LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 185 183: Rune Mage, Thunder King!

"Their vision layout in the bottom lane in the second game was the same as before, extremely deep." Taking advantage of the short time between games, the analyst team was still correcting their vision problems in the previous game.

"And the Olaf we use is not like heroes like Spider and Blind Sin Excavator who can use their skills to bypass their field of vision in the wild." During the video call, Su Cheng, who was in China, said, "Wolf's eye position is firmly blocked. Olaf, who had no movement skills to avoid sight, he and Lin Ran wandered down the lane several times but failed."

"In other words, once we don't seize the opportunity to gank the bottom lane before level 6, and SKT sets up vision in the jungle, our rhythm will stagnate."

Indeed, a too cumbersome hero like Olaf is quite powerless against SKT's iron-clad vision layout.

The chief analyst was holding a transparent thermos cup in his hand. He got wolfberry from nowhere, soaked a cup of hot water and put it in his hand.

"The effect of using Olaf against SKT is not very good," he took over the topic and said, "If possible, we should give priority to Lee Sin and Spider."

I just received news that SKT will choose the blue side in the next game, which makes YM's BP even more difficult.

Hanyi glanced at his notebook and fell into deep thought.

The Staples Center was buzzing with people.

It was already evening in the western United States, and the sky was getting dark. Many spectators were sitting on their seats holding hamburgers, hot dogs and happy water to fill their hungry bellies.

There was a guy who stuffed a whole hot dog into his mouth in one gulp, and was caught by the on-site cameraman. The big screen on the stage showed him eating the hot dog with his mouth wide open, which caused ridicule and laughter from the audience.

It is eight o'clock in the morning on Sunday in China, and many white-collar workers and students are bleary-eyed. They are eating breakfast while looking at their mobile phones or computers.

The much-anticipated S6 Global Finals was playing on the screen, and dense barrages passed by in the live broadcast room.

"Welcome everyone back to the live broadcast of the 2016 League of Legends Global Finals..." Wawa's oral broadcast ended.

"The MVP of the last round..." Miller looked at the screen. Bang smiled and raised his right hand in a shooting gesture. The photo looked relaxed and freehand. "As expected, Bang was given to EZ at 8/1 in 39 minutes. With an output of 4.4W, the average damage has exceeded 1100."

"This data is a bit fierce. The average output of EZ in this S competition is only 2.8W, and the average output per point is only 700." The doll couldn't help but clicked, "He is indeed a banger, the strongest Ezreal user."

"His EZ is really too strong," PDD lamented. "Whether it's the output environment or small positioning and micro-management, there are basically no mistakes. It's very disgusting."

"What's even more troublesome is that SKT chose the blue side in the next game, and YM's ban position is very tight." Miller said, his brows furrowed, feeling a little troublesome.

Not only him, but many viewers now sense that something is wrong.

"YM won the first game purely by relying on black technology. It just caught SKT off guard. There is still a gap in terms of hard power."

"I think so. There is no advantage in choosing Lucian in the middle in the second game."

"No advantage? If the stupid chicken doesn't come to the middle lane at level 6, can he still run away if he can kill alone?"

"Do you think faker is stupid? Why do you think the jungler won't show up and they still challenge you?"

"Does anyone really think that SKT is just blowing it up? It's not easy for a double champion to win against a team with no foundation like YM."

"I said before the game that it would be good if YM can win one game. I think SKT can choose skins now."

Lin Ran returned to the stage with a paper cup filled with Red Bull, feeling not in a good mood.

He also knew that Hanyi made some mistakes in BP in the last game, and the blue team's final lineup was not much better than SKT.

As expected, Bang's stable carry killed the suspense of the game in the mid-term.

"Don't be nervous, Brother Han," Xiaotian turned around and saw cold sweat on the coach's forehead, and couldn't help but joked, "We didn't panic during the game, what are you afraid of?"

Han Yi looked solemn and kept looking at the BP records in his notebook. The red side in this game was destined to make him make a choice in BP, and it was impossible to achieve the goal of "I want them all".

He had to make the entire lineup more balanced and reasonable. In the last game, he simply judged that Olaf was better at beating the blind monk in the jungle, so he gave up Syndra and took out Olaf for Xiaotian first.

But the effect was average. It's not that Xiaotian didn't play well, but that this hero decided that he had no way to restrict Ezreal in the bottom lane.

Hanyi's facial expression was quite serious, while KKoma on the other side was chatting and laughing with his teammates.

After successfully breaking through YM's Lucian lineup and still holding a priority for side selection, kkoma didn't even know how to lose.

