LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 191 189: Time Leopard Girl, the last chance

Lin Ran had inserted the ornament before and saw that the stupid chicken used F4 again. The leopard girl hit the big bird with one shot, put on the clip and pounced in from a distance.

One of the reasons why Leopard Girl is currently too powerful is the passive [Seeking]. In this version of the human form, the Q and W skills hit a wild monster and can cause it to be imprisoned for two seconds.

This makes Leopard Girl's jungle clearing efficiency even more exaggerated.

The leopard girl ate the sharp-beaked bird and then disappeared. Lin Ran just looked at the ornament. At this moment, he completely lost sight of the stupid chicken.

Without a flash, he had to stay in the middle for two minutes, not daring to continue to press forward.

Xiaotian reached level 4 and went back to the city to buy a green jungle knife, preparing to relieve the pressure on his teammates' vision.

Leopard Girl is a hero whose gank success rate is not very high, but she excels in her maneuverability and high efficiency in clearing the jungle. She has a lot of ganks. No matter which wild area she goes to, she will show up and give you a target. If she wins, she will step forward. Bite, and keep brushing if you miss.

This often causes online heroes to be on tenterhooks, fearing that a leopard will jump out of the grass.

Xiaotian focused on protecting the middle lane, but Bang's ice blessing reached his soul. An eagle struck the sky and came to the middle lane strangely. The drone took out the excavator that was laying out the view of the grass under the river in the middle lane!

The Garlic Bastard wanted to leave immediately, but was a step too late.

The stupid chicken has already rushed over. After one hit, his combo was very messy. In the leopard form, he actually played a set of WQE. He placed the Q [Knockdown] with residual blood killing effect in the middle and used it. You can tell at a glance that it is not that The old leopard girl.

But no matter how bad the combo is, the effect is the same. It is impossible for Digger to beat Nidalee after hitting the target of Leopard Girl. Xiaotian has to be crippled and returned to the city, and the vision near the middle lane is punished. F4 Leopard Girl, who has gained the true vision effect, empties out again.

At 6 minutes, Lin Ran tried to grab six. He stepped forward and Faker seized the opportunity. E [Time Clockwork] was hung up, and a Q [Time Bomb] was dropped on Lin Ran's head.

A javelin shot out of the grass, and the stupid chicken appeared again!

Lin Ran, who was slowed down, found that he couldn't avoid the javelin at all, so he could only hand over the purification to release the control, and then turned to avoid Leopard Girl's javelin.

However, faker used W [Travel to the Future] to create a second bomb and threw it decisively at Syndra.

Lin Ran had just turned around to avoid Leopard Girl Q, but now he would hit the javelin when he turned around. Faker's bomb was thrown just right, blocking Lin Ran's current position.

Unable to avoid it, the second bomb was hung. Lin Ran only had time to use E [The Weak Retreat] to push Faker unconscious, and then he was stunned in place.

The leopard girl placed a clamp in front of Syndra, then transformed into a leopard and bit her.

Lin Ran, who had all the double summons, had no possibility of escaping, and in the end his head was taken away by the stupid chicken.

This wave of dead forest burned an entire wave of artillery soldiers, and Time's passive [Time in a Bottle] helped Leopard Girl directly upgrade to level 6. Xiaotian's excavator cleared the jungle normally, and had just reached level 5 at this time.

Once the level gap widens, Leopard Girl will just walk sideways in the jungle.

The field of vision in the wild area suddenly collapsed.

In 9 minutes, Benji rushed to the bottom lane, and Faker directly used teleportation to reach the next tower of YM, with a wave of 4 and 2.

Jack and Xiao Ming tried their best, but they couldn't bear the leopard girl and rushed forward to bite them. Faker even dropped the bomb directly on the leopard girl's head. As long as the stupid chicken jumped forward and onto everyone in YM, the bomb would definitely kill them. Dizziness.

The stupid chicken kept resisting the tower. Before dying, Faker gave R [Return Time] and resurrected the Leopard Girl again.

Then the two aircraft combinations once again used the experience points passively provided by time to upgrade.

Only then did Lin Ran realize the disgusting aspects of SKT's Leopard Girl time system.

The slowdown of time and double bomb stun can help Leopard Girl increase the hit rate of the javelin. In this version, the high gank efficiency of the midfielder binding means that she holds the key to victory.

At the same time, the passivity of time also provides a lot of experience points for level-hungry junglers like Leopard Girl, allowing her to thrive in the jungle.

As long as she is ahead in level, Nidalee is no longer a powerful warrior, but a leopard mother.

Until 19 minutes, Xiaotian was already nearly two levels behind.

