LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 113 111: Everything is the choice of Steins;Gate [4K Chapter 2 in 1]

A wave of 1 for 2, Lin Ran used his own double moves to replace Braum's Ignite, Kassadin and Excavator's Flash.

A lot of money was made in one wave.

Moreover, JKL in the bottom lane took advantage of the time when mata went in to eat a large wave of troops, and returned to the city to make up for the Storm Sword.

Uzi only has attack speed boots and a pair of long swords. In comparison, his disadvantages are not as exaggerated as before.

"Oh my God, this wave of operations has made up for all the disadvantages of YM in the early stage," Wawa sighed. "The prince also got killed, and Xiaotian's economy has caught up."

"No, why is this vampire's damage so high?" Miller frowned. He felt very puzzled. "The blood volume of the incense pot was very healthy just now. How could it be defeated in seconds?"

Lin Ran, who sold the reusable potion and returned to the line with the Hextech Revolver, became even more aggressive. Although Xiaohu got a head in the wave of gank just now, the money was not enough to buy the Exploding Wand and could only replace it. An amplification tome.

Now his REQ's face-stomping output is pitiful, and Lin Ran's AQE backhand can kill a quarter of his health.

MLXG is really not coming back.

His equipment was caught up by the prince. If he rashly went to catch someone, he would die if he was counter-crouched.

He honestly went to help Uzi in the bottom lane.

Xiaotian continued to rush to the top to protect Jin Gong's push and development.

JKL and Xiao Ming were careful, but they still showed a flaw, and Uzi seized the opportunity.

Mata used Q [Winter's Bite] to deceive Xiao Ming's magic shield, and then Uzi used R to throw mata under the tower, and cooperated with the excavator coming to cross the tower to kill.

Braun relied on his own security door and Uzi's residual health to escape from the range of the defense tower. Uzi resisted the last attack and the tower took away the heads of YM's bottom lane.

"Puppy is in good shape this game." Wawa praised. Just now, Uzi used Q [Penetration] to jump out of the tower and kill JKL with a spear. Many Uzi fans in the audience were applauding and celebrating.

"That's right. Now let's see how big the puppy can make RNG's advantage in the early stage," Miller said. "If it really drags on to the late stage, I'm not optimistic about RNG."

"Yes, in the late stage RNG only has one core output Kassadin, and the fault tolerance rate is too low." Even the baby will not believe "Kassadin's level 16 opposite base exploded", let alone "YM is in a hurry" Such inexplicable nonsense.

"In the late stage, the prince, Morgana, and the troll will also have a lot of restrictions on Kassadin's entry," Miller began to analyze. "RNG had better start the team when Kassadin reaches the 16th wave. , that was the period when RNG’s overall lineup was the strongest.”

The RNG trio successfully pushed down YM's next tower. Xiaotian's Prince took advantage of the mid-to-upper line to take down the Canyon Pioneer, and then went to brush the upper half of the excavator's wild area.

Uzi and Mata chose to switch lanes to the top lane and continue pushing towers to expand their advancement advantage.

But this way, Lin Ran had no one to take care of him. After his magic power increased, he used vampires to completely suppress Xiaohu.

At 12 minutes, Lin Ran returned to the city with 110 knives, while Xiaohu's last hit count had just exceeded 80.

He did not choose to return to the city, but quickly pushed the army line and followed MLXG to the road to cause trouble.

Although Lin Ran warned in time, JKL and Xiao Ming also wanted to retreat immediately, but Kassadin's high mobility combined with the Excavator's R [Void Dash] quickly rushed to the road.

(Tip: The original R of the excavator was moved to the side of the target tunnel entrance)

JKL and Xiao Ming had nowhere to escape and had no choice but to die under the tower, but they still forced out Uzi's flash.

Lin Ran didn't care about the duo in the bottom lane. He made a rocket belt and straw sandals, pushed the line of troops and started clearing the jungle.

MLXG and Garlic Bastard's Three Wolves and F4 were all taken away by him, and he continues to supplement his development.

"Is this going to be a powerful vampire?" Miller finally noticed that Lin Ran's equipment was different from the ordinary mid laner's equipment.

"Can you keep up with the smoothness of the outfit like this?" Doll was a little doubtful, but he didn't doubt Lin Ran's damage. Just after killing the excavator in the wave of 1 vs. 3, Doll knew that the damage of the vampire's forced outfit would not be much lower. .

"Tandu is definitely not as exciting as being naked..." Miller said when he saw Kassadin making an explosive wand with a jumping face and QEWA knocking out nearly 1/3 of Lin Ran's health.

Then Lin Ran QAE knocked out a large amount of Kassadin's health with his backhand, then Rocket Belt+Q took another puff, and Kassadin lost more than half of his health.

"But the overall effect is better." Miller changed the topic wittily.

Lin Ran pushed away the line of troops and went to eat river crabs to control the dragon's vision.

This is a fire dragon and he doesn't want to let go.