After the referees of both sides made the decision, and with a crisp sound in the players' headsets, the third round of BP started again.

There were sparse cheers and applause from the audience, and there were many people eating outside the venue who had not yet had time to enter.

"SKT gave Spider Queen the first ban spot," Wawa couldn't help but sigh. "Xiaotian's spider performance against Xiaohuahua in the semi-finals was so amazing. SKT has banned this hero in three consecutive games."

"YM blocked Ezreal. They learned the lesson from the last game and don't want Bang to get this kind of ADC with invincible mid-term combat capabilities." PDD nodded with satisfaction.

In his opinion, although the Hanyi he hired cannot be called a top domestic coach, at present, he has one advantage that is quite obvious - he is not stubborn.

This advantage seems extremely simple, but few domestic coaches can do it.

It's not uncommon for S5 to ban Tetsuo and other actions. Everyone knows which versions are strong and must be banned. These coaches just don't take the ordinary path. They use the fate of the team, the version and the enemy players to confront each other, and never look back until they hit the wall.

Immediately afterwards, SKT pressed down Lucian. KKoma was on the blue side and had plenty of ban positions. He simply blocked Lucian and then forced YM to ban Syndra.

Hanyi couldn't help but lick her slightly chapped lips. SKT had a pick on the blue side. Without Lucian, it would be difficult for them to find a way to deal with Syndra.

He has no choice.

"Now that both heroes Syndra and Lucian have been knocked down, the ecological environment of the mid laner has returned to what it was before the finals." Wawa said.

"But I think after today's finals, someone will definitely use Lucian as a mid laner in the pub game." Miller laughed.

"I still remind everyone to use it with caution," PDD said sternly, "The heroes selected in the professional arena are not necessarily suitable for the pub game. Lucian is really cool to play the traditional mage in the lane, but it is also very miserable to be ganked by the jungler when he is in the lane. , when the super ghost gets sprayed, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

SKT's last banned spot was given to Dragon King. Faker doesn't use this hero, and Lin Ran's proficiency in this roaming hero is too exaggerated.

The choice is once again given to YM.

Han Yi was still hesitating. For him, three ban positions were not enough, and the red Leopard Girl who was bound to be banned was still outside.

Leopard Girl... He took another look at the historical game records of SKT that Su Cheng had compiled before. He had never used this hero in his entire career.

How about releasing it?

The thoughts that just appeared in Han Yi's mind were wiped away by himself.

He didn't dare to gamble.

"Ban Leopard Girl." Han Yi shook her head, quite helpless.

The red side's BP disadvantage is too great. He is completely following KKoma's footsteps and has no ability to resist.

"SKT will grab the Lee Sin first," PDD was a little worried. "The Spider Leopard Girl is gone, leaving only Olaf as the strong jungler in YM's version. Do we still need to choose this point?"

"Jhin and Excavator!" Miller was slightly surprised. "YM did not take Olaf, but chose Rek'Sai, who has a lower priority in this version."

"Ah... in terms of strength in the jungle and restraint against the blind monk, the Excavator is not as good as Olaf, right?"

Wawa couldn't understand YM's thoughts either. He and Miller didn't understand the poor performance of Olaf, a short-legged non-displacement hero, under SKT's dense vision defense.

kkoma was not surprised. He knew what YM's coaching staff was planning. Olaf's strong vision against SKT was not an advantage. As the controller of vision, they knew it well.

Many spectators in the venue's audience channel calmed their stomachs and rushed back. They witnessed the progress of BP on the display screen outside the venue, and a burst of cheers broke out.

kkoma adjusted his headset. His handsome face was full of confidence. He amplified his voice and suppressed the faint cheers in the team's voice.

"Let's use our support in the end. We'll give Victor to Xianghe first, and then pick Gnar."

SKT quickly selects players and locks them in!

"They did not choose Zyra. Currently, the female gunner and Karma are still outside, and YM is also faced with a choice!"

PDD finally spoke, "Both sides did not ban assists in this game. The relationship between the few strong assists left outside is like this. Zyra can restrain Karma, Karma can restrain the female spear, and the female spear can restrain Zyra."

"It's all linked together, whoever chooses first will be at a disadvantage." PDD adjusted his glasses with his index finger, "If nothing else happens, the last counter position of the red square YM should be reserved for the assistant."

"They took Victor, Lin Ran, what do you want to use?" Han Yi asked.

Lin Ran glanced at the lineups of both sides, "How about Ryze?"

When he first started playing professionally, Lin Ran seldom practiced this hero because the outrageous five-layer super-charged Ryze detonated by the big devil Faker in the S5 global finals did not match his personal style.

