LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 111 109: Pushback line and Black Xiaohu (first update today)

At 4 minutes and 38 seconds, Xiaohu returned to Quanshui, and he only made up 22 dollars.

After hesitating for a moment in the spring, he gave up on the dark seal and bought the more stable red crystal and true eyes.

Lin Ran did not return to the city, but used skills and constant basic attacks to push the army line in while Xiaohu was recovering.

After Xiaohu teleported back, Lin Ran continued to suppress.

He arranged his vision in the grass above and moved upward, maintaining a healthy blood volume.

MLXG once had the idea of ​​​​catching, but the vampire was in good condition and Kassadin's coordination ability was very poor. He could not successfully gank without flashing.

He is a reckless man, and the basic principle of helping the superior and not the inferior must still be observed. With such a huge advantage in the bottom lane, there is no reason not to continue.

"Xiaotian, go help Jin Gong. You have no chance in the bottom lane." Lin Ran said.

Now JKL and Xiao Ming are at a disadvantage, and Uzi has been killed. He will definitely need to replace the attack speed shoes when he returns to the city. By then, the distance of the passive jump will become more and more exaggerated, and Xiao Ming's Q will basically have no chance of hitting.

It is impossible to win a 2V2 battle in the bottom lane with Bron. The policewoman's burst damage and skateboard shoes are incomparable before there is no end.

It is a good choice to stay on the road and raise trolls. RNG's lineup is not fast in dealing with trolls.

Xiaotian followed the good advice and immediately rushed to the road.

Jin Gong doesn't have much pressure to get Troll Logging.

The reason why Big Tree Titan Poppy and the three phantom gods are so domineering in the top lane is that apart from their huge role in team battles, more importantly, their attribute values ​​are too outrageous.

From tankiness to damage, Patch, the most powerful weapon in Jax's mouth, gives the three fantasy gods on the top lane good laning capabilities.

But this has no effect in front of the troll. This hero's Q [Fang Bite] reduces attack power, passive and W will also restore blood, and R [Power Supremacy] sucks blood and resistance, making him a well-deserved tank nemesis.

After Xiaotian went to the top lane to protect his vision, Jin Gong played more unrestrainedly, and he began to suppress the big tree unscrupulously.

YM's bottom lane was seized of the opportunity and consumed again. Xiao Ming's health was already in danger and he was forced to return to the city under the tower.

JKL looked at Uzi and Mata looking eager to try. Knowing that it would be easy for the opponent to jump over the tower and kill him, a policewoman who had not flashed, he quickly gave up the wave of troops in front of the tower and stayed in the closed grass of the second tower without daring to move. .

When Xiao Ming came back and accompanied JKL to the tower, the last hit difference in the bottom lane had reached 15 knives.

Other ADCs would be a little impatient if they were hit with so many knives in the first 5 minutes, but JKL is different. He is usually good at posting and hacking himself for fishing, and his mentality is ridiculously stable.

After Xiaotian died in the bottom lane in the first wave, he knew that he would be suppressed by Uzi throughout the laning period.

Therefore, he only replenishes the soldiers he can, and it doesn't matter if his development is poor. The key is to maintain his condition and not be jumped over the tower.

JKL's mission in this game is to hide behind and mix output in team battles, and let the top and middle players C him.

15 knives, which is also the current suppression data of Lin Ran in the middle against Xiaohu.

Once the army line is reset in the center, he will move forward to consume Kassadin.

He deliberately and slowly accumulated a large wave of soldiers, and then used his skills to send them all to the first tower.

This large wave of troops gave Lin Ran the opportunity to consume Xiaohu wantonly.

Kassadin did not dare to resist. Once he tried to counterattack, the concentrated fire of this large wave of soldiers would do more damage than the hero's basic attack.

Lin Ran frequently got stuck within the distance of the defense tower, causing AQE to consume blood. The defense tower issued a warning, but Lin Ran would get stuck and exit the range of the defense tower.

Of course, his provocative actions were not successful every time. He was accidentally hit by the tower, and he quickly knocked off the reusable potion on his body.

This behavior of constantly attracting aggro from defense towers made the troop line deplete more slowly. After Xiaohu was forced to use E [Energy Pulse] to clear the troop line, Lin Ran's exchange environment became safer.

A large wave of troops descended from the tower, and Lin Ran consumed half of Xiaohu's blood.

