LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 168 166: ROX’s secret weapon revealed!

"I'm sorry," JKL lay down on the chair in the lounge and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's a bit scary."

"If Brother Ran hadn't delayed a few big waves, we might not have won this set." Xiao Ming sat down and drank water quickly.

"To be honest, it's still a bit difficult to defeat us after we had such a huge advantage in a three-minute ambush." ​​Lin Ran sat on the chair, took a sip of the Red Bull handed over by Brother Hao.

Even though this game only lasted 24 minutes, the Tigers kept clinging to it before losing Baron. Peanut's gank was extremely ferocious. If they hadn't gained the advantage in the two lanes and successfully controlled the view of Baron's pit, the wave in 20 minutes would have been unstoppable. It's not easy for them to handle the game.

Why can the bottom lane duo get the advantage? Because Su Cheng saw through the Tigers' vision arrangement pattern when they got the policewoman, Xiaotian double-killed the bottom lane and used three summoner skills in 3 minutes.

But the routine cannot be used every time, after all, the opponent is not a fool.

Tigers dugout.

"Don't use the policewoman in the next game," coach Nofe said in a deep voice, "Our field of vision is used to being detected by the opponent."

"The individual strength of the opponent is not weak." The Rat King pinched his neck and looked a little unhappy. He and Grella were used as a breakthrough point in the last game and were completely turned into cash machines.

“The bottom lane is no worse than us in terms of laning, the top lane is very capable of withstanding pressure, and the jungler’s sense of smell is also very sensitive.”

"...not to mention the mid laner. His ability to beat Crown is definitely not an accident."

"Everyone, cheer up, this is the first game of BO5, the game is still long!" Smeb clapped his hands, and the crisp sound echoed in the quiet Tigers lounge.

"It's time for us to show off our secret weapon in the next game." Smeb said confidently.

"Do you want to take it now?" Coach Nofe hesitated, "Wasn't it originally intended to be used against SKT?"

"We don't know how many trump cards YM has hidden," Xiaohuahua agreed with smeb's point of view. "No one knows what kind of research they have done on us during this period."

"The last game was an inexplicable time to set up the bottom lane block. What about this game? If we fall behind 0:2, we won't even be able to see SKT by then."

"Then it's settled," the Rat King stood in the center, stretched out his right hand, and overlapped the palms of his teammates, "ROX Tiger, come on!"

five members of the Tigers shouted.

"Welcome everyone back to the live broadcast of the S6 semi-finals. What did you say about the last game?" Watou rubbed his chin and smiled evilly. "It's very refreshing to watch. The Tigers, the number one seed in the LCK, can only last 24 minutes. That’s all.”

"It's really fun to be in the LPL division commentary perspective," Miller adjusted his headset, "Don't say anything about commentary bias. When the LPL plays foreign games, we commentators will definitely favor the teams in our own division. "

The players on both sides in the center of the stage adjusted their sitting postures and entered the next round of BP with the cheers of the audience.

"The Tigers chose the blue side. They chose to ban Syndra first, while YM banned Leopard Girl as usual."

Then the Tigers blocked Kalmar, which surprised YM.

"What do you mean?" Han Yi frowned. Since the quarterfinals, Xiao Ming has not used Karma in any game, and Lin Ran has never used this hero in the middle.

The Tigers' ban left him scratching his head.

"Let's ban Victor first." Although Han Yi was a little confused, he still decided to stay the same in the face of changes. He continued the BP strategy from the previous game and banned the best mid laner hero in this version.

ROX knocked down Olaf with his last move.

"Ban Spider or Kennen?" Jin Gong turned around and asked.

The Tigers sent Olaf to the ban position in the end, which was a naked statement that they wanted to take the spider. This is Peanut's most proud hero, but they lost in the jungle to Olaf the mad dog.

Hanyi hesitated for two seconds, "Jin Gong, can you deal with Kainan?"

"...No problem." Jin Gong nodded vigorously.

The Tigers' first choice, Kenan the Furious Heart!

"Smeb, Tianlei Kenan, who shines in this year's World Championship," Miller thought for a while, "Let's see what YM chooses..."

Zyra and Blind Sin, these are YM’s first- and second-hand choices.

"It's very important to take the jungler first without taking AD here," Wawa said. "There are not many strong heroes left in the jungle position now, and the female police officers Han Bing and Jhin in the AD position are outside, so they are not afraid of being robbed."

Ice, Digger, the Tigers locked up without any hesitation.