At that time, faker could even control a set of skills without thinking, and directly boost the pawn general's card from full health to death.

However, in the 6.14 version updated in July 2016, Ryze received a redesign. Now his R has become [Warp Jump], which will open a portal and target friendly units in a circular range with Ryze as the center. Teleport to a distance.

Ryze has become a card-like single-band hero in the mid-term. Various skill mechanisms have been changed, which is completely different from the brainless spell machine gun of S5. Lin Ran has no reason not to include him in the hero pool.

"Do you really want to use it? This hero's early combat power is too weak, so he has to wait for the Time Rod." Garlic Bastard asked sideways.

"Let's use it. We will be able to exert our strength in the mid-term. Let's not delay it until 40 minutes later." Lin Ran made up his mind.

Ryze cannot be considered a late-game hero in a strict sense.

In the middle and late stages (25-40 minutes), the time when he creates the Time Staff + Seraph's Embrace is his period of strength. In the late stages, Ryze's short legs and hands in team battles are still unavoidable.

Hanyi then helped Jin Gong win Bobby, who was relatively easy to defeat Gnar.

"Ritz!" Wawa was a little surprised, "This is the first time I've seen Ran play this hero. I don't know how good he is!"

In the domestic live broadcast room, with the selection of Lin Ran's hero, the barrage exploded instantly.

"People are just doing their jobs, but are you doing the same thing as Ritz?"

"Going crazy? Playing Ryze in front of Faker? Haven't you been educated?"

"I'm convinced. It's Lucian and Ryze, both of which I've never played before. Are we really going to practice heroes in the finals?"

kkoma was pacing behind the players' table. Lin Ran's previous Ryze usage record was 0 games. This choice was indeed a bit unexpected, but it was much better than the black technology Lucian.

"Bing and Karma, they will definitely take Zyra, stupid chicken, go and catch her when you reach 6, Zyra will die," he ordered.

The stupid chicken nodded vigorously.

As expected, YM chose Zyra as the last move to restrain Karma.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side SKT: top laner Gnar, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Victor, bottom laner Han Bing and Karma.

Red square YM: top laner Poppy, jungler Digger, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Jhin and Zyra.

"Be more stable in the bottom lane. SKT will definitely catch you," Xiaotian shook his legs and said, "Don't press the line. Check the view behind the tower and the grass on the line. I can go and squat."

"Understood, we can just wait for the team battle." JKL nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Jack also knew that he and Xiao Ming were facing the most stable and powerful bot lane combination in the world in S6 throughout the year. The psychological pressure was really great, especially when the opponent's ADC scored five kills in the last game. .

He has to thank the friends from the two forums who have supported him. If he hadn't spent the past six months reading posts every day to resist the pressure, he might have been beaten to the point of being autistic today.

Lin Ran took Flash Sprint, and first adjusted the skin to the SKT Ryze that had just emerged, and then adjusted the runes. The big essence has movement speed, red magic penetration, yellow growth in health, blue three fixed magic resistance and six growth CD reduction, Ryze comes standard.

The talent is 0-18-12, the main system is Storm Knight's Surge, and the secondary system he hesitated for a long time, and finally selected the two small talents of [Insight] and [Explorer].

(Tip: Insight - Summoner skill CD reduced by 15%, Explorer - Movement speed +15 in grass and rivers)

The coaches of both sides shook hands and left the stage, leaving the stage to the ten players.

The audience, who had filled their stomachs and moistened their throats, started making noise again. They waved their cheering sticks to cheer for their favorite team!

In the corners around the venue, huge black and red YM team flags and red SKT flags were dancing in the wind!

Summoner's Rift loading.

Lin Ran bought blue crystals and reusable potions and rushed to the middle.

The nine players from both sides once again faced each other in defensive positions, dancing and showing off their team logos. Only Faker did not participate. He seemed to have a bit of idol baggage.

Lee Sang Hyuk watched Lin Ran twitching and dancing crazily on the opposite side using the skin he won last year, without any fluctuation in his heart.

But the audience didn't think so.

On the stage of the S6 finals, a newcomer who had debuted for less than a year and had never used Ryze in the previous game was dancing provocatively in the middle with his opponent's champion skin!

But Lin Ran just wanted to invite Faker to dance with him, and had no other intentions.

Jumping around in the middle, he saw that Victor on the opposite side was motionless, and immediately lost interest and simply retracted into the defense tower.

After going online, faker clicked Q [Siphon Energy] and tried to exchange blood with Lin Ran.

