LOL: I am Lee Sang Hyeok in my rebirth!

Chapter 121 The Demon King ascends the throne!

"Wang Defa! This is why TES has the confidence to shoot Dalong! Double C! Fucking loser!"

"Heizi who is questioning, speak up!"

Seeing this wave of team battles that was bound to become a famous scene again, Brother Crystal let out a bad breath about the scene that had just been questioned.

Uzi and posture are expressions of embarrassment.

"Well, it's really no problem. If the two of them can swim in front of five people on the other side like this, then they can fight at will."

"Isn't there another cat?"

"OK, mine."

On the court, JDG's face couldn't be darker.

Being used as a background by Lee Sang Hyuk again.

Just like Jerry teasing Tom, Lee Sang Hyuk completed his excellent teasing performance.

And they become fools to be teased.

However, there is really no way. In that case, the brain will be overloaded.

In addition, in team battles, the mouse could not keep up with Lee Sang Hyuk at all.

Unless the mouse can lock its feet, even a god would have to act like a fool.

JDG's defeat has become obvious.

"Then JDG here was defeated by the team, so he can reach high without using the baron."

"Aphelios, come out and guard the Tooth Tower."

"Zoe QRQAE! Use electrocution! lvmao didn't even have time to shield, he was immediately killed!"

"TES wants a direct attack! 369 has T in resurrection! EZ rides on the face, yagao can't stand it anymore!"

"it's over."

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, TES suddenly attacked again and lost JDG at the end of the wave.

Compared to the previous game, JDG's loss was even more ugly.

Yagao knew very well that he had completely become a clown in front of Lee Sang Hyuk.

He chose a czar who was very impressive, but was killed by someone using his own unique skills.

Although he doesn't know it yet, under the leadership of a certain clown anchor, the entire Internet is now commenting on [Can Yagao's Czar play half as well as Faker? 】

But Yagao also knows how sharp the outside world's evaluation of him will be after these two games.

He's seen it.

After losing the intercontinental competition, he was called an inferior horse.

He knew that his teammate flawless at the time actually wanted to win more than anyone else.

But if you lose, you can only serve the country with loyalty.

E-sports is always so cruel.

They don't care how much effort you put in, or how hard you work.

They only look at the end result.

Yagao has always felt that it is like those characters in those anime that are full of chuunii, those characters who still fail after trying hard, will say it.

[How can it be repaired? Sure enough, it still can’t be done? 】

It's so embarrassing, so shameful, so second-rate.

But to this day.

He actually has the same thoughts as those characters that make adults feel a little embarrassed.

Still can't do it?

Look at the Silver Dragon Cup on the screen.

So far out of reach.

And for the guy who came out of nowhere.

As long as you win the last bo1, you can easily win the trophy.

They've done it countless times.

"There will be no regrets in the end."

Coach Homme is a serious coach. He will always tell his players how to adjust and optimize after a failure.

But now all that is left is a word of no regrets.

The strange thing is that everyone in JDG originally thought they were standing on the edge of such a cliff.

The atmosphere will definitely become very, very bad.

But surprisingly, the atmosphere within the JDG team unexpectedly improved a lot after losing the second game.

It instantly became lighter.

Suddenly, there was no need to worry.

"Yeah, maybe I can take care of everything, maybe I can fight better."

"Don't leave any regrets! Come on, come on."

The third game of JDG vs TES.

JDG did not plummet as everyone expected.

On the contrary, Bard, who was brought out by lvmao in the life and death game, frequently helped JDG to stabilize the situation, causing waves of trouble for TES.

No matter how it ends, at least they withstood Lee Sang Hyuk's attack.

The situation here is extremely anxious.

TES still showed their high level of competition, and it is difficult to find fault with all their decisions and actions.

And JDG also showed tenacious perseverance at the last moment.

The two sides continued to fight for 35 minutes.

There is almost no economic gap between the two sides.

"Oh, JDG! lvmao's Bud is so handsome!"

"TES has suffered a big blow this time!"

In key team battles.

lvmao's long-range throwing ultimate move accurately pinned four people!

Then he stood up tightly.

TES was played zero for four!

JDG showed their amazing resilience in desperate situations.

Now the four members of JDG are advancing towards TES's base with their troops.

"Is it too late? There aren't many troops."

"It feels a bit difficult. Zoom here is fighting towers and protecting the troops."

"Is it coming again? A chance to break TES' undefeated golden status!"

The atmosphere of the entire venue has been completely aroused, and the cheers are deafening.

Although today's game has been played so far, the score is only a 2:0 crushing game.

