"Master Cheng, if you have any other means, you might as well use it together."

  Cheng Kuan frowned tightly, looking at the purple-robed people who fell to the ground, his face became very ugly. He did not expect that these people were not Leng Xuan's opponents. This was the strongest fighting force around the Ghost King, yet it was easily defeated by Leng Xuan.

   "Leng Xuan, don't be too happy, let's go!" As soon as the voice fell, more than 2,000 enemy troops immediately retreated outside the city.

   "Master Cheng, since you are here, don't leave."

  Cheng Kuan looked back at Leng Xuan and snorted: "If you have the ability to catch me, talk about it!"

  Leng Xuan shrugged, did not make a sound, but returned to everyone's side.

   But at this moment, a man in the team from Cheng Kuan suddenly started and rushed behind Cheng Kuan.

   "Who?" Cheng Kuan was startled and turned back quickly.


   Hearing a loud noise, before Cheng Kuan had time to react, he felt a powerful force coming, instantly knocking his body down from the air, hitting the ground heavily, smashing out a huge pit of dirt.

   Seeing that Cheng Kuan was injured, his subordinates dared to rescue him, and they all fled, lest they be affected.

   "Who was that shot?" Yan Chengfeng asked.

  Leng Xuan smiled slightly: "You will find out later."

   After a while, the man walked towards the crowd with Cheng Kuan in a semi-conscious state. When he was near, the man threw Cheng Kuan on the ground, and then reached out and wiped his face. Suddenly, an old face appeared in the eyes of everyone.

   "Old Senior Huang?" Seeing each other, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why are you?"

  Leng Xuan said with a smile: "You reminded me in Songxi Town to be careful with Xiao Yan, so I deliberately kept my backhand and asked Senior Huang to follow us secretly in case of an accident."

   "That's right." Huang Jing nodded and said, "After they appeared, I sneaked into their team and prepared to help you secretly."

   Fenglie said dissatisfiedly: "Why didn't you tell us in advance, so that we worry in vain."

   "Isn't this a surprise to you?"

"Fart, what a surprise you kid, it's obviously a fright." Zhong Ming snorted softly, and said, "Next time, be careful I'll beat you up." After the words were finished, he turned his mouth and said, "By the way, this guy, you What are you going to do with it?"

  Leng Xuan glanced at Cheng Kuan and said, "He still has some use, so save his life first."

   "Let's not talk about Cheng Kuan first, what about Xiao Yan?" Yan Chengfeng took over the conversation and said, "She colluded with the ghost king and almost killed us. Don't tell me you want to let her go."

   "Xiao Yan, I will definitely not let her go, what she did has touched my bottom line." Leng Xuan's tone became colder. In the past, because of Yan Chengfeng's incident, Xiao Yan had a very bad attitude towards him. However, he wasn't annoyed by it. In his opinion, Xiao Yan did have reason to be angry. Therefore, no matter how Xiao Yan ran against him, he never took it to heart and always maintained a forgiving attitude. However, what Xiao Yan did this time touched his bottom line.

   Not to mention that she colluded with the ghost king, because of her, she killed so many of their brothers. For this one thing alone, he couldn't forgive Xiao Yan. "What's your plan next?" Feng Lie asked.

   "According to the original plan." Leng Xuan thought for a while, looked at Cheng Kuan lying on the ground and said, "Let's go to the dead city. With this guy leading the way, it should be easier for us to enter the dead city."

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