"Jhin, Jess, and YM are also very decisive. Since ROX doesn't want to grab Jhin, then they will choose Jhin. This hero is still quite powerful in the early team battles." Wawa looked at YM's choice and nodded repeatedly.

"This hand Jace can also swing in the middle to prevent Kuro from choosing the Dragon King again. YM's decision is quite wise!" Miller expressed his opinion.

The Tigers all had evil smiles on their faces, and their attention was not focused on Jace at all.

Search and select in seconds!

The originally sparse discussion in the audience suddenly stopped, followed by shouts of excitement that instantly swelled!

"Ah this..." Miller was stunned.

"What? Wrong selection?" Xiao Ming looked at the hero selection box opposite and couldn't help but muttered, "Can the referee confirm it?"

Standing behind him were domestic referees. After receiving the player's request, they immediately communicated with colleagues in the competition team.

"No problem, ROXTiger confirmed that their fifth choice is Miss Fortune."

"The Tigers won the last two choices of Snake and Gunslinger..." Wawa was very confused about these choices. "Is it really the Gunslinger? This is her first appearance in the S6 finals!"

"Let's go on the field in the auxiliary position," Miller frowned, "This should be the Tigers' hidden trick before."

"Let's see if YM can find a way to deal with it in a short period of time. To be honest, this sudden selection of a black technology hero is a great test of the players' psychological quality and adaptability." I remember pursed my lips and said.

"Xiao Ming, get me a vampire!" Seeing that Han Yi had no objection, Lin Ran quickly communicated with his assistant.

At this time, the YM player bench was already in chaos. They were obviously not mentally prepared for the Tigers' trump card.

"Calm down!" Lin Ran turned his head and loudly communicated with his teammates, "Don't panic, we are leading 1:0, what are we afraid of?"

"Play it safe, I specifically chose the vampire to take the lead!"

His words stabilized the morale of the army. Everyone in YM exchanged heroes, allocated runes, and waited for the game to load.

Hanyi said a few words of relief to the team members and then hurried off the stage to shake hands with the coach Nofe opposite.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side ROX: top laner Kennen, jungler Digger, mid laner Snake, bottom lane Ice and Lady Spear.

Red square YM: top laner Jace, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Vampire, bottom lane Jhin and Zyra.

Lin Ran took a deep breath, took a sip of his energy drink and then tightened his grip on the mouse.

He didn't expect that the Tigers would choose a hero like the female spearman to play support. As Su Cheng said before, the LCK team played together in training matches for more than half a month, and they must have studied the version very deeply.

He hesitated for a moment, and when buying outing equipment, he chose a killing ring and a reusable potion.

Lin Ran had to take advantage of the middle lane in this game and help Xiaotian control the jungle as soon as possible.

But he didn't expect that the disadvantage in the bottom lane was greater than he thought, and it appeared earlier.

Before the army line came out, Xiao Ming rashly moved forward and was caught by the Tigers squatting in the grass on the lower road. Fortunately, he flashed quickly, otherwise he would have given the designated first blood.

By the two-minute line, Xiao Ming had already eaten all the supplies on his body, and his blood volume had dropped to half. However, the female gunner on the opposite side maintained a very good auxiliary state and kept stepping forward to suppress him.

Xiaotian Level 3 collided head-on with Xiaohuahua in the river, and the two sides fought for a while.

Garlic Bastard's second stage Q [Echo Strike] was cleverly interrupted by Little Peanut. The blind monk who lacked a stage of beheading damage was naturally no match for the excavator. Xiaotian had to give up this canyon swift crab and ran to another wild area. Seek development.

At 6 minutes and 10 seconds, YM's bottom lane was the first to be exhausted and returned to the city, while ROX's bottom lane easily pushed a wave of troops into the tower, and the last hit difference reached 10.

At the same time, Little Peanut took advantage of YM's bottom lane to return to the city and ate the first fire dragon.

Lin Ran opened R [Blood Plague] and used a set of small skills to beat the half-health Kuro home. Then, under the protection of Xiaotian, he pushed away a wave of troops and stole a group of F4 from the Tigers.

The bottom lane was completed and the state came online again. Grilla stepped forward and fired E [Rain of Bullets]. Countless bullets fell from the sky and hit Zyra, instantly triggering the Thunder Lord's decree.

(Tip: This version of Thunder does not have the requirement of "three independent skills or basic attacks to trigger". The female gun E and Morgana W can directly trigger Thunder)

The Rat King W [Thousands of Arrows] shot out and slowed down again to consume Xiao Ming. He was full of health just now and only had 2/3 of his health left.

