LOL: I am Lee Sang Hyeok in my rebirth!

Chapter 156 Like a clown, so pitiful

"Hey, sometimes I feel a little envious. They have such a long vacation!"


Zhuo, who had just returned to the TES base with the MSI trophy, looked at the calendar and couldn't help but sigh.

MSI is a competition that only the champions can participate in. Although it does not last long, it takes up all other people's vacation time.

Adding in all the miscellaneous things, I lost more than half a month of vacation.

As for those teams that did not play in the playoffs and had a holiday, the holidays after the spring split were even longer.

"Brother Zhuo, you are really a bit rich. How can I put it this way? Being rich is unkind." JackeyLove wanted to complain, but for a while, due to cultural attainments, she didn't know how to express it.

"Why not eat minced meat." Lee Sang Hyuk added. As a reborn outsider, he knew how to use words better than he did.

"Indeed, Brother Zhuo doesn't know that other people don't even dream of taking a vacation. When you really have nothing to do on vacation, you will be really anxious." 369 said, when he sat at the water cooler and narrated his salary, he didn't feel the same in his heart. A little bit of joy.

"I said it just for fun, I must work hard, work hard, work hard." Zhuo quickly waved his hand and explained that for him, this year should be the only opportunity in his life.

If I missed this time, I don’t know if I will be able to meet such a good teammate configuration next year.

"Everyone has worked hard." When Guo Hao on the side heard this topic, he hurriedly expressed his feelings as a leader by speaking in Cheluolun dialect. "The holidays are a bit short, but everyone should stick to it. I think we all have a common goal in playing games."

"It's okay, I think the TES holiday is quite reasonable." Lee Sang Hyuk felt that his free time was much more abundant than in T1 in the past.

"No, Brother Li, can you stop being so curled up? Go play an exhibition match again."

Jackeylove saw the promotion of exhibition matches on several live broadcast platforms today. Lee Sang Hyuk is going to be a guest again and play exhibition matches during this short holiday.

As a current player, it is extremely rare for the activity schedule to be so full.

The main reason is that Lee Sang Hyuk himself does not resist these activities, as if he never feels tired.

"Indeed, Brother Li's salary has already reached 7 million, and his current income with other things must be at least tens of millions."

369 said, Lee Sang Hyuk's contract matter was so highly hyped at the beginning, so his teammates naturally knew about it.

Originally, Lee Sang Hyuk's contract was the cheapest at the beginning, only 800,000, which was much lower than 369.

369 looked at his frugal appearance and thought that he was born into a poor family. At first, he was very considerate and treated Li Sang Hyuk to a lot of meals.

Although I eat it often now

But after winning the MSI championship, Lee Sang Hyuk's salary has reached 7 million a year.

In 2020, an era when player values ​​have not yet reached their peak, there are only a few players who can earn such a high annual salary of 7 million.

Coupled with the share of some commercial activities and endorsements, Lee Sang Hyuk's income in the past six months has exceeded 10 million. This is a top-notch high income no matter which country or city he is in.

"Is it high? It's okay." Lee Sang Hyuk seemed to have no real sense of the huge sum of 7 million yuan.

"Brother Li is really weird. Sometimes it feels like 70 yuan is a lot to him, but sometimes it feels like 7 million is like small money." Karsa complained.

"Brother Li is pretending to be cool. If you tell him a number like 7 million, you must be casual and happy. You all know it's a joke. But when you say 70 yuan, he really has it in his hand now."

"I just think money should be spent on meaningful points, just like your mana must be spent on the edge to play the game well." Lee Sang Hyuk said.

"Moreover, participating in these activities is like crying. It is very interesting, fun and has a sense of accomplishment."

Lee Sang Hyuk has long been accustomed to busy days. When a behavior is maintained for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Lee Sang Hyuk has been busy in this career for more than 12 years.

If you really let him have some time to relax, he can't do it.

Moreover, he really finds these activities interesting. Accumulating wealth is more about accumulating a sense of accomplishment. The income of professional players is also a recognition of being a player to a certain extent.

"What do you mean, can I prove myself?"

As a well-known anchor Zztai who was also invited to participate in the entertainment competition, he was now asking Rita, who had made a lot of waves with him.

As the game enters the offseason, the commentators naturally enter the holiday season.

And Rita also started a live broadcast. When she had nothing to do, she found the viewers in the live broadcast room to earn some money.

"You? What do you want to prove?"

Rita asked.

"That's it, faker."

He said with a gesture, although he had long understood that his game level should be completely different from the monsters that a bunch of champion mid laners treated as pigs to kill.

