LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 175 173: Goodbye ROX, hello SKT

"Congratulations to YM! After five fierce games, we finally defeated the No. 1 seed ROX Tigers from the LCK region!" Miller's voice was hoarse. "The LPL has once again reached the final stage of the global finals after a year of ups and downs!"

Lin Ran took off his soundproof headphones, and the sound in the stadium was instantly amplified several times and reached his ears. Under the background music that symbolized victory, shouts and roars were mixed together, and Lin Ran could even vaguely hear the sounds of whimpering and sobs.

Xiaotian rushed over excitedly, and Jin Gong, Jack, Xiao Ming... the five YM teammates hugged each other tightly.

The garlic bastard opened and closed his mouth, and the extremely restless sound made Lin Ran unable to hear what he was saying.

"Xiaotian quickly regained his form after experiencing a slump in the fourth game," Miller said, trying to calm down his excitement. "His spider performance in the deciding game was amazing, with bold flashes of cocoon and Q punishment in the early stage. Q helped establish an advantage on the road, and finally snatched the Baron from Peanut, completely vindicating himself."

"They cooperated very well in the fifth game. Although they made mistakes in the mid-term and the Rat King seized the opportunity to counterattack, the final decision of Baron to steal the home was so exquisite!" Wawa also praised the team in his own division.

After everyone in YM celebrated briefly, they went to shake hands with the ROX players on the opposite side.

The camera switched and the audience noticed the expressions of everyone on the Tiger team. Smeb's eyes were blank, Peanut covered his face with his hands, and the Rat King looked at the blood-red word "FAIL" on the screen, not yet accepting the facts.

The Korean commentator said in a difficult tone, "The No. 1 seed ROX Tigers, who we had high hopes for, fell in the semifinals, but their performance this year is legendary enough."

"Five players are either facing retirement or being rejected by other teams. Without major sponsors or a training base, they still won the runner-up in the spring split and the championship in the summer split."

"But e-sports is a winner and a loser. YM is undoubtedly the team that performed more brilliantly tonight. Congratulations to them for advancing to the finals. Next they will face SKT, which is currently undefeated."

Lin Ran shook hands with Gloria, Rat King, and Kuro one after another. Little Peanut was still lying on the table. He stood up at the reminder of his teammates, and gave Lin Ran a gentle hug with red eyes.

Everyone from YM filed out and came to the center of the stage and waved to everyone.

Little Peanut looked at the YM people who were receiving cheers and applause from the audience, and then raised his head to look at the bright lights reflected on the dome of the venue, feeling melancholy and unexplained in his heart.

"It's time for us to exit."

Smeb picked up the team jacket and patted his jungler on the shoulder.

The five members of the Tigers left from another passage. Compared to the main stage, this place was extremely dark. There was no applause or cheers, only the sporadic light from the distant spotlights shining at their feet.

Everyone in ROX didn't say anything. They knew in their hearts that the five of them were about to part ways.

Smeb looked back again, the dazzling light on the stage was like bright fireworks rising into the sky.

He once imagined that he would defeat SKT head-on in the finals and personally destroy the red dynasty, but everything disappeared with the defeat in the decisive game.

He didn't know if the lights in his dream were more gorgeous and charming than they were today.

"I know that maybe some people don't like this team, but there will never be another team with the style of ROXTigers in the future."

Lin Ran and Xiaotian were invited to receive official interviews.

The tall blonde female host seemed to be two times bigger than Xiaotian. The Garlic Bastard looked up and felt that she was a bit intimidating. He quickly pulled Lin Ran's body and the two changed positions.

"Congratulations on defeating ROX and entering the finals. Tonight's game was very exciting. Both sides won alternately, and the final winner was not decided until the fifth game. How did you adjust your mentality?"

Lin Ran listened to Vincent's translation and answered while holding the microphone.

"The opponents are all veterans, and they have more experience in terms of experience. However, there is a saying in our country that you are not afraid of wearing shoes if you are barefoot. We are still young and can afford to lose. Several veterans of ROX face greater pressure to win or lose. , after all, they don’t have much left in their careers.”

"The second question I want to ask jungler Tian," the female host looked sideways at Garlic Bastard, "Your performance in the decisive game today was quite outstanding. What do you think made you perform better than Little Peanut in the decisive game?" Some?"

Xiaotian pondered for two seconds, then raised his head and glanced at Lin Ran.

“The mid laner of our team helped me find my confidence before the decisive game,” he admitted frankly. “When I was in China, I often saw people saying that my playing style was like a certain jungler, but I have to say, my The style is completely different from theirs.”

"I am me, I am... Tian, ​​YM's Tian." Garlic Bastard said in a calm tone.