The Garlic Bastard couldn't get to the bottom lane in this game. His vision in the lower half was pitch black. Coupled with Han Bing's elusive eagle striking the sky, he couldn't seize the opportunity at all.

However, he adapted to the situation and frequented the road frequently, catching Duke to death twice and making the unlucky bear sick to his stomach.

But when he went to catch someone, Stupid Chicken came to counter the jungle. How could the efficiency of the Leopard Girl and the Excavator compare in clearing the jungle? Stupid Chicken took advantage of the small sky to gank, and could easily defeat the lower half of the jungle.

Under the circumstances, the level of junglers has been stretched.

SKT has an economic lead of 3.5K at this time, and the situation of YM is not optimistic.

At this time, the second fire dragon was refreshed, and a battle broke out between the two sides in the Xiaolong Pit. The three auxiliary skills of Leopard Girl, Karma, and Time were all set on Hanbing.

Duke on the side has no shield on his body, which is a sharp contrast.

Compared with Bang, he is just a butcher. He is responsible for resisting damage to his teammates in team battles. Normally, he is always alone and no one protects him.

But Bang's performance did not live up to the expectations of his teammates. Xiaolong pitted A and pulled output non-stop.

Although Xiaotian E, who was two levels behind, was punished and snatched the fire dragon from the stupid chicken by mistake, it could not restore the decline.

Lin Ran used his ultimate move on Han Bing, and faker immediately used his ultimate move to resurrect him. When Bang stood up again, his health was full again.

"Syndra's ultimate move is completely useless, and her ultimate move has no effect at all against time!"

With Miller's reluctant words, SKT got 1 for 4, only paying the life of Duke, leaving everyone in YM except Xiaotian in the Xiaolong Pit.

Then everyone in SKT gathered together to head towards the baron that was about to be refreshed. Xiaotian used scanning and ground hearing skills to move forward, trying to grab this crucial Baron Nash.

But Faker accelerated all the way around, slowed down and hit Xiaotian's health with a javelin from the extreme distance.

He could only avoid the time bomb by going through a tunnel and flashing two stages of displacement, but in this case, Dalong couldn't even try to steal it.

Baron Nash let out a shrill wail, and SKT had an economic lead of nearly 6K.

Having gained the advantage, SKT played slowly and steadily. Through line switching operations, they first removed all the remaining two towers of YM, and then returned to the jungle to plunder resources.

This is the most reliable advancement rhythm after getting the Baron BUFF, and SKT knows it well.

"SKT is still pressing the tempo. They are not in a hurry to push away YM's high ground. They are expanding their economic advantage little by little. They will not start the war until they are sure that YM cannot make a comeback." PDD sighed heavily.

"The key is, will it destroy YM's confidence if we continue playing like this?" Wawa was a little worried, "If it affects the mentality of the last game..."

In 26 minutes, SKT controlled the Fire Dragon and further expanded its advantage.

"If you think you'll lose if you continue, I'll attack." Lin Ran said.

"Well... let's wait for the next dragon. I don't have artillery yet." Jack scratched his head.

SKT had never broken through their high ground before, which resulted in YM having no super soldiers to use to earn money. Jack didn't get any kills in this game, so he could only fiddle with equipment bit by bit.

At 30 minutes, Lin Ran finally took out the third hat, and Jack also had a rapid-fire cannon in hand.

Under the protection of Suitou Wangba Di Tingshu, everyone in YM went to Xiaolong Pit to lay out their vision and prepare to meet the next earth dragon.

They came here to lay out their vision very early. SKT did not expect it, and YM people were stuck for time to clear the vision in the dragon pit first.

Idiot couldn't help but be overjoyed to see YM come out to control Xiaolong's vision. They are now eager for YM to come out to challenge. In his opinion, as long as there is no obstruction from the Highland Tower, it is impossible for SKT to lose in a head-on battle.

He and Gnar walked at the front, and Bang's Eagle Strike in the Sky was used to explore the wild area. At this time, the Xiaolong Pit was completely dark.

The moment Leopard Girl and Gnar entered the river entrance, a dark orb was pushed out of the dragon pit by Syndra!

The weak ones retreated through the long wall from Xiaolong Pit to the edge of the river, giving SKT no time to react.

The two people were caught off guard and were hit by the magic ball, and were instantly stunned for 1.5 seconds!

Everyone in YM rushed out of the Xiaolong Pit, and the audience supporting YM immediately started making noises and cheers!

"Sindra, the weakling, looks so far away when he retreats. He fainted two people!" Miller shouted excitedly, "The stupid chicken is about to be killed!"

