LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 120 118: Sad Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse

Kandi specially put on a set of video game skins, which looked exactly like a sunny rainbow pony.

At this time, the men and horses were slapping their hooves and just started to taste the delicious red BUFF. When they heard Xiye's reminder, they quickly poked an eye into the grass next to them.

As soon as the eyes were inserted, the figures of the ice girl and the prince appeared in the grass.

"Can you wait for me for a while? There is a line of troops under my tower." Xiye used his skills to clear the troops while talking.

Kandi wanted to wait, but the prince, a bandit, directly took over the fresh and tender red buff, and stabbed the red buff in the butt with a passive [War Rhythm], declaring his ownership of it.

Lin Ran kept moving forward and forced Kandi out of the red zone.

WE was pushed off the lane by JKL in the bottom lane and couldn't catch up at this time.

When Syndra finished dealing with the tower's troops, Xiaotian's prince took away the red BUFF with a basic attack and punishment. The mobs were also eaten by Lin Ran, leaving no residue for Kandi.

Kandi could only brush a group of gargoyles, and when passing by the red zone, he mourned for his red BUFF who died unexpectedly.

This wave of jungle invasion reflects YM's progress in this summer split.

Jin Gong Level 1's blue zone eye position had insight into Kandi's opening route. At the same time, Lin Fan released the line and Xiaotian Level 2 successfully caught the flash, and the bottom lane also kept pushing the line from the beginning.

All actions are for this red BUFF and to establish Xiaotian's advantage and initiative in the jungle.

Lin Ran was not at a loss either. The experience and gold coins of the two mobs made up for the equal share of experience when Xiaotian pushed the lane before.

Xiye wasn't at a loss either. He honestly took down a wave of troops and was ahead of Lin Ran with his last hit.

From beginning to end, Kandi was the only one who lost money.

Xiaotian went back to eat his own blue BUFF and successfully completed the 3BUFF start.

Lin Ran and Xiye continued to line up in the middle.

As Miller said, Ice Girl is really at a huge disadvantage against Syndra.

Lin Ran tried his best to use the line of troops to throw an extended Q to hit Xiye, but when he turned around, he was hit by QEWA and his health was reduced by 1/3.

This kind of blood transfusion is too painful.

Fortunately, he still had the corruption potion on him, so he knocked off the potion bottle and started to maintain his condition.

All the medicine bottles on Xiye's body were knocked out, and he didn't dare to suppress it too fiercely without flashing.

This gave Lin Ran a chance to breathe.

And Xiaotian's early attack is not over yet.

After returning to the city and buying two long swords, he rushed to the WE upper jungle area without stopping. At this time, the second round of wild monsters had been refreshed, and he successfully caught the troops from the three wolves.

After being provoked into a fight by Prince EQ, Kandi called on the middle and upper two men to help him fight back.

Lin Ran saw that Syndra wanted to leave, so of course he wouldn't let him do so.

E [Glacier Path] is close to Syndra's body, W [Ring of Frost] is triggered, and two ice edges protrude from the ground, trapping Syndra's graceful body inside.

Then a Q [Ice Shard] slowed her down.

Seeing that he couldn't leave, Xiye turned around and used a set of skills, knocking Lin Ran down to half his health.

But that's all. All the corruption potion on his body has been wiped out. Syndra is now equivalent to going out naked, and the damage is not enough to kill the Ice Girl.

Jin Gong also stopped 957 in the river. He forced Ike's W [Time Interlace] to taunt and fight. He lost a lot of health, but he successfully held Ike back.

Kandi's blood volume could no longer hold on at this time, so he could only start sprinting and ran all the way back to the second tower. Xiaotian turned around and ate the three wolves and the magic swamp frog.

Kandi's mentality is about to explode.

After losing two more groups of junglers, he only had F4 and Gargoyles to feed on in the next 100 seconds. He fell behind in both economy and level.

"Kandi's jungle area is about to be destroyed. Xiaotian's game is too fierce." Wawa said with emotion.

"The main thing is that YM's top and middle lanes can help stop WE's lane heroes. They can't support Kandi and can only watch the snowball in the jungle get bigger and bigger." Miller commented.