Xiaohu knocked down the last bottle of corruption potion, glanced at the army line, and after a moment of thought, his face darkened, making him look like the animated character Hei Xiaohu.

Although he used his skills in time to deal with the tower's wave of troops, he was still a Kassadin who had not reached level 6, and his wave clearing ability was too poor.

Lin Ran on the side responded by attracting the defense tower's hatred back and forth, slowing down the defense tower's line clearing speed.

Therefore, while the soldier line was still under the tower, Xiaohu's next wave of soldiers had already arrived.

Cooperating with the attacks of defense towers and heroes, Xiaohu's troops successfully left the tower.

But they were intercepted by the vampire's next wave of troops in front of the tower.

The troop line is depleted in front of the Little Tiger Tower. If both sides do not push this wave of troop lines, then wait for another 30 seconds and another wave of troop lines will arrive. A brief attack of more troops and fewer troops will cause the junction of the troop lines to advance in front of Lin Ran Tower.

This is a pushback line that belongs to vampires.

Kassadin is most afraid of this kind of military line.

Without his ultimate move, he can't solve this situation at all. If the opponent is more ruthless and holds the line of troops in front of the tower, he can control this large wave of troops for two minutes.

Two minutes, four waves of soldiers, one head of economy.

Little Tiger's heart was bleeding, and he had no choice but to call his good brother MLXG to help deal with it.

But Lin Ran, as the planner of this pushback line, naturally knew how uncomfortable Kassadin was, and he also knew that the little tigers in this wave of troops would definitely have to call the jungler to solve it.

If you shake people, I will shake them too.

Who doesn’t have a wild dad yet?

Garlic Bastard and MLXG came to the middle from the upper and lower bushes at the same time.

Neither jungler has reached level 5, and neither mid laner has reached level 6.

Can't seem to fight?

But the RNG midfielder was quite depressed. How could the two short-handed excavators and Kassadin push this wave of soldiers into the tower in front of the prince and vampires?

MLXG tried to use Q to clear the line of troops. The prince's basic attack with the rhythm of passive war stabbed the queen of the underground beast hard in the face, and the vampire's AQ was also knocked down.

MLXG's health volume dropped a bit.

"No, no, I have to help the bottom lane. Xiaohu, just wait."

MLXG shook his head repeatedly. At this time, when he heard the call from the bottom lane, he quickly abandoned Xiaohu, his good brother who had shared weal and woe, and ran to find his new love, Uzi.

Seeing the excavator leave, Xiaotian also went back to brush his F4.

Xiaohu felt extremely uncomfortable.

He and Lin Ran have been facing each other for such a long time, but the initiative in the middle lane has always been in the opponent's hands. This has always made him feel like he is being led by the nose and being restricted.

Lin Ran was comfortably stuck on the line for two minutes and used Q [Blood Conversion] to restore his blood volume to full.

However, Xiaohu was not idle for the past two minutes. He returned to the city to replenish his status, but he was short of money and could not make a lunch box, so he could only replenish the blue crystal line.

Lin Ran hasn't returned to the city yet, and Kassadin doesn't have any output equipment anyway, so he's not worried.

He used these two minutes to increase his CS lead to 30. Due to the loss of troops caused by the pushback line, it was not until nearly 7 minutes that Kassadin reached level 6.

Lin Ran already had enough money, so he no longer controlled the line - in fact, he couldn't control it anymore. Since the line of troops was in front of the tower, his own artillery vehicles that joined the battle in advance changed the balance of the line.

After hoarding a large wave of troops, Lin Ran quickly began to push the line.

Xiaohu originally didn't want the soldiers to enter the tower, but with more than a dozen soldiers guarding the vampire, he really didn't have the courage to block the line.

The troops advanced deeply into the tower, and Lin Ran returned to the city and bought the Devil's Codex, Burning Gem and a True Eye.

The reason why I chose the Demonic Codex instead of making another small synthetic piece of Rocket Belt, the Hextech Revolver, is simple - vampires eat cooldown reduction.

Taking advantage of Lin Ran's return to the city, MLXG used Uzi's power to push the lane and successfully stole the Fire Dragon.

This is the first update today. Yesterday’s 5 updates were equivalent to paying back 3 chapters, leaving 125 chapters owed.

The next chapters today will be later because the author wants to go out for a meal with friends - don't worry, today will still be 5 o'clock.

The first order is probably confirmed, it’s almost 2000, thank you all readers for your support!

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