"Ran's ultimate move hit Gnar..." Wawa's originally excited tone suddenly weakened, "But it was Time's ultimate move that saved Duke!"

"Nar is resurrecting, and Bang has given crystal arrows to keep people alive. This wave of team battles has already begun!"

Although Leopard Girl died in battle, the remaining Karma and Time fully acted as Bang's support. Under the multiple acceleration effects, the ice archer's arrows kept raining down, hitting everyone in YM!

"Bang's output is too high, YM people can't handle it!"

This year's bang is a team battle output machine. At MSI 5 months ago, faker even used Lulu to protect his Lucian, playing 4 guarantees and 1 Lucian in a fierce battle for 54 minutes, and finally won the game. His strength is evident.

This time Hanbing is no exception. In terms of team battle output environment, Hanbing with long hands is safer than Lucian at that time. Bang uses the acceleration effect to repeatedly pull and move, dodging skills while pouring out all the output!

The audience commentating and supporting YM seemed to be choked and silent.

SKT fans looked at Han Bing on the screen who was taking the lead in chasing YM, and finally burst into loud cheers!

1 for 3, YM's remaining Lin Ran and Jack were forced to escape and go home to defend the high ground.

But the screen suddenly stopped, and a pause prompt appeared in the center of the screen for the ten players present.

The game came to an abrupt end, causing bursts of boos from the audience.

The director cuts the camera to the commentary box.

"Well... we were notified that the timeout requested by the stupid chicken was due to Syndra's long-distance push in the Xiaolong Pit."

"It's indeed a bit long, but it's easy to understand," Miller adjusted his glasses. "Just like how we put eyes through thick walls, Syndra's ball can also be stuck out of the wall. In this way, even if the distance is blocked, It’s been extended, what’s the point of suspending it.”

"I don't believe that old professional players like Benji don't understand this kind of common sense," Wawa frowned, "He is trying to get into a YM mentality through timeouts, right?"

"The Korean team is starting to mess with people again? You can't afford it, right?"

"You are going to win this game and why are you suspending it? You have to kill them all, right? You idiot, you have no heart!"

There was no way for the team members to talk during the timeout. Lin Ran crossed his hands and looked at his screen. He knew that this game was going to be a disaster, and he had to think about what to do in the decisive game.

In the next game, YM will definitely be on the red side as expected, with Time, Leopard Girl, Olaf, EZ...

With so many heroes, how should the red side deal with the tight ban position?

This pause seemed to him to be so long, and Lin Ran's brain was frantically searching for all possible lineup combinations.

They have now used all their cards and it looks like a dead end.

The hustle and bustle outside the stadium often penetrated into his ears through the headphones. Lin Ran leaned back, lying on the gaming chair and looking at the center of the stage.

The Summoner's Trophy stood there, and the lights converged down, reflecting the silver trophy sparkling.

Is there no other way?

He looked at his screen, which was still in a stagnant state due to the pause. Lin Ran had just received a Terminator head from Leopard Girl, and was opening the store to replenish an explosive wand and go out.

Syndra in Atlantis skin stood in the spring with three water spheres surrounding her.

Inspiration suddenly burst out in Lin Ran's mind, and he turned to look at his teammates.

Jack's face was red and hot, and he was holding his collar to fan the wind when he saw Lin Ran turning his head and showing his signature Shiba Inu smile.

At this time, the director once again showed the replay of the previous team battle, and PDD saw that something was wrong.

"Sindra is not stuck in the wall QE," he pointed at the screen with a carrot-like finger, "Sindra's stuck in the wall QE is similar to our partition wall socket inserted into the wall. If the ball is pushed out, it should be by the wall!"

"The location where Leopard Girl and Gnar were stunned was obviously a certain distance away from the wall," PDD was very sure. "This wave should be an ordinary QE second company."

Not long after, the referee team came to a conclusion after testing and data inquiry.

Syndra's weak retreat had a distance of 1,300 yards. At that time, the straight-line distance between Lin Ran and SKT's Ueno was just close to this limit value.

As PDD said, it's just an ordinary QE second company, not even using the wall mechanism. It seems to be purely because the wall above the dragon is too long.

The stupid chicken had no objection to this and the game continued.

Next, SKT controlled the second dragon, and Bang had already made the five-god outfit. They finally couldn't wait any longer and rushed into the YM highland with their troops.

Lin Ran tried to start the team battle again, but if he used his ultimate move, there would always be an old man's ultimate move waiting for him behind him!

The final battle started in front of the YM base. Gnar carried the front tooth tower and stepped forward to start a team fight. Everyone in SKT rushed forward!

