Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9175: Mausoleum's Secret 2

  Before the mausoleum city was built, it already existed here. I also stumbled across this place, and this skeleton. Judging from the shape of this skeleton, it should be from a rare alien beast in the Yellow Springs, the celestial beast. The characteristic of the beast is that it feeds on the soul, and by swallowing the soul, it absorbs the power of the soul in the soul, and then stores it in the inner elixir for its cultivation. "

"However, for some unknown reason, this celestial cricket died here. Although it has died, its inner alchemy is still working, perhaps because of the environment here, it is constantly absorbing the power of the soul. I tried to think about it back then. I want to remove it. However, once the inner elixir goes beyond this range, it will lose its efficacy. So, I have left it here all these years and never moved it. Before I leave, give the entrance and exit. It's blocked. But I didn't expect that Lin Hao actually found this place."

   After listening to what he said, Leng Xuan finally understood. "So it is." The presence of the inner core is equivalent to a machine that continuously produces soul power. It's a pity that the inner alchemy can't be moved and can only be confined to this place. No wonder Lin Hao wanted to regain control of the mausoleum city at all costs. In fact, his real goal is for this inner alchemy and the inexhaustible resources around it.

   "Follow me, I'll take you to another place." After that, Tong Yan turned around and walked in the other direction.

   Not long after, they came to a bungalow. This house is surrounded by red clay all around, like four walls. Pushing the door open and entering the room, Leng Xuan immediately felt a tinge of scorching heat in the air. Looking around, he saw a huge stove placed in the center of the room, and in the corner of the room, a large amount of red clay was also piled up. Under the stove, there are still sparks that have not burned out.

  Leng Xuan walked to the stove and looked at it carefully. I saw an opening at the top of the stove, with red clay scattered around it. Apparently someone poured laterite into the furnace from there. "Senior, what does this thing do?"

"This is smelting laterite." Tong Yan said, "Ordinary laterite has little effect. It can be used to condense the body. However, after smelting, the value of laterite can be increased by dozens of times." Hearing what he said, Leng Xuan Surprised, "Why?"

"After the red earth is smelted, it will produce a special substance, which we call gold soil." Tong Yan reached into his arms, took out a palm-sized golden object, and handed it to Leng Xuan, saying, "This is It's gold soil." Leng Xuan caught it carefully, feeling that the gold soil was very heavy to start with, and it was several times heavier than ordinary red clay for the same amount. Moreover, the surface of this gold soil exudes a kind of luster, like gold and jade, and the texture is very hard.

   "Senior, is this gold soil very useful?"

"Of course." Tong Yan nodded and said, "Do you know why you were injured when you fought against Lin Hao, but he was fine? Hao's strength is much stronger than yours, but the power contained in your move is no worse than Lin Hao's. Logically speaking, the two of you should be the result of losing both. The reason why he is fine is all because of the golden soil. Red soil can condense the flesh, and gold soil can also.

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