But if you really watch the game from the beginning, you will know how exciting these two games are.

Whether it was reversal after reversal in the first scene, or flying stars dancing in the second scene.

Compared with other TES crushing games, the shouting in today's game was enjoyable.

Now, JDG finally mustered up the courage to charge against TES.

Although JDG doesn't have many fans, they do attract more applause from everyone now.

Everyone could see their persistence in not giving up in the face of powerful enemies.

Some people even began to believe that if they successfully win this game, the powerful JDG will complete the miracle of letting two people chase three.

It's like the enduring following in a passionate story.

The brave man who no one thought he would win shouted, "There is no way he can win. I don't understand!"

Then complete the reversal in the final desperate situation.


There is still one person alive in TES.

The only variable.


In the first game, when TES was on the verge of collapse, he helped TES reverse the situation again with a push.

In the second game, when JDG finally saw hope, they used six flashes to completely extinguish their flames.

And in the third game, can he still do it?

"Now only faker is left on the field! If there are no problems, JDG should be able to end the game smoothly!"

Wang remembers saying.

"Faker can't come back this time, can he? There are five people on the field!"

Guan Zeyuan asked.

There is no way that he can reverse everything by himself. There is no such unfair thing, right?

However, Rita remained silent.

But the hearts of the audience, who were cheering to continue watching the next exciting showdown, could not help but skip a beat.

"The plane has explosives!"

Rita said this.

"Probably not." Guan Zeyuan frowned as he looked at Li Sang Hyuk who returned to the city to pick up the explosive pack.

"Well, probably not. But it still depends on the performance of this wave. I feel that if Faker can clear the line of troops smoothly, he might be able to hold on."

"But Kassadin is level 16! This plane is so difficult to hold up."

Lee Sang Hyuk takes off with a pack of explosives.

By this time JDG had demolished the high ground.

The speed of five people demolishing the tower in 35 minutes instantly shattered the high ground.

Ornn, Excavator, Kassadin, Gunslinger, Bard.

The five people pushed forward together, their eyes full of desire for victory.

"Dismantling the crystal!"

"Faker is trying to poke, but JDG knows very well and won't let him clear the line of troops, and directly pushes forward with his body."

"JDG was a little tempted. Yagao came forward with an R, but Faker moved a little fast with the explosive pack. He didn't pull back to give Yagao the space to get closer. At the same time, he turned back to RAQ. The damage was so high!"

Faker controlled the distance so well that he didn't allow yagao to directly step on him with an R and force him to use the explosive package.

Instead, yagao was knocked out of half of his health by a RAQ.

However, JDG did not focus on Lee Sang Hyuk in the future.

The core goal now is to demolish the tower.

JDG resisted Lee Sang Hyuk's poke output.

One shot! Two shots! Lee Sang Hyuk keeps bombarding.

Yagao was crippled, and another shot passed through the crowd and landed on Kanavi, instantly half-healthy.

But at the same time, the first incisor tower of TES also fell to the ground.

The second incisor tower is also in danger.

There are still nine seconds before TES' double C resurrection.

JDG just wants to demolish the tower right now!

They were just a hair away from winning this small round.

As long as they win this small game, their journey this spring is not over yet.

A top laner who came up from LDL and spent most of his career wasting time.

A jungler who has traveled to a foreign country and only deserves to eat leftovers.

A mid laner who commanded his teammates to start a team fight and made them bear everything, and who has been feeling guilty after finishing his LPL journey.

An AD that no one believes in, who has repeatedly reincarnated in JDG and TES just to prove himself.

A support who is already old and doesn’t know how many years he has left in his career.

Everyone has their reasons for continuing!


Faker took off.

The explosive pack draws a perfect arc in the air!

Accurately covers the army line and JDG crowd.

The trajectory of the explosive package was like a sky fire, causing horrific damage.

JDG immediately turned around and wanted to kill faker instantly.

Kassadin stepped forward with the Archangel's shield.

And faker is indeed moving forward with a W.

Fly straight to LokeN.

WQR explodes a terrifying AOE.

Kanavi wanted to push Faker up, and Yagao also output again.

Zoom back to Faker.

Loken handed over the flash to gain distance, and continued with the A front tooth tower.

The JDG troop line has been cleared!

But at the same time, LokeN also lost his last front tooth.

Flashing RA, faker killed LokeN.

The burning damage also forced Yagao to activate his golden body.

lvmao also has a trace of blood left.

Faker, who still had some remaining health, started a stopwatch to delay the attack.

JDG has three crazy A crystals left.

But can it be done in time? !