But MLXG came out of nowhere, came to the bottom lane to support the troll, and cooperated with the big tree to hit Jin Gong's flash and cripple his state.

It took at least 15 seconds for Jin Gong to run to a safe position and return to the city before TPing to the dragon. RNG took advantage of this time difference and rushed away the fire dragon.

"RNG has two fire dragons in hand, which will guarantee the later stage." Wawa said.

Lin Ran continued the square route of farming money, soldier line-F4-three wolves-military line-F4-river crab. The two bodyguards Xiao Ming and Xiao Tian controlled the field of view in the middle to death, allowing Lin Ran to have enough capital to farm money and let it go completely. JKL develops under the tower.

"I'll lead the line, but you must not start a fight!" Jin Gong said in a voice full of motivation.

In 16 minutes, he had already taken out three items of mercury shoes and ghost cloak. After the magic resistance was increased, the big tree no longer threatened him.

After Lin Ran brushed the square line twice, the time came to 18 minutes, and Uzi returned to the city and bought Luana's hurricane.

Everyone in RNG finally pressed forward to the first tower in the middle of YM, hoping to use Uzi's advantage to snowball the economy.

JKL had just made 130 dollars at this time, and had just made endless yellow crosses. It was incomparable with the strength of the Uzi of the dilapidated hurricane attack speed shoes.

Miller watched Broon step on the clip, and the policewoman shot the muscular man with a backhand shot to the head before knocking off two bars of health from the muscular man. He said helplessly: "This is the disadvantage of the policewoman, she is basically an invisible person."

Lin Ran commanded to let go of the first tower. As a vampire, since he can't suck the blood of the opposite jungle area now, it is reasonable to suck the blood of the garlic bastard.

After eating F4 and Gargoyle, Lin Ran's last hit reached 200.

"My teammates are guarding the tower and I'm going jungle? Is this the mid laner or the jungle?"

"Ran is a vampire who is good at sucking the blood of his teammates. With so many last-ditch hits, how many jungles has he killed?"

Danmu couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied as he watched the prince, Morgana and the policewoman trying their best to defend in the middle, just to create an environment for Lin Ran to make money.

Naturally, Lin Ran couldn't see the barrage. He returned to the city to replenish his CD shoes and ice staff, and the cooldown reduction had exceeded 40%.

This version of the ice staff is very powerful. The 3200 gold coin equipment provides 400 health and 100 magic power, which perfectly matches the passive attributes of the vampire.

In addition, group damage will also provide a 40% deceleration effect that lasts for 1 second, which is very cost-effective and can be called the great treasure of AP mages.

RNG effortlessly knocked down YM's first tower, which gave them the illusion of being quite relaxed.

Uzi continued to move forward with his teammates, trying to push down YM's second tower in the middle.

"YM's economy is now 2K behind, mostly due to the gap in defense tower economy. The economic gap between Uzi and JKL has been made up by Ran's vampires." Wawa said.

"But YM doesn't seem to dare to fight. Kalista is too strong now." Miller made his analysis.

But Lin Ran was already arranging the details of the team battle in the team voiceover.

"Xiaotian, you go in and sell them first, and I'll come in after you use their skills," he began to direct the overall situation, "Jin Gong, just don't let the big tree come down. It shouldn't be a big problem for us 4 on 4."

He passed through the gap in the high ground and came to the grass below the Second Tower, which happened to be the limit distance of the MLXG excavator's geo-hearing technique.

Under the cover of the artillery and cart lines, everyone in RNG crowded in front of the second tower.

Among the four of them, only Uzi has long hands, so it is relatively safer to demolish the tower.

But the easy illusion given to them by demolishing a tower made RNG mistakenly believe that YM did not dare to resist. After all, Uzi's Kalista had a two-piece set in hand at this time and had reached the peak of her combat power.

And they must quickly dismantle the second tower in the middle to provide protection for the vision of the Baron that will be born soon.

More importantly, Jin Gong in the bottom lane is already demolishing the tower in front of the looper. If they don't rush back in time, they will lose more this time.

In a hurry, Mata moved slightly forward.

Xiaoming Morgana's Q [Dark Imprisonment] restrained Braum in the vast army line.

In order to prevent the policewoman's clamp connection control from consuming his blood, Mata raised his shield.

"Open, open, open!" Lin Ran raised his voice.

Xiaotian also seized this opportunity.

His EQ provoked Braum under the tower, and JKL put up a show to continue the chain of control.

Xiao Ming also followed at this time.

Lin Ran left the grass and moved towards the battlefield from the side.

RNG's eye position in the F4 grass has already seen the vampire's position, but they have no time to retreat.

Xiaotian used R [Heaven Collapse] to bravely cross over to the enemy, covering the excavator and Uzi into the ring obstacle.

MLXG did not get out of the ground and knock the prince away. He knew that his target was the vampire entering from the side.

Uzi took another shot of Prince's passive damage. He opened R to suck Mata under the second tower back, and then used his passive jump to leave Prince's ring barrier.

