LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 172 170: The Last Whetstone

YM team lounge.

"It's so difficult. The opponent is like a monster. How can you still find an opportunity with such a huge disadvantage?" Xiao Ming was lying on the e-sports chair. After leaving the stage, his nerves temporarily relaxed and he felt that his brain was dizzy.

In the 20-minute wave, he and Xiaotian were caught by the sudden change of the Tigers. If it weren't for the strength of his teammates, once the baron was lost, the situation would be reversed instantly.

If that wave allows smeb to take off completely, the space for Dragon King and Jhin to play in team battles will be very small. After all, the two of them are the king of scraping against a tank like Poppy, and they can't impress anyone at all.

"It is indeed very strong. Our next game should be on the red side. Xiao Ming, please pay attention when you set up the dragon pit vision around 20 minutes ago. Don't get caught again. We can't win every time by relying on the dragon pit team battle." Han Yi instructed.

On the other side, the Tigers' dugout was dead silent.

Smeb scratched his head with a frustrated look on his face, and the little peanut beside him stopped shaking his head and just sat there quietly sipping water from the glass.

They stood on the edge of a familiar cliff. This scene had happened in the LCK Summer Finals two months ago, but their mood was extremely relaxed at the time.

Because even if they lose the finals, they can still become the No. 2 seed and enter the S competition by virtue of their double runner-up finish in the spring and summer splits, so there is very little psychological pressure.

In the end, they relied on smeb's magical captain's ultimate move to grab the baron with 2 drops of blood to help them complete the comeback.

But it's different now. Being behind 1:2 means that they have to win two games in a row to advance to the finals.

There is a more cruel fact before them. S6 will be the last international competition for the five of them - ROX, without major sponsors to inject funds next season, simply cannot afford the rising salaries of the five members and disband. It has become inevitable.

The reality is very cruel.

If you lose another game, you can only buy it and return to your country. After the Kespa Cup, you can disband and go your separate ways.

"There is no way out now," Rat King Pray said sternly, "After three rounds, all our trump cards have been revealed. Now it's up to the performance of the five of us."

There was not much rest time, and the tactics that could be arranged were also very limited. Coach Nofe acquiesced to the Mouse King's behavior of motivating his teammates.

"A fight to the death, or give up?" He gradually raised his voice, "What is the answer in your mind?"

Normally, the Rat King is not good at encouraging and comforting his teammates, but at this moment he had to stand up.

But the four teammates didn't buy it, and the Mouse King's motivational words were not reliable.

"It's very simple and easy to give up. Isn't that what we did in the Spring Split? What's the difference between losing to SKT then and losing to YM now?"

When SKT was mentioned, everyone in the Tigers team finally reacted, with Kuro, Peanut and Grella whispering softly.

This team lingers like a red nightmare. It is simply a nightmare for the Tigers. From the KooTigers in the S5 finals to the current ROXTigers, they have never defeated SKT.

For the Tigers, it's a shame.

"If we win against YM, we can avenge our humiliation on the final stage and let players all over the world chant the name of ROX Tigers and let them remember who defeated the invincible SKT!"

Smeb no longer had a sunny and warm smile on his face, but was holding the paper cup viciously, his eyes full of desire for revenge.

SKT has been his lifelong enemy.

"Who are we?" Smeb looked at his teammates.

"...ROXTigers." Little Peanut was stunned for a second and responded.

"Louder, who are we?" Smeb stood up and asked again.

"ROXTigers!" The Rat King was the first to respond. He stretched out his arm and put it on smeb's shoulder.

Kuro, Grella and Peanut then joined in. Their arms were tightly placed on the shoulders of their teammates, conveying faith and strength to each other. At this time, they were full of fighting spirit.

"As expected, ROX chose the blue side in the fourth game and sent Syndra to the ban position first, while YM banned Leopard Girl as usual." Miller took advantage of the break to replenish water, and his dry throat felt much better. .

"It seems that the expressions of the Tigers players are very solemn," Wat said jokingly, "I guess they are a little panicked after being forced to the match point game."

"ROX banned Karma again, and YM banned Viktor for ten thousand years," I remember saying, "for the last ban position, ROX chose to ban Olaf, which is exactly the same as their three ban choices in the second game! "

The problems facing YM now are even more serious than in the second game.

Ban Spider, Kennen or the female gunner, choose one of the three.

Han Yi believed that the female spearman was more troublesome. He felt that the defeat in the second game had little to do with Kenan, and the release of Spider Peanut in the third game did not show much dominance.

"YM finally banned the female gunner, and the Tigers locked Kennen instantly!" Miller was a little surprised, "This way, Spider, Jhin and other powerful heroes are left out!"

"Take Spider and Jhin, let's not choose the support first. In this version, the supports are all short-legged and fragile," Han Yi paced behind the players' table, "If we take them first, it will be bad if they are restrained by black technology."

ROX picked Zyra and Blind Sin again.

"We should look at the entire opponent's lineup before choosing a support," Han Yi asked, "Jin Gong, do you want to use Jace?"

Jin Gong looked hesitant. He remembered the miserable appearance of being constantly targeted by Little Peanut in the previous games. Even though he had a strong ability to withstand pressure, he still felt sick when he recalled it.

The hero Jace's ability to face tower jumping is quite average.

"Poppy, let me resist the pressure in the lane this game. In team battles, I can prevent the blind monk's roundhouse kick." Poppy was very uncomfortable playing Kenan on the line, but Jin Gong didn't care about sacrificing another set for his teammates.

When it was Lin Ran's turn to take the hero, he hesitated for a while.

There are not many mid laners out there that can be chosen first. Victor Syndra is banned, and the vampire development cycle is too long. If you take the Snake Girl first, you will be pushed by the Dragon King. If you take the Dragon King first, you will be restrained by Jace.

After thinking about it, only two heroes, Jace and Clockwork, were left. Lin Ran decided to play it safe and took out Clockwork to give the team the truth.

"Dragon King and Ice! The last two choices of the Tigers are confirmed, let's see YM's final choice!"

"Can the fire man do it?" Xiao Ming asked, turning his head.

Han Yi looked at the opponent's lineup and thought for a while. She didn't think there was anything wrong with the hot man, so she asked Xiao Ming to lock him down directly.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side ROX: top laner Kennen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Dragon King, bottom lane Han Bing and Zyra.

Red Square YM: top laner Poppy, jungle spider, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Jhin and Fire Man.

"The lineup of ROX will be out of play after 25 minutes." Garlic Bastard was a little happy, his eyes narrowed to a slit, feeling that he was sure of victory, "Their late-stage output and frankness are not as good as ours."

"I think so," JKL moved his chair and laughed, "Let's delay it until the later stage. If I use Jhin to kill the crispy skin, why don't I just shoot him three times?"

On the other side of the ROX player bench, the five people were communicating constantly. Everyone's eyes were determined and full of confidence, sweeping away the previous decline in the lounge.

They are eager to defeat SKT in the finals, and before that, YM is their last whetstone.

But for YM, isn't ROX playing the role of a whetstone?

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