There were many international students and domestic spectators who traveled across the ocean to watch the game in the venue. They cheered excitedly after hearing Xiaotian's words.

Domestic live streaming platforms also exploded instantly.

"Put the hardest cup in the calmest tone?"

"Every day, every day!"

"What can you do to me?"

Vincent translated the original words. Naturally, the foreign blonde female host did not understand the double entendre of the garlic bastard.

"Last question, you will face this year's MSI champions, S3 and S5 global finals champions SKT in the finals. They have won 12 consecutive small games so far. Do you feel a lot of pressure?"

"Similar to what I said before, I think SKT is facing greater psychological pressure," Lin Ran laughed. "Even if we lose, we have tied the LPL's best record in S-game history."

"But SKT can't afford to lose. If we defeat three LCK teams in a row and lose the S championship, I think they will lie in bed crying in bed late at night."

After the translation, the European and American audiences at the scene began to boo. The final was a confrontation between the LPL and LCK and had nothing to do with them. The crowd now wanted to see the LCK dynasty that had ruled for three years collapse.

The next morning, YM boarded the plane and flew from New York on the east coast to Los Angeles on the west coast of the United States. The flight distance was nearly 4,000 kilometers and the flight time was 6 hours.

"Before coming to the United States, I couldn't imagine that one day we would be able to stand on the highest stage of the S6 finals." Brother Hao sat next to Lin Ran, feeling as light as a dream.

Lin Ran was concentrating on reviewing SKT's game with his tablet and casually responded, "It's okay. You'll be used to it by this time next year."

Brother Hao straightened his back and looked around at the YM players. Jack was half-lying and taking a nap, with the blanket that originally covered him sliding to his waist.

He moved his body and carefully helped Jack tuck the blanket. Brother Hao didn't dare to be careless now as the finals were approaching. JKL's cold before the group stage frightened him.

"Next year..." Brother Hao came closer to Lin Ran, "Let me put it bluntly, how many people do you think will be left in the team next year?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Ran pressed the pause button, and the screen stopped at the moment when Faker single-handedly killed Yue Lun with Victor.

"I have heard news from Riot staff in the past two days that S7 will be held in our country next year." Brother Hao whispered.

"...Are you saying there will be salary issues in the team next year?" Lin Ran also lowered his voice.

"That's right, it'll be fine if we don't achieve results this year like in the S5 finals," Brother Hao took a sip of ice water. "This year, we have made it to the semi-finals and the semi-finals. Once the results are good, domestic clubs will Start thinking about how to win the championship next year.”

"Once we win the S-Games held in China next year, there will definitely be an unprecedented wave of traffic. There is no team that is not interested. What do you need to win the championship?"

"We are not star players like you yet. Just wait and see during this winter transfer period. Each club will definitely give priority to young players like you who have achieved results. By then, the salary will definitely rise."

Lin Ran responded, and he looked out the window. The puffy clouds as white as cotton candy were very close at hand.

"The financial backers behind us may not be able to retain all the team members by then." Brother Hao saw Lin Ran deep in thought and thought he had disturbed his thoughts. He couldn't help but regret a little, "Don't think about this now, finish the fight first." finals."

"What?" Lin Ran was a little confused when he heard Brother Hao's words, "I'm wondering if I can buy a house in Shanghai with next year's salary."

"How many million will your salary be next year?" Lin Ran started to count, "The down payment should be enough, but what about social security? Brother Hao, I asked you last time..."

Brother Hao looked helpless.

After checking into the hotel, YM, who were tired from traveling and traveling, did not play the hot ranked players as usual, but held a meeting to discuss strategies to deal with SKT.

"The first point is also SKT's weakest player this year, top laner Duke." Su Cheng in the camera opened his notebook.

"Why is it said that this year's SKT is slightly weaker than last year? The problem lies in the top laner. In terms of personal strength and team integration, he is worse than S5's Marin."

"In the 12 games so far, Duke's team participation rate is the lowest among the top laners of the 16 teams, only 52.1%."

"In the hero pool, he has used the three single-band heroes Gnar, Troll, and Jace for a total of 9 games, and he has used team-fighting heroes such as Rumble and Kennen for two games."

"The combination of the two data shows that Duke's role in the team is to lead the team," the lead analyst said, taking a sip of hot water. "In the finals, Jin Gong, you mainly played sideline with him. Don't easily teleport to fight. "

"In the semifinals, looper pressed Duke a little in the laning, and in ten minutes he sent a wave of teleports to the bottom lane, giving away all his laning advantage."

Xiaotian scratched his hair. After a month in the United States, Garlic Bastard didn't even cut his hair. His long, floppy hair had already covered his eyes.

"Then should I help Jin Gongjun train him?"

