LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 251 Chapter 249: The decisive battle begins!

In the YM team lounge.

The contestants have finished putting on their makeup and are waiting for the entrance prompt from the staff.

"With good tactics, we can win the finals," Bai Yueya said before taking the stage, "Don't even think about those things that are there or not."

His last words were directed at the prophet.

"Yes." The prophet nodded.

Vincent knocked on the door and came in, asking them to wait in the passage outside.

There was still a long distance from the stage, and Lin Ran and others could hear the roaring cheers.

"The e-sports atmosphere here is really outstanding," Vincent said as he walked. "The finals were full an hour in advance. I have never seen such an enthusiastic audience."

Lin Ran could see tens of thousands of spectators in the stands playing human waves through the giant screen at the scene. The scene was spectacular and shocking.

"Indeed, the audience in last year's finals wasn't that exaggerated, right?" Lin Ran muttered.

He would understand if there were Brazilians in the finals between SKT and YM.

But this is a duel between two East Asian teams, and the Brazilians are equally enthusiastic, which has to be surprising.

"It's just that LOL professional e-sports here started too late," Vincent said, as a Riot staff member, he felt a little regretful. "If the layout had been started a few years earlier, the scale this year would have been even greater."

"It's already very good." Bai Yueya, who is an ancient professional player, looked at the enthusiastic audience around the stands and couldn't help but recall the past. "Think about our time, where could we find a stadium like this to host a game for you?"

"There were more staff than spectators in the dark venue, and there were only a few people in the live broadcast room. The commentators were amateurs, and the players were also amateurs..." Bai Yueya looked at the SKT and YM team flags scattered in the stands outside, and was filled with emotion, "At that time, the next door There is also a professional champion in the team who is in his twenties and plays dungeons and comes to play LOL professionally. Can you believe this? It was incomparable with the formalized youth training model now."

Behind him, Lin Ran listened to Bai Yueya and Vincent recalling the hard days of the past, staring at the center of the stage with longing eyes.

The stage was dark, with only a beam of light shining on the trophy stand. The MSI championship trophy lay there quietly, emitting a dazzling light.

This trophy is a key part of his journey to achieve a Grand Slam.

If you miss it, you have to wait another year.

Lin Ran didn't want to wait.

He still remembered what Su Cheng said after he won the opening game.

You have to cherish your talents.

This is what Lin Ran thinks and does. He is determined to win championships in all competitions at the peak of his strength.

"Go on stage and follow the rehearsal route!" Vincent informed everyone in YM. Lin Ran and his teammates followed the dimness of the stage to the designated location and took their places.

As the ten-second countdown ended, the stage performance officially began.

The spotlight above the stage suddenly turned on, focusing on the corner on one side of the stage.

Jhin wore a unique mask and sat in front of the piano, tapping out moving notes one by one with his fingers.

The large screen behind him flickered rapidly.

In the two semi-finals of YM vs. G2 and SKT vs. Flash Wolves, the kill and team battle screens quickly switched, and crystals were destroyed by the two teams.

As Jhin hit a restless note, the background music suddenly switched, and the big screen picture also changed accordingly.

In the picture, everyone in SKT is holding the S6MSI trophy amidst the sky full of ribbons and the cheers of the audience.

Jhin's piano playing became more and more urgent, and the background music became more and more intense.

When SKT lifted the championship trophy, a black-red light shot out diagonally and shattered the entire screen!

The big screen deliberately created fragmented special effects, and then two masses of energy were placed on the left and right of the stage.

The left side is as dazzling as flame red, and the right side is as black as ink!

Jhin stood up from the piano and left the table. He put one hand behind his back and the other hand slightly bent in front of him, and bowed to the audience.

The spotlight above him gradually dimmed until darkness completely swallowed Jhin's figure.

After a moment, the spotlight fell again and focused on the center of the stage!

The local Portuguese host extended his palm to the right, and the sound of his tongue was transmitted to every corner around the stadium with the help of the microphone!

"The first one to appear is - Young Miracles, who came to compete for the MSI trophy with the power of the S6 global finals championship!"

"Welcome their head coach, Crescent!"