But entertainment competitions are essentially entertainment and serve entertainment. Naturally, some program effects are needed.

So, when it comes to playing the role of a clown and creating popularity, natural posture also plays a role.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Rita continued to ask, pretending not to understand.

"It's just an exhibition match. If I go up to play against Faker, can I prove myself?" Zhi asked.

"Hahahahaha." It was Rita's laughter that responded to him.

"No, why are you laughing? Don't laugh!" The temperature of the posture in the live broadcast room continued to rise, showing the effect of the show. "No, Gouba, who wasn't a genius boy back then?"

"It's okay, I'll keep going, I'll always support you." Rita responded with a smile. “I’ve always been a fan of gesture.”

"Hey, what should I say? If someone has something to do, I asked you to replace me during the exhibition match? Why haven't you replied yet?" Zhi Zhi asked.

The original roster for the exhibition match was negotiated, but a well-known female commentator and female anchor, Zhou Shuyi, on the original roster has been out of rhythm recently, so she can only do it for the time being.

For convenience, the organizers decided to find Rita, who is also a well-known female commentator, as a substitute.

Today's live broadcast is also a vaccination together with the posture. The sideline tactfully mentioned this is not a very positive thing.

"Yes, they are looking for me." Rita nodded, "Actually, I may not be free that day. I'm hesitant. Mainly because I feel like I'm not good at it and I'll get sprayed easily if I go up there."

"What's wrong with you? Is there anything more important than playing games with your favorite professional players?"

Looking at the full screen of [LLW is red] and [Nanny Ai Xi], they continue to hype up the ambiguous topic between the two.

"That's true." Rita nodded.

"What do you mean, I invite you to the WeChat group? Pyl over there said that in order to let people like you, whose gaming skills are not easy to say, have a gaming experience, I will give you the privilege of choosing a team." Zhi took out his mobile phone and operated it.

"OK." Rita also took out her mobile phone and operated it.

The live broadcast room still looks calm at the moment.

However, the performance of the program has just begun.

After a short 30 seconds.

"No, are you a pig?" Zhizi asked suddenly. "You made the wrong choice. I'm not from that team."

"That's right." Rita checked her phone and then answered calmly.

"Don't you want to play with me? Don't you want to witness your favorite player prove himself?" The gesture was a bit red. I don't know if it was the effect of the real show, or if it was mixed with a little real emotion. "You chose the fucking faker!"

"Yes." Rita answered confidently.

"What about me? I made it! The professional player you like is not me?" Zhi looked at the [Joker] filling the screen and asked.

"Who are you?" He replied with two simple sentences. Although he knew it was for the effect of the show, his attitude was still a bit too high-spirited.

"Are you a dog?"

The gesture said the comment that Lee Sang Hyuk made before.

"So anxious?" Rita asked, "I can't tell. You don't really think so. Forget it, it doesn't feel good to say it out loud. There are so many people watching in the live broadcast room, so I can save some face for you."

"If you suffer, you will be tortured miserably. I will complete my revenge." His posture was red and warm, and he spoke boldly.

"Can you really do it? What kind of MSI champion are you?"

"I'm MSI" Rita's rhetorical question seemed to deal real damage, leaving her speechless for a moment.

RNG in the spring of 2018 all had MSI champions, guess who didn’t?

"You were in the commentary box at MSI, and I bumped into you backstage."

"It's too much, it's really too much. Haha, let me tell you, don't think that you are invincible just because Faker is your teammate. Lee Sang Hyuk has limits. If you don't limit him, what are we playing? What do you think?"

"Ah?" Rita's eyes widened, "But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's enough to play against the players you like. If you want to win, I'll win for you."

After listening to the speech, Zhizi fell into silence.

[Why are some people abused in the game and also outside the game? 】

[Rita, a pure bad woman. 】

[Rita would rather play awkwardly with faker than with you. 】

[Like a clown, so pitiful. 】

【What NTR? Okay, okay, this is my favorite episode. Fast forward to Brother Li’s lol game, which is much better than yours. He is already in Brother Li’s shape. 】

"No, I can't stand it anymore. I want to vote in the group to let Faker play the bottom lane. I will notify PYL and Imp for emergency special training tonight. Really, I don't know what I'm pretending to be!"

With a red face, Wen took out his cell phone and started preparing for the entertainment competition.

This is no longer just entertainment, this is his lost dignity!

. . . .

PS: In fact, yesterday’s April Fool’s Day joke was not a joke. I really asked for leave yesterday, and the post in the early morning was for today. But after thinking about it, I felt quite guilty, so I made a temporary chapter.

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