Su Cheng shook his head, "That's not necessary. SKT will not help Duke. He has always been left alone. The analysis of 12 game data shows that he only received a total of 8 teammates' support in the first 20 minutes."

"The average number of times per game is 0.66, which is the lowest among the top laners of all teams." Su Cheng saw Jin Gong and Xiaotian looking at him. "In the first 20 minutes, Jin Gong received an average of 1.08 times of support from teammates per game. Compared with Duke is still high."

"Isn't this too exaggerated?" Jin Gong spoke Mandarin with a flavor of mutton skewers, "I felt much better instantly. Is there a top orderer who is worse off than me?"

Late at night, after taking a shower to get rid of his fatigue, Lin Ran leaned on the bedside of the hotel room, pulling out a pile of information and yawning. Xiaotian beside him was reading Tieba.

The four-hour meeting had just ended. In the rare leisure time before going to bed, Lin Ran was still reading through several key points discussed this afternoon.

In addition to the top laner Duke who likes to solo, the jungler Blank, nicknamed Xiaohei, and the double-champion veteran Benji are both keen to choose Olaf, an invasion map control jungler.

The bottom lane banger is good at using all the popular AD heroes in this world championship. Jhin, Hanbing, and Policewoman are all capable of being carried by just using them. They can also use EZ, which is an absolute sea of ​​heroes.

As mentioned before, the strength of EZ in the current version can be called sewer, but as the top EZ user, bang still chooses it many times and won all the wins of EZ in the S6 finals.

Korean Wolf Warrior is a top support player that combines laning suppression and map control abilities.

As for mid laner Faker, like Lin Ran, he couldn’t get Syndra. Among the other mid laner choices, he preferred Clockwork and Victor.

"Why don't you play Dragon King..." Lin Ran glanced at Li Sang Hyuk's hero pool in the S6 finals and muttered to himself.

He rummaged through the information and found all the heroes Faker had used since his debut.

There is no Dragon King.

I have never played this hero in faker competitions.

Lin Ran clicked his tongue and lay face up on the bed, looking at the snow-white ceiling.

He looked at the remaining points in his system. BO5 has now played a total of 8 rounds, and the weighted points are 50. He has accumulated a total of 1,500 points.

He increased his version development ability to 92, and then increased his line suppression ability to 91.

The improvement in abilities above 90 points was immediate, and Lin Ran felt a sudden flash of inspiration in his mind.

It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.

Lin Ran planned to test it after getting up tomorrow.

In a good mood, he grabbed the tablet nearby, opened the third game of SKT against RNG, and compared it with the information provided by the main analyst.

Until the 24th minute of this game, RNG led 5K economy, with a head ratio of 4:0.

But in the next 9 minutes, SKT smoothed out the economic disadvantage through perfect operational strategies, and then a wave of team battles happily sent RNG away.

When Lin Ran heard the news this afternoon, he felt a little incredible. In his opinion, it was quite outstanding for the disadvantaged team to maintain the same economic gap through operations. How could SKT even out the economic disadvantage through operations?

In the video, Bang and Wolf were the first to appear in the middle to put pressure on RNG at the 24th minute, while Faker and Duke were on the upper and lower lanes respectively. After they chose to push the line of troops out, they returned to the city to change lines, going back and forth. .

This operation left the two of them exposed to RNG's vision for very little time. Every wave of return to the city made RNG terrified. They didn't know whether SKT's top and middle players would suddenly appear in the middle to gather together and advance together.

As a result, RNG's two wings did not dare to advance unscrupulously, and the advancement plan was forced to stall.

Two minutes later, RNG finally came to their senses and realized that they could not give SKT a chance to delay. They forced a group to gather in the middle and wanted to demolish the first tower of SKT.

However, starting from the time when the five RNG players appeared in the middle, it only took 8 seconds for SKT to summon all their personnel to defend the middle tower, and the speed of switching lanes for support was exaggerated.

RNG failed to force the push and lost the looper's life, and then SKT pushed back the first tower in the middle.

At the 29th minute, a battle broke out between the two sides. The five RNG players were eager to snowball and lure SKT out to fight with them. However, the experienced defending champions were not fooled at all and used Kalma to pull attrition, and finally the fight ended in a 1-for-1 fight.

Duke, who was leading the lane in the bottom lane, had no teleportation support at all. Instead, he single-handedly knocked down RNG's next tower.

In the 33rd minute, faker pretended to return to the city in the grass on the top road, tricking RNG defenders into leaving, and then pushed down a tower on the top road.

In 9 minutes, skt defeated RNG with a 2:1 headcount ratio through line switching operations, and the number of defensive towers was 3:0. RNG's 5K economic advantage was gone.