"2 for 5, SKT lost Ye Fu and the two of them wiped out the YM team. It looks like a wave is about to happen." Miller was quite helpless. "I can only congratulate SKT. They dragged the final into the fifth game."

"In the next game... SKT will choose sides first," Wawa said in a difficult tone, "After this game, YM will face a huge BP disadvantage."

Lin Ran took off his headphones and hurriedly left the stage holding a paper cup.

This time the atmosphere in the YM lounge was not as oppressive as when they faced the Tigers in the semifinals. Xiaotian and Xiaoming were still there listening to the lead analyst's early vision arrangements.

"Xiao Ming, please remember to accompany Gao Tianliang when he draws the green jungle knife and help him arrange the vision. This time, the middle lane was caught too hard in the early stage. The middle lane liberated the jungle. The two were combined. We can’t play anymore…”

Hanyi was still sorting out the BP ideas for the next game. In the next game, they were on the red side. The Leopard Girl time system that SKT came up with in this game made YM's already poor ban position worse.

Lin Ran turned on the computer in the lounge, played a custom game, and played with the little inspiration in his mind.

Halfway through the break, Lin Ran confirmed his thoughts and turned to communicate with his teammates.

"Are you sure?" Han Yi frowned. He glanced at the notebook in his hand. If Lin Ran followed Lin Ran's idea, the BP he had just made would be completely disrupted.

"...Let's give it a try. Our BP disadvantage is too great when beating us normally." Lin Ran spoke slowly.

Hanyi did not answer directly. He looked at the remaining YM members and asked, "Do you agree?"

"Just do this," Xiaotian said, "We really don't have enough in the red square."

"If you lose, you lose," Jack said very casually, "Isn't it pretty good that we can win the runner-up in the S competition in the first year? We can come back next year at the worst."

"Isn't it just SKT? If I'm pushed hard, I'll have to wait two more years until they retire. Then I want to see who else can beat us."

Jack put his hands on his hips, his expression extremely arrogant. He was still young and had plenty of time to wait.

Jin Gong, Garlic Bastard and Xiao Ming on the side also nodded.

For them, S6 is a dream season. 10 months ago, they were living in a rental house provided by PDD, earning a salary of just over 10,000, and imagining their life after entering the LPL.

10 months later, they are already on top of the League of Legends world.

It doesn't matter if they lose in the final, they can afford to wait.

Brother Hao patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and handed over the newly replaced Red Bull.

"Don't put too much pressure on, just do your best."

Lin Ran looked at his teammates and stretched out his right palm.

"Believe me, I can win."

Although I can lose in the finals.

But it's not necessary.

Gao Tianliang's palm fell heavily and slapped Lin Ran's hand, making a crisp sound.

Even the transparent Ningren sitting nearby also came over.

Six players, coaches, managers, analysts...

The members’ palms were folded tightly together.

"YM come on!"

The loud sound echoed in the closed team lounge.

The chapter was posted last night and was criticized quite badly.

Some readers said that the game was watered down, and some readers said that it was forced to play the fifth game. This was the case with 30 articles in this chapter in one night.

So let’s take this opportunity to talk about it.

I have written 600,000+ words so far, and I have lost a total of several rounds of YM described in pen and ink.

Small game 5, big game 0.

Among the 5 rounds, the Xia Jue took one round against EDG, and Fat General came to the rescue; in the S6 semi-finals, there were two rounds against ROX. In one round, the Ice Lady Spear's black technology restrained Zyra, and in the other round, Little Peanut exploded.

There were two finals in S6, one was Bang Ezreal’s mid-term effort to win the game, and the other was Leopard Girl’s black technology.

The performance of S6bang and Peanut is obvious to all, they are at the peak of their careers.

SKT has never won the Leopard Girl Time system before. In reality, in the peak BO5 between S6 SKT and ROX, SKT fell behind 1:2. The stupid chicken replaced Xiao Hei. The red side of ROX deliberately let the Leopard Girl out, betting that the stupid chicken would not win. meeting.

In that game, Benji and Faker chose Leopard Girl Time, completely dominated the game, and dragged them into the deciding game.

In these 5 games, to be fair, which game should I lose and which game should I not lose?

In the 5 games I lost, I used a total of 5 chapters. They all ended at the end of the day and ended with one chapter. It never dragged on until the next day. There is no need to say it was just feeding shit.

Who doesn’t want to write about winning the championship? Isn’t it easy to win completely? You win by running over it all the way, but do you think it’s reasonable?

I can even write about 10 solo kills on Faker in one game, and 100 kills in one game, which would choke SKT to the point of being unable to get out. Do you think it’s reasonable?

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