The light fell on the right side occupied by black energy, and the white crescent figure appeared in the spotlight. He was wearing a suit and looked serious.

The audience applauded and cheered very cooperatively!

Then the host introduced the YM members one by one.

After the spotlight fell on Garlic Bastard, the scene was silent for a moment.

"Next, let us welcome the representative figure of the new era mid laner-Ran!"

The sound of the tongue flick was deliberately prolonged, and cheers from the audience broke out instantly. Lin Ran's ears were filled with all kinds of noises. He waved in all directions, and the applause from the stands rose again!

Lin Ran closed his eyes slightly and raised his head.

Since his debut, he has gradually enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by the cheers of huge crowds of people.

After introducing everyone in YM, the Portuguese host paused for a moment.

Now the black energy on the right side of the stage has disappeared with YM's appearance, but the red energy on the left side is still burning like a flame.

"Next, let us welcome SK Telecom T1, which has entered the MSI finals for three consecutive years and won the 2016 MSI championship!"

The sudden burst of cheers and applause from the scene even overwhelmed the host's voice.

Surrounded by numerous domestic leagues and world championship trophies, SKT is like the king above them all!

Especially Faker, when the flashlight above his head shone on him, the cheers were a bit louder than when he greeted Lin Ran.

Although he failed in S6, his brilliant achievements since his debut have allowed him to firmly hold the title of the number one player in the league. The number of fans all over the world is extremely exaggerated.

Today's commentators are still Wawa, Miller and Remember. The three of them are considered to be commentators with good reputations. Together, they are the top commentators in the LPL in terms of field control and game understanding.

"Welcome everyone to the 2017MSI finals!" Wawa gave full play to his responsibilities and warmed up the place first.

"It's late at night and early in the morning in China, but I believe there are still many, many viewers watching this much-anticipated final match in front of the screen," his voice was very powerful, "because our LPL team is among them."

"That's right," I remember taking over the topic from the side, "This is also the second time that LPL has entered the MSI finals after two years. Last time, EDG defeated SKT in five fierce games. This time, they replaced the younger and more energetic YM team to challenge. The same opponent!"

"SKT is really tough," Miller lamented on the sidelines. "They have never missed the MSI finals so far. This is a very scary thing - it means that they still maintain a strong position in the LCK division where there are so many strong players. Strong dominance.”

The three commentators were communicating on the stage. In the player seats, the YM and SKT players were still typing and communicating in the chat channel.

【Hello, Ran】

Little Peanut greeted Lin Ran very lively.

After getting Lin Ran's response, he showed off the Chinese pinyin he had learned from Xiaotian.

【Ran niu bi niu bi】

Lin Ran recalled the last time Garlic Bastard taught Chinese to Little Peanut, and couldn't help laughing.

【xiexie. ] He typed in response.

"Jin Gong, don't you say a few words to your compatriots?" Lin Ran looked at the Xiba people.

Jin Gong had just closed his eyes to rest. When he heard Lin Ran's words, he realized that the person opposite him was also his fellow villager. He seemed a little indifferent without saying a word.

So he also typed on the keyboard.

Little Peanut became very excited after seeing Jin Gong's response.

【nihao,sha bi gimgoon】

Jin Gong frowned and looked in front of the screen. His expression was exactly the same as Ke Jie's when he saw his opponent's sliding mark (see picture).

After repeated confirmation, he was sure that what little peanut said was a curse word.

"Axi..." Jin Gong was so angry that he wanted to smash his keyboard.

In terms of seniority in South Korea, he, a native of Xiba, can be regarded as Little Peanut’s predecessor in terms of honor and time in the industry.

How could any junior talk to him like this?

Jin Gong was brewing words and wanted to fight back.

Garlic Bastard was drinking ice water to cool down, but when he saw the "Stupid Golden Gong" sent by Little Peanut, he started laughing and almost spilled the ice water on the keyboard.

Everyone in YM also burst into laughter. The referee behind was also sent by the LPL, and he also understood the Pinyin attack of Little Peanut. For a time, the atmosphere inside and outside the team was filled with joy.