In order to keep the top two players in WE, Lin Ran and Jin Gong were forced to sacrifice their health and increase their pressure on the line.

But Xiaotian was liberated in disguise.

Xiaotian, who cleared the upper half of WE's jungle area, returned to the city to replenish the green jungle knife and then went to clear his own wild monsters in the second round. His level was already more than one level ahead of Kandi.

Counter-jungling is the easiest way to expand your level advantage in the early stage: even if you prevent your opponent from replenishing troops as an online hero, you will only earn one positive income, while counter-jungle earns two positive and negative returns - you have more He ate one portion and his opponent ate one less portion.

Lin Ran and Xi Ye exchanged two waves of blood and drank up all the corruption potions on their bodies, finally crippling Syndra.

Taking advantage of Xiye's return to the city, Lin Ran pushed forward a wave of troops and returned to the city to make a burning gem.

Xiaotian brushed from top to bottom, and then ran to the WE jungle area. He circled around and found no wild monsters, but he found Kandi who wanted to go shopping in the bottom lane.

EQ went up to do another set, and used W [Golden Divine Shield] to slow down and chase him all the way. Kandi lost half of his health, and finally escaped with the acceleration effect of E [Destructive Charge].

"YM only has an economic advantage of 0.6K so far, all of which lies with the prince. WE's defense is very successful. If they are dragged into a team battle, YM will have no chance."

The joker's tone was very determined, just like the prophet in Werewolf.

Miller saw that Xiaotian countered a group of Kandi's F4s and successfully reached level 6, while the one on the side was trembling and did not dare to step forward. Kandi, who was forced to accept that his F4s were NTRed and was only level 4 and a half, couldn't help but remain silent.

Xiye's Syndra returned to the city and made a dark seal and an amplification book. After her magic became stronger, the damage became higher and higher. Lin Ran could no longer bear Syndra's damage.

He tried his best to use his movement to twist off Syndra's skills, but he moved too slowly without shoes and was still drained of a lot of blood.

He directed Xiaotian to catch him, then pretended to be defeated by Syndra and retreated.

Xiye Xiao moved forward. In his opinion, as long as he hit another QE, he could kill Lin Ran alone.

But the Demacian prince rushed over from the blind spot below with a halberd on his shoulder.

Xiaotian didn't hesitate, an R [Heaven and Earth Split] hit him all over his head.

Lin Ran followed QEW and played all his output.

Xiye handed over the purification evasion control, and then QER wanted to kill Lin Ran instantly.

However, Lin Ran's R [Frozen Tomb] successfully dodged Syndra's R [Energy Pour], and killed Syndra with remaining health.

Syndra was killed, Lin Ran's space for activities was much wider, and Kandi's miserable game had just begun.

At 7 minutes and 20 seconds, Xiaotian returned to the city to supplement the Warrior Jungle Knife, while Lin Ran returned to the city to supplement the Hextech Revolver.

At 8 minutes, Kandi has not yet reached level 6, and there is nothing for him to farm in the jungle.

"What's going on with Kandi? Doesn't anyone help him?" Miller shouted.

Xiaotian was not satisfied with this, so he relied on his own strength to spread his vision to the lower half of Kandi's wild area. After finding the position of the men and horses, he got on Xiao Mingtam's black car and went straight to the wild area. Lin Ran also joined in the fun and rushed over.

Kandi, who had no flash or R, drove the E and ran with all four hooves, showing an astonishing desire to survive.

However, Xiao Ming's flash lick successfully decelerated, the prince's EQ knocked him up and followed up with his W to slow down, Lin Ran's EWQ took over the control, and the three of Nakano and Fu killed this man who had not yet reached 6 with ease.

Xiaotian was not satisfied with the head being pocketed by the prince, so he counted the time and ate the newly refreshed F4, and also left a small sharp-beaked bird for him out of kindness.

This scene was captured by Xiye's newly inserted vision.

Kandi's face turned dark.

Joker also kept silent. He took a look at the level and economic gap and knew that Kandi had collapsed.

Second update!

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