Lin Ran watched the video twice and felt his scalp numb.

SKT is like a ghost. This operation method is ridiculous. The disadvantage in the early stage can be equalized. How can it be compensated if the early stage is even?

The defending champion has a deep understanding of the version. The analyst team repeatedly studied SKT's play style in the next two days and found that their play style is almost the same as YM.

Generally speaking, the jungler invades with arrows, protects and supports the middle lane, and after gaining the advantage, continuously raids the bottom lane, controls the first-blood tower and dragon, then switches lanes to snowball, and finally wins the baron to end the game.

This is the S6 version answer, Wealth Password.

SKT and YM went out to shoot a promotional video on October 27. This was also the first time the two teams met after the draw in the quarter-finals. The players from both sides behaved quite amicably.

During the recording process, Faker seemed to have noticed that the bot lane Wolf and Stick duo were overweight, so he refused to buy drinks and always liked to grab their cokes.

This wolf was so angry that he, known as SKT's only Li brother Li Zaiwan, cosplayed with a wine barrel, swaying his body and hit Faker with a flesh bomb.

As the second largest city in the United States, Los Angeles has a prosperous city and many tourist attractions. However, as the finals were approaching, they had no intention of enjoying it. They had to go back to continue training after filming in a hurry.

It is worth mentioning that the training matches before the finals, from the group stage to the semi-finals, each team's training matches only need to avoid opponents in the same group/half zone.

But now the eliminated RNG and ROX have taken a plane to leave the United States, leaving only the two teams participating in the finals, SKT and YM, staying here.

There is no way for the two final teams to schedule a training match - this would expose their tactical intentions in advance.

They want to make appointments with their respective domestic teams, but they are far away from each other and the exaggerated physical delay is enough to ruin their plans.

Forced to have no choice, the two teams usually focus on qualifying practice, and occasionally play training matches with several league teams in the North American region that have not yet had their holidays, just to maintain their feel.

During this period, Lin Ran secretly practiced black techniques with his teammates, and the results were remarkable.

For a week, viewers in all divisions had no games to watch. They discussed the upcoming finals on various forums.

Korean netizens are quite optimistic about this. In their view, SKT is like an invincible god and there is no way they can lose the finals.

After all, in the two years of S3S4, LPL's matches against LCK ended in disastrous defeats. They have a natural sense of psychological superiority.

Domestic audiences are also generally pessimistic. SKT's current 12-game winning streak has replicated last year's brilliant dominant performance. The rational guys in the back-to-back bar think that YM can at most win one victory like last year's runner-up KOO.

"As long as the final is not 0:3, I can accept it. YM defeated two LCK teams in a row and has done its best."

"I think YM is going to be inferior. In the last game against ROX, they didn't come up with any special skills until the fifth game. I guess they don't have any routine reserves. SKT has been winning all the way. I don't know how many ultimate tricks they have hidden."

"I'm just a stranger, let's talk about it. Indeed, YM didn't have much to complain about this year, right? No one was optimistic about them before the S game. It's good to be able to reach the finals."

"Just win one game. Don't let SKT win and win the championship. It's disgusting to them. It's a pity that I'm not in the United States. Otherwise, wouldn't it be safe to put laxatives in SKT's takeaway kimchi?"

"There is no suspense in betting on whether the team will win or lose. Let's guess who will solo kill who in the middle. Ran has 13 solo kills in 14 games, and faker has 10 solo kills in 12 games."

Talking about the mid lane matchup, the pressure-resistant pure passerby friends started to bubble up. There were more friends who guessed that Faker would win the matchup, but there were also many people who chose to believe in Lin Ran.

From his LSPL debut to the S6 finals, Lin Ran's performance is obvious to all, and he has won over a lot of fans with his strength.

Public opinion continues to ferment, and the final day has arrived.

Yesterday I had a bad liver, but today my condition is weak. Mainly because I have too much information to check, woo woo woo.

Less than 5,400 words.

I will update a chapter at noon tomorrow. It does not count as a normal update tomorrow, but should be treated as a supplementary update.

Tips: The data in this chapter comes from the SKT team’s data that I intercepted from the actual S6 group stage and quarterfinals.

The analysis of SKT's operational performance starting at 24 minutes comes from the first round of RNG's match against SKT in the S6 quarterfinals.

If you are interested, you can take a look. This is why everyone felt that when the LPL team faced the LCK, even if they got an advantage in the early stage, it would be unstable, but once they were at a disadvantage in the line, they would not be able to play.

The gap in the capabilities of operations, line switching, and pulling is too big.

Oh, and faker really doesn’t play Dragon King. In more than 500 games in his career, Dragon King has never been selected.

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