Does it have the perspective of King Ning? I think it is comparable to horror games. 】

"Well done, Sha Shao!" Xiaotian, who witnessed Thresh's operation, quickly praised.

But he only praised him for one sentence, and then he couldn't help but started to get angry, "I'm curious how you and Lin Weixiang knocked Greedy Sa down the rank back then?"

"We were just weak at the time," Liu Qingsong admitted generously, "and if we don't train well, we will definitely lose."

Mindless and unhappy, my level was indeed poor at this time last year, but people will always improve.

Liu Qingsong's strength was pretty good when he came to YM for trial training. It would be difficult to start in another team, but there is no problem in being a qualified substitute.

He didn't have many playing opportunities in the spring mainly because the hero pool was too shallow.

Liu Qingsong was good at macho men like Braum Thresh, but he was average in Lulu Karma, which was popular at the time.

In the 7.12 version of the summer, the hard assistant reconnected to the game, and Liu Qingsong's opportunity came.

This was his first show in the summer split, and IG was very considerate and released his hero pool.

Luo is a hero that suits him very well. He can start a group and roam around, and his proficiency is very high with frequent practice. Thresh is his previous signature, and the effect will naturally be good.

More importantly, he doesn't need to think too much in YM.

The command of the other three teammates allows Liu Qingsong to focus on the alignment and operation without any distractions, and only speak when necessary.

Liu Qingsong felt that he was at home in YM.

The roaming mid laner Lin Ran and Xiao Tian, ​​who likes to lead the way in the early stage, are a perfect fit for his support who prefers roaming support.

Liu Qingsong was very happy.

But the broiler was helpless.

In fact, he stole a move from Lin Ran in the spring game, but he had no chance to use it in this round.

Just kidding, the opponent Lin Ran's economy is always better than him, and the lane is always suppressed. Under normal circumstances, he can't push the lane.

How to roam without pushing the line?

Broiler looked at the data panel and estimated that the economic gap between the two sides was as high as 2,500 gold coins.

You must know that YM still has a Canyon Herald in hand, and the first-blood tower is most likely still theirs.

How can we play like this?

Thanks to ‘Chacha is a Cat’ for the reward of 100,000 starting coins.

I owe you Chapter 10, December will be the time for me to update diligently.

(Shameless, please give me a monthly ticket)

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