[Guigui, the bin was smashed! 】

[I like Bin’s words very much. I will give TES lessons next time, hahaha, it’s so difficult. 】

[The quality of Faker's BYD is really low. When he heard Bin going crazy, he immediately switched to the lane to deal with him in the first game. It was really hard to do that. 】

[It makes no sense to choose the Sword Lady costume. Didn’t he think about the possibility of beating faker Jace? 】

[Faker: Is your name Chen Zebin? Are you the only one who wants to teach me? 】

【Like operations? I’ll reward you with a faker, let’s see how it works. 】

Post the results of both sides in the first game.

Faker: 7-2-5


[Canna: The most familiar episode, now someone understands me. 】

[Actually, Bin is pretty good. When Faker used to play Canna, he was so heavy-handed that he had to overwhelm others. This was still too restrained. 】

[Brother Bin is so ordinary, yet so confident. 】

Obviously, there are no fans yet. The behavior of bins who were slapped in the face before the game and then immediately had their faces slapped and swollen was naturally regarded as a clown who does not know the heights of the world and was ridiculed crazily.

They are the ones who envy the trash-talking atmosphere in Europe and the United States. They are also the ones who crazily attack and charge others by trash-talking before the game after the fight.

Netizens are always unsatisfied.

Therefore, the barbecued pork is somewhat worried about bin's mentality.

"It's okay, just fight, don't be stressed, there is no room for changing lines on the other side of this one." Char Siu felt like coaxing a child, comforting the frightened child, and kind of saying to him "Be good, be good, don't do it." Be afraid, don't be afraid, Lee Sang Hyuk won't come, won't come. 】a feeling of.


In fact, Bin's mentality is not as fragile as Char Siu thinks. Although the game is sometimes very emotional, he still won't be disturbed too much by things outside the game.

Now in the second game, I still have time to type.

Bin: [Brother Li, that’s too cruel, your Jace. 】

Bin: [I did learn a lesson today. 】

He naturally gave high praise to Jess, who was still able to hold him back with the Conqueror in Lee Sang Hyuk's last game.

In his opinion, if there was not a level gap between the two sides, they would not be able to do it.

Faker: [Thank you, Jace is actually not very good at playing. 】

Lee Sang Hyuk looked at the public screen message in the custom room. After a little hesitation, he still responded.

"You're just pretending, Brother Li." jackeylove smiled, and then immediately typed, "Indeed, Brother Li plays heroes better than Jace, and there are probably more than ten heroes." 】

Jackeylove, who is addicted to pretending to be a second-hand pussy, is very skilled in typing and interacting on the public screen.

Bin: [Bull! 】

SwordArt: [Real or fake, it’s scary enough. 】

Karsa: [Fuck it, Brother Li said in his voice just now, there are actually more than a dozen. He said that Jess was only able to use it in the competition. 】

Karsa relayed what happened just now.

After jackeylove finished typing, Lee Sang Hyuk immediately said awkwardly, "Don't talk nonsense, it makes me a little distressed, Jack."

"No, intimidate the other side. This is a tactic, man. Try to deceive the other side. How can I put it?" jackeylove smiled proudly.

"It's not right to use threats. You are helping me hide my strength." Lee Sang Hyuk said.

"?" Jacekylove tilted his huge head, his expression full of question marks.

"I play a better hero than Jess, why are there only about ten?" Of course Lee Sang Hyuk doesn't resent jackeylove helping him pretend.

What I hate is that you underestimated my strength.

Jackeylove's "bragging" made Lee Sang Hyuk feel like he was trying to flatter him in a different way.

Jess is not ranked as a hero in Lee Sang Hyuk's career. The reason why he won the last game is just because his current condition is good enough, and his basic skills and game understanding are much better than Bin who just started playing games this year.

In fact, the proficiency of Jace as a hero is far from high.

Looking at jackeylove who was speechless for a while, Lee Sang Hyuk explained seriously.

"My Jace is indeed average. When it comes to this hero, my proficiency is not yet high enough to be able to use this hero. It is just enough to be used in competitions."

Li Sang Hyuk looked back at everyone's expressions, feeling a little tired.

I'm telling the truth, why do you think I'm faking it? Really aggrieved.

"It's only to the extent that it can be used in the game, just use it to win the MVP in the LPL semi-finals. It makes no sense. Brother Li, your "usable" level is a bit too high."

"The semi-finals of the LPL are also ordinary games."

Lee Sang Hyuk didn't think there was any difference between the semi-finals in the league and ordinary games. His Jayce even won the MVP in the best of five finals against GEN.

But I didn’t feel any different, it was just a regular game.

But in terms of Jace's proficiency, he has to be that brat.

"Brother Li has always been very demanding." 369 nodded and agreed with Brother Li again. It was hard to imagine that he had ever been rebellious.

SwordArt: [You are so scared that we don’t even know how to BP. It’s true or not. 】

Angel: [I believe it. So, when Brother Li teaches me, can you not be so strict? 】

Although Angel's face was a bit bitter, he still typed and joked.

