LOL: I am Lee Sang Hyeok in my rebirth!

Chapter 107 Reward a Faker (Second update for the leader)

The SOLO Invitational Tournament continues.

In the next few solo games, Lee Sang Hyuk continued his formula, 2:1 blank, 2:1 Jin Canyi, 2:1 Xiao Chaomeng.

There was originally a showman, but for some reason he got into an argument with the organization's referee and was taken off the air.

In the end, we had no choice but to find Wen Shen to take over.

Because it was unexpected, the organizers did not restrict Lee Sang Hyuk from using any heroes.

But I still ended the game with three Rivens, and then calmly played.

"I'm super, Brother Li, you can still play Ruiwen!"

369 was dumbfounded. Let’s not talk about the quality and character of Wen Shen, but his level of Riwen is indeed top-notch.

In S10, if you can use this kind of garbage hero to compete with the powerful iron man for points, you will naturally have two brushes.

But Lee Sang Hyuk really beat Solo with Riven.

"I really didn't expect him to be able to play Riven." Karsa also nodded, expressing surprise.

Riven is a hero who cannot play in the game, and many professional players who play on the road have little proficiency.

There have been one or two unique guys who have played with Riven in the past few years, but they can only be described as toys.

As for mid laner Riwen, I don’t know what ancient times it goes back to.

But the proficiency shown by Lee Sang Hyuk is not low at all.

"It's not bad. In fact, the opponent Riven is a little more proficient, but it's a pity that I'm a little anxious. It's easier to trick him into operating, and my understanding of the soldier lines is also a little worse."

Lee Sang Hyuk, who had already downloaded the broadcast, made critical comments without any scruples.

"How come you know everything? How many heroes do you know?" 369 couldn't help but ask.

Lee Sang Hyuk thought that if it were as of S13, the number of heroes he had logged into the game should be 75.

He felt that if he really wanted to count, there might be a few more.

But Lee Sang Hyuk felt that no one would believe him if he told him.

My image in everyone's eyes has almost become that of a braggart.

Therefore, Lee Sang Hyuk decided to restrain himself a little, and his solo today was quite satisfying.

Instead of showing off, he might as well give his teammates some chicken soup and encourage them, so that he can show his responsibility.

"I don't know, but I think there is no such thing as a hero if you practice enough."

"Even if it's very difficult to play at the beginning, as long as you make up your mind and practice with him seriously for a month, you will definitely be able to gain proficiency in the game."


369, who asked the question, fell silent. For him, who found it difficult to practice one Gnar in a season, this was not encouraging chicken soup at all.

This chicken soup is the same as the principal’s father’s idea of ​​setting small goals.


"Why, don't you believe me? In fact, there was a period of time when I couldn't understand the Tsar."

Lee Sang Hyuk was about to continue explaining.

369 raised his hand to interrupt him, "No need, Brother Li, I understand what you mean."

"I can only say that this is Brother Li." Zhuo couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, it’s not Lee Sang Hyuk’s fault.

For Lee Sang Hyuk, he really couldn't think of what kind of hero he was, and he couldn't play in the game after practicing hard for a month.

Never experienced it.

Even in my old age, I have never experienced it.

In his eyes, at the age of eighteen or nineteen, shouldn't he be able to understand most of it after playing for a week or two?

To say one month is already very conservative.

"But Brother Li, let me tell you something."

jackeylove turned off the microphone and pretended to go to the toilet and asked quietly.

"I told you to be gentle and save some face for others, but your formula is all about giving up one to two. Everyone can see that you are deliberately giving up. Wouldn't it be more disrespectful to others? You might as well go straight to 2:0. ”

"." Lee Sang Hyuk, who was about to continue explaining the chicken soup, was silenced by jackeylove's words.

"Oops, I was too distracted and didn't pay attention." Lee Sang Hyuk made an excuse.

"Oh, that's right." jackeylove nodded in understanding.

"Didn't the barrage say anything?" Zhuo asked inappropriately.

Jackeylove secretly thought, this child is ignorant.

"Actually, if everyone can't tell that I'm giving in on purpose, I'd feel quite uncomfortable."

Lee Sang Hyuk awkwardly talked about the real reason.

He looked at the barrages that were clearly being played in an entertainment competition, but he didn't get angry at them.

But his strong competitiveness when playing games could not be suppressed for a while.


369 nodded and looked at the guy who was a little awkward and full of bad taste.

I feel a little better.

Some people will become a bit weird when they receive heaven-defying talents.

But, if possible, I don’t know how many people would rather be such a freak

"But that's the way to go. After all, everyone is being abused like this, so it shouldn't be that uncomfortable. If you deliberately let the second team chase the third team in the first game, and then it's 2:0 in the second game, that's really unfair."

