Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9173: The first master of mausoleum city 7

  So, I called everyone here, I hope you can express your opinions and see if there is any way to prevent the mausoleum from danger. "

   "City Lord, with all due respect." Feng Qingliu said, "I just heard someone say that Lin Hao mentioned some resources before, what are they?" Hearing his question, everyone present couldn't help but perk up their ears. For this, they are equally puzzled.

"Below the mausoleum city is a large piece of red soil, and the mausoleum city is built on this red earth. In addition, there is a river running through the mausoleum city, and a large number of souls pass through that river every day. Say, I believe you also know what that river is."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan nodded secretly. Not to mention the red soil, when he first came to Huangquan, he had seen that river. At the beginning, he also saw Xiao Fan fishing for souls by the river. Those souls that are fished up will be put into the soul lock bottle, and then sold or traded. Simply put, the power of the soul contained in the soul lock bottle can be cultivated. Moreover, this kind of soul power is absorbed from the human soul, and the effect is much better than the soul power they usually absorb.

   However, Leng Xuan was still a little puzzled. Although the river is very famous in Huangquan, the river is open to the public in Huangquan, and there is no restriction. As long as people in Huangquan can approach the river, and then fish for the soul and extract the power of the soul. So, if the river just passed under the mausoleum, it would be nothing special.

   This point, not only him, but others have thought of it. Therefore, everyone's eyes are still focused on Tong Yan, looking forward to his next explanation. Facing everyone's gaze, Tong Yan suddenly changed the subject and said, "You already know what you should know. Let's discuss how to deal with Lin Hao now."

   Hearing what he said, everyone was a little disappointed, but Tong Yan was the city lord of Mausoleum City after all, and no one dared to refute his words.

"Little brother."

  Leng Xuan was thinking to himself, when he heard Tong Yan calling him, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

   "The King of Hell has sent so many people to keep you alive. I want to know what you did to make the King of Hell hate you so much before you came to Lingcheng."

   "This..." Leng Xuan thought about it for a while, he didn't seem to do anything special, he just assisted the corpse in designing an ambush for the King of Hell, and helped the corpse escape. Other than that, nothing else. He also couldn't figure out why the King of Hell wanted to arrest him so aggressively, "Although I have had a holiday with the King of Hell, the hatred between us has not reached this level, and I don't understand why he did this."

"you sure?"

   "Sure." Leng Xuan said, "If the senior thinks that we have affected the mausoleum city, we can leave immediately."

   "That's not necessary, I'm just asking. Even if you all leave, Lin Hao will not give up. Moreover, Mausoleum City is in need of manpower now. I hope you can stay and help Mausoleum City survive this disaster."

   "It's good to say, if there is anything we need to do, seniors can say it, and we will do our best next time."

   "Feng Qingliu, you continue to search the mausoleum city. Once you find Lin Hao's remaining subordinates, you don't have to show mercy and kill them."

   "Leng Yuehan, your mission is to monitor Lin Hao's trail. I want to know their every move."

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