"The opponent's team member is suspected of making a speech attack. Do you want to appeal?" the female referee asked, tucking her hair behind her ears and enforcing the game management regulations as a routine. "If the penalty is serious, the opponent can be fined and banned from the summer competition."

One of the goals of Riot's alliance strategy is to tear off the stereotyped "internet-addicted boy" label in people's minds about professional e-sports players and establish positive e-sports idols.

Therefore, whether it is the pre-game chat channel or the public screen chat after entering the game, abusive behavior is expressly prohibited.

As long as it is verified and verified, the one-stop solution of ban, fine, and public apology will definitely not go away. Riot Games’ control in this regard is quite strict.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Xiaotian noticed that the matter was about to get serious, and quickly came out to smooth things over, "I taught little Peanut, but he doesn't know the true meaning of this word."

If eyes could attack, Lin Ran believed that Jin Gong had delayed the Garlic Bastard a thousand times.

Jin Gongguang felt annoyed by attacking with his eyes and wanted to strangle Xiaotian's neck.

"Don't move, don't move..." Xiaotian quickly shrank his neck and turned on the defensive mode, "I will help you catch him in the finals, and I will give you my head!"

Jin Gong paused and thought carefully about whether the deal was fair.

Before he could speak, Huni on the other end started the BP session with the referee's permission.

"The first round of the finals has begun!" I remember hearing BP's voice and I couldn't help but feel refreshed. "SKT won the coin guessing game and have the priority to choose sides in games 1, 3, and 5. They chose the blue side in this round!"

"SKT's first ban slot was given to Lulu, while YM banned Lucian!"

When kkoma revealed the second ban position, Bai Yueya had a guess about SKT's strategic focus in this game.

"SKT then blocked Tahm, and YM blocked Kennen."

"SKT is exactly the same as G2 in the semifinals. They both adopt a banning strategy against the prophet!" I remember looking at the BP panel and feeling a little worried.

In the last ban position of the first round, SKT gave Lee Sin, while YM blocked the male gun.

"SKT picks Malzahar first," Miller said. "The choice of a hero that can be picked up and supported is also very effective in dealing with Galio who is still outside."

YM showed Spider Queen and Qinggang Ying.

"SKT showed off Olaf and Ice! Peanut's Olaf has been at the top level since last year, and his proficiency is quite high!"

White Crescent was faced with a decision.

There are not many quality bot lane hero options left out there.

But in the first two moves, he gave heroes to Xiaotian and Jingong, the focus of today's strategy. When it was the bottom lane's turn, he could only choose one of the two.

"Can you get Braum?" White Crescent thought about it and knew that SKT would definitely target the bottom lane, or planned to get a hero first for the Prophet, who had a shallow hero pool.

"No problem." The prophet nodded repeatedly.

For him, Braum is a choice with a higher fault tolerance rate. The prophet is ready to mix with Jack in the bottom lane, and then wait for his teammates to drive the rhythm, and if necessary, resist the tower to protect his teammates.

that's it.

At the beginning of the second round of BP, both sides focused on the two positions that the other side had not shown yet. SKT banned Verus and Spear of Vengeance, while YM blocked Titan and Syndra.

"Both sides have not chosen Galio, who is the favorite in the semi-finals so far. What is the reason?"

Wawa knew that his understanding of the game was not as good as the two partners beside him, so he simply became a compliment.

"Because SKT has already selected Malzahar, who is swinging as a mid-support player, SKT will not let its opponents know Malzahar's final split until the second round."

Miller was the first to respond, and remembering on the side also took over in time.

"The reason for YM's side is very simple. As long as they are on the red side, the last choice is basically to find a restraining relationship for Ran to open up the situation. Naturally, they will not choose Galio first."

Everyone in YM on the stage was still discussing the selection of heroes for the second round.

"Choose one between Ezreal, Jhin and Big Mouth." White Crescent Moon pressed the ballpoint pen again.

Jack glanced at the lineup, "I think EZ is better, so EZ."

In terms of proficiency alone, his EZ is at the bottom level among the three heroes. In terms of functionality, Xiao Huangmao is worse than Jhin, and in terms of output of large cores, it is not as good as Big Mouth.