Lin Ran stepped back and threw out his Q [Overload]. The talisman burst out, but Victor easily twisted around to avoid it.

Then faker got stuck in front of the army line, obviously trying to suppress Lin Ran with the help of Victor's level 1 Q skill shield.

But Lin Ran wasn't upset. Ryze was a younger brother before he reached level 3, so it didn't matter if he missed two swords.

Anyway, he had no intention of playing against faker in this round.

After missing three swords, Lin Ran used a long-range Q skill to successfully eat up the remaining minion and reach level 3. He decisively stepped forward to exchange blood.

E [Spell Surge] + W [Rune Imprisonment], consumes the surge effect, doubles W's imprisonment time to 2 seconds, and at the same time, the two skills overlap to create two layers of rune charge.

The refreshed Q [Overload] successfully hit the imprisoned Victor. Two layers of rune charges exploded, refreshing a layer of shield and providing Lin Ran with a movement speed bonus. He retreated smoothly.

Faker turned around and played a set of QE. Although he hit Thunder and refreshed the shield, the exchange of blood was not profitable.

Because of his line-pressing movement just now, he attracted the hatred of YM's minions in this wave of blood exchanges. During the two seconds of being imprisoned, his blood volume dropped rapidly due to the two rounds of line fire with the artillery soldiers.

This version can refresh the shield and has the imprisonment effect. Ryze is many times stronger than the later version. As the level grows, the blood exchange will only become more and more profitable.

It's just a bit blue.

A set of EWQ costs 130 mana, and Ryze level 3 with blue crystal only costs 650 mana.

But Lin Ran has Xiaotian.

The Garlic Bastard who operated the excavator had very little demand for blue buffs. He even gave the first blue buff directly to Lin Ran.

On the other side, faker also enjoys the same treatment, and his old teammates do not want blue buffs.

The mid laners of both sides strangely left the line at the beginning of 3 minutes, and came back with blue circles under their feet.

“The treatment in the middle of both sides is quite high,” Watanabe couldn’t help but sigh. “The jungler gave his first blue BUFF to his teammates in the hope of helping Victor and Ryze, the two mid-game heroes, feel more comfortable in the line. Some, the equipment was formed early.”

But there is also bad news in giving blue BUFF to the mid laner, that is, the positions of the junglers on both sides are exposed.

The little sky on the red side is in the lower half, while the stupid chicken on the blue side is in the upper half.

In this way, the lane heroes on both sides close to the enemy jungler's half area are extremely restrained in their positioning, for fear that the opponent will find an opportunity; on the other side, the lane protected by their own jungler begins to radically change blood, hoping to take advantage of the opponent's lane advantage. .

Xiaotian and Benji also knew the consequences of giving away blue. The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not arrest anyone. They just worked hard.

After being replaced by Lin Ran, faker moved back to near his own line of troops. He knew that it was impossible for him to consume Ryze, who had a blue BUFF.

Wawa and his two partners chatted for a while about the analysis of the strong period of the lineups of both sides. Once again, they saw that both sides had not yet suffered a loss of kills, and their health status remained very healthy.

The junglers of the two teams had just returned home to replenish their green jungle knives. The two of them were not in a hurry. They each inserted their wards at the entrance of their own jungle areas for defense, and then continued to clear out the four jungle areas that had just been refreshed.

"Both sides were quite restrained in the early stages of this game. The junglers on both sides are looking for development," he said. "It seems that both sides are going to compete for their mid-to-late game operational capabilities in this game?"

The audience also thought that the two sides were going to fight in the jungle forever, and the fans who supported the LPL couldn't help it.

"Still doing it? Why did you forget about the smooth development in the last game but SKT sent it away in a wave, right?"

"Just brush it up, I'm really convinced. You can go to the opposite jungle area to check the location of the blind monk!"

"Don't fight with SKT in the early stage, but play with others in the mid-to-late stage operations. You really have it, YM. You are indeed a top-notch game understanding."

"I don't even understand. The difference in strength in the bottom lane is here. Why don't you go and help? Wait until the team fight and the bang will smash your heads?"

Xiaotian, who is playing a game on the other side of the ocean, is naturally unaware of the dissatisfaction of domestic fans. During this period, he has been working hard just because there is no suitable opportunity.

And he knew that the stupid chicken would keep swiping, and he also understood that the stupid chicken must know that he would do this.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, and they wanted to improve their level and economy first.

The junglers on both sides are like hunters hiding in the grass, waiting for opportunities.

The time was close to 6 minutes, and Summoner's Rift was still calm. The economic difference between the two sides was only 0.2K, a negligible gap in lane CS.