Xiao Ming watched as his Q [Deadly Bloom] was easily dodged by the female gunner using the movement speed bonus provided by her W passive [Stride Meteor].

"Isn't this hero too bad?" Xiao Ming muttered dissatisfiedly.

After both Rat King and Grilla reached 6, Han Bing shot a magic crystal arrow directly from a long distance!

Xiao Ming's first reaction when he saw Ice's ultimate move was to look down upon him. He was under the protection of the defense tower, how could you kill me?

It really works.

After the big move hits, Gray pulls up W and accelerates forward to ignite it. E [Rain of Bullets] rains down, and then turns on R [Barrage Time]!

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

The video game girl let out a wild shout from her muzzle, and pink bullets poured out from both guns. The damage done in conjunction with the ice output was astonishing!

Xiao Ming's Zyra was instantly beaten down to residual health. JKL gave Xiao Ming accelerated treatment in an attempt to save Xiao Ming.

But Zyra, who was crispy and undisplaced, still fell into the last barrage of bullets from the female gun!

"My God, the connection between the control and the output is so perfect! Xiao Ming has no room to operate after he is hit by an arrow!" Watou said loudly in disbelief.

The audience had never seen this novel routine before, and they all exclaimed!

Two minutes later, fighting broke out again in the bottom lane.

However, this time the junglers of both sides also joined the battlefield. The Peanut Excavator pushed up Xiaotian first, and the Ice Arrow took control. Gloria didn't even use R this time, and only used the E skill to knock Xiaotian down. kill.

After killing Xiaotian, the three men from the Tiger team jumped over the tower decisively. Jhin only had the confinement control of W [Deadly Brilliance], and Zyra's E [Entangling Root] had a restraining effect, neither of which could interrupt the female gun's ultimate move.

The only skill of the YM bottom lane duo that can interrupt the female gun's ultimate move is Zyra's ultimate move [Strangling Vine] with a knock-up effect, but the knock-up effect takes two seconds to appear.

The female gun's ultimate move only takes 3 seconds to sweep, and two seconds is more than enough time to send Zyra back to the spring.

Being killed by jumping over the tower again, YM's head ratio came to 0:4.

"YM, this game is not going well..." Miller frowned.

But before he finished speaking, the director's camera instantly cut to the center.

Lin Ran, who had more than half of his health, triggered [Storm Knight's Surge], and the wind under his feet kept chasing the snake girl with 2/5 health. Even the snake girl's ground binding under his feet could not stop him!

Kuro was equipped with the vampire's ultimate move [Blood Plague] and the ignition effect. It was impossible to defeat Lin Ran, so he could only sprint to get under the tower.

But Lin Ran took another breath of Q [Blood Transformation], and Kuro took advantage of the moment Lin Ran faced him to hand over R [Petrified Gaze], trying to stun him.

But a golden flash appeared, and the vampire appeared on the side of the snake girl, perfectly avoiding the snake girl's ultimate move!

At the same time, E [Tide of Blood] is accumulating power!

Kuro quickly flashed and fled behind the tower, but Lin Ran used the W blood pool to obtain a short-term acceleration effect. He got close to the snake girl's body, and the full blood power burst out, lowering the snake girl's blood volume again!

Lin Ran decisively turned back and moved out of the range of the defense tower. The damage from the vampire's ultimate move exploded, sucking out the last bit of Snake Girl's health!

"Ran in the middle completed a solo kill!" Miller became excited, "YM successfully broke the game and won the first kill of the game!"

Although Lin Ran tried his best to create a matchup advantage in the middle lane, he, a vampire who only needs development, could not make up for the disadvantage in the bottom lane now. They collapsed too quickly.

Every time Xiao Ming summons plants, they are always cleared away immediately, and then the female gunner's long-range E [Rain of Bullets] triggers the thunder effect to knock out a chunk of his health.

Moreover, the ice ultimate move can be fired as soon as it cools down. YM has experienced the pain of being stunned in the bottom lane and then being taken away by a combo without explanation, so he can only use flash to dodge.

But a flash lasts for 300 seconds, and an ice ultimate only takes 100 seconds. During the 200 seconds in between, they are extremely fragile. As long as they are hit by the ice ultimate, they will die.

The first tower on the bottom lane was pushed down at 11 minutes, and then the Tigers began to switch lanes to push down the tower.

Han Bing's strength can be seen at a glance. Not only can she use E [Eagle Strike in the Sky] to explore the wild area, but she can also use R [Magic Crystal Arrow] for long-distance support.

