LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 108 106: The boundless sea! [Third update, please order first! 】

RNG is facing increasing pressure.

The Nosuke linkage they were proud of before has been completely destroyed.

Braum must now protect Han Bing to capture the line - even if the line of troops is under the tower. After two waves of double-team offensive, everyone in RNG knows how cruel YM is.

These people don't have the word "stop" in their minds. As long as you dare to let the crispy C position develop under the tower, they will dare to jump over the tower.

Braum's movement range is locked, and MLXG's male gun has no other choice. As long as the positions of Titan and Barrel are not exposed, he can only stay not far from the bottom duo to protect them.

However, the male gun's jungle clearing efficiency is pitifully low. MLXG only costs 70 knives in 15 minutes, of which 20 knives are for the line economy, and its development is surprisingly poor.

Xiaohu can only stay in the second tower in the middle to clear the line with soldiers. He and looper are the most normal development points of RNG at present.

RNG's field of vision was infinitely compressed, which made JKL comfortable. Xiaotian provided all his jungle areas to JKL, and Lin Ran didn't want blue BUFF. The entire team's resources were poured into JKL.

JKL brushes off the middle line of troops, then eats the F4 on the opposite side, then eats the river crab, and circles to brush its own three wolves.

Then the next wave of troops arrived, he finished the troops and then went in the opposite direction to brush other wild camps.

This cycle repeats itself, causing the development of policewomen to advance infinitely.

"Why do I feel that JKL's style of play looks familiar?"

"How can the female policeman take care of this? RNG doesn't even have a sudden attack, but Blombo's backhand is just fine."

Miller took a look at the game situation, shook his head and sighed, "The team battle depends on whether Xiaohu's czar can restrain the policewoman. As long as the policewoman doesn't die, it will be difficult for RNG."

"Objectively speaking, it is very difficult for RNG to come back this time around," Wawa said. "Once YM enters this early offensive rhythm, no team can stop them."

In 19 minutes and 30 seconds, the policewoman collected 220 knives.

JKL returned to the city with a huge sum of money to synthesize Runa'a's hurricane, and then bought a yellow fork and Kisheais fragments to synthesize the rapid-fire cannon.

Three piece set will be available soon.

The rest of YM also returned to the city to replenish equipment and real eyes, preparing to start making a fuss around the dragon.

After eating the red BUFF, JKL went online alone and jumped in front of the Tsar with the help of the recoil of the rope net.

RNG's field of vision captured Morgana who was doing the ward position in the Xiaolong area. Xiaohu had never seen such an arrogant jumping-face ADC. He stood up and turned around to stab, and then he was shot in the head by the policewoman.

With the passive damage from the Endless Blade + Kisheis Shard, Xiaohu's health dropped by 1/3, and the audience in the audience let out a low cry of surprise.

What kind of harm is this?

Xiaohu was shocked and did not hesitate, and immediately used the movement of the sand soldiers to escape.

JKL's vision transformation revealed the Tsar outside the field of vision. He crouched down and turned the sniper scope. A sniper bullet knocked the Tsar to a pulp.

He looked at the frantically escaping Tsar and felt extremely comfortable. He was treated like a star in this game, and the trust of the other four teammates made him even more touched after just two months of playing professionally.

"Jack is so fierce, and he's already starting to ride on his face?" Miller sighed.

On the other side, Uzi, who had just made a hurricane + big sword, faced Lin Ran's Titan and fired Q to shoot hard. Lin Ran used the shield of W to block all the damage, and then easily hooked the wall and left.

"Miller, have you noticed that the ADC's damage is particularly high when he is ahead of the endless?" Wawa began to play his own jokes, amusing the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

After beating the Tsar to a low level, everyone in YM moved to the wild area and took down the Wind Dragon.

"Come and fight the dragon, don't give them a chance!" Lin Ran wanted to fight quickly and take advantage of his current peak combat power to send RNG away happily.

JKL has fully used the W skill. Three clips have blocked all the intersections from the RNG blue BUFF area to the Longkeng River. One clip is placed in the grass in the river, and another clip is left in hand for backup.

The four YM players used their real eyes to control the entire field of vision near Dalong Pit, and decisively attacked Dalong, while Jin Gong continued to lead alone on the wing.

Lin Ran used the shield provided by W [Titan's Wrath] in front to resist injuries. JKL's policewoman's output was at full capacity, and Baron Nash's health continued to decline.

RNG's reaction was not too slow. When they found that the policewoman did not appear in the middle, Han Bing immediately shot an Eagle Spirit with E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] and saw the four YM players who were attacking the dragon.

The intersection from Blue BUFF to Longkeng was completely blocked by the policewoman's clamps. The four RNG players could only gather together and circle around the Three Wolf Camp, heading towards Longkeng from the middle river channel.

At this time, the field of vision provided by the Ice Eagle Spirit has disappeared, and the vision transformation has no effect, and it is quickly blocked by YM's true eye.

"Hit whoever comes, I can control them, you just need to make up for the damage!" Lin Ran was very confident.

He withdrew and moved towards the edge of the dragon pit, switching to Xiaotian to resist the dragon, while he was waiting for an opportunity.

Everyone in RNG spread out their formation as much as possible, with the two output positions of Uzi and Xiaohu standing at the back, mata's Braum in front, and MLXG roaming on the flanks.

But the river was a bit narrow after all, and there was a policewoman's clip in the grass in the middle of the river, leaving not much space for the four of them to walk.

At this time, Mata lowered his vision in the river, looper's Poppy moved to a safe position, and the teleportation light lit up.