"Xiaotian, come here early, the blind monk must wait until Victor is level 6 before taking action!" Lin Ran urged.

Lin Ran was at level 5 at this time. He knew that Benji and Xiaotian were waiting for the middle lane to reach 6 first, hoping to come and gank a set of damage to kill the opponent's mid laner, and then go to the bottom lane to encircle 4 packs of 2.

But there is no difference between Ryze's level 5 and level 6 damage. He must seize this opportunity to take action!

At this time, Xiaotian controlled the river crabs in the lower half of the area, and then went straight to the middle.

Lin Ran sprinted forward the moment the excavator entered the grass below the middle road. When Faker saw Xiaotian approaching, he immediately wanted to retreat, but was still a step slower.

Ryze's W [Rune Imprisonment] with a casting distance of 600 yards trapped Victor, and he easily launched a basic attack.

At this time, Faker fell into a state of confinement for a second, while the garlic bastard buried his head in the hole and came straight to Victor's feet!

faker called stupid chicken while trying to escape.

He looked at the distance between the excavator and himself, knowing that he would be knocked away by the flash before Ryze's imprisonment ended, and he would continue to control it.

He quickly handed over Purification to release the imprisonment, then flashed and retreated to the rear, with W [Gravity Field] placed at his feet to prevent his opponent from showing up.

"Chasing, chasing, chasing!" Lin Ran said as he ran forward.

No need for him to say anything, Xiaotian decisively flashed to follow him, and the void escape beast emerged from the surface and pushed Victor up!

The control time is exactly one second, and the control reduction effect provided by the subsequent purification does not apply to knocking it back!

Lin Ran took advantage of the flying process and used Q [Overload] + E [Spell Surge] to take action, and then Q [Overload] was refreshed again, following the overload effect of the previous talisman bursting.

He also inserted a basic attack at the end of the second Q with great detail!

The overload that triggered the surge effect caused an additional 40% damage. Coupled with the three blood marks caught by Xiaotian's Q at this time, faker's health was in danger!

Xiaotian finally bit out the damage from the E skill before being stunned, but the excavator E without the red rage state does not have a real damage bonus, and Faker's health is still nearly two bars left!

Lin Ran kept chasing forward with the help of the acceleration effect triggered by sprinting and wind riding. He did not continue his basic attacks, but kept following Faker and waiting for his skills to cool down. For this reason, he had already entered the range of the defense tower.

The 2.25 second cooldown of E was quickly refreshed, and Lin Ran took action with EQ again.

Faker didn't care about turning his head to avoid the skill at this time, turned around and fired a Q [Siphon Energy] to get a shield to try to resist the damage!

Ryze's two skills hit, and after shattering the shield, faker found that he still had more than 10 drops of blood left!

At this time, he had already run out of the opponent's normal attack range by taking advantage of Ryze's stuck action when casting his skills.

The stupid chicken has arrived at F4 and will come to his rescue immediately. If Ryze dares to continue chasing, he will be greeted by death!

faker thought a lot at this moment, but after Ryze's Q [Overload] hit, another burst of light blue energy followed like a tarsal maggot!

Amid the cheers of the audience, Faker fell to the ground!

"Ryze's basic attack!" Miller shouted excitedly, "Faker's last bit of health was wiped out!"

Lin Ran retreated with Xiaotian without looking back. The stupid chicken touched the F4 wall and wanted to keep someone, but Tianyin wave was firmly blocked by Xiaotian who was in full condition.

YM midfielder took Faker's first blood and successfully retreated!

The director showed a slow-motion replay at this time, and the doll belatedly shouted, "Oh my God, the details of this Ryze are really good!"

"In this wave of cooperation with the capture, he connected a total of 3 basic attacks in his skills, and each basic attack was very smooth, not delaying his normal combo at all!" He flushed with excitement, "In the early stage, Ryze's I don’t need to say more about how crucial it is to connect combos with basic attacks.”

"One basic attack shot has 40 health points, and three basic attack shots have 120 health points. In the early stage, it can withstand the damage of two small skills. This wave, if Ryze has average details, maybe the faker will run away!"

"When I look at this Ryze, I feel a bit like last year's S5faker Demon King Ryze," Miller joked. "It's all about crazy basic attacks interspersed between skills, and the combos are very smooth."

Something is wrong, the situation is not right!

You all know how Ryze's combo moves are interspersed with basic attacks. I don't need to explain. EAWQ, EWAQ, WAEQA, WEAQ, EAWQA, EWAQA, as long as you have the skills.

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