Leng Xuan looked at the other party and said: "You must know the reason why we are looking for you. If you still want to live, you'd better cooperate with us and don't make senseless resistance." After listening to his words, although the man was very unwilling, he still Obediently handed over the bronze statue.

   Playing with the bronze statue in his hand, Leng Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Well now, with the bronze statue in hand, he no longer has to worry about being eliminated. "How did you find me?" The injured man stood up slowly, looking at the two of them and asked.

Leng Xuan smiled indifferently and said, "If I say it's character, you definitely won't believe it. However, the fact that I can find you really has a lot to do with character." If it wasn't for his good character, he would choose to stay and help Huang Shou voluntarily. How could those villagers have the chance to get such a good reward. Unfortunately, the other party scoffed at his words and did not believe it.

   "Okay, let's go. I only want the bronze statue, not your life." After sending the man away, Peng Yu said, "Brother Leng, what are your plans next?"

  Leng Xuanruo smiled meaningfully: "I'm going to look around and talk to those who have bronze statues." He had already thought about it long ago. Since the chief examiner of this round of test gave him such an important item, he must make good use of it. Right now, in this space, he has three opponents, the ghost king and the king of **** no longer talk about it, and the other one is Yu Wenbo. At present, he can't accurately locate Yuwenbo's identity, because he does not know what Yuwenbo's purpose is. Therefore, he now only regards Yuwenbo as a potential enemy. Compared to Yu Wenbo, he is more concerned about the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts. There are still nearly three days before this test. If he can use his advantages, he may be able to eliminate one of the two of them. This will be of great benefit to him.

   However, although his idea is good, it is not so easy to realize it. Although he was able to use the cyan bead to find those with bronze statues, the problem was that he couldn't determine the identities of those people, so he could only try his luck.

   After a rest, Leng Xuan took out the blue beads, found the light spot closest to him, and set off with Peng Yu. Now, his concern is not only the ghost king and the king of hell, but also Miao Qing. I have been separated from Miao Qing for more than two days, and I don't know if the other party has found the bronze statue.

   dashed all the way, and it didn't take long for the sky to get brighter. Looking at the sunshine above his head, Leng Xuan took out the blue bead and held it high above his head. However, under sunlight, the cyan beads did not react at all. Seeing this, Leng Xuan thought to himself: "Is it only useful at night?" If this is the case, it would be a lot of trouble.

   "Brother Leng." At this moment, Peng Yu, who was walking in front, turned around and asked, "Did you hear anything?"

   "Voice?" Hearing Peng Yu's reminder, Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he quickly raised his concentration. After a while, he vaguely heard the sound of shouting and killing from not far away. "Let's go and have a look." After he finished speaking, he stretched out his body and quickly galloped forward. Crossing a mountain peak, Leng Xuan and Peng Yu stood at the top, looking down from above, only to see two groups of people fighting at the foot of the mountain. These people wore thick armor, held sharp blades, and rode war horses under them. The scene was grand, like a battlefield in ancient times.

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