Jackeylove patted Lee Sang Hyuk on the shoulder and told Lee Sang Hyuk, who regretted his behavior, not to worry too much.

Lee Sang Hyuk's solo match indeed caused a lot of topics.

Use each streamer's unique hero to win Solo.

This sounds too perverted.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Although Lee Sang Hyuk's proficiency is not necessarily as high as theirs, his on-the-spot operational reactions and game understanding are all at the forefront.

It is indeed not incomprehensible to win a solo.

The event was highly discussed, but it did not cause a particularly big discussion.

Everyone just lamented once again that Lee Sang Hyuk was so ridiculously powerful when there was nothing to talk about.

Because compared to the record of killing every mid laner in the entire LPL and still having a 100% winning rate since debut.

It all just seemed like that.

Just like the favorite phrase used by junior high school students in writing essays, time flies like an arrow.

In a blink of an eye, the playoffs have officially begun.

TES also adjusted back from vacation.

Start studying your opponents in the playoffs.

RNG, which was knocked out of UZI by Lee Sang Hyuk, suffered a tragic loss in the first round.

Stopping in the quarterfinals of the playoffs made the emperors go around trying to summon Uzi's soul. At the same time, they also had a little more hatred for Lee Sang Hyuk, who caused Uzi's public opinion to explode and retired to take a rest.

The only thing that makes RNG feel better is that although EDG is a little better than them, they are not very competitive.

After getting the knight's EDG, it didn't take off as expected.

Knight can't save the current EDG, and Knight's own glory has been completely overshadowed by Lee Sang Hyuk.

He was originally the light of the future, but now he is like a firefly under the bright moon.

It's hard to see a way out.

Finally fell into the hands of IG.

The original S10 LPL format was called the Yonko.

That is, FPX, IG, JDG, and TES are the four teams that are ahead of other teams in the gap.

But in the LPL where Lee Sang Hyuk exists, the situation has changed to one emperor and their challengers.

IG fans were very happy at first. They showed a crushing force against EDG.

Rooike was in good condition and took care of Knight clearly.

This made IG fans hold high the banner of revenge.

I feel like I finally have a chance to find TES to erase the 47-minute bo3 speedrun record that has been talked about all spring.

In groups with a huge number of fans on Weibo, there is always a strange sense of self-confidence.

The same goes for IG.

But unfortunately, it was JDG who really held high the banner of revenge.

IG already looked strong enough, but JDG won the game with a clean 3:0.

They completed their revenge for being zero-blocked by IG in last year's Spring Finals.

Ning and Leyan played alternately in this game, but in the end they failed to change the situation.

Especially Ning, who was arrogant and arrogant all day long and looked down on many junglers. He was suppressed by Kanavi's Leopard Girl by a full five levels.

That's right, level 5 matchup suppression and man-fighting are nothing more than that.

JDG used its super strong advantage to tyrannize IG, whose game ideas have not changed at all in a spring.

Everyone understood that IG was not even qualified to challenge TES in the playoffs.

Surprisingly, there was no joy on the faces of JDG who advanced to the finals.

Some people wonder why they are so unhappy after winning the game?

Until someone mentioned it, teams in the top half of the playoffs usually practice against teams in the bottom half before the finals.

Everyone watched the victory over LPL's top mid laner Rooike, but yagao was not happy at all.

They probably understand who the team they are training with is, and they also probably understand that the state of the training matches may be a little bit unsatisfactory.

Also unhappy are FPX fans.

FPX defeated WE 3:1 in the second half a few days ago.

Doinb won three consecutive MVPs against Teacherma.

It makes people sigh, big doinb is still better than small doinb, and the same type of stand-in is still better than the low imitation.

FPX fans didn’t come here to remember to praise a few words [Super carry doinb! ], my good mood was ruined by a speech.

[Brother inb is really that good? Niu Niu Niu, I will reward you with a Faker! 】

They were going to face the monster again.

"Oh my god, I realized that the theme of the semi-finals is revenge! You see, JDG took revenge on IG. It was revenge. We can also take revenge!"

Doinb doesn’t know whether he wants to deceive fans or himself.

Crisp also said, "We lost the game before it even started. Why don't you just give them the championship?"

Liu Qingsong knew very well that he was more interested in cheering himself up.

Tian didn't speak, feeling a bit depressed.

LWX, with his smart eyes as always, said, "I will win."


The "Devil King", who has not appeared on the field for more than half a month, is about to appear again.

Everyone can't help but start to look forward to what kind of excitement he will bring to LPL.

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