The last bin game was just a temporary experience of the pain of beating Lee Sang Hyuk. From the spring, summer, regular season and occasional training games with TES, he was beaten every game.


There was not much reply, just a polite smile.

"You guys are having a great time chatting, okay? Why is this faker so pretentious? Can Angel be sanctioned?" Barbecued Pork looked at the two opposite sides who were still chatting.

My anxious mind was relieved a little, and I took the initiative to joke around.

"Huh? Me, I can't beat him every time." Angel took a sip of water. He was not like Xiaohu who met him this summer. He was so stressed that he got the fear buff before even fighting.

He always likes to read philosophy books and can always face himself calmly.

This is also the reason why when his poor performance was later criticized by a certain group and ridiculed by the entire network, he still smiled and said that he would review his 400,000 private messages on Weibo with everyone when he had time.

"No, in my eyes you and Chen Zebin are both very good players."

"It's okay. It's understandable that I feel like I can't beat Faker normally. I just knew he was good before, but..."

After Bin had a real battle with faker, he realized how unfortunate it was to be born as a mid laner in the LPL.

Regarding TES's seemingly outrageous remarks, Bin believed it because he could see that Jace played very plainly, without too many bells and whistles.

What suppressed him was just his basic skills and superior game.

It can be seen that although Jace occasionally has choices in his games, his real proficiency is not to the point of horror, but he can still blow himself up. If it is in the middle lane that he is more familiar with, then he is better at the hero.

Bin is like a pedestrian standing under the Leshan Giant Buddha for the first time. He feels like Mount Tai is pressing down on him and he can only look up.

"Stop trying to make others more powerful. There is nothing we can't do in competitions. In the past, we, the Lightning Wolves, defeated SKT and ROX in the group stage. We even defeated RNG in the S8 Intercontinental Championship. We were in the eyes of others at that time. They're all useless." SwordArt talked about his previous experiences of defeating Lightning Wolves to boost the morale of several juniors.

"Okay, let's talk about the game, Sofm, I want you to be more rhythm-oriented and Angel to be more brush-oriented. I think you should sacrifice a little bit when it's difficult to do things in the middle."

Every coach has their strengths, and Char Siu is a coach who is very good at adjusting BP, although he may not be considered very good at leading a team.

At this moment, it can be seen that facing the opponent cannot affect the situation of the battle, and it is difficult for Faker to get lane rights in the middle. Sofm must help his teammates relieve the pressure.

"OK." Sofm nodded. He is good at jungle cores, but he can also play rhythm heroes. He has a strong ability to interpret the game, but occasionally he has some problems with his thinking.

"Bin can still be more aggressive and confident on the road."

"369 is worth a fight." Bin is still very confident.

The second round of BP begins.

SN, who chose the blue side, quickly adjusted his BP.

SN won on the blue side: Qinggang Shadow, Prince, Tsar, Aphelios, and Titan.

And TES on the red side is: Tetsuo, Spider, Qiyana, Senna, Tam.

"Wow, this must be the first time Faker has picked Qiyana in a competition!"

Qiyana couldn't help but exclaimed as the audience watched the mid laner light up.

At this moment, in the player’s WeChat group.

As a professional player, whether it is for work or hobby, of course everyone is always paying attention to the competition on the field.

Mlxg: [TES is having fun? 】

Mlxg: [Is Qiyana still playable in this version? 】

LWX: [It can be played, and Qiyana is invincible in my ranking. 】

After S9, Qiyana has already experienced a lot of criticism from designers, and she is far inferior to the supermodel that QEWQ could instantly evaporate thousands of people's blood.

Although there are still people who occasionally use Qiyana on the field, the effect can only be described as hard to describe.

Zoom: [I don’t know, Xiaoyu is playing anyway. 】

Throughout the summer split, Qiyana only played four games, one of which was Leyan's jungler, and the other three games were contributed by yagao.

Knight: [But I feel like he could have won the games he played against Qiyana with other heroes. 】

Knight: [This hero is a bit rubbish, and it’s all someone’s fault. 】

Yagao: [Indeed, you destroyed my beloved Qiyana and became a war criminal @Tian].

Tian: [I can’t play Qiyana. 】

LWX: [You don’t know how? Let me teach you! 】

In public perception, Tian is the best Qiyana user in S9. The weakening of Qiyana is obviously inseparable from him.

Tian: [This hero is not weak either. I think Bei Feng’s rank is like killing pigs. If you can’t play well by yourself, can you stop blaming the hero? Humorous education. 】

Tian: [Everyone can choose a faker to play, which means this hero is fine. 】

Zoom: [No, it feels like even if you win, it only shows that faker is great. People who come to play top lane can give him a huge bin. Do you understand the gold content? 】

Mlxg: [ @Is zoom bin very powerful? 】

LWX: [Feeling inferior to me, his sword sister. 】

mlxg, who is already unemployed, doesn't quite understand the level of newcomers in the current LPL.

