Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9162: Wu Tian's Premonition 3

"However, even so, the two of them have never given up and have been searching for my whereabouts. Because of the laws of heaven and earth, they are not worried about the revenge of that person, but they are afraid that that person will secretly cultivate strong people to come Deal with them. After the mausoleum was built, they sent people to attack several times and wanted to take me back. Only when I was under their control would they be relieved. After several consecutive failed sieges, the two of them found me , reached an agreement with me, and then let me go. When you came last time, I mentioned this to you. "

  Leng Xuan nodded, Tong Yan did say this. "Senior, why do you want the King of Hell to cooperate with the King of Ghosts?"

"Huang Quan has gone through too many years of fighting and has lost an unknown number of powerhouses. If the two forces continue to fight, Huang Quan's comprehensive strength will definitely be weakened, which is what that person doesn't want to see. Only the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts coexist peacefully. Only then can Huang Quan grow and develop." Hearing this, Leng Xuan understood. The mysterious man did this because he wanted to enhance Huang Quan's strength so that he could cope with possible crises in the future. When I met the mysterious man last time, the other party made it clear that the ruler of the fairy world is very ambitious, and as long as he finds an opportunity, he will definitely enter Huangquan. By that time, it is likely to be the day of the Huangquan disaster.

   As the master of Huangquan, that mysterious person would never allow such a thing to happen.

   "Senior came to me, probably not just to tell me this, right?"

"Of course there are other things." Tong Yan said, "Since we can't convince the king of **** and the king of ghosts to live in peace, we can only find another way. The only way is to reintegrate the forces of the two sides. But to achieve this, there is a The key issue is that of the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts. The cultivation of these two people has surpassed the supreme realm. In Huangquan, except for that person, I am afraid that no one is their opponent. Although we cannot kill them, we can Try to trap them."

   "Trapped them?" Leng Xuan was a little puzzled, and more of a disbelief. With the strength of the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts, who can trap them if the mysterious person doesn't take action. If the king of **** and the king of ghosts were so easy to deal with, they would not have been able to rule Huangquan for tens of thousands of years. Seeing to see the doubts in Leng Xuan's heart, Tong Yan said: "I have a rough plan, which is not yet perfect. If it goes well, it should be able to barely trap the two of them. But before that, we have a lot of preparations to do. I'm definitely not able to come forward like this. Although Yaner's cultivation is good, she has seen too little of the world and doesn't know the dangers outside. Therefore, the only suitable candidate is you."

   "This..." Leng Xuan hesitated. He is not a native of Huang Quan, and Huang Quan's power struggle has nothing to do with him. If it wasn't for Yan Chengfeng's relationship, he would not have participated in this battle at all. At the moment, Tong Yan asked him to deal with the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts. From the bottom of his heart, he was not very willing. Both the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts are not ordinary people, but heroes who lead one side. Not to mention how strong their subordinates are, the cultivation of the two of them alone is not something he can handle. If one is not good, he may even lose his own life. Moreover, he already knew from the mysterious person that Ling Xuejiu was not dead yet.

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