LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 135 133: Strategist Commander Swain!

Everyone in YM saw the EDG crystal shattered and quickly got up to find Jin Gong.

The moment Lin Ran took off his headphones, the noise in the packed stadium instantly filled his ears.

He looked up and saw YM's black and red flags flying in the stands, as well as his own support banners.

The applause and cheers from the audience made him realize how popular YM is now.

"Well done, Jin Gong!" Xiao Ming hugged him first.

"I really didn't expect Jin Gong's Q flash three-bucket combo. Logically speaking, your hand speed is not that fast," Xiaotian was accustomed to being yin and yang, "Is there something wrong?"

Jin Gong, who was originally happy to defeat his teammates, suddenly turned gloomy and began to warn the garlic bastard on his neck.

After returning to the team lounge, Chubby's face showed uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

"Keep up the good work, there are still two sets left!"

After so many years of playing professionally, he has never won the LPL championship trophy, and the young team he has established is only two games away from winning the first top-level league championship.

The YM staff and management in the team training room were even more happy.

If YM overthrows EDG and becomes the new king tonight, they will not only receive a salary increase and generous bonuses, but it will also add a lot of color to their future work resume.

Not to mention the S6's publicly funded overseas travel...

In short, tonight's Summer Finals is an excellent opportunity for YM!

Unlike the jubilant YM, the atmosphere in the EDG lounge on the other side is depressing and dull.

"What do you guys do in the early stage of the bot lane? If you don't give up skills in the fight, let the opponent Tahm take out Mingkai with a ward, so he won't be able to play the prince in the jungle."

"Besides, why did you two fight so fiercely in the early stages of the bot lane? I don't understand. Do you two not know the push back line or do you not know that Ice Girl brought TP?"

Abu's voice was a bit shrill and sounded a bit feminine.

He usually favors the bottom duo in the team and rarely even speaks harsh words, but today is different from the past. He must show the attitude that a head coach should have to wake them up.

When Abu saw deft and meiko lowering their heads, his anger suddenly disappeared.

"Mingkai, I'll take the prince first for you in the next game. You should behave better." He looked back at the factory director and his tone became much calmer.

Nuoyan nodded to indicate that he understood. His face was full of darkness, and his pair of representative dead fish eyes were filled with displeasure.

The whole game was beaten by a young player who was not yet mature enough. The jungle area was completely defeated. What's more important was that the opposing jungler actually claimed to be his fan...

Do you treat your idols like this?

The factory director decided to give the opposing boy a hard lesson in the next round.

At the stadium, after the three people in the commentary box roughly reviewed several key shots of the previous game and interspersed the sponsor's spoken advertisements, the screen was handed over to the commentary box again.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the LPL Summer Finals..." Wawa said.

The opening was the warm-up segment that he was best at, so he hurriedly said a few words, otherwise when the game started, it would be Miller and Remember the stage. After all, their understanding of the game was better than his own.

"The last game was too exaggerated," Miller held his chin with his hand. "I didn't expect that EDG couldn't last 25 minutes."

"YM is definitely the most offensive team in the LPL right now," I remember saying from the sidelines. "They never sloppiness after gaining an advantage. This has something to do with Ran's excellent command."

"What's more important is that someone can take turns to step up and drive the rhythm of the game." Miller and remember sandwiched the doll on the left and right, and the two looked at each other in understanding and smiled.

"Xiaotian and Jin Gong played a huge role in this game, and the previous bottom lane combination of JKL and Ming also supported the impact of deft and meiko, the top LPL bottom lane pair. This team system is the healthiest, not always It depends on one person's outstanding performance to win the game."

"You can't always count on one or two positions of a team to stand up and lead teammates to win the game. Everyone is in bad shape sometimes, because of the version, whether the opponent is targeting them...all kinds of unstable factors will affect the outcome of the game. ." Remember to start with connotation.

The barrage obviously also has subtext.

"Who are you hinting at, you little brat?"

"It starts with R or I. Remember to tell me clearly. I will blow it up on Weibo tomorrow."

"YM unexpectedly chose the blue side instead of the red side," Wawa received the news from the director and frowned slightly, "What is the reason for this? YM has always liked to choose the red side to keep the counter position, right?"