Everyone jumped to their throats!

LokeN, which caused the highest damage, has been forcibly killed by Lee Sang Hyuk in seconds.

Yagao immediately activated his golden body to avoid damage.

Three people from JDG are in the crazy A tower.

The moment when Lee Sang Hyuk's golden body ended.

Yagao finally stepped up and pressed up with Kanavi.

yagao finally killed faker.

But again, Faker made a QR move while Jin Shen stood up.

Yagao and kanavi were replaced simultaneously!

Three people died together! Faker scored three kills!

Only JDG's top assistant was left on the field.

No one dared to cheer, and the venue suddenly became unusually quiet.

Everyone is staring at the health of the base.

1000 blood!

jackeylove and karsa are resurrected!

500 blood!

lvmao died in battle!

200 blood!

Just the last bit!

70 blood!

A can’t be dropped!


"Zoom fell to the ground, just a little bit! Just a little bit!"

"JDG! How I want to borrow one more second from God! Just one second!"

"JDG finally killed faker in the end! But they couldn't win against faker!"

"Faker did it, and he did it again and again, with one man and one city, turning the world around! He is like a real devil!"

The so-called devil is not someone who has put in all your efforts and efforts, carried expectations and challenged you, but he still won't show mercy.

The so-called devil is the one who crushes countless hopes.

The so-called devil is the one who cannot be defeated easily and makes people feel scared when he stands there.

The brave man named JDG has shed the last drop of their blood!

But they can't stop the Demon King from ascending the throne this spring!

JDG was wiped out.

The remaining four TES people are working hard towards JDG's crystal.


However, no one in JDG stood up to turn the tide and save the world like Faker.

Watching the other party advance step by step, JDG's voice was silent.

No regrets!

How is it possible not to have any regrets?

After all, it ended like this.

Even the noise-canceling headphones playing white noise couldn't completely isolate the cheers from the 70-blood comeback.

There are only a few dozen seconds left before the end of the game, but every second passes by so long.

Cruel, accompanied by regret.

This is the charm of competition.

Life is always like this.

If it were a passionate comic and they worked so hard, the ending probably wouldn't be 3:0.

But the fact is that when someone, like the protagonist of Shuangwen's story, ascends to the throne irreversibly, the bones of countless people must be beneath his feet.

Time has become so slow.

The commentators performed wantonly in the last few dozen seconds.

There is no need to talk about the details of the game, no need to predict the future, they just need to chant the name of the winner.

The endless words of praise only made their moment of victory seem even more high.

"Some people say that League of Legends is a team game, which is contrary to individual heroism."

"But today, Faker! He is showing everyone that as a League of Legends player, where is the ultimate in personal heroism!"

"No matter how perfect your attacks are, how admirable your attacks are, he will still stand here! He will accept all your attacks!"

"They are still undefeated this spring! After the unprecedented regular season victory in small games, they have an unprecedented 100% winning rate to win the championship!"

"From today on, LPL will always remember his name! He has become a legend of LPL!"

"He easily dominated the LPL, and he is about to appear on the world stage!"

"Just like Faker's pre-game promo, I think the world has already begun to study him and how to defeat him."

"But I think Faker will say, come on, he can take on all challenges!"

"Come on, faker! It's time to tell the world that the real devil has been born!"

"The undefeated new king! TES holds your Silver Dragon Cup! Welcome everyone to cheer for the championship!"

Following Guan Zeyuan's passionate speech, Faker stood up calmly.

Yagao looked at the figure walking towards him.

Although I could have guessed this outcome a long time ago, I had already prepared the expectation of losing.

But when this failure came, it was still so hard to accept.

I can't help but think.

If, it is if.

If Faker does not exist this spring, will he be the one who finally gets the praise and holds the Silver Dragon Cup?

How great it would be if faker didn't exist.

Maybe he will be the LPL champion, maybe he will go to the world stage, maybe the world championship will be a try.

yagao suddenly remembered that sentence he always heard when he was a child.

Born in Yu? He Shengliang. meaning.

He finally understood.

The two fist bumped, and it was Lee Sang Hyuk who spoke first.

"You're better than last time, come on."

A very brief sentence.

But yagao, who was on the edge of despair, almost burst into tears.

Looking at Faker's figure heading to the Silver Dragon Cup.

It seemed that his efforts were not in vain, as the distance between him and his back seemed to be slightly closer.

And here.

Under the spotlight, he easily won the ninth championship that symbolizes the LPL championship.

This is the most dominant champion there will ever be.

His brilliance was enough to eclipse the entire competition area.

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