But Xiao Huangmao's escape ability is completely different from that of Jhin and Big Mouth.

Jack's mission in this wave of BO5 is very simple, just mix it up.

SKT's BP in the first game was very obviously centered around the bottom lane. He just had to hold back and wait for the team battle to supplement the output for his teammates.

"SKT backhandedly picked Shen and Clockwork. Faker was trying to support the team's late-game capabilities! In this case, Malzahar would have to move to the support position."

Classic clockwork.

This was Lin Ran's preparation.

This is Faker's habit.

If there is no version of the hero that suits you and your team's system, you'll choose Clockwork.

Anyway, this hero is a jack-of-all-trades and can be used in any lineup.

YM locked in their counter pick two seconds after Lee Sang Hyuk revealed his hero.

"Card Master! There are actually foxes out there that can be used!" Miller frowned. "I can understand YM's idea. They want to use Card Master and Camille to carry out side attacks."

"But Huni chose Shen this round. This hero's W Sword Formation is very effective against yellow cards. Hitting it will not even cause a stun effect!"

Miller was anxious for YM. In his opinion, the Shen hand that KKoma provided to Huni perfectly restrained the single-belt system that YM wanted to implement in this round!

Domestic live broadcast rooms are overcrowded in the early morning, and the platform has to allocate more bandwidth resources to event live broadcast rooms.

The mid laners of both sides made a challenge before the game, which attracted a lot of viewers. In addition, due to the replay of the S6 Global Finals, many viewers stayed up late to watch this game.

Although YM won the duel in last year's global finals, most LPL viewers are still not optimistic about YM this year.

The 3:2 score in last year's final proved that the two sides were close in strength, and SKT's signing measures during the winter transfer period were considered by many fans to be a major enhancement.

The highly offensive Huni replaced Duke, nicknamed Du Buchuan, and Peanut Butter, one of the pinnacles of carnivorous junglers, replaced the old stupid chicken who mainly controlled the map and squatted in the middle.

Coupled with the original three SKT players retaining the team's late-stage operational strength, this SKT is simply in perfect shape in the eyes of many passers-by.

SKT's excellent competitive state in the spring split also proved their strong strength.

What about YM?

Although the team of four former champions was retained, the replacement support was obviously not reusable. In the advantageous games, he was basically invisible, but in the disadvantageous games, he was always given.

No matter how they think about it, they feel that YM's strength is declining.

As for the previous group stage results?

Does that count?

Many LPL viewers still remember that SKT had difficulty qualifying fourth in the group at last year's MSI, and then in the semifinals, they directly killed the group leader RNG, who was in good shape.

Coupled with the fear of Korea that has been buried deep in the hearts of old viewers since S3, although they support YM emotionally, most of them think that YM's hard power is not as good as SKT.

But there are always exceptions.

Domestic Shark Fighting Live Room 13703, a pig’s head pops out of the camera in the lower right corner of the screen.

Shan Ni Ruo started broadcasting in the early morning, and the name of the live broadcast room - May is no longer classic! Watch the game for a while

Since he didn't have official permission, he could only watch the game by himself with a black screen and a camera, and explain it by the way.

The audience in the live broadcast room can only turn off the volume of the event live broadcast room, and then turn on the sound of Shan Niruo live broadcast room to watch the live game in real time.

Even so, it still couldn't stop the popularity of nearly one million people in his live broadcast room, and the screen was filled with bullets.

Shan Niruo took a look at the lineups of both sides.

Blue side SKT: top laner Shen, jungler Olaf, middle lane Clockwork, bottom lane Ice + Malzahar.

Red square YM: top laner Qinggang Shadow, jungler Spider Queen, middle lane card master, bottom lane Ezreal + Braum.

"Actually, to be honest..." Shan Niruo thought about it carefully, "I think SKT's lineup is better in this game."

When Danmaku heard this, he immediately became excited.

[Sure enough, the fish ball guess was correct! 】

[Brother Flame really still cares about his old teammates, SKT will always be your home! 】

[As soon as I saw the lineup, I felt that YM was difficult. Bai Yueya is a fool. Can he beat KKoma? Don't make me laugh. 】

[In the fifth hand, I chose a card and tried to catch Shen on the other side. I really wanted to die laughing. 】

Shan Niruo glanced at the barrage.