"That may be the case," Miller pondered for two seconds before expressing his understanding. "In YM's understanding, Jhin's priority is too high, and letting EDG choose the red side means forcing EDG to send Jhin to Banned."

Remember to sing and continue to add.

"When playing YM, you have to ban too many points. If EDG is on the red side, the BP pressure will be very high, and the ban position may not be enough."

Standing between the two of them, the doll felt more and more something was wrong. It was obviously me who partnered with Miller first. Why do you two have such a tacit understanding?

"Sivir and Excavator are still held to death by YM. One is an AD choice that can smoothly delay the late game, and the other is the factory director's unique hero. It is worth mentioning that the factory director's excavator has a career winning rate of close to 80%. With terrifying It’s no exaggeration to describe it like this.”

"YM bans Tambun again. This is also the T1 choice for the bottom lane. It has a strong ability to seize opportunities in the mid-term." Remember said.

"EDG's ban selection is very fixed, Jhin, Vampire and Captain." Miller was stunned for two seconds, "Did they release the blind monk?"

"What do you mean? The captain who banned Xiba Ge didn't even ban me, the blind man?" Xiaotian didn't expect that EDG's last ban was to let the blind monk out, and a sense of humiliation filled his heart.

You look down on me, the garlic bastard, right?

"There's no need to rush to choose, let's take Shen first as usual," Han Yi said, "Leave the ice to them, and let's move on to Verus."

Although Verus has been weakened a lot before, his range of 575 is not much worse than that of Ice, his poke damage is also good, and he also has a big move that can supplement his control.

After Jin Gong got himself the Twilight Eye Shen, EDG did not hesitate and took out Ice + Prince.

"Xiaotian has no prince to play with in this round," Miller laughed. "In the last round, he used the prince to disgust the factory director so much that he spent the whole round raising pigs in his wild area."

"YM chose Verus and Bard here," I remember saying, "There is no problem. Bard can enhance the bottom lane's laning ability. At the same time, he is also very good at roaming and can go to the jungle to help Xiaotian."

"EDG selected Dashu and Braum in three or four hands," Watanabe sighed. "Their frankness in this game is quite strong, and there is a prince in the jungle position."

"Let's see what Ran is going to choose in this game. The younger brother still has a counter position in his hand. EDG has Dashu and Prince. The two of them have considerable restrictions on non-displacement heroes."

At the contestants' table, Lin Ran turned his head and said something to Han Yi. He looked relaxed and comfortable, and even took a sip of Red Bull from the cup.

Han Yi nodded and agreed to Lin Ran's proposal.

"Blind monk and... Swain!" Miller raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the profile picture displayed on the fifth floor of YM.

"Crow?" Watanabe's voice amplified, "His last appearance dates back to the beginning of the summer split. Most teams still use it as a top laner. Only Xiaohu and Xiye have more choices in the mid-range unit."

"Don't tell me that Crow is really okay against EDG's short-handed lineup. He is very good at dealing with big tanks like Bronn!" I remember praising YM's choice of hand.

The audience in the audience were also surprised by Lin Ran's choice.

After all, Crow has always been unpopular, and its popularity at the beginning of the summer split was only due to a wave of enhancements. After the 6.13 version weakened the CD time of Crow's ultimate move and the first stop time of re-casting, no one paid attention to it.

The EDG coaching staff obviously did not include this unpopular hero in their regular BP thinking. South Korean coach Quick Star is discussing decisions with the players.

Scout obviously has a big head, "Is it okay to choose a grasshopper?"

In a short period of time, he could only think of this option. This hero was really effective against crows in the lane.

"Grasshopper can't do it, we lack output!" Quick Star rejected the proposal first.

"Huang Ji or Victor, you choose one." The factory director turned his head and said.

Scout covered his head, feeling helpless.

This is the younger brother who has just arrived. If he had Lin Ran's status in the team, this grasshopper would definitely be able to select him.

He didn't want to choose either Huangji or Victor, he just wanted to be quiet.

"Hurry up, there's not enough time." Meiko was slightly impatient.

