After coming out of the tomb, Leng Xuan rushed all the way, and it didn't take long before he arrived at the temporary station where Su Yurou's king axe was.

   Seeing him returning unharmed, Su Yurou heaved a sigh of relief and greeted him with a happy face.

   "Brother Leng, how are you, have you found the underworld weapon?" Wang Axe came over and asked.

   "I've searched all over the place, but I haven't found any ghost weapon." Leng Xuan said casually, without telling what happened before, "Brother Wang, let everyone prepare, it's time for us to go out."

"Going out?" Wang Axe said with a wry smile, "It's easy to get in, I'm afraid it's not that easy to get out, I..." Before he finished speaking, everyone felt that the surrounding space began to change, and bright golden lights shone from the air. Come down and sprinkle it on everyone.

After a while, as the dazzling golden light disappeared, everyone was surprised to find that they had actually returned to the ghost cave, and the mysterious building they had entered before had disappeared. Not only them, all other survivors were sent out, such as Qi Ge and the others. Looking at their embarrassed appearance, it is obvious that they have suffered a lot. Although the time to enter the mysterious building is not long, the losses of all parties are great.

   Cao Zhi was completely annihilated, and even his own life could not be saved, so was Wu Ming. Among the five forces, only Leng Xuan has the most surviving people, and there are more than 30 people, followed by Zhang Yu, and then Qi Ge and others. However, the loss of the number of people does not mean anything. The key is the fall of the supreme powerhouse, which is the real loss of the major forces. Especially in the battle in the tomb, several supreme powerhouses in Mausoleum City lost more than half. Especially Lin Hao, the two supreme powerhouses under him were all killed, which can be said to be a heavy loss. In contrast, both Leng Yuehan and Feng Qingliu lost only one person, and the situation was slightly better.

  Qi Ge looked at the crowd around him, his face a little ugly. Among the crowd, he did not find Shang Dong. He knows very well that if Shang Dong has three strengths and two weaknesses, they will not end well.

   "It's time to go back." Leng Xuan said, "Wang Da... Hey, where's the big brother Wang?" He secretly wondered, he had just seen Wang Axe, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye? "Yurou, have you seen Big Brother Wang?"

   "Isn't he still here just now?" Su Yurou turned her eyes and helped look for the king axe. At this time, I saw Wang Axe walking quickly from the crowd and said, "Brother Leng."

   "Brother Wang, where have you been?"

   "Someone was looking for me just now." After a pause, Wang Axe continued: "That person asked me to bring you a message, telling you to enter the ghost cave in a few days."

  Leng Xuan was quite surprised and asked, "Do you know who told you to tell me?"

   "I don't know, that woman looks a little young."

   "Woman?" Leng Xuan thought, could it be her? Probably only her. Among the members sent by the five forces this time, there is only one woman in Shang Dong's team, and none of the other teams. Therefore, that woman could only be Xiao Yan, who she had seen before, that is, the apprentice of Tong Yan, the lord of Mausoleum City. She came to pass the message in person, and she must have obeyed Tong Yan's order.

   "Brother Leng Xuan, is that girl your friend?" Su Yurou asked curiously.

   "No." He and Xiao Yan have only met once, so they can't be called friends, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

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