The Rat King's ice was obviously practiced, and the accuracy of his ultimate move was quite high. Xiaotian appeared in the wild area and was caught in the field of vision, and shot an arrow in.

The Garlic Bastard who didn't react quickly was killed instantly by Xiaohuatuan's excavator, which drilled a tunnel through the wall and used a set of output.

Jin Gong and smeb were silent in this game. Originally, Jess had a small advantage against Kennen, but Seabago used his rich experience in mixing lanes to drag smeb down.

Neither of the two top laners had a single support, and the last-hitting online was a mixed bag of economics throughout the whole process.

Lin Ran was anxious and wanted to quickly expand his advantage in the middle, but Kuro didn't make an Archangel first, but added an Abyss Scepter first.

The vampire looked at the snake girl with the magic resistance device in her hand, and was helpless. Lin Ran could only push away the troops and rush to the top to support his teammates.

However, a fight broke out in the jungle first. Peanut used his vision advantage to launch another offensive against the YM duo.

JKL was hit by a crystal arrow and was stunned. The female gun fired R and fired again. Although Xiaotian counter-crouched behind in advance, he still could not stop the Tigers' desire to attack.

One for three, the remaining duo of the Tigers survived, while all three of YM's junglers were killed.

Lin Ran rushed to the road at this time, and used the rocket belt to increase the ultimate move to save the life of the Rat King. Grela retreated calmly with the help of passive acceleration.

Time passed in a blink of an eye and reached 20 minutes. The head ratio between the two sides was 6:13, and the economic gap was 6K.

"This is not the way for vampires to play like this. The economic gap has not been narrowed!" Watou shouted. He watched Lin Ran start running up and down to support his teammates after 10 minutes, like a nanny taking care of the three parties. Tired of running for their lives.

His record is 5/1/1, and his team participation rate is 100%. While supporting, he has not missed a last hit. At this time, he already has a rocket belt, hat, CD shoes and belt in hand, and the equipment is quite luxurious.

But the Tigers didn't want to let YM delay any longer. They arranged the baron's vision and prepared to collect the ancient resources.

Lin Ran thought for two seconds and decided to take on this team battle. If the dragon fell, the two points of the son-nu-gun and the ice would be even more unstoppable.

The Tigers saw YM entering the river and decisively gave up the baron to start a team battle.

The ice ultimate move was shot at Jhin, who did not flash. Xiaotian Blind Monk stepped forward decisively to help block the arrow, but the snake girl's ground binding and the female gun's ultimate move rained down instantly.

Grela's female gun made a black cut first, and the range of R [Barrage Time] blocked the entrance to the Dragon Zone, giving everyone in YM an armor-piercing effect.

Then the excavator dug a tunnel from the side and flashed into the field to support JKL's Jhin. Smeb Kenan wanted to enter the field, but was knocked out by the Golden Tribute Hammer form [Thunder Strike].

Lin Ran saw the snake girl and the gun girl standing there and dealing damage, and decisively used Rocket Belt + R [Blood Plague] to rush into the back row!

His output was not low, so he put a ignition on the snake girl, and then pressed the EW button at the moment when the snake girl turned her head and shot R [Petrified Gaze].

Kuro's Archangel hadn't stacked up yet, so he immediately ran back when he saw his blood volume dropping.

But Lin Ran flashed to catch up, and the damage of E [Tide of Blood] burst out, lowering the health of the female gun and the snake girl.

At this time, Jin Gong's Jace fired a reinforced cannon, hitting the Snake Girl and the Gun Girl again!

Lin Ran tried his best to maximize the output, and also used the acceleration effect of the Wind Rider to dodge and avoid Snake Girl's two Q [Plague Explosion].

E was cast in the last second, sending both the Spear Girl and the Snake Girl back to the spring!

"The Tigers' back row has been cut apart by a vampire alone, and Han Bing is still slowing down the kite vampire," Miller roughly took the overall view into his eyes, "but YM's back row has all fallen!"

After being shot by the female gun's ultimate move, YM's back row was full of blood, and smeb flashed into the field with her ultimate move [Secret! Wan Lei Tian Lao Yin] Coupled with the well-developed excavator, YM's back row simply cannot withstand this wave of explosive output!

Lin Ran and the Rat King hadn't yet decided the winner. The Tigers' top two players had already finished harvesting the back row and rushed back. Being slowed down by the kite, he could only fall to the ground in anger.