"Yellow**." Scout has no choice. Victor has no displacement and can easily control the crow.

"You wait until the later stages. As long as you wait for deft to make a death sentence, the team battle will be much easier, and the opponent will not be hurt. Our front row can last for a long time," Kuai Xinglin warned the players before stepping down. "You just keep guarding. It’s ready."

"I'll play the special effects game this time. There's a Braum shield in front of me, which I can't easily use." JKL replaced his runes.

"It's okay. If you play around me, you'll win this game." Lin Ran took one look at the lineup and felt that the balance of victory had tilted towards them.

Lineups of both sides.

Blue square YM: Shen, blind monk, crow, Verus, Bard.

Red Square EDG: Big Tree, Prince, Tsar, Ice, and Bronn.

Lin Ran adjusted the position of his chair and held the mouse.

Swain is not yet the strong leader of Noxus he will be in the future.

Today, there is still a crow named Beatrice sitting on his shoulder, which is also the origin of his nickname.

He was holding a cane in his hand and walked with a limp. Together with Jhin, he was called the two cripples in LOL.

(Tip, there are skill descriptions of the old version of Crow in the writer’s words)

The laning ability is quite good - because E [Suffering] is a target-oriented skill, Q [Evil Crow Attack] has a wide circular range, and it also prioritizes heroes as its target, which is good news for the handicapped.

It's just a bit blue.

However, he also has the passive [Carrion Regeneration], which can restore mana every time he kills a unit. The mana recovery reward obtained after getting a kill/assist is even more generous.

The key points to distinguish new and old Crow players are the level of blue control in the early stage and the handling of team battles in the later stage.

Lin Ran still practiced for a few days after the crow strengthened in the mid-season, and then did sporadic ranked practice to maintain his feel.

After all, except for W [Crow's Claw Binding], crow skills can be hit casually, and the requirements for hero proficiency are not that high.

Dolan's Ring came online, and the scout on the opposite side bought the Corruption Potion.

The junior also knows how powerful the crow is in laning in the early stage. He just wants to bring a corruption potion and TP to be able to return to the city and make a bee sting.

When Lin Ran came online, he blocked his troop line as usual, letting the three long-range soldiers on the opposite side attack him first for one round, and then huddled back and started to replenish his tail.

In this way, after the artillery soldiers arrive, he will have a wave of pushback lines.

Scout replenished his troops for a minute, but Lin Ran did not step forward to consume as he expected.

The military line is slowly advancing towards Lin Ran Tower.

what's the situation?

Want to catch me at Level 2?

Scout was confused, but out of caution, in order to prevent being ganked by the blind monk, he still placed his vision opposite the red buff wall on the YM side after pushing the lane.

But as soon as he left, Lin Ran began to frequently use basic attacks to attack the minions, eating three of the minions that were about to enter the tower.

Successfully upgraded to 3.

Lin Ran stepped forward to consume.

E [Torture] is attached to the Czar. This skill will cause continuous damage within 4 seconds, and Swain's damage to the target will be increased by 20% - basic attacks and ignition will be counted.

Afterwards, Q [Evil Crow Attack] is cast with the Czar as the center of the circle, and Beatrice on the shoulders flies out, continuously damaging enemies within the circular range and applying a deceleration effect.

Lin Ran then used the deceleration effect to step forward and hit the Tsar with a basic attack.

Scout originally wanted to use the line of soldiers to counterattack, but the damage of Crow's set of skills exceeded his imagination. Without the Dolan Ring to support his health, Tsar had lost half of his health after eating two skills and a basic attack. .

The junior boy was a little annoyed. He hadn't faced the hero Crow for a long time, and he had no idea how much early damage this hero could do.

He could only retreat to the rear.

But the cooldown time of the Tsar's level E [Quicksand Displacement] is a full 19 seconds.

The troop line is right in front of Lin Ran Tower, and he hasn't eaten the artillery carts in this line yet!

Lin Ran resisted the attacks of three long-range soldiers and an artillery truck, but it was not an easy experience.

He could only knock off one blood bottle, then stand in front of the army line and watch the artillery soldiers on the opposite side consume the blood of his own army line.

