Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9164: Wu Tian's Premonition 5

   "Why did the King of Hell suddenly send troops to Mausoleum City?" Yan Chengfeng said, frowning.

   "God knows what kind of madness he has made." Du Zhong said solemnly, "Those who are not good will not come, and Lingcheng is in danger this time."

   "Look, is that Luo Shuai?" At this moment, Leng Yuehan looked at one of the people in the crowd and said.

   "Luo Shuai?" Everyone quickly looked around, and sure enough, there was a person standing in front of Hades' camp. It was Luo Shuai who escaped from Mausoleum City some time ago. "That guy actually went with the King of Hell." Du Zhong said coldly.

During the discussion, Luo Shuai in the crowd walked out with his hands behind his back, looked at the people on the city wall, and said loudly: "The people above listen to me, immediately hand over Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng, whoever dares to cover him up People, don't blame us for being rude."

   Hearing this, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng.

   "This bastard..." Yan Chengfeng frowned.

  Leng Xuan glanced at everyone and said, "Are you guys going to hand us over?"

   Hearing this, Du Zhong did not express his position, but just looked away. At this time, even if he opened his mouth, it would have no effect. Only Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan can call the shots. If they nod their heads, no one dares to object.

Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan looked at each other, then looked at Luo Shuai outside the city, and said, "Luo Shuai, you used to be from Mausoleum City, you should know the rules of Mausoleum City. Entering Mausoleum City is like following everything in the past. The boundaries have been drawn. As long as you are from Lingcheng, you will be protected by Lingcheng." Luo Shuai sneered: "So, are you going to fight against the King of Hell?"

"Luo Shuai, don't talk nonsense, you are nothing more than the lackey of the King of Hell, what is there to be so powerful. What about King of Hell? It's not that he has not sent troops to attack Lingcheng before, but Lingcheng is still strong in the Yellow Spring. You have to have the ability. Let’s break down the mausoleum city first.”

Hearing Du Zhong's anger, Luo Shuai's face turned cold and nodded, "Okay, since you don't know how to live or die, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Everyone obeys the order and catches Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng alive, if anyone dares to Stop it and kill it!"

As soon as   's words fell, nearly a thousand members under his command rushed to the city gate. But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded. Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge and huge black shadow swooping in and blocking the front of the city gate.

  Those who rushed in front were blown away by a powerful force before they could react.

   "It's the guard." Seeing the dark shadow that suddenly appeared, everyone on the city wall suddenly cheered.

When   Leng Xuan entered the mausoleum city for the first time, he had seen Shenwei. Shenwei is a strange beast, cultivated by Tong Yan, the lord of Mausoleum City, with powerful strength and a supreme level of cultivation. The main responsibility of the guards is to guard the entrance to the mausoleum city and avoid foreign attacks. Seeing the appearance of Shenwei, Luo Shuai's expression did not change, he just made a gesture behind him.

  Suddenly, a man flew out from behind and stood upright in the air, staring coldly at the people on the city wall and the guards guarding the city gate. Seeing the man appear, Leng Xuan said in surprise, "Is it him?"

The man in the eyes of    is the right arm of the King of Hell, Wei Han.

   He really did not expect that the King of Hell would send Wei Han here. Wei Han's appearance showed that King Yan attached great importance to this matter, otherwise he would not have sent him.

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