Xiao Ming flashed into the field at this time, opened R to save people, and his ultimate slowed down the excavator and Kassadin.

Xiaohu ignored Morgana and moved forward to take JKL's life.

Lin Ran saw that Mata had no idea of ​​coming out of Kalista's ultimate move. The excavator was watching eagerly from the side. The two people were obviously guarding against his entry.

Seeing that the two of them didn't come out, Xiaotian released his ultimate move and used W [Golden Holy Shield] to slow down Uzi. The jumping speed of the slow skateboard was slowed down a lot. Xiaotian stepped forward and continued his basic attack.

The looper wanted TP support, but Jin Gong followed him closely. Once he handed over the teleportation, he was greeted by an Optimus Prime.

A jungle knife + a bunch of loose princes and a two-piece set of skateboard shoes duel, the outcome was not in suspense at all, Uzi took a sip of defeat and started flying a kite.

Lin Ran saw that Xiaotian's condition was getting worse and worse, so he could only cut into the battlefield from the side.

MLXG was waiting for this moment. When he saw the vampire draining a large amount of his health with one Q, he immediately dug a tunnel to Lin Ran's feet.

During the tunnel excavation process, Lin Ran took out his rocket belt and rushed in front of Uzi. The rockets hit the ice staff to slow down.

R [Blood Plague] was instantaneous, and the oil spilled on Uzi.

Kalista's reaction was extremely quick, and she healed the vampire before the ignition could take hold.

MLXG flashed and changed his position, trying to push up Lin Ran.

But Lin Ran actually handed over the flash in advance, avoiding the excavator and coming to Uzi's side.

Mata finally smashed out of Uzi at this time, aiming directly at Lin Ran.

But Lin Ran didn't think so much at all. Pressing EW, his whole body turned into oil again and slapped Uzi in the face.

Bronn hit the blood pool and smashed Lonely.

Lin Ran really didn't do it on purpose. His reaction was not so exaggerated. He had never seen anything like bullet time before.

It's just a coincidence - if you break it down, you will find that Lin Ran's operation is very reasonable. The Rocket Belt rushes +R, and then flashes EW to kill Uzi.

It was a normal set of combos for killing vampires in the back row, but RNG's Ye Fu cooperated a little too well. He happened to be stuck at the limit of time and was dodged by Lin Ran.

Lin Ran felt that the three of them had reenacted this scene five or six times in private, and he might not be able to successfully avoid it even once, but on the field, everything was Steins;Gate's choice.

Uzi, even God will bring down you in this wave of team battles!

W's blood pool damage has the effect of the ice staff. Uzi was forced to flash to distance himself, and Braum quickly moved W close to him, hoping to help block the vampire's E [Tide of Blood].

This wave was finally planned by Lin Ran. He released the E key before Braun got close to Kalista, causing damage in advance.

Even if it is not fully charged, Lin Ran's equipment can easily defeat Uzi who has no time to make up for the magic resistance. An astonishing number is attached to Uzi with a 40% slowdown effect.

At the same time, Lin Ran also triggered the storm rider's surge, and his movement speed suddenly increased.

"The damage of this vampire is too high!" Miller clenched his fists excitedly, "Uzi is too fragile and cannot withstand Ran's output!"

Uzi, whose health had dropped to 2/5, had not given up yet. He struggled to jump back while slowing down, his movements slow and stiff, but with perseverance.

It's a pity that Lin Ran and Xiaotian will not give him a chance.

The moment the blood pool disappeared, Braun's R [Glacier Fissure] knocked away the prince and Lin Ran, but Lin Ran's Q [Blood Exchange] had already taken action.

Uzi's health bottomed out, and a second later, the damage from Vampire R [Blood Plague] exploded, emptying Uzi's health.

Although he cooperated with his teammates to poke out the passivity of the prince and vampire before dying, and even pulled out the last spear, it did not change the situation of the battle.

"The puppy is down! This is RNG's most important output point!" Miller shouted loudly, "Kassadin on the other side couldn't kill the policewoman. The tiger's equipment is very poor, and the damage is too low. There is no When the fire broke out, the policewoman's treatment brought up the last bit of blood!"

Lin Ran, who drained a lot of blood from Uzi, was in very good condition. The Rocket Belt + Ice Staff itself provided a certain degree of tankiness, and their magic power was converted into extra health by the vampire.

The damage done by Digger and Bron was not enough to kill Lin Ran, so they could only aim at Xiaotian, who was still alive.

After they killed Xiaotian, they retreated separately. Lin Ran used acceleration to kill the spicy hot pot that did not flash.

A wave of team battles played 1 for 3. YM only killed the prince, but killed RNG's double C and excavator, and also protected the middle and second towers with remaining health. It was not without profit.

This chapter has 4K words, so it’s okay to count it as two chapters, right?

There will be the last chapter later, so I’ll read it tomorrow morning if I can’t wait.

The server got sick just now and I was stuck for a long time.

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