Scout gritted his teeth and stepped forward to eat the artillery soldier with WQ.

However, Lin Ran laid W [Crow's Claw Binding] in front of the Tsar. After a short delay, a giant claw would grab the enemy unit, causing a restraint effect.

Scout looked at the crow who was playing so fiercely. After all, he didn't dare to step forward. He simply retreated and set up the sand soldier Q [Crazy Sand Attack] to poke at Lin Ran and consume Lin Ran.

At this time, a ball of sky sound waves suddenly shot out from the grass above, hitting the unsuspecting Tsar!

A bald head appeared in the grass!

Xiaotian, who has communicated with Lin Ran, clearly knows that Scout does not have E skill displacement. The second stage of Q follows E [Heavenly Thunder Breaking/Destroying Tendons and Bones] plus the red BUFF to hit the thunder and stick to Scout at the same time.

The junior handed over the flash without hesitation.

Seeing that he only had 1/3 of his health left, he could only knock off the corruption potion in his backpack to restore his health.

what's the situation?

Blind monk opens in blue and red?

Scout is dizzy.

EDG never expected that the blind monk would open the jungle like this, because if the blind monk opened on the blue side and the red side, he would not be able to grab the bottom lane during the strong rhythm period at levels 3-4.

YM's bottom lane is Verus + Bard, two squishy guys with strong lane pushing ability. In EDG's view, it is natural that the blind monk should blue open the bottom lane to level 3 to counter squat the bottom lane.

Scout quickly shared the news with his teammates.

Only then did Meiko react.

At the end of the last game, he was grabbed by Abramovich and told him that he specifically did not enter the jungle area to take a look at this level one, and just waited to place the trinket eye on the line, so that the factory manager could come to the bottom lane to catch people with peace of mind.

However, Xiaotian showed up in the middle lane, and the factory director still seized a wave of opportunities. His prince reached the bottom lane, and EQ poked out Bader's flash.

In the first wave of confrontation, both sides seemed to lose one flash, but YM made more money - because Scout's Tsar line exploded.

The troop line in the middle was firmly stuck in front of the tower by Lin Ran, and Scout tried to use the sand soldiers to push forward forcefully.

However, Lin Ran's QE skills have improved, and the Czar will stop using his skills as soon as he gets forward.

After all, Scout's Czar had much longer hands than Crow, and he still pushed the line of troops in smoothly.

But all the blood bottles on his body were exhausted, and only 1/3 of his blood volume was left.

Lin Ran still had 60% of his health at this time.

Scout had no choice but to return to the city to resupply.

He replenished a total of 20 swords in the 4 waves of soldiers, and missed a gun carriage. The gold coins returned to the city were only enough to buy an attack speed dagger and a real eye.

But when he teleported back again, he finally gained the advantage in blood volume.

First update, this chapter is 4.5k.

Thanks to Lin Xiaofei for the 100 starting coin reward.

Thanks to the 60,000 starting point reward for whether it’s a suit or a white shirt.

(I owe another 6 chapters, oh oh oh)

On July 30, I still owed 114 chapters. On July 31 and August 1, I updated a total of 1.9W, which means I added 5 chapters. With these 6 chapters, I owe a total of 115 chapters.

Tactician Commander Swain Skills:

Q Evil Crow Attack: Lasts for 4 seconds and attacks the nearest enemy (prioritizing attacks on heroes), causing 30/48/65/83/100 (+0.3AP) magic damage per second, and slowing the target by 20/25/30/ 35/40%. Damage to minions is doubled.

W: Binding of Crow's Claw: After a short delay, it will cause 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7AP) magic damage to enemies within the range, and restrain the enemy for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.

E Torment: Continuously causes a total of 50/80/110/140/170 (+1AP) magic damage for 4 seconds and increases Swain's damage to the target by 20%. If Swain infects someone [ E Torment] effect, [Q Evil Crow Attack] will attack the target first.

R Evil Crow Possession: 5 small crows, each dealing 50/70/90 (+0.2AP) magic damage and healing Swain (healing effect against heroes: 20/30/40 (+0.1AP) ;Healing against minions and monsters: 8/11/14 (+0.03AP).

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