"I haven't finished speaking yet," he said with a pinched voice. "Although SKT's lineup is very good, I still think YM can win this game."

After saying this, the barrage filled the screen with question marks.

"I always feel that Huni, B, will cause trouble," Shan Niruo frowned, "He is unreliable, it's true."

"Everyone believes in me, everyone believes in me, this game is Fish Ball Stud YM!" He suggested loudly before Summoner's Rift appeared.

【? ? ? Pushing the yin and yang list, right? 】

[I will overwhelm SKT, there is no way I can lose this game! 】

[Brother Flame changes his attitude very quickly. Didn’t he still be optimistic about his old club SKT in last year’s finals? 】

Shan Niruo found this item in the vast barrage and immediately gave an answer.

"Don't scream if you don't understand," he shouted loudly, pretending to be an old man. "This is the pure patriotic sentiment of the older generation of e-sports people! However, we Chinese are proud of it. Everyone must believe in him!" "

With question marks filling the screen in Shan Niruo's live broadcast room, Summoner's Rift was loaded on the big screen at the competition site, and ten heroes appeared in the spring!

The Brazilian audience responded immediately, filling the huge venue with manic applause and screams!

Lin Ran bought the corruption potion and went out, then marked his position on the map.

"I brought the scanner, let's continue into the jungle to find Olaf's position!" Lin Ran was very decisive.

There are cards such as Qinggang Shadow and Braum. If this lineup does not invade at the first level, it is simply a waste of resources!

He has tried and tested the trick of wearing a red scan when going home and changing it to a yellow eye. Lin Ran doesn't believe it if kkoma didn't take measures to deal with this before the game.

But even if SKT responded in this game, it would be useless.

The hero Olaf is basically being refreshed for the first six levels. The best time to gank is after clearing out the six groups of wild monsters that were refreshed in the first wave and raising them to level 4.

At this time, Lin Ran's yellow jewelry eyes had already passed the cooling time, and he was not afraid of the little peanut coming to catch him.

"Malzahar took advantage of his passive position and stood relatively forward. He has already seen the movements of everyone in YM and should be retreating."

Bang's ice shot W [Thousands of Arrows] to help the wolf retreat.

"YM still has to forcefully invade SKT's lower jungle area and lose the red BUFF, but as Olaf, it is reasonable for Xiaohuanan to have blue in the upper half. He can eat his own upper half to level up to level 3 and then eat YM Red zone.”

I have to say that kkoma’s BP ideas are very clear and their research on YM is also very thorough.

After he won the Spider in YM, he immediately selected Olaf for Little Peanut. Whether it was a stand-up duel in the jungle or a mid-to-upper counter-crouch collision, Olaf was worthy of the Spider.

After Qinggangying was repeatedly weakened, his ability to deal with fighters like Shen in the early stage was not that strong.

Without sacrificing ward experience to grab second place, Jin Gong couldn't take advantage of Huni - after all, not everyone is a G2 top laner. At this time, Huni's equipment was reinstalled, but his laning ability was still online.

Little Peanut quickly planned the jungle route for changing jungle areas in the early stage, and Lan Kai prepared to wipe out all the wild monsters in the upper half of his area.

"Little Peanut is using the fastest three-step method," Wawa said when he saw that the director's camera kept focusing on Little Peanut.

"He opened blue alone, and then pulled it towards the Demon Swamp Frog in the middle of the attack. He was attacked by two wild monsters at the same time. He used the passive characteristic that the less blood the faster the attack speed, the faster the jungle area was cleared."

Peanut is still looking at the army lines while farming. This is his excellent quality as a jungler.

A jungler who knows how to read troop lines may not necessarily be very strong, but a jungler who doesn't know how to read troop lines is definitely very poor.

Jin Gong knew that Little Peanut had a blue opener in the first half, so he could only release the lane. Huni on the road seemed to have successfully grabbed second place and continued to push the lane without any big problem.

The line of troops in the middle is still in the center, and if there is no major problem, the line will not be lost.