"YM was destroyed by the team, but the Rat King is still alive, ROX decisively attacked the dragon!"

With the commentator sighing helplessly, the Baron was captured by the Tigers, and the economic disadvantage was widened to 9K!

ROX has been on the offensive since then, and YM has been unable to resist!

Lin Ran entered the battlefield decisively in front of the highland tower and once again dealt explosion damage, sucking both Han Bing and the female gun to death, but he had no time to take care of his own back row.

The shield that Kuro possesses after the formation of Seraph's Embrace and the magic resistance effect provided by the Abyss Scepter make him have amazing ability to continue fighting.

In the end, Lin Ran could only flee all the way, with smeb chasing after him. He didn't want Lin Ran to return to the city safely. Lin Ran had no other choice, so he turned around and had a 1V1 with Kenan.

With a lot of equipment ahead of him, he turned around and killed Kennen with hard damage and blood recovery effects.

But the base has been bulldozed by the Tigers!

"The ROX soldiers made a surprising move, and with the outstanding performance of the Ice Lady Lancer duo in the bottom lane, the score was rewritten to 1:1!"

"Ran's vampires have tried their best, scoring 10/2 in this game, but they still can't stop the Tigers' ferocious offensive!"

"Dean Ran appears? Can a 10/2 Tianhu vampire lose?"

"I vomited, and I killed the Snake Girl alone online. My teammates can help!"

"With tears in my eyes, this vampire didn't get over the line in this game. He helped his teammates throughout the whole process, and then raised a group of adou who couldn't help him."

The barrage in the domestic live broadcast room is still flooding the screen.

The YM lounge after the second round.

"Why can't you use Jhin and Zyra in the bottom lane to defeat the opponent?" Han Yi said, "Is this female gunner so strong?"

Xiao Ming was a little frustrated. He had been killed 6 times in this game. If it hadn't been too short, he might have surpassed the ghost.

"If you don't ban the female gunner in the next game, I think I can still handle it if you let it go," Xiao Ming said. "It's because I made too many mistakes in the lane, otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult to fight."

"I think it's better to ban it. We don't need to be upset."

The video call was connected in the lounge, and Su Cheng, who was in China, spoke with a clear voice.

"This female gun's restraint on Zyra is too obvious. Not only is the long-distance consumption of the E skill, but her and Han Bing's ultimate skills are also very restrictive on non-displaceable squishy heroes."

At this time, Lin Ran answered, and he saw through the core of the female gun system.

"But there is another more important point for the female spear assist to restrain Zyra," he said concisely and concisely when there was not much rest time, "her passivity."

"This passive will cause additional damage when attacking a new target," Lin Ran spoke very quickly, "As we all know, the finals version of Zyra's W skill can increase the HP limit of plants."

"But before level 13, Zyra can only tap level 1 W, and the upper limit of plant health increase is 10%. In this way, the health of the plant summoned by Zyra will be 4.4 [4*(1+10%)]."

"The long-range hero's basic attack will knock out 2 points of HP of the plant. Zyra's strength in this version of the laning is that one of her plants can eat the three basic attacks of the long-range hero. With the help of the skill itself, it is easy to hit the thunder and consume the opponent. .”

"But the female gun is an exception. Due to her passive existence, she will cause additional damage to the plants. In this way, the female gun and Han Bing only need to use one basic attack at the same time to clean up Zyra's plants."

Lin Ran ended his tirade, "That's why Xiao Ming thinks that you can't consume the opponent online. Your plants can only deal damage once at most. You can't hit thunder, but the opponent's female gun can easily kill it with E alone." The Thunder's damage will be dealt out, and you will naturally not be able to win in the bottom lane."

(This is the real situation. In the two games SKT faced against ROX, Zyra couldn't have an advantage before level 6 because the plant HP was passively restrained to death by the female gunner. Many viewers believed that the female gunner restrained Zyra only because E and R were against each other. The short-legged heroes are too restrictive, but they ignore this key point. It is crucial for the S6 bottom lane auxiliary to successfully play the Thunder consumption.

If Zyra Plant can only hit once, if you want to hit Thunder, you must hit QE two skills, which is too difficult to achieve during the laning period)

Xiao Ming suddenly realized that he had never noticed this kind of detail when playing the game before. When he thought about it, he suddenly felt that the person who developed this female gun routine in ROX was really insidious.

Are you mean, are you using this trick to disgust people?

"If we let go of the female gun, we can't take Zyra first. Or we can use Karma. The female gun won't have an advantage when hitting the fan."