At this time, Jin Gong also gave the ultimate move at Lin Ran's request. The shield was put on the Deep Sea Titan, and Morgana also handed the magic shield to Lin Ran.

But he was not in a hurry to take action, and was still pretending to engage in multi-player sports with Dalong.

Until Lin Ran saw MLXG's male gun twisting slightly towards the double C in order to avoid Morgana's Q [Dark Imprisonment].

This small move made the distance between the male gun, Han Bing and the Czar much closer.

He seized this fleeting opportunity.

"Follow up!" Lin Ran shouted.

He walked out of the dragon pit, threw the anchor in his hand heavily, and aimed at Bronn at the front.

Uzi's reaction was already very fast, but R: The magic crystal arrow hit Lin Ran's magic shield, making him immune to the control effect.

When the anchor hooked Titan in front of Braun, Lin Ran decisively pressed R [Deep Sea Impact]. Titan raised the anchor and aimed the crosshair of his ultimate move directly at Xiaohu standing at the back!

Mata was stunned by Q [Clear Channel] and had no time to raise his shield. The RNG back row quickly wanted to disperse the formation, but Lin Ran did not give him a chance.

Just as the Deep Sea Titan was about to drop the anchor, Lin Ran suddenly flashed forward!

Instantly hit the back row of RNG!

At this moment, the huge anchor slammed into the ground!

The shock wave rushes towards Xiaohu at the back of the RNG formation!

Titan's R shock wave moves very slowly, and the enemy can easily dodge it. In team battles, it can only hit one or two enemies in most cases.

But Lin Ran used flash to close the distance, and the shock wave instantly passed through the male gun and the ice, hitting the Tsar, and everyone in RNG didn't even have time to react.

The shock wave carrying the power of the majestic sea sent RNG's three back row outputs flying into the sky.

The sea is boundless!

Under the heavy armor, the Deep Sea Titan let out a dull roar, and he vented all the anger from the bottom of the sea on the enemy.

And Shen's ultimate move's guidance speed is faster than teleportation. When Jin Gong lands, a horizontal E [Second Truth! [Shadow Binding] Then control and taunt the three RNG players.

Lin Ran supplemented the output of the Rocket Belt, and RNG's back row blood volume instantly dropped.

The looper's Poppy finally landed, and he immediately charged up and activated R to knock Titan and Shen away.

Mata's Braum threw R [Glacier Fissure] at the YM people in the dragon pit and raised his shield to protect his teammates.

However, Xiaotian's R [Exploding Barrel] smashed Braum to the flank, exposing the three controlled RNG to YM's attack vision.

Poppy swung the sledgehammer to fly Titan and Shen away from the frontal battlefield, but it was too late, Lin Ran and Jin Gong had already played their most critical role.

Xiaotian Jiugong flashed E with his belly and knocked the three people away to follow the control. The policewoman behind reversed E and jumped to face output.

In 20 minutes, with Infinity Blade + Runana's Hurricane + Yellow Cross + Kishe Ace Shard + Attack Speed ​​Shoes, the policewoman dealt explosive AOE damage.

"Oh my God, this Titan's ultimate move is too fast. RNG can't react at all, and they are all knocked into the sky!" Watanaru shouted excitedly, "And YM then connected the control, making it impossible for RNG to hand over the back row. Skill escape!”

The JKL policewoman moved around wildly, ignoring Poppy and Bron in front of her, and only focused on dealing damage to the back row.

Poppy E [Heroic Charge] wanted to push the policewoman away, but it was too late.

A critical hit before being pushed away killed Uzi and the male gun. Xiaohu, who was still alive, tried to escape, but JKL turned on the healing acceleration and refilled another bullet, and the emperor of Shurima fell helplessly.

The remaining Poppy and Bronn were unable to fight back in front of the policewoman's red BUFF, and were chased all the way by JKL who kept up with the output.

The last bullet took Poppy's life, and all five RNG heroes fell in the Summoner's Rift.

red team pentakill!

The cold female voice of the OB system announced the five kills achievement.

Warm cheers echoed throughout the venue.

"Another five-kill!" Wawa shouted excitedly, "This is JKL's second five-kill this season! This time his output was even more exaggerated than Jhin's against EDG back then!"

"The output of this female police officer is too scary. The critical hit from just now almost emptied Uzi's health bar!" Miller was quite helpless.

At this time, Shen and Titan TP went to the second tower in the middle of RNG to join their teammates. The five YM players wanted to end the game in one wave.

Relying on the high attack speed of the policewoman, YM successfully leveled the RNG main castle crystal at the moment Uzi was resurrected, and fixed the game duration at 21 minutes and 01 seconds.

"The terrible early push rhythm!" Watana shouted, "This crushing attack is simply suffocating!"

"RNG must adjust its state in the next game. They have a big problem with early processing!" Miller said with a frown.

Tips: Players who like to play hard-assisted games should understand Titan’s R mechanism. When the anchor is lifted, the target’s crosshair will light up, and when the anchor is dropped, the shock wave will enter the ground (similar to the Titan’s passive that action).

From lifting the anchor to smashing it, Titan can use displacement skills such as flash to adjust the direction and distance of the shock wave, allowing him to complete the curved knock-off of his R skill.

The R flash sticker in this chapter has almost no reaction time, making it the best choice for multi-player sports.

However, when playing this kind of fancy operation, you need teammates to keep up with the control, otherwise it will be easy to lose control and lose money.

PS: Today’s fourth and fifth chapters are in the evening.

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