Little Peanut brushes it with confidence, and prepares to enter the upper half of YM later.

"Xiaotian, you will come back as soon as you lose the red buff. Olaf will definitely enter our jungle area." Lin Ran was quite sure.

Why did Olaf go from the dominant jungler in the S6 Finals to the second-rate jungler in the S7 Spring Split without being weakened.

It is because the wild monster refresh frequency has been increased from 100 seconds to 150 seconds. The current jungle area is not enough for a fast-refreshing hero like Olaf.

As mentioned before, in this case, the game in the early jungle becomes very important.

Because the loser defending in the wild area has to wait for an extra 50 seconds to wait for the next group of wild monsters to refresh, while the winner can take all the wild monsters to widen the experience gap in advance.

In Lin Ran's opinion, Little Peanut's Olaf will definitely not let wild monsters invade the jungle area.

Therefore, he planned to let Xiaotian come back to defend.

At the same time, Lin Ran was still dealing with faker in the middle.

Cards with average laning combat capabilities prefer laning against heroes like Clockwork. Although they cannot win against each other, there is no problem in pushing the lane to develop.

In two minutes and thirty-five seconds, Xiaohuahua cleared the top half of his own area and successfully scored three points.

Take another look at the troop line.

Huni on the top lane has already pushed his troops in front of the Qinggang Shadow Tower. The troops in the middle lane are still in the center. Little Peanut goes to counterattack with confidence.

"Little Peanut is ready to enter the upper half of YM's jungle area. He wants to replace YM's red BUFF!"

I remember taking a look at the mini map, "Xiaotian is still killing the three wolves at this time, and the speed is a bit slower!"

"Is it still too late to return to the defense zone?"

There was nothing that could be done about it. Xiaotian opened red on the opposite side, then crossed the river and returned to his own wild area, walking an extra mile.

In addition, the spider's early jungle clearing speed will definitely not be as fast as Olaf's, so it is natural that the speed should be slower.

Watching the little peanut cross the river and get into the YM red zone, the baby couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Little Peanut is really courageous! Does he dare to directly enter the YM jungle area with such a small amount of health?"

Little Peanut only had 260 HP left at this time. In order to maximize the use of the passive attack speed bonus, he didn't have much HP left, but he also deliberately kept a Punishment in his hand to use as a counter-BUFF.

But he still rushed into the YM red zone and saw the fresh red BUFF!

"Olav is about to activate the red BUFF. Xiaotian has already reached level 3 and is rushing here!"

"What's going on in the middle?" Wawa suddenly realized something was wrong, "The cards are also running to the wild area after reaching level 3!"

The third wave of artillery trains arrived in the middle at 2 minutes and 38 seconds. Lin Ran quickly cleared out three melee soldiers and was promoted to level 3. He ran non-stop towards the wild area!

In the SKT team's voice, the chatter was non-stop.

"The card disappears, the card disappears!" Lee Sang Hyuk gave the mark. He ate the minions and also rose to 3, operating the clockwork to follow.

"You should be faster in counterattack. He can't go alone. Spider should be there too!"

At this time, SKT's bottom lane, which was the first to push the lane to level 2, began to do vision work.

Wolf entered the lower half of the YM wild area and saw that the blue buff and the three wolves had all disappeared. He roughly guessed the spider's early movements and quickly communicated with Xiaohuahua.

"The middle card has movement speed runes and is very close to its own wild zone, so it is about to reach the red zone!"

"The location of Clockwork is far away from the YM jungle area. Faker is also on his way, but he is still separated by the card master!"

"Hurry up and leave after stealing the red, he is sprinting!" Lee Sang Hyuk reminded him quickly when he saw the card master's feet rising into the wind, his movement speed increasing again, and the distance between the two of them widened!

"No problem, no problem..." Little Peanut swung his ax to chop at the wild monsters. As his blood volume decreased, his attack speed became faster and faster.

Finally, he used punishment to eat the red buff before Lin Ran arrived!

Then immediately start sprinting around the wild area!

It was also the third level of sprint acceleration. Lin Ran couldn't catch up with him, let alone the spider following behind!

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