Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9166: Wu Tian's Premonition 7

   Immediately, the two people moved, shot up from the city wall, and flew out of the city. Coming to Shenwei, Wu Tian looked indifferently at Wei Han who was not far away, and said, "Leave this person to me." Leng Xuan responded and turned his eyes to Luo Shuai opposite. The last time I let Luo Shuai escape, and he couldn't make a conclusion, this time he took the initiative to send it to the door, and he would definitely not miss the opportunity.

   "Luo Shuai, accept your life!" With a loud shout, Leng Xuan was like electricity and flew over quickly.

   Seeing Leng Xuan rushing towards him, Luo Shuai sneered, his expression not afraid, "Want to kill me? In the next life."

  As his voice fell, Leng Xuan suddenly felt a powerful momentum coming from the crowd. Turning his eyes, he saw a dark shadow approaching quickly. Before he could see the other's face clearly, the shadow had already rushed to him.

   "Bang!" The fists and palms met, Leng Xuan only felt a strong force coming, and he retreated more than ten meters before he stabilized.

   "Lin Hao?" After a short fight, he finally saw the appearance of the shadow. What surprised him was that the other party was Lin Hao who disappeared some time ago. This discovery, not only him, but also everyone on the city wall was extremely surprised.

   "How is he?"

   "When did he become a supreme powerhouse?" Leng Yuehan looked at Lin Hao in disbelief, unable to believe his eyes.

   "I didn't expect that I would come back." Lin Hao said coldly, "Leng Xuan, if it wasn't for you, how could I have fallen to this point."

   "What does this have to do with me?"

   "You thought you killed Shang Dong and Yuan Long, wouldn't I know?" Having said this, Lin Hao's eyes became more and more intense.

"So what?" Leng Xuan replied, "The battle for the ghost cave was originally a fair competition, and casualties are normal. Besides, you broke the rules by sending Yuan Long to the ghost cave, and now you are blaming me instead. Don't you think it's funny?"

   "Stop talking nonsense, Shang Dong and Yuan Long died because of you. Today, I will take your life."

   "Then see if you have that ability."

   The voice fell, and the two moved their bodies at the same time to launch an offensive.

   "The Heaven-Defying Sword Formation, open!" Leng Xuan's Fayin knotted, and the Heaven-defying Sword Formation took shape instantly. Apart from the four swords condensed from the rays of light, above his head stood a simple and simple sword, the Heaven Defying Sword.

   The last time he fought Shang Dong and Yuan Long in the ghost cave, he used the connection between the Heaven-Defying Sword Array and the Heaven-Defying Sword to forcibly summon the Heaven-Defying Sword. Only with the addition of the Heaven-Defying Sword can the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation demonstrate his true power.

   "The giant spirit swallows the sky!" Lin Hao shouted angrily, and a splendid azure light rushed out of his body and bloomed all around. As the blue light condensed, behind him, a huge phantom gradually took shape. The phantom was like a ghost, terrifying, and the whole body exuded a hostile aura. Under Lin Hao's control, the huge phantom raised its arms high and raised its head to the sky.

   After a while, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth began to frantically inject into the phantom, like swallowing the sky.

   With the soaring momentum, the phantom suddenly raised his hands and bombarded Leng Xuan not far away.

Seeing this, Leng Xuan's hand seal changed, and he shouted, "Five swords in one!" Four words were uttered, and the four swords standing around him immediately rose into the sky, condensed together, and turned into a beam of bright and dazzling swords. . At the same time, the anti-sky sword that had been standing still above his head surged with golden light, exuding endless might. (Sorry, I only update it now because I have no network in a long distance.)

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