Zoom: [He must be fierce. This person is very powerful, but he has little experience and lacks fuel. He will definitely be a very powerful top laner in the future. 】

Tian: [That’s true. The bin was a bit fierce. Anyway, the legendary warrior Brick’s neck was crooked. 】

Mlxg: [Real or fake? Oh, I think about it, you guys lost to SN in the regular season. 】

Zoom: [Hey, jackeylove is the only one on the court, otherwise the group would probably start bragging about his good brother Li now. 】

Yagao: [Brother Li is awesome. Why don’t you let Brother Li brag about his awesomeness? Can you learn Brother Li's Jace? I can only play with weird numerical stuff. @Zoom]

There is no Jace option in Zoom's hero pool. He doesn't understand Jace, a hero with low fault tolerance that requires early suppression.

Zoom: [Come here, come here, you are truly a filial son, you are truly pure, you like faker even more than jackeylove. How about you switch to jungle and rotate to TES, and just stay in the middle every day. 】

Yagao is really a rare person who is more pure than Lee Sang Hyuk’s super fans.

Yagao: [If possible, I will set off overnight. 】

LWX: [Yes, I support it. Let’s bring talents to TES, Xiaoyu. 】

Zoom: [byd, you make it seem like Brother Li is very familiar with you. You don’t even have faker’s WeChat friends or phone number. You still want to bring your talents to TES? It’s hard for me to say, there are people who are just licking dogs. 】

Yagao: [Haha, Brother Li is just shy. Brother Li’s Qiyana is proof. In the entire LPL, I am the only one playing mid laner Qiyana. Now Brother Li is choosing Qiyana in the game. Do you know what it means? 】

Yagao: [This is recognition of my understanding of the game! Do you understand? 】

Zoom: [Xiaoyu, it’s okay to lie to everyone, but don’t lie to yourself. Why can’t people just watch the garbage you Qiyana plays and give you a lesson if you really can’t stand it? 】

Yagao: [Really? Li Ge deliberately taught me during the game? Doesn’t that mean you have me in your heart? I want to take a closer look, close the group, and stop messing around with you guys. 】

Zoom: [Damn, dog licking is really awesome, you can be so defiant, Xiaoyu. 】

Tian: [It’s really top-notch. When does JDG have internal strife? Let me know. I’ll bring the potato chips and coke myself. 】

LWX: [No, why is no one paying attention to me? I also want to bring my talent to TES! I can take the order, my sword girl is invincible. 】

LWX was once again ignored by everyone in the group.

The reason is very simple. Some people, if they occasionally speak out of turn, will be scolded and complained about.

But it has been going against the grain, and everyone is a bit too lazy to pay attention to it.

After all, you are not always willing to tease fools.

LWX: [Oh no, I’m watching the game. I won’t talk to you imbeciles anymore. I’ll study how to bring talent into TES. 】

Mlxg: [OK, I’ll satisfy you, Big Eyebrow. 】

Someone finally paid attention to LWX and banned him for ten hours.

Tian: [Fuck, what kind of prince is this? 】

On the court, Prince Sofm's talent also surprised the commentators and even former professional players.

The prince with a sudden phase.

Tian: [Oh, this wave of coffee guys are so disgusting! 】

Because even Faker's Qiyana must be pushed by the Czar in the early stage.

Before level 3, this hero is a large melee minion.

Not to mention its strong combat capability, it can only be said to be useless.

So SOFM started his favorite part of invading core people.

In fact, the spider's early fighting ability does not need to be poor.

But sofm is disgusting.

He came up to punish and force away Karsa's wild monsters, and then AEQ phased and ran away.

When Karsa went to clear the next wild group, his phase changed and he came back to feel sick again.

EQA grabs the little wild monster and triggers phase escape again.

His purpose is to disrupt karsa's rhythm.

If the spider can't do anything in the front, there will definitely be no prince who can be useful in the back.

This is why Sofm grabbed Karsa and blew himself up together.

Even Karsa was disgusted by Sofm. He forced a wave of pursuit and was stopped by SN Ueno.

Five minutes into the game.

Karsa was on the verge of exploding, and Qiyana, who was suddenly selected in the middle, had no effect, and was kept under the tower by the Czar.

Mlxg: [Qiyana is still too rubbish as a hero, and faker can only play like this. 】

Mlxg still feels that Qiyana’s choice makes no sense.

But ten seconds later, in the same WeChat group, Mlxg also spoke.

Mlxg: [I’ll copy it! Supermodel! 】

At this moment, all the barrage in the live broadcast room are [supermodel] and classic [? 】.

And Angel's screen is dark.

Mlxg: [Why does his Qiyana feel like the damage is higher than mine? Why does it feel like it's so easy for him to kill someone? 】

Mlxg: [That makes no sense. 】

Yagao, who said he was shutting out the group, proudly said: [This is Brother Li! 】

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