At this time Su Cheng put forward his own suggestions.

The lead analyst took a sip of hot coffee and felt that nothing happened to him.

"I think it's feasible. We have enough blue square bans in the next game. We can move one to the female gunner."

Han Yi nodded and said, recording it in his notebook. As time was running out, he quickly took out the blue square BP strategy he made before the game and read it over, and moved the point of the female gun up.

Lin Ran was relieved. His ability to understand the version that had been improved to 90 points finally came in handy. He realized the essence of the Tigers' female gun immediately after the game.

"Don't be discouraged. The other side is just trying to take advantage of you. You guys will have no problem playing in the lane in the bot lane!" Before going on the field, Lin Ran patted Xiao Ming's shoulder heavily. "The seniors in the bot lane on the opposite side have been playing professional e-sports for several years. How can there be any problem? Are you strong?"

Xiao Ming nodded, and JKL on the side looked relaxed. He shifted his ability to avoid Q to his ability to withstand pressure, and he would not break the defense no matter how he lost the game.

"Welcome everyone back to the third round of YM vs. ROX," Watanabe took a deep breath, and it was obvious that he was quite nervous, "In the battle of Tianwang Mountain, we have to fight for the match point."

"In the last game, ROX used a hidden ultimate move, the female gun, to assist. Han Bing swung it up first, and then the female gun directly swept. The damage of this combo was too high, and heroes without displacement could not escape at all."

Even Miller's understanding of the game couldn't figure out why the female gun passively restrained Zyra. He simply thought it was because her ability to retain people after reaching level 6 when paired with Han Bing was too strong.

"YM blue side, just ban the female gunner. Without further ado, there is room for the blue side ban anyway!" Miller immediately got excited when he saw YM's first-hand banner. He was afraid that YM's headstrong would continue to do so. If this hero comes out and is chased by the Tigers for two games in a row, the mentality of the players will definitely be unbalanced.

Everyone in the Tiger Team couldn't help but shake their heads and smile bitterly when they saw YM decisively banning female guns.

They thought that YM, a young team, would continue to fight head-on, but unexpectedly they chose to give in.

ROX never changed and continued to kill Leopard Girl. They really thought that Little Sky Leopard Girl could be used, and the red team eliminated this hero in two consecutive games.

ROX coach Nofe never expected that this was actually an illusion created by Brother Zhuge Hao.

YM later banned two heroes, Viktor and Kennen, while the Tigers banned Syndra and Zyra.

Their hidden ultimate move, the female gun that was the most restrained against Zyra, was gone, so of course it was impossible to let Zyra out.

"When YM grabs Huo Nan, without Zyra and the female gun, Huo Nan will definitely be the overlord in the ecological environment of the bottom lane!"

The Tigers took away the two heroes Ice and Karma.

Han Yi paced back and forth behind the players' table, frowning, "Take Olaf and Jess, so we can restrict the little peanut from choosing Spider, and prevent Kuro from using Dragon King."

He was very clever in his wishful thinking and made every move.

ROX didn't hesitate much. The only two strong junglers outside were Spider and Lee Sin. It was difficult to beat Olaf in the jungle, but Peanut preferred Spider Queen.

After locking Elise, give Smeb Poppy.

The Tigers' decision-making in this move is also very good. Although it seems that picking Bobby first will be restrained by the top laner Troll, YM's current lineup is already brilliant.

If YM insists on moving Jess to the middle and chooses Troll in the top lane, then the entire lineup will only support the Fire Man with AP output, and the lineup is obviously unreasonable.

"Give me the Dragon King, we will focus on the wild area in this round!" Lin Ran suggested to Hanyi that since Little Peanut dared to choose Spider to fight Olaf, he must let him know the consequences of the head iron.

"Jhin and Dragon King, YM's lineup is quite solid!" Miller saw that YM's last two choices were confirmed and said quickly, "This is another system that favors online to help the jungle expand its advantage. Ran's Dragon King won the summer finals I believe the performance in the last game is still fresh in everyone’s memory, so you can definitely rest assured.”

The Tigers hesitated for a long time and finally took Reitz.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square YM: top laner Jayce, jungler Olaf, mid laner Dragon King, bottom lane Jhin and Fire Man.

Red side ROX: Top laner Poppy, jungler Spider, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Han Bing and Karma.

"The third round of the second semi-final of S6 has officially begun. Let's see who will be better and get the match point first!"

Accompanied by cheers from the audience, ten